Sabaku no Gaara, better known as the fiery red haired demon king of the Underworld, was in the human realm again, this time he was here on a hunch that the legendary Diamond Saraphim resided in the sandstone caverns to the west of the desserts of Suna. This diamond is said to have belonged to the empress of Suna, a half-breed, centuries ago and can control the weather. This diamond could create huge sand storms, blizzards, could cause a heatstroke and huge lightning storms. As a child he had always been interested in powerful demon artefacts and although he was not after the diamond because he needed or wanted it, he still needed to find it to prevent any wondering human vermin from finding it and using it for their own benefit or against demons.

Growling, Gaara stood up and threw the useless sack of gems he had been searching through onto the ground. He stepped out onto the ledge and looked down to the next cave. He was about 100 metres above the sandy ground, in a place deep within the desert. He stretched out his large feathery black wings, each one about the same length as his body. He stalked forward and glided to the next cave, the wing feathers ruffled wildly in the wind and landed gracefully on the ledge in front of the cave.

Peeking inside, he checked for any booby traps or trip wires before he entered the cavern. The cavern was large with high ceiling made of stone that looked to be dripping from the ceiling, hard as a nail. He entered inside stepping forward and looked around at the piles of gold and gems, mostly worthless treasure, at least for a demon it was of no worth.

Gaara folded his ruffled wings and stepped towards a closed chest, while folding his left wing, he knocked one of the sandstone stalactites off of the ceiling. The stalactite cut his forehead on the left of his tattoo and he hissed in pain. Kneeling down he looked for the nearest reflective object he could find to check the damage and make sure his "Ai" tattoo wouldn't heal jaggedly again. All he could find was a shiny silver lamp that resembled a gravy pot. He tried to see his forehead but the lamp seemed to have a layer of dust clinging to it.

Gaara growled, baring his long fangs at the lamp, and lifted his expensive velvety black sleeve to the lamp and wiped the dust away. He was relieved to see that it had missed his tattoo all together and he wiped the blood off of the already healed cut. After a few seconds the lamp started to shake violently and released a thick purple dust into the air. Gaara hissed and jumped back, avoiding any poison the dust might have contained.

Gaara tilted his head to the side when he hears a frightened squeak and smelt the scent of lavender and jasmine in the air. Once the air had cleared he saw the object of his interest. Before him sat a frightened girl, who looked no more than 18 years of age. She looked up at him with wide white and lavender eyes and trembled like a leaf. She had shoulder length silky raven hair and full trembling lips. She had snow white skin and was dressed in a loose fitted silk pair of pants and a similar sleeveless shirt.

The first thing he noticed however, were the small white fluffy cat ears peaking through her hair and her long silky white tail that flicked hesitantly behind her. There was a thin golden chain around her ankle the led back into the lamp and a golden collar around her neck that had another golden chain extending from it but ended a couple metres from her and lay on the floor.

"A-ano where a-am I-I?" She asked with wide eyes, as she looked around the room like a confused kitten. Her lower lip trembled as dropped her eyes to the floor submissively as her new master gazed curiously.

Gaara looked at her in surprise, he had heard of these genies before. Genies were humans that were cursed to live a life of solitude and slavery when their lamps are found. They are to grant three wishes to their new master and until the three wishes are granted they belong to the same master that found them. Gaara grinned maliciously at he stared at the frightened genie, she was so breathtakingly beautiful and she looked ethereal in all her whiteness.

"That doesn't matter now little one, but I do believe you owe me three wishes." He said looking down at her with an evil glint in his eye. The girl gasped and flinched away from him, her ears flattening against her head like a scolded kitten.

"H-h-hai ," she said fearfully and looked up at him with wide innocent eyes. She looked down at her small hands and nervously twirled a rather large pink diamond in between her fingers absentmindedly. Gaara narrowed his eyes as he noticed the diamond, immediately recognising it as Seraphim.

"Give that here, girlie!" He snapped, scaring the poor girl half to death and she pressed her forehead submissively to the ground as she held out the diamond. Gaara grabbed Seraphim from the girl and placed it in a small inner pocket in his velvety black cloak. In seeing the girls submissiveness he calmed down slighty and grabbed the golden chain connected to her collar. Feeling the gentle tugging on her collar, she looked up at him, frightened. Although she had been a genie for over a century, she had never once been found and was terrified of being out of her cozy little lamp and in the presence of an extremely dangerous man… No, demon that she has to serve.

"Well come on little thing, I don't have all day." He looked at her, impatience crossing his features and he tugged roughly on the chain, bringing her wobbly to her feet.

"G-g-gomen" she squeaked in her soft voice and looked nervously at his feet. The red head grabbed the lamp off the floor and looked at the writing engraved in cursive on the side.

"Oh you can go back in again?" he asked raising a nonexistent eyebrow as he read the 'rub once to return and twice to summon' and once again focused his gaze on her pale features.

"H-h-hai Master" she mumbled uncertainly and shrunk back as he reached to rub her lamp again. Gaara noticed this and stopped to look at her questioningly.

"Does it hurt?" he asked, grinning at the girl mischievously as she trembled before him, ears flat and sulking unhappily.

"A-a l-little bit" she replied, looking away shyly as an embarrassed blush crawled onto her pale cheeks. He looked at her sceptically and focused on her flattened ears as he asked, "Would you rather walk miles through this desert. She opened her mouth to speak but only shook her head slowly lowering her gaze to the floor in defeat.

Rubbing the lamp once with his sleeve, the girl let out a yelp as she was harshly dragged into the lamp, shrinking before she entered the spout. Gaara laughed cruelly at the girl's misfortune and while he left the cave, spreading his wings and leaping into the air, he thought about what he would wish for from the timid creature. After a few moments he grinned sadistically, a cruel idea forming in his head.

He would have his fun, and nothing entertained him nearly as much as the frightened innocent girl forever trapped in a little shiny silver lamp.