"What's this 'big, important news' then Finn?" Johanna asked her best friend curiously.
"Well you know I'm going to be an uncle and you're going to be a mommy?"
"I'm aware of the situation"
"Well I'm also going to be a daddy and you're going to be an auntie"
"Annie's pregnant!" Finnick said excitedly.
"Oh my god that's amazing Finn!" Johanna exclaimed, smiling.
"This is perfect timing! They will only be a few months apart in age, they can be best friends, like their parents!" Finnick said, beaming.
The two hugged and Finnick laughed.
"It's funny really, everything is going right for a change, huh? I bet coins gonna love baby Johanna and baby Finnick running around, especially if they're anything like us!" Finnick joked. They pulled apart and Johanna smiled.
"I'm gonna go and tell Kat!" She said excitedly.
"We're going to be aunties!" Johanna shouted with happiness as she burst into the compartment.
"Annie is pregnant!"
"Oh my god! That's amazing"
"Everything is going right for everyone!" Johanna said, her eyes gleaming with happiness.
Katniss smiled, and tucked Johanna's hair behind her ear.
"You're adorable."
"Shut up" Johanna said, blushing.
"I want to show you something" katniss said pulling Johanna over to the bed. She lay down and looked up at Johanna.
"Give me your hand baby"
Johanna gave katniss her hand, and looked at her, confused. Katniss took her lovers hand and placed it on her protruding stomach.
"Katniss I don't understand"
"Shhh, just wait"
Katniss had just barely finished her sentence when Johanna felt it. I small nudge coming from within katniss.
"Oh" she gasped. She smiled and lowered her face her katniss' abdomen and kissed it, whispering to the bump.
"Hey baby, I'm your mommy. Well your other mommy, I can't wait to meet you, I love you" Johanna cooed softly. Katniss smiled hearing Johanna speaking that way, it was so different to the hard, witty, sarcastic Johanna she saw in public.
They lay there for hours cuddling and kissing and talking to katniss' stomach, until there was a abrupt knock at the door followed by coins entrance. Johanna sat up and glared at the older woman.
"Can we help you?"
"You can't, she can" Coin replied emotionlessly, gesturing to katniss.
"Miss Everdeen, as you know, you have gotten to a point where your appearance reflects your situation. We are going to run a propo with you and Peeta talking about the baby, it's going to air in the Capitol only."
"Umm okay" katniss said anxiously, holding Johanna's arm, knowing what this was doing to her, "when?"
"Today miss Everdeen, you may come and observe miss mason, I'll see you at 4 please"
Coin exited the room and Johanna fell back into the pillow and sighed.
"Jo, what's wrong baby?"
"This baby is mine, not his"
"I know Jo, and we will tell everyone soon, when this whole thing is over and we can get out of here with our baby and live freely, I know it's hard for now beautiful, but just keep thinking ahead, okay?"
"Okay, but only because I love you so much" Johanna smirked, pulling katniss in for a kiss. Their lips met and katniss rolled on top of Johanna. Johanna ran her hands down katniss' sides and onto her ass. Katniss' tongue slid into Johanna's mouth and her hands tangled in the older girls hair. Johanna pulled away and whispered to katniss.
"I think this shouldn't go any further, looks like someone doesn't want to share you" she said, referring to the small movements coming from katniss' stomach and pressing into hers.
"Okay, I have a better idea" katniss replied, getting up and going into the bathroom. Johanna followed her and noticed the bath filling with water, she glanced at her fiancée only to see her stripping out of her clothes.
"Come on Jo, I'll hold you" katniss smiled up at the district 7 victor from the bath.
Johanna stripped and lowered her self slowly into the tub, sitting in front of katniss, who wrapped her arms around Johanna's waist, pulling her close, placing kisses across her shoulders and neck, causing the tension in Johanna's body to subside and be replaced by relaxation. The two girls stayed there until the water began to get cold and a small shiver began to creep over their skin.
"We should get ready, Coin wants you at four"
"Okay, jump up then baby"
Johanna got up and gripped katniss' hand and stepped out of the bath, grabbing a towel and wrapping herself in it. She turned to face the bath, and saw katniss, holding her swollen stomach getting out. Johanna dropped her towel and helped her lover.
"Thank you" katniss smiled looking at Johanna with complete adoration.
"I'm so lucky to have you, I love you" she whispered, pressing her body into Johanna's.
"Come on beautiful, let's get ready"
The two girls left the room and headed down to Coins office. Upon arrival they saw that Coin, Haymitch, Plutarch, Peeta, Cressida, castor and Pollux were already seated around the large table.
"I'm glad you could join us ladies, we were just about to begin discussing how this propo is going to run. Cressida, would you mind explaining to them how it's going to work?"
"Okay, basically we are going to go into the woods, set up a picnic and katniss and Peeta will sit there and talk about the baby, it won't be scripted but I'm assuming Peeta will lead, so just say what you think sounds best" Cressida informed the girls.
As the group stood to leave the room Cressida took hold of katniss' arm.
"I know you aren't great at this kind of thing, so imagine you are talking about and to Johanna when you talk to and about Peeta, okay?" She said quietly with a reassuring smile.
"Okay, thank you Cressida"
Johanna placed her hand on katniss' bump and kissed her softly before returning to the tree stump she had selected to sit on, behind the camera. She glanced up to see katniss lowering her self to the blanket on the floor with difficulty. Johanna shot straight back up and helped her fiancée to sit down. Peeta held out his hand to help and Johanna shot him a sharp glare, warning him to keep his hands to katniss' arms only. Katniss squeezed Johanna's hand reassuringly and Johanna returned to her stump and looked at Cressida as she shouted "action!" And then turned her attention to her lover and Peeta sitting on the blanket.
"We are so happy, and we can't wits for the baby to come. We hope that we can pull through this war victorious so that this beautiful child can be safe to live in a world without the looming fear of being reaped, and katniss and I will never have to feel the fear of possibly loosing a child" Peeta started.
His last sentence made Johanna's stomach knot for two reasons. One - the idea of the child being Peeta's and two - the idea of loosing her precious baby. Both were enough to make Johanna feel sick. Peeta had noticed the look on Johanna' face and made a mental note to apologise later. Nonetheless he continued.
"I think I can speak for both of us when I say we've never been happier, right katniss?"
Katniss smiled, she knew she wouldn't have to lie in what she replied.
"Yes, I feel like my whole life is being pulled together, everything is looking up and I have the most amazing people to share it with, my baby and the person I love" katniss said smiling in the cameras direction, though she wasn't looking directly into the camera, she was looking just behind it, into the eyes of her fiancée, who was beaming back at her.
"And...cut!" Cressida called.
Johanna ran over to katniss and pulled her to her feet, gently.
"That was so sweet" Johanna whispered, pressing her forehead against katniss'.
"Shut up" katniss said, silencing Johanna by kissing her.
"You're so adorable" Johanna whispered to katniss as their fingers interlocked and they followed the rest of the crew inside.
Once the girls returned to their room Johanna stripped out of her clothes and lay on the bed in her underwear with her eyes closed.
"You know, every single inch of you is perfect" she heard katniss say in a sultry voice. Johanna could feel the younger woman crawling on the bed, towards her. She opened her eyes to see katniss' looking into them, the grey eyed girl pressed her lips against Johanna's and let her hands explore the district seven victors body, paying specific attention to her thighs, hips and ribs. Katniss planted a trail of kisses from Johanna's lips to the base of her neck, where her lips latched of and began sucking and biting, leaving a large purple bruise.
Small whines and moans escaped Johanna's lips as katniss left her mark on her neck and traced circles on Johanna's hips with her fingers.
"Just marking me territory, you're mine" katniss whispered possessively.
"Forever" Johanna breathed out.
The older woman sat up and took off her bra and climbed under the blanket, looking at katniss innocently and patting the mattress next to her, gesturing for her lover to join her.
Katniss crawled back into the bed in only her underwear, she lay on her back and Johanna lowered her face to katniss' swollen stomach and kissed it.
"Hey baby, it's mommy number two speaking, I love you, I'll get to meet you soon, I can't wait to see you, I'm going to protect you with my life, I love you baby"
Katniss smiled uncontrollably at Johanna's words and tone.
"Do you think we should find out Jo?"
"Find out what kitty Kat?"
"If it's a boy or a girl?"
"Oh my god, I didn't think of that, yes we should, why don't we go and see beetee in the morning and have him run a scan?"
"Okay beautiful, but for now, let's get a good nights sleep so we have plenty of energy to be excited in the morning, okay?"
"Okay baby, goodnight, I love you"
"I love you to Jo-jo"
The next morning Johanna woke to katniss stroking her arm.
"Good morning sleepyhead, nice sleep?"
"Good morning angel, is that even a question? Every sleep I have with you is a nice one" Johanna smiled.
"I'm going to get dressed, and then we can go to see beetee"
Katniss rose from the bed and headed over to the wardrobe and drawers, getting out two pairs of underwear, two bras and two outfits handing one of each to Johanna.
Once the girls were ready they strolled hand in hand down to weaponry to see beetee.
"Hello ladies, what can I help you with?" Beetee said cheerily.
"We were wondering if you could run a scan and tell us what gender the baby is?"
"Of course, step into the scanner katniss, this shan't take long" beetee said, pressing buttons and watching the screen.
A few minutes later beetee broke the silence, still staring at the screen.
"Well aren't you two lucky."
"Why? What is it?" Johanna asked quickly.
"Well, this is rare, but it's one of each"
"What do you mean one of each beetee, the baby can only have one gender" katniss said warily.
"Yes, one baby can have only one gender that can be seen on the scan, but two babies can have different genders"
"Two babies" both girls repeated in shock.
"Yes" beetee smiled, "you did know it was twins, didn't you?"