"Ino!" Sakura squealed before jumping up from where she was sitting and attempting to get to Ino, only to be grabbed around the waist by an annoyed Sasuke.

"Naruto," Sasuke growled in annoyance, motioning for him to get out, he had finally gotten Sakura to be quiet about seeing her sister and then Naruto had to just bring said sister within seeing distance of Sakura.

"What's wrong Sasuke?" Naruto asked with a grin hugging Ino to his side and raising his eyebrow challengingly at Sasuke.

Sasuke growled in frustration and released Sakura, allowing her to hug Ino, who had now reverted to tears. Sasuke just hoped that Sakura would stop asking him about Ino if he let them see each other.

He had actually bitten her the night before after she tried to escape, yet again from his room when he opened the door to get some food for her. He had to actually catch her and bring her back to his room. Needless to say he was pissed off.

He had been nothing but kind (as kind as an Uchiha could be) to her and she wasn't at all grateful. Probably had something to do with killing her parents or some other shitty excuse. He could just let her escape and see how long she will survive in a world full of territorial and hungry male and female demons.

Many demons were not of a vampiric nature however, mostly the demons with higher abilities and high energy transformations. And because of this, only high ranking individuals were allowed to travel to the human realm.

It was dangerous for humans to know about demons after all. (A/N it would be like the Salam witch trials all over again with innocent humans being accused of being demons by other frightened humans.)

Sasuke looked down at Hinata who was resting her head on her knees, obviously feeling under the weather.

He noticed her hair was at an abnormal length the moment he had spotted her; he assumed it was why Gaara wanted him to look after her.

Hinata sighed again and shifted her forehead slightly to accommodate the pain from her head. She had a horrible headache and all the stress from yesterday and the continual hair growth was most probably the cause.

Her long midnight purple hair surrounded her form almost like a curtain, not to mention the side bangs she had cut herself had grown almost to her shoulders at the same rate as the rest of her hair.

Her bob cut was now at waist length, hell it couldn't even be called a bob cut anymore.

She lifted a lock between her fingers and stared at it strangely, she had never been allowed to grown her hair past her shoulders because of her dad. She had figured out it was because she looked like her mother when it was long.

Raising her head she locked eyes with Itachi who was looking at her with mild interest, she wasn't quite sure why but his red eyes always seemed to be studying her. And then he turned to Sasuke who was glaring holes through Naruto, who as always took it in stride and just grinned back.

"Enough Naruto, I think you should go now," Sasuke grumbled, before he wrapped his hand around Sakura and pulled her out of her conversation with Ino. To Sasuke's surprise she didn't protest, only saying a "Goodbye" to Ino and smiling as Naruto took Sasuke's advice and left the room with her.

Sasuke pressed Sakura against his chest before sitting down on the bed and seating her between Itachi and himself. Itachi seemed to like her and threatened to contact and tell their mother about Sakura if he refused to spend time with him.

Sasuke shuddered at the thought of Mikoto Uchiha finding him with a female that he had spent so much time with, much less a human.

No human other than Sakura had survived longer than a few minutes with him. His mother would probably swoon and tell him some bullshit like "You're in love Sasuke" and welcome her into the family before he's even decided what to do with her yet.

Sakura was beautiful for a human and her blood tasted a lot sweeter than any human he had tasted before but that did not mean he had any feelings for her.

Hinata sighed again and buried her face into her arm, she really needed to leave this dreary castle some time, it was beautiful and everything but she was starting to get a bit stir crazy.

Not much happened for the next half an hour until Gaara came back to fetch her and nodded a thank you to Sasuke.

When they got back to his room, Gaara handed Hinata a pale pink vial of liquid. The vial was small and had no sort of label or inscription on it. Hinata just stared up in confusion at Gaara, not sure what she was supposed to do with it.

"Drink it," He stated dully, as if it should have been obvious to someone who didn't come from the demon underworld. Hinata nodded and took one sip before grimacing at the bitter taste and downing it in one swig.

Gaara took the vial from her hand before petting her head affectionately; she was such a submissive creature. She was too trusting though; she didn't even ask what it was for before drinking it.

Well he supposed it was different in his case, he could kill her any time he wanted to and do anything he wanted to do to her and she couldn't do anything about it. She didn't seem to mind being with him regardless of that however.

She smiled up at Gaara before rubbing her pale arm nervously and biting her plump bottom lip.

"A-ano w-was that for my h-hair?" She mumbled softly, still nervous to ask Gaara questions due to how unpredictable his nature was.

"Indeed it was," He said with a smirk, proud of his own alchemy skills, which took him years to master and are rare to obtain.

Hinata smiled again before turning to look and Kaida who had just woken up and was yawning on the side of the bed, exposing rows of sharp white teeth. Kaida had grown an inch or two in the last few days, and was noticeably bigger than he was when she found him.

Dragons grew really fast it seemed, even the horns on his head had grown a few millimetres. Hinata wondered what she was going to do with him when he was an adult, there certainly wasn't going to be space in this room.

Kaida let out a throaty whine and flew towards Hinata, hovering just in front of her face before licking her cheek with his cat-like tongue. Hinata giggle and scratched his ears before returning her attention to Gaara.

"Th-thank you," she said to Gaara with a timid smile. She was not quite sure how to ask her next question, uncertain of what type of response she would get.

"Ano m-master?" She questioned, the word tasting foreign on her tongue after not saying it for such a long time.

"Just call me Gaara," He replied, seeing her small smile stretch up into a beam. He didn't realise how much she wanted him to say that.

"Ano Gaara-kun, w-would it be p-possible to t-take me out of the c-castle at some point?" She asked shyly, sincerely hoping she wouldn't get a negative response from Gaara.

Gaara frowned, he had noticed how restless Hinata had been lately and he also wanted to get out of the castle. The only problem was that a certain ancient demon seems to have taken an interest in her, not that he knew why.

But he was the freaking king of the demon world, crowned the strongest, and nobody had even seen the half of what he was capable of. The demon world was too dangerous for her, but it would be fine taking her to the human world, he was confident he could keep her safe there.

"Fine, pack your bag," He said, going to the cupboard and pulling out two bags, handing one over to Hinata who opened the cupboard and draws and pulled out anything that looked like it might be for her.

She wasn't sure where her clothing went after she showers, but she had never seen the same set twice, yet the cupboard seemed to constantly stay full of clothing for her.

Gaara decided they could stay in the human world for the remainder of his holiday, his brother could most certainly hold his own if anything were to go wrong. His brother might even be as strong as himself, if he wasn't such a perverted and lazy fucker. Well not really a lazy fucker in the other sense of the word.

She was glad to see some long sleeved clothing inside the cupboard for once, the last time she went to the human realm; it was so cold that she thought her body parts would start falling off.

When she was done packing, she was sure she had enough clothing for a month. Actually she could swear the bag was bigger on the inside. (A/N does that count as a doctor who reference?)

"Will i-it just be u-us going?" She questioned, zipping up the bag and leaving it lying on the floor next to Gaara's.

Gaara wasn't planning to bring anyone else with him, but it would be a lot safer for Hinata if he brought Sasuke and Naruto with them. Gaara frowned, he could smell every time he walked past there, that they had kept the humans… Well, he couldn't really judge them for that, considering he did the same with Hinata, who is mostly human herself.

"No," Was his simple response before he grabbed her arm and walked back out the door, down the hallway, to the left and stopping in front of Naruto's door.

Knocking, the door was opened immediately by the blonde female, whose hair was down and curtained around her. Her visible baby blue eye widened before she opened the door fully and moved out of the way, scared of Gaara, like she should be.

"Naruto, we're going to the human realm," Gaara said bluntly, knowing Naruto didn't have a choice if he said it like that.

"What, why?!" Naruto asked, climbing off of his resting position on the bed, still wearing only his boxers. Gaara frowned, his 'eyebrows' crinkling together in disapproval of the question.

"Geez, fine I'll pack now," The blonde grumbled, opening his cupboard. Hinata stood in the doorway, feeling a bit guilty that Naruto was being forced to go with them.

"You can bring your pet Naruto," Gaara said, a dark smirk twisting up his features as he thought of how much of a hypocrite Naruto was for judging Gaara for having a pet, then going and getting one himself.

Naruto just grinned sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck before he pulled bags out the cupboard.

"I'll meet you outside," Naruto said, while shoving various clothing into the bags. Gaara walked back out the door and closed it behind him, before going and knocking on Sasuke's door.

The door wasn't closed properly and when he knocked, the door creaked open to show Kisame and Itachi sitting on Sasuke's bed chatting, Sasuke standing by his desk, eye twitching in irritation.

"Niisan!" Sasuke whined, his cheeks forming into an embarrassed blush as he saw what they were doing. Sakura was seated on the floor in between the two demons, her hair was being braided and tied up by Itachi while Kisame sat next to them, chatting away and occasionally petting her head.

Sakura was sitting on the floor wearing only one of Sasuke's long shirts, eyes wide and a red blush forming across her cheeks, not quite believing the situation herself. Was Sasuke even related to Itachi?!

"Oh Gaara-san, how nice to see you," Itachi greeted politely, finishing Sakura's hair off and having it look almost like an exact replica to his own, only slightly longer.

"Sasuke, we're going to the human realm, you can bring her," Gaara said, Gesturing to Sakura with a long claw. Sasuke almost beamed at that, anything to get away from that evil sadistic satanic bastard brother of his.

"Itachi and Kisame can come along too if they want," Gaara finished. At that point you could literally see horns grow from Itachi's head and Sasuke's soul trying to escape his body.

"Sure, we'll come along," Itachi said, smirking evilly at Sasuke who looked as though he would burst into exaggerated anime tears at any moment.

"We'll go pack now," Kisame said with a grin, glad to finally be getting out of this castle again, it had been far too long since his last mission. They stood up from where they were sitting and walked to the door, disappearing in a flash as they kept themselves hidden from sight.

Hinata tugged on Gaara's sleeve in an attempt to get his attention, a worried expression etched onto her face.

"Kaida," Hinata mumbled, catching Gaara's attention. He would have to think of what to do with the dragon, he couldn't take him to the human world, he just ate too much.

"We can leave him with the Akatsuki, they'll look after him," Hinata sighed with relief; she knew that Deidara would look after him for her, if none of the others would.

Sasuke composed himself enough to tell Gaara he would meet him outside before Gaara left and went back to the room.

They all met outside twenty minutes later, Kaida safely in the Akatsuki's hands. They all stared awkwardly at the person that wasn't supposed to be there, standing nonchalantly by the demon horses.

"The fuck you looking at? I'm coming too," The shirtless silver haired demon exclaimed, crossing his arms over his chest, a strand of hair falling over his eye from his slicked backed hair and immediately being slicked back again by a tanned hand.

"Fine," Gaara replied stoically, dropping Hinata's and his own bag into the cart and getting the various food and supplies loaded on by the servants.

There wasn't much space left in the cart once everything was loaded, at least it was certain that most people would have to walk, or fly in Gaara's case.

That wouldn't be too much of a problem considering they weren't going to be travelling that much when they got there.

They went through the same dizzying process of realm transportation, this time Hinata was held onto by Gaara, definitely making the process a lot less painful.

As soon as her eyes were focused once again and the world stopped spitefully spinning around her, she stared at the similar scenery with awe.

This had to be somewhere near where they were the last time they came here because the ground was covered with a soft layer of snow. The snowflakes clung lightly to the tree branches, making the once dark leaves look completely white in all the areas that the snow could reach.

Snowy fields spanned out on every side of them as far as the eye could see. Well her eyes at least, she wasn't sure how demons perceived the world, although she supposed she had some kind of an idea, since her eyes are those of a demon herself.

She probably would know exactly how they saw the world if her father had decided to teach her how to use her eyes. Sometimes she felt like screaming up to the heavens or most probably down in her father's case, that he was wrong.

She did have a need to be taught Hyuuga abilities, and if she had been taught them, perhaps she wouldn't have to rely on Gaara so much to protect her.

An arm grabbed her around the waist and lifted her off of the ground, pressing back her into a toned chest. She didn't mind being picked up like this, but when she saw huge feathery wings span out on either side of her, it took everything in her not to scream as he propelled them off of the ground.

She didn't like heights, not one freaking bit.

And she didn't like how it got colder the higher they went.

Nor did she like moving so fast.

She felt as though he would let go of her at any moment and send her plummeting to her death, even though somewhere deep inside she knew he wouldn't do that.

When they landed again, barely a few minutes after taking off, Hinata had never felt so glad to have her feet firmly planted on the ground.

"There is a village seven kilometres to the North," Gaara said, his arm still lingering around Hinata's waist.

"We aren't seriously going to be staying in a village, right?" Naruto asked disbelievingly. They got enough attention just walking into a village but staying in one would really cause a scene.

"No, we are just going to be staying near one, for certain purposes," Gaara said, lips twisting up to form a smirk. It was obvious everyone there what he meant and Hinata couldn't help the grimace that crossed her face with the mention of it.

They headed towards the village, the two girls seated in the cart. Hinata had decided to walk with the rest of them, she wanted to leave the castle and she wasn't going to sit in a cart when she was finally allowed to be out.

They walked until they came to a twisting pathway. Hinata could have sworn that, until they were walking up the pathway, that there was no pathway. It was like it was there but something subconsciously made her overlook it and not want to travel in that direction.

It wasn't a long walk along the path until they came across an old house tucked away around the back of a mountain.

The weird thing was that the house was incredibly well kept on the inside. Well, that wasn't really the weird part. What was really weird was the fact that nobody was there and there wasn't a single layer of dust.

Magic, it had to be magic.

By the looks of it, Gaara had definitely stayed here before.

Please forgive me for the loooong wait, I had some serious writer's block on this story and was starting to get sick of the drabble-like chapters in the same setting all the time. I'm not sure whether to continue with this endless drabble or to just get straight to an exciting plot that makes you silently wring your blanket, pretending it's the neck of someone I'm writing about.

What do you think?

Also I was thinking about renaming the story, anyone have any ideas that would be fitting?