AN: Just something funny I came up with, I don't know if you guys will like it. If you do please let me know. Idea sparked from myLITTLEnekoSHIRO
"Sir, please put down the spear!" Nick fury demanded, while his face remained neutral, his voice was stern. The shield agents guns all aimed at the foreign Asgardian.
"You think you can stop a prince!" Loki yelled.
"Cut!" the director said, rubbing his temple. "Loki, that was not your line."
"How dare you talk to a prince in such a manner!" Loki seethed, flinging his hair out of his face. "I am Loki, prince of Asgaurd, I must announce myself to the world!"
"Yes Loki, we are aware of who you are, " the director sighed. "But in this part you don't have a line, you don't start talking till the scene with Hawkeye."
"What did you say!" Hawkeye said, flickering with his hearing aid.
The director sighed, when he first started this project he had high hopes that the movie would be a success. Having the actors play themselves in a movie with no need for animated powers sounded like a perfect idea. If he known then he would have to put up with their peculiar set of personalities, he would have just scarped the whole project. Many of his fellow directors laughed at him when he first told him about the production of his new movie, he felt insulted that they would dare tell him his movie would be a flop. Now he couldn't help but agree, he could hear their taunts this very moment.
"Look, let's take this from the top," the director screams into his megaphone. "This time Loki don't say a word just shoot the Tesseract leading to the fight scene."
"Loki's introduction take two!"
"Sir, please put down the spear!" Nick Fury said once again.
"I am Loki of Asguard, bow down to me!" Loki shouted shooting the Tesseract towards Nick. The blue light emiited from the weapon, causing a huge explosion.
"Should we cut sir?" the camara asked from behind the bubble that protected the crew from any damage.
"No," the driector sighed, not wanting to start over. "Just have the scene edited."
"You have heart," Loki grimaced, pointing the Tesseract at Hawkeye's heart.
"What was that?" Hawkeye said, causing the director to to cut.
"What is up with you actors not sticking with your lines..." the director groaned. "For goodness sake, Hawkeye turn up your hearing aid!"
"Turn up my what?" Hawkeye yelled, the director pointed to his ear. "Oh, my hearing aid. Why didn't you just say so?"
It took every fiber in the director's body not to leave and never come back.
"Loki, brother of Thor," Dr. Selvig admonished, on cue Loki grimaced at the mention of his brother.
"We have no quarrel with your people," Nick Fury protests.
"An ant has no quarrel with a boot," Loki said darkly.
"Nick I know your black behind is in here!" a woman said, coming from out of nowhere and stormed the set heading where Nick Fury was.
The director groaned, cover his face with his hands. This day was not off to a good start, and this was only the first day of shooting. When the other heroes get here he knew he would have his hands full.
Why did he just not listen to his mother and go to culinary school instead. He would have been a great chef, and not some deadbeat director with his last shot at fame working with a brunch of needy actors.
"Shonda!" Nick gasps. "What are you doing here. Can't you see I'm working!"
"Working? I don't call crawling into a whore's\s bed last night is working!" the woman yelled. "You didn't think I would found out you was cheating on me! I saw you last night with some woman."
"I'm with a lot of women, it's my job!" Nick argued.
"Oh! So you sleep with all the women in shield!" she sneered.
"Wait, that's not what I meant..." Nick exclaimed, trying to explain but the woman just dismissed him with her hand.
"I see, well have fun sleeping with them whores," she finished storming off the set.
"Shonda! Baby come back! I can explain!" Nick said, running behind the woman and leaving the set.
"What do we do now sir?" the camera man asked. Without Nick Fury, the beginning of the movie would be at a standstill.
"I'll be in my trailer, we'll pick up shooting tomorrow." The director sulked to his trailer sadly as the camera man and assistant director watch him leave, slightly felling sorry for the man.
"He's going to cry in the trailer," the camera man noted, the assistant director nodded in agreement.
"What?" Hawkeye yelled to no one in particular.