"You like him, so what's the problem?" Th sleepy girl in Darcy's bed mumbled.

"The problem is that his brother is so...bitter! Like, there's more to what happened than I know." The redhead replied. She sat beside the girl, curled up into a ball and rocking back and forth.

"What happened?" Anne asked, sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

"I can't tell you. I'd like to, but I can't."

"Why not?"

"He trusts me. I can't betray that. What if he found out I told you and then he decided that he didn't like me anymore? He might-" She cut herself off, bowing her head and sighing. "What does it matter? You don't even know him."

"Do you even know him?" Anne slid off the bed and began collecting her things. "THanks for letting me crash here. I'm heading home. I hope you figure everything out with your boyfriend."

"He's not my boyfriend."

"Oh my God, Darcy." The girl threw her bag over her shoulder and headed for the door. "He so totally is."

Darcy rolled her eyes, but toherwise didn't comment. "See you later, Anne." The girl left, slamming the door closed behind her. Darcy rubbed her eyes, exahausted from being woken up so late. Jeff was really screwing with her sleeping habits. She spread out on her bed and closed her eyes, planning to fall asleep before she called Jeff.

Much to her dismay, she didn't get the chance. A few minutes later, scratching at her window told her she wouldn't have to call the boy after all. "Are you freaking kidding me?" She grumbled, getting up to unlock the window and let him in.

The boy came tumbling through, careful not to knock over her telescope. "I just saw that chick leave." He explained, standing up.

Darcy returned to her bed and seated herself, gesturing for him to sit as well, presumably in his usual spot across the room. He did, crossing his arms over his chest. "Your brother isn't happy with you." She said simply, pulling her knees to her chest.

"I was unaware that I was here to talk about my brother."

"You aren't, but this is important, okay?"

"Sure. He's upset with me. He has every reason to be." The killed shrugged, crossing his legs.

"You scarred him up; There has to be more to it than that, or he wouldn't be so bitter."

Jeff rolled his eyes. "He went to jail for me, then I killed his parents and tried to kill him. I think that's reason enough."

She fell silent for a moment. "Went I jail for you?"

"When we were kids. He was supposed to be there for a year, but some shit went down and he was there for about two weeks." Jeff shook his head.

"You also won't wash his sheets, apparently?" She cocked her head to the side.

Jeff laughed once, uncrossing both his arms and legs and leaning forward. "Do I look like a damn maid to you? I'm supposed to wash his damn sheets because he can't handle a little blood?"

She got up and slowly ambled over, seating herself in his lap. "He makes you sound like kind of a dick."

"I am kind of a dick." The man's arms circled around her, holding her to his chest. "Whatever he said, I'm sure he wasn't exaggerating."

"But you still like me."


"Good." The girl curled herself around the killer and buried her face in his neck.

"I see your thoughts on the matter have altered."

"I was only upset last night because I was tired. And because of Liu." She mumbled into his neck.

Jeff tilted his head away from her and continued. "So...?"

"I like you, too."

"I assumed so."

"Arrogant bastard."

"I know." Jeff stood up, cradling the girl in his arms. He set her down on her bed, then returned to the window. "Well, that's all I needed." He said, sliding the window open once more.

"Wait, hold on." She hopped of the bed and grabbed him by the arm. "We haven't even-"

"Haven't what?"

"Haven't even talked about this!"

Jeff jerked his arm away and began climbing out the window. "What is there to talk about?"

"Are we like...a thing now?"

"If you can keep quiet about it." He said, making his way down the side of the house.

The girl rested her hand on the window sill and watched the man making his way down. Once on the ground, she saw him pull out a pair of sunglasses, put them on, and run off. She reached up and shut the window, stepping away. SHe flung herself on her bed and fixed her eyes on the ceiling. "I think," She began, speaking aloud. "I have a boyfriend now."

"Where are you going?" The familiar voice rang out behind him. The killer stood with his hand on the door, his brown bag over his shoulder, and his knife in its sheath. He turned around to see his brother standing there, arms crossed over his chest.

"I was...going to Darcy's house." He said quickly, turning around. It wasn't untrue; He had planned on stopping by her home later that night.

Liu's expression softened. "May I come?"

"I was planning on making a few stops along the way."


"Just a few houses. Maybe the liquor store." Jeff replied flatly, turning back to open the door and head into the garage. Liu followed, getting into the passenger side door.

"Where are you going that you can't bring your dearest brother?"

Jeff shook his head as he got in the drivers seat, backing out and beginning to drive. "You can come with me wherever, but not to Darcy's."

"Why? I like Darcy. Doesn't she like me?"

"As a friend."

"Well, yeah, but-"

"She's not going to like you beyond that." The killer growled.

Liu sniffed sharply. "You can't possibly know what."

"Stay the hell away from my girlfriend, Liu."


"Did I stutter?"

"No, but-"

"Exactly. Just leave her the hell alone."

Liu stared at his brother for a moment, dumbfounded. "Your girlfriend? Since when?"

"This morning." He stated simply, stopping at the end of the street and getting out. "I'll be back. Stay here."

Liu's expression darkened. "You're going to kill someone."

"That's the plan." Jeff muttered before slamming the door. Liu sprang out of the car and circled around the car to stand in Jeff's way.


"What, are you gonna stop me? You'll end of with a knife in your throat, and you won't survive this time." Jeff pushed past his brother and headed for the house, leaving Liu standing by the car by himself. "I'll be back in a minute." He called flatly over his shoulder. "Stay out of trouble."