Disclaimer: I don't own TOG or Danny Phantom

Yu Hansung, director of the second floor and otherwise known as the Submerged Fish watched the beginning of the second round of the crown game with narrowed eyes."Who is he?" He wondered, as the white haired regular he met during a test he had administered not too long ago had somehow created a small snowstorm and effortlessly dispatched one of the opposing teams.

While the abilities the regular displayed certainly weren't too overwhelming in the eyes of a high ranker who'd seen hundreds of years of fierce combat, but when you considered the fact that they were currently only on the second floor of the tower and an unknown climber was already showing clear signs of being an overwhelming monster, it definitely caught the eyes of even high rankers like him.

Yu Hansung had been rather curious ever since the white haired regular had seemingly disappeared and somehow avoided his detection completely in the last test which should've been impossible when you considered the difference in their abilities and status.

The director began to ponder the strange skills the odd regular had displayed so far and was honestly quite impressed when he watched the first round of the crown game which he had set up exactly for his destiny changing scheme. The white haired regular had once again somehow rendered himself invisible without the use of shinsoo and had somehow manipulated one of his opponents to do his bidding. "Hmmm perhaps I didn't need to send that person out." He considered, thinking of the plans he had set in motion not long ago.


Yu Hansung looked to the side, seeing his specially crafted pocket glowing and buzzing, signaling someone was trying to contact him. Easily using the settings, he displayed the caller's name and quickly answered the call. "What does he want? We just spoke recently." The ranker wondered as the call connected.

"You do realize we just spoke not hours ago Jinsung ?" He answered casually.

The much older and powerful high ranker on the other end of the call ignored his cheek, getting right down to business. "Yeah yeah, but something important came up. Tell me, is there anyone who strikes you as strange or stands out?"

The submerged fish raised his left brow slightly in curiosity, wondering why a man like Ha Jinsung was calling about a regular during an important time for them. "Well I suppose you could say something like that." He answered cryptically, thinking of one in particular who was a standout amongst standouts in this batch of talented regulars. "Why? Is there a particular person you're looking for ?"

The older ranker on the other side hummed thoughtfully before giving an answers. "Ah... Well apparently there's another irregular there."

Yu Hansung's eyebrows shot up instantly in surprise, "What?"

"Holy shit !" Leesoo exclaimed in fear as he looked over to his right to see one of the other teams frozen completely solid. " Umm guys... I think we should retreat. " He stuttered slightly in fear, not wanting to end up like the other regulars.

Not listening to a word he said, Anak and Hatsu jumped forward. "Damn them ! They never listen to what I have to say !" He thought furiously as he tried to catch up to his significantly faster teammates.

"Stupid." Danny thought, smirking mildly to himself as saw the regulars Hatsu and Anak rushing towards him.

Within seconds the green girl, Anak, who arrived first was upon him swinging her green hook viciously towards his head. Danny swiftly ducked underneath the weapon and aimed a punch towards the girl's exposed abdomen which forced her to jump back a few feet, dodging the blow.

Just as Danny thought the girl was about to charge him again, Anak stood in place with an angry look on her face and swung her hook at him once again.

"She stupid? There's no way that's going to reac- "

"Woah!" Danny exclaimed, interrupting his thoughts as the hook extended in length, almost hitting him dead in the face as he barely leaned back to dodge the hook in time. Not at all having time to relax, Danny quickly regained his balance as Hatsu rushed pass his teammate with one of his swords drawn, slashing diagonally, intent on cutting Danny in the abdomen while the other which was floating in the air came downward for an aerial attack.

Danny swiftly jumped forward towards Hatsu, dodging the blade coming from the sky, all the while manipulating his body to split in half, allowing the other sword attack to pass through unhindered. As his body quickly reconnected, Danny's fist brutally connected with Hatsu's face, sending him flying right into Anak. Ready to capitalize on the situation, Danny took to the air ready to blast both Anak and Hatsu with his ecto energy only to fly right into a light blue beam of shinsoo.

" !" Nare and Chunwa shouted in unison from the throne where they stood, watching the plume of smoke where their teammate was floating. For a few moments everyone in the arena stood in silence until the smoke cleared, revealing Danny who looked practically untouched as he floated in the air.

"Really ?" Danny asked indignantly, barely feeling the blast he had taken just moments ago. Looking in the direction the beam had came from he saw a relatively normal looking guy with dark green hair, his hand still smoking from his attack as he sat wrapped up in his blanket against the wall.

"These guys are starting to get annoying." He noted, watching Anak and Hatsu raise from the ground, the latter obviously more sluggish from the blow to the face. Meanwhile, the regular with the blanket seemed to be preparing to shoot another blast at Danny while his teammates began to make a beeline towards the throne. Danny hummed to himself, considering the best way to handle all of the other regulars without hurting them too badly.

"Ah! That'll work." He thought to himself. Suddenly he stretched out his palms as they began to glow and a ball of ecto energy began to form.

"So strange." Hwa Ryun thought as she stared blankly from behind her mask at the fight happening in the main arena. Being a talented and skilled guide, she could more or less categorize the strength of others but she couldn't feel a thing coming from that white haired regular which was incredibly strange when he used such variety of odd abilities without any kind of shinsoo.

"It's as if he doesn't properly exist." She thought, wondering how exactly he was pulling it off. The red witch almost couldn't believe that the director didn't tell her about such a dangerous person taking part in the tests. "Stupid fish bastard."

Suddenly, a chill went down Hwa Ryun's spine and her instincts screamed for her to shut her eyes and then a bright green light filled the entire arena, blinding even the spectators in the cells. The guide kept her eyes closed even as she felt a strange, stinging sensation pass over her while she heard her two useless teammates whimper in mild discomfort. A few more moments passed until she opened her eyes and was mildly shocked at the sight before her.

All of the regulars currently fighting for the crown in arena except for the assailant seemed to be blinded for the moment. Even the teammates of the white haired regulars seemed to be in pain from that green blast of light. The girl with the crown seemed to barely be able to hold onto it as she blinked furiously to regain her sight, while the knight guarding her was stumbling with his eyes shut as he held himself up on his sword.

Turning her gaze on the opposing teams, the red witch noticed that the stronger regulars in the arena seemed to have been a little worse off than the weaker ones.

"Not only strange but dangerous huh?" The guide pondered to herself, interest in the white haired regular beginning to bloom.

Danny himself looked around the arena with surprise. Originally he planned to attack while everyone was stunned but it seemed it wouldn't be necessary at the moment. "I don't remember that skill being that strong." He pondered, wondering what caused his power to be harsher than usual and why some of the regulars had reactions worse than others. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the brown haired woman gazing at him fearfully through slightly irritated eyes before she quickly turned to her teammate.

"Damn! Let's run away Ho!" She yelled to her blonde teammate, already beginning to flee. Danny just watched, a little shocked at how afraid that woman was of him. The woman quickly ran to her teammate who was recovering from his discomfort and snatched him up before returning to their cell.

Danny then turned his attention to the final team and saw the lizard girl up on her feet glaring at him weakly with blood shot eyes, clearly angry at him while the tracksuit wearing guy was helping the swordsman rise to his feet.

"Well... Are you going to run too?" He asked, his words only making the girl angrier as she began to shake with poorly contained rage. "I'll kill you!" She yelled, raising her weapon in the air. "Green April! Ignite!"

To Danny's shock, the weapon grew to resemble a tree of massive size before coming down to strike him. Quickly he took to the air to dodge the blow. Before the former hero could even begin to attack back, Anak had the large weapon splitting into branches, resuming her deadly attack, her weapon dancing madly.

"Jeez! What kind of weapon is that!" Danny shouted, flying in between the attacks untouched. He was mildly pleased that the lizard girl was so upset at him that she didn't even bother attacking Nare or Chunwa because he doubted they'd be able to fend her off and retain the crown.

All of a sudden, the little green girl stopped attacking and Danny noticed her gaze was on one of the upper cells where he was sure one of the other teams were probably located. "What is she doing?" Danny wondered as the weapon started to shrink back down. Anak's behavior grew stranger still as she jumped up into the cell, leaving the arena.

"Uhh I guess I won?"

Lero couldn't help the smile that came to his face as he considered the proposal Anak had laid out. It wasn't every day the thirteen-month weapons were used, let alone used as items in bets.

"Are you crazy!" The blond ranker snapped from his thoughts, hearing the young man from the Koon family shouting. "You couldn't even touch that monster and now you want to pawn him off on us."

Lero could understand where the young Koon was coming from. From what he witnessed, Danny was a monster even by 10 family standards. In fact, even he was surprised at the strength of the regular as he managed to fight a 'princess' with ease.

Before Anak could retort, Lero decided to cut in.

"Well it seems we're at an impasse," The ranker directed the regulars before turning towards Baam. "While I can understand your hesitation, I can't technically stop should she target you later on so perhaps it would be best for you to participate."

The browned haired boy seemed to ponder his situation for moment before a worried look covered his face. A look his current enemy didn't hesitate to jump on.

"Hmph! Well I guess I can see why you're worried... Especially with those weak teammates of yours." Anak smirked nastily as her words seemed to the desired effect.

Lero couldn't help but chuckle lightly as the proud son of Koon and the giant humanoid alligator rebuked the little green girl.

"All right, it seems the bet is on." Lero smiled slyly. "But I think I'll alter the bet just a little. If Team Baam is unable to win the crown game then the Black March is forfeited to the winner instead of going directly to Anak."

"What!?" Both teams shouted in unison.

"Yes," Lero thought. "This will definitely be the greatest crown game ever."

Danny could practically hear the gears churning in his teammates heads, probably wondering how he was so powerful. Not long ago, he joined them by the throne, waiting for the next round to begin. Though he'd be amazed if anyone stronger than the lizard girl came out. He hadn't expected her to have such a crazy weapon. "I'd definitely need to get serious to defeat her in an all-out battle." He thought, wondering how much longer he'd be able to stay in ghost form after defeating someone as strong as her.

"Soooo." Nare started, snapping him from his thoughts. "I think I understand why you were so confident." Chunwa nodded, agreeing with the girl.

"In fact... I'd be surprised if anyone had the guts to come out and face you." The blonde girl continued."I know I wouldn't want to come out and fight you."

Danny decided not to say anything before group sat in companionable silence, the other two regulars deciding not to hassle their powerful ally until they heard the test administrator voice ringing across the room.

"Well everyone we shall now begin the next round of the grown game! However, I've decided to add another bonus to the game. On top of automatically passing this floor, the winning team will win the rights to own a most prestigious and powerful weapon! For those interested in participating, please press the button before the countdown ends."

AN: I'm finally back. I haven't been able to update much as I've had some issues this past year that I won't go on about. Oddly enough I've been sitting on this chapter for months but I've never cared for how it turned out. So i edited it a bit today and said why the hell not. Anyways, I've fast forwarded past a few wordy scenes and changed them up a bit to suit the story because it's lame to just type in the same thing that's happening in the original series. Next Chapter should be the end of the crown game and then we'll move on. I honestly want to get past season 1 quickly so hopefully it won't take long to get through it. Anyways I plan to update this more regularly if people are still interested in this story.

Also Kudos to anyone who has figured out why Danny's powers are more dangerous in the tower. It was hinted at in the first chapter.