It has been a WHILE. I am still very much alive and very much into this pairing, I can assure you. This will maybe have another chapter, or maybe I'll leave it up to everyone's imagination how it goes. Depends on if people are even alive still. Nevertheless, on with the story!


''M-Marta, hang on! I can't carry all of this by myself!''

''Come on Emil, it's not that much.''

''N-Not that much? I can't see where I'm walking!''

To prove his point, Emil nearly tripped, just barely preventing the giant bag of groceries in his arms from colliding with the ground. He regained his balance and turned, looking at Marta.

''Can't you help me out a bit?''

''You're a man right?'' She asked, crossing her arms and cocking her head to the side.

''Well yeah, but-''

''There you have it! A strong man like you will be able to carry the groceries alone, won't you?'' She giggled, not waiting for a response as she turned around and skipped away again, to the Palmacosta inn. Emil let out a defeated sigh and followed, albeit slowly, to prevent the bag from escaping his grip. When she had offered to help him with doing the groceries for dinner, he had expected her to actually help. But he should have known better. He tilted his head, peering around the bag to see where he was walking, trying to ignore the odd looks people gave him.

It was then however, that a flash of red in the crowd caught his attention. He halted. A familiar feeling of anxiety surged through his body as he let his eyes roam over the crowd. He frowned as he found nothing, slightly disappointed, yet relieved.

''Emil, what are you doing? Hurry up!''

''C-Coming!'' The boy made a little sprint, looking back one more time. He blamed it on his imagination. What would Richter even be doing in Palmacosta? He shook his head, but frowned, the feeling of anxiousness not disappearing.
His frown disappeared once he caught up with Marta, not wanting her to ask any questions. If she'd find out he thought he'd seen Richter he would be bombarded with questions he would not even be able to answer.

Once they opened the door to their room, he dropped the groceries on the nearest table, rolling his shoulders in relief. He turned to look at the clock hanging on the wall. Only 2 P.M. Good. In the corner of his eyes, he noted the dark mist, indicating Tenebreae's choice to appear before them.

''Did you enjoy yourselves?'' The centurion asked, mock evident in his voice.

Emil let out a sigh, causing Tenebreae to emit another chuckle. ''Ah yes, I can see you appreciated Lady Marta's offer to help.''

The amused glimmer in the centurion's eyes disappeared soon after though, eyes narrowing in what could only be described as suspicious. Emil shifted under the centurion's gaze, breaking eye contact and fixing his eyes on the window. He perked up. The window.

Ignoring Tenebreae following his movements, he walked to the window, placing his hands on the windowsill and leaning forward a bit. It was crowded, and therefore hard to make sure his eyes had not deceived him. There was too much red in the first place, although that shouldn't really matter. He would be able to distinct Richter's hair from any shade of red that would be thrown at him. And sure enough, several minutes later, he was positive he saw the defining red hair that belonged to Richter. His heart jumped. So he had been right, he had indeed, seen Richter. With his heart thumping in his throat, he forced himself to look away for a split second, to see if Marta had noticed any of his searching. He snapped his gaze back to the square below, and more specifically, to the small terrace where the man was sitting at the moment, hidden in the shade of the red canopy, of some sort.

''Marta?'' He called out, not once looking away from the man.

''Hmm? What is it?''

''I-I think I forgot something. I'll be back before dinner, okay?''

''What did you forget? I'll come with you.''

''N-No! that's fine. Genis had something pretty big planned for dinner, maybe you should offer him help?''

That worked. Marta's eyes lit up like they always did whenever she was offered the possibility to cook. She nodded happily and swirled around, calling out to Genis while skipping away. This is where Emil saw his chance, and as quickly and silent as possible he slipped back outside and made his way down, making a mental note to apologize to Genis later. Tenebreae appeared by his side, his eyes seeking contact.

''Lord Emil, I must advise against this.'' The centurion spoke.

''I know Tenebreae, you always do.'' Emil muttered, refusing to meet the centurion's gaze while is his heart began thumping harder in his chest with each step he took.

''Yet you seem to insist on ignoring that. Are you even aware of what you're doing?'' Tenebreae's voice was tinted with worry, but he masked it with a commanding tone, trying to intimidate the boy into turning around and go back to Marta.

'' Y-Yes. Yes I am.'' He halted, and turned to the centurion. ''Please don't tell Marta about this.''

''Now that is an odd request. You plan on sneaking out and talk to the man who is our enemy, and you ask me to keep your little affair a secret?''

''Tenebreae please! Besides, you were the one to suggest keeping them a secret when he needed my help.'' He noted.

''Those situations were slightly different Lord Emil, while as equally foolish. And if I recall correctly, he reminded you that the next time you would see each other, you would be enemies.''

''Y-Yes I know, but this is in the middle of town, on a square. He wouldn't fight me here would he? B-besides, this will probably be my last chance to talk to him.'' Emil objected, giving Tenebreae another pleading look. It earned him a defeated sigh.

''Fine, I won't tell lady Marta about this. However, I will stay close for supervision.''

''Please don't interfere.'' Emil spoke, although flashing a relieved smile at the centurion.

''Only when necessary.'' The dog like creature answered, resisting the urge to chuckle. He vanished in the air, seemingly leaving Emil to himself. The boy knew better though. The centurion's eyes never left his back as he walked outside and made his way through the crowd, closer to where Richter should be. He saw another flash of that defining color of Richter's hair, and he increased his pace, subconsciously muttering apologies to the people he pushed out of the way. He finally reached the table the man was sitting at, carelessly drinking a cup of what Emil assumed to be coffee, while reading a book with several symbols on the cover. Emil remained standing there, only a few feet away from the man. He hadn't really thought of what he wanted to say. His heart was still thumping loudly, but he had lost his nerves, instead feeling and odd and sudden calmness take over his mind.

''Yes, what do you want?'' The older man's eyebrows furrowed together into an annoyed scowl as he closed the book, before looking up at the person who had been standing in the corner of his eyes, and who was obviously a nuisance by simply staring at him. He did not however, expect to see the younger boy he had vowed to be his enemy.


Emil took notice of the small hint of surprise in the other male's voice, as well as the man's fingers twitching to reach for his weapons. He stopped his action though, once his eyes noted the lack of the yellow scabbard that usually held Emil's sword.

''You didn't bring you weapon.'' The half elf noted, arching an eyebrow.

''I don't need it.'' Emil stated, still not making any move to shorten or lengthen the distance between them.

''You seem awfully sure of that.'' The older male grunted, raising the cup to his lips again while making sure his eyes never left the boy.

''I am.''

The other male grunted again, annoyed by the unnecessary retort. ''Well?''

''H-Huh?'' Emil blinked, slightly thrown off and back into his more natural timid behavior.

''I assume you want something, and by the looks of it, you don't plan on leaving before you get it, am I right?'' He questioned, earning himself a nod as an answer. He let out another annoyed huff.

''At least sit down then, you're attracting unwanted attention.''

Emil looked up and around him, and indeed, more than one pair of eyes were staring at him with interest. He couldn't really blame them, if the situation looked as it felt, it was indeed something to be interested in. Trying his best to ignore all the eyes he was now aware of following his movements, he scraped back a chair, and sat down across from Richter.

''So?'' Richter asked again, seemingly annoyed by the boy's silent staring. ''What is that you want? Although I assume I already know.''

Emil opened his mouth but closed it soon after, pondering on his thoughts. His eyebrows knitted together and he remained silent for a while, before opening his mouth again. ''Do you?'' He asked, slightly cocking his head to the side.

This took Richter by surprise, and he remained silent, choosing to simply observe the boy's actions.

''Because I don't.''

''You don't know? Now that's new.'' Richter commented, quickly masking the had-been-joke with sarcasm. Emil looked up at him from his lap, scowling. Richter sighed but placed his cup down on the table.

''Okay, so you don't know what you want, but you clearly came up to me for a reason.''

''I saw you at the marketplace.'' Emil blurted out, looking up at Richter again. ''And after distracting Marta, I came here.''

Ignoring the obvious the boy made of coming where he was now, he raised his eyebrows again. ''Marta?''

Emil nodded, quickly realizing the possible mistake he made by mentioning her. ''You're not going to hurt her are you?''

''Of course I am,'' Emil's eyes widened, and his fingers dug into the table subconsciously. ''But relax, I won't kill her today. Despite the fact that you were foolish enough to mention she's here, I prefer not to involve innocent bystanders.'' He huffed, pushing his glasses up his nose and flicking his hair. Emil visibly relaxed, causing Richter to resist the urge to roll his eyes.

''Thank you.''

''I said I won't kill her now. That doesn't mean I won't in the future, Emil.''

Emil's scowled for a second, but he remained relaxed, and flashed Richter a small smile. Richter narrowed his own eyes in a response, something that failed to intimidate Emil this time. He huffed. A silence followed, during which Richter realized he was starting to find this whole situation a lot more interesting than he should.
There was something about this situation that felt…different. He couldn't quite put his finger on it. The boy was oddly calm, compared to his usual timid behavior near the man.

''Richter…How old are you?''

The older man blinked in surprise, taken back by the sudden question. ''What?''

Emil remained silent, and shrugged, the only signs of his embarrassment being the slight blush coloring his cheeks. Richter let out a small sigh, but instead of a sneer, choose to answer the boy.

''I'm 20.''

Emil let out a soft hum, more to himself than to the other man.

''You don't look like 20 though, it's hard to believe you're only one year older than Lloyd.''

''Don't you have to go back to Marta?'' He grunted, avoiding the statement and instead glaring at a middle aged couple eyeing them with interest from across a different table.

''I told you, I distracted her. I don't have to go anytime soon.''

''Great.'' Richter huffed, again, causing Emil to feign a look of hurt.

''What's that you're reading?''

Richter looked at the book he had placed on the corner of the table and took it, placing it back in his bag. ''Research.''

Emil looked disappointed. ''Research on what?''

''Why do want to know everything?'' Richter let out a sigh. Emil remained silent, casting his eyes down to his lap. Richter sighed.

''It's a book about demons.''

''Demons?'' Emil looked up, slightly cocking his head to the side. ''Why are you researching demons?''

''That is none of your concern. ''He shot Emil a glare that said that this was indeed, none of his concern, and that he would not reveal his intentions with the information. An uncomfortable silence followed, during which Richter was silently hoping Emil would stand up and leave. Of course, no such thing happened. Instead, the waitress arrived and smiled at Emil. ''Would you like something to drink?''

Richter shot the lady a deadly glare before looking at Emil. There was a slight blush coloring his cheekbones as he remained silent. Richter sighed. ''Go ahead.''

The boy blinked in surprise, but ordered anyway. As the lady nodded and left, he looked at Richter, a small smile playing on his lips. Richter huffed. ''What?''

Emil shook his head. ''No it's nothing.''

Deciding not to press the mater he cut through. ''How long until you have to go back to Marta?'' Richter crossed his arms, glaring at two girls sitting at a table about ten feet away with them who seemed too interested for his comfort.

Emil resisted the urge to turn around to see what he was looking at and instead scratched the back of his head.

''Honestly, any time is too long for her. But I got her to help prepare dinner. Which I'm sure I'll regret later.'' The boy's shoulders slumped down and he let out a deep sigh. Amused, Richter leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms.

''Yes I remember seeing you throw her food away when she wasn't looking.''

Emil perked up. ''What?''

Richter let out a sigh. ''Emil, I've been following you several times. Waiting for the right opportunity takes patience and observation. It's only natural I've seen you enjoy your dinner.''

''O-Oh.'' A short silence followed. Richter, satisfied with the confused look on the boy's face, picked up his cup of coffee and sipped from it.

''She still cooks better than you.''

Taken by surprise, Richter took a gulp much too large and almost choked. He managed to suppress his gagging reflex and swallowed the burning liquid while narrowing his eyes at the boy, who seemed awfully satisfied.

''How did you manage to survive all those years anyway?''

''Just how old did you think I was before today?''

Emil shook his head. ''Best I don't say.''

Richter huffed. A short silence followed, during which his drink arrived. Richter's eye twitched as he eyed the drink. A simple ice tea. It wasn't the drink itself that annoyed him though.

''Why did they give you a straw?''

Emi released his lips from said straw and eyed it as if he just noticed. He frowned. ''No idea. How old do you think she thought I was?''

Richter saw his chance. ''Best I don't say.'' He answered in a gruff voice.

''Ouch'' Emil's shoulders slumped down, but there was a smile playing on his lips.

Richter leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms across his sternum. Emil picked the lemon slice from his glass and took a bite from it, his face scrunching at the sour taste, but at the same time showing the boy's delight. It stirred something. He didn't like it. Forcing him to think and focus on something else, he answered the boy's question.

''I stayed at inns mostly,'' Emil gave him a confused look, but caught on almost immediately. ''Bought already edible products at towns and villages and if the need was desperate, I had aqua prepare something,''

''You don't like her cooking?''

''No, I don't like fish. Though I suppose she made it more edible than your average inn.''

''Didn't she felt weird doing that?'' Emil cocked his head to the side. ''Isn't it like killing her own?''

''I didn't eat monsters Emil. I ate the fish every merchant and fisherman can get his hands on. Aqua simply had her monsters gather them.''

''Oh'' The boy mused on this for a while.

Richter remained silent, instead eyeing the boy's actions, trying to gauge what he was after. Surely he was after something. Was he trying to get him to lower his guard? Convince him to change his mind on his statement that they would be enemies? He wouldn't succeed in either, he should know that by now. The man narrowed his eyes, listening half heartedly to the boy voicing more of his thoughts. He answered a few more questions, albeit with caution. Why did he even answer them though? If he really wanted the boy to leave, it would have been wiser to simply ignore him until he would leave.

Instead, the older male found himself still talking with the boy an hour later.

And worse, he was enjoying it.

The older man was leaning forward for just that tiny bit, still closely observing the boy, but this time, actually paying attention to the words meant for his ears. He was hardly as interested as he may have seemed, as the boy spoke about several situations he had found himself in that would be considered awkward and humorous. In the hour that had passed, the boy's shoulders had slumped down, and a smile had made its way on his lips. He was chattering happily, fully relaxed. He didn't see Richter as the enemy right now. And while it worried Richter, it seemed the boy had succeeded in getting him to lower his guard after all.

Damn him.

The sun had lowered considerably; casting the scenery around them in a golden glow. A wind had picked up as well, bringing the temperature down to a more unpleasant one.
Speaking of unpleasant...Richter's sensitive ears picked up an unmistakable voice. His chair scraped as he stood up, almost hurryingly so.

''We should part ways.''

Emil gave him a confused look and parted his lips to inquire what he'd done wrong.


The boy's eyes widened and he whirled around. While still at a considerably distance, Marta was roaming the streets for him. Her entire posture left no room for questioning her mood. He had to hurry. Emil turned to Richter, giving him weary eyes.

''I won't harm her.''

Relief obvious on his features, Emil nodded and turned around when Richter stopped him.

''Emil.''''Yes?'' Emil halted, eyes shifting between Marta slowly closing in on them and Richter.

Richter hesitated. His common sense was telling him this was a bad idea. But Emil had a bad influence and in his presence, he often tended to ignore it.

''I will be departing tomorrow morning to a ruin nearby...'' He hesitated. ''Bring your sword this time.''

He didn't ask if the boy wanted to come. If he didn't show up, all the better. He swirled around, leaving enough gold to cover the bill and marched away without granting Emil even as much as another glance. The boy stood there for a few seconds as he processed the words. Dark matter formed beside him, from which Tenebrae appeared.

''Lord Emil, this is-''

''I know Tenebrae. It's most unwise. You must advise against it.'' He answered almost numb, his eyes and thoughts concentrating on different matters.

Tenebrae let out a sigh. He knew Emil by know. Trying to talk him out of this was futile. The centurion eyed the man who the young boy would be departing with tomorrow. What was he up to?