Hello again. Please enjoy :)
Disclaimer: I don't own KHR
Sometimes the world needed the hard truth.
People fabricated so many white lies in order to avoid hurting people's feelings. So many little lies that built into awful and drawn out secrets. Peoples lied all the time. To their friends, to their faces...to themselves.
And somewhere, it all needed to stop.
Somewhere the lies had to stop being circulated. Needed to stop infecting society with their sickly sweet words that hid glinting daggers. Because whites lies were birthed from the avoidance of ruining something for somebody else. Like telling a child Santa wasn't real, or a friend that she looked good in that top.
It came from the purest of hearts, but ended in the depths of despair.
Because that child would be unleashed into the world, believing in this fictitious man that made dreams come true. And they would be shut down, their innocent belief ripped from them and a hatred in their heart because of the humiliation.
Or the girl that would go to that party and she would be looked at with staring eyes and hit with whispered words behind hands. And she would end up in the toilet, avoiding all the gazes and the mockery.
They started out so well, so filled with good intent. But they always crashed and burned.
Because the truth always got in.
And Tsuna hated lies. Had hated them since he found out his whole life had been a lie. That his father wasn't a construction worker and that his future had never been his to have.
That he had been born with the blood of mafia in his veins. That he would, somehow, always be condemned to that darkness,
And somewhere, sometime, the lies had to stop. But he'd never realised how severely until he'd become the head of this mafia. Of the Vongola. Because lies ran in every place and in everything.
And with lies thinking the air, trust could not be formed. And without trust there was no co-operation. And without co-operation there was death.
Death...Everything led to death.
He just wished he'd figured out that little white lie sooner.
"Tsunayoshi?" A voice called. A voice he'd become very acquainted to in the recent days or months...or something? He didn't know, not really. But he knew there was a hand in his hair. He knew that.
"Yeah. Still here." He replied...But he didn't even know if he was telling the truth.
And that was what led him to Kyoya Hibari.
Kyoya was always stoic. Unbiased and unperturbed. And that's what made him truthful.
Tsuna wasn't saying to make everyone a steely gazed machine. Wasn't saying that the world needed to stop feeling that pure part of their hearts where white lies spawned.
No. Not that. Never that.
But many would think that be what he meant. And that's why he'd never voiced it. Not to anyone, not even the man himself.
And they would think that because they didn't really know Kyoya. Not like Tsuna did (although Tsuna wasn't sure he even knew everything there was to the Cloud).
Kyoya seemed uncaring. Truthful and harsh. And, admittedly, in some aspects he was. But underneath that all was caring. That pure place in his heart that all human beings had...some just under more armoured layers than others.
He told the truth, even when it hurt. Even when he shouldn't...And it was times like this when that was exactly what Tsuna needed.
"I'm sorry." He said, simply and careful. He didn't need to exchange many words with Kyoya. Somehow the man always knew what he meant...even when he, himself, didn't.
"Don't be...there is so shame in dying" Kyoya said, the hand in his hair brushing the strands from his sticky forehead.
Yeah. Dying. That was a thing, apparently.
...But there wasn't. There was no shame. He shouldn't feel so regretful and sad. But then again he shouldn't be dying at this age. At this point in life.
But still, Kyoya's words rung true. Always had, a probably always would. At least he hoped so...because he wouldn't be around to see it.
Because nobody should be ashamed to die. Nobody should cry when death came to claim them. Nobody should mourn the life they were loosing.
But the human brain was so imaginative...so hurtful when it wanted to be.
Because the life Tsuna was leaving wouldn't stop replaying through his head. All the fun times he'd never have again. All the euphoria and the friends and the life. Yes, his life was filled with so many more horrible things...but no. He wouldn't remember that there was bad in this world that nobody wanted any part of.
He would only remember the things he loved, and was about to loose.
...but he didn't think he would have it any other way.
He couldn't die with blood and death on his mind. Of drugs and bodies and famine. Because then he would remember that his work wasn't done yet. That his time on earth wasn't enough to complete his life goal. Wasn't enough time to heal at least this dark part of the world.
And if he thought like that, he'd die remorseful. Regretful. Wishing for things he'd never have. But either way...he was going to loose something.
But he was at least glad for that fact that somebody would never lie to him. That his words would always be the truth, would always be a solid foundation for him to rest on.
Especially when his world was falling apart. Only a semi-twisted reality where he wasn't sure if he was awake or asleep. He could at least know that there would always be the hard truth for him clutch onto. Even when Kyoya told him things he should already know. Or had told him twice that day, or only a minute before.
Because he wasn't sure if he remembered anything at all.
His name was Tsunayoshi Sawada.
He was nineteen years old.
He was the mafia boss of the Vongola Family.
His parents loved him very much.
His seven guardians would never leave him.
He had Frontotemporal Dementia.
...He was going to die.
Soon, too. Very soon. Maybe today, or tomorrow. He didn't really know. All he knew was that there was a hand in his hair and a man by his side. Letting him cling to the truth when the rest of him faded away. Let him cling and cry and struggle, holding on so tightly.
Even when his mind slipped away.
"Do you think the sky will be prettier on the other side?"
Kyoya swallowed at the question. It was a new one, one that Tsuna hadn't already asked a few times in his lucid moments.
Because this is one he really had to think about, and it hit him in squarely the chest. He knew Tsuna wouldn't remember this, but he felt entitled to tell him anyway. Just as he had been for the past few hours.
He also knew that Tsuna's lucid moments were loosing their meaning. Everything was just becoming a long blur of semi-consisousness.
The sky.
So many things could be said.
In the literal sense, it was what was above them. The blue that was lightened by the sun and effected by the different weathers.
But there there was the side they come to live. The side where Tsuna was the sky. And he was his cloud. The one that shielded him and floated around him.
He didn't know which side to approach the question from.
But on the literal sense...Tsuna would not be seeing any sky. There would not be another sky...at least not one that was anything like this. Tsuna was delusional...but Kyoya couldn't leave it at that.
Because in this world they lived, Tsuna was the sky. And anyone that knew him knew that he was beautiful. He really was, Kyoya was not above that fact. He had a certain way of approaching life that made the average human stop and stare. A light in his eyes that glinted when he smiled. A smile that lit up his whole face, and could be infectious to those around him.
He was beautiful. In soul, body and mind. So yes...the sky would be prettier on the other side.
...Because Tsuna would be in it.
"The sky will be beautiful no matter where you are, Tsunayoshi." He said, honestly. Because there was no way he could lie. Not now, especially not now. Because then he would be betraying Tsuna. Betraying him by being the person Tsuna knew he wasn't. But that had been why he'd chosen Kyoya to be with him, to last with him.
Because he would never lie to Tsuna. Not even when it physically hurt to pry the words from his body, to force them out his mouth. Because that was just who he was.
Tsuna nodded silently at his answer, his frail head resting back on his pillows. Kyoya simply awaited the moment when Tsuna stopped asking, wether it be repeated or for the first time. And he would stop telling...
...because then there would be nobody left to tell.
"It was a pretty good life, wasn't it?"
Kyoya didn't really know how to answer. Because he didn't have an opinion. He couldn't tell Tsuna what he wanted to hear, because he hasn't enough time to make a decision.
Because this life may have been good, but it has been too short. Too short for Kyoya to be able to add all the factors that made for a good life.
He had a loving family. He had loyal friends.
...but was that what you needed for a good life? What made a good life? Was it the amount. Of love you received, or the amount of good deeds you committed? Or could it be the impact you had on the world, the lives you changed?
What made life good?
Kyoya didn't know, but he knew with only these nineteen years to work with... he would never know.
He would never truly know if everything Tsuna did. If all his love and strength and kindness...meant anything. Because he would never know if everything he'd lost had been worth it in the end.
So he could never really say.
But he could tell Tsuna a truth. It could be somebody else's, somebody that didn't look into things as analytically as Kyoya did. It was still the truth...
And that was all Tsuna needed right now.
...Because the truth didn't always need to be so hurtful and cold.
"Yes, Tsunayoshi. It has been good."
And that was all he needed to say. Because that was all Tsuna really needed to know...Even if he might not remember what Kyoya was referring to, what they were talking about.
Or if he would remember this in the morning.
But he still did it. Would still tell Tsuna the same thing, over and over. Just so, at least for a few moments...he could be reassured that he'd lived this life. That he'd done something. That he'd lived for a reason.
Because those few moments of peace were all Kyoya could give to him now.
"Why was it me?"
"..I don't know."
"I don't want to die"
It wasn't a question. Not this time.
It was a statement. He wasn't asking for solace, or for reprieve. Wasn't seeking support, wasn't holding onto Kyoya's words like they were his life rope.
He was telling him. Straight and clear.
...because he just didn't want to die.
But nobody did. Kyoya didn't, no one did. Nobody that was healthy enough wanted to die, it was simply against human nature. Against everything you lived for, breathed for.
Still, it was saddening to see him reduced to such a state. So small and fragile, like a coral that had been worn down by the waves. Still beautiful...but oh so small.
So breakable.
Because the more he forgot, the less he became of himself. His memories and experiences made him Tsuna. Made him the fiery warrior that brought down enemies in burning flames. Made him the man that had a sense of kindness in everything he did, in every step he took.
And now, without anything solid to remind him of who he was... He was fading away. The bright eyes, the enchanting smile. The knowing that had drawn Kyoya in.
...he was becoming unrecognisable before Kyoya's eyes. Changing, shaping, falling...dying.
And he didn't know what to feel anymore.
"I don't want to leave you."
Kyoya smiled tightly, brushing the bangs from Tsuna's sickly and pale face, knuckles running down the length of his pronounced cheekbone.
When he'd first met Tsunayoshi, all he could think was that he was weakling. With his bird like frame and fragile bones, looking as though if Kyoya touched him he would break into tiny pieces.
But he proved himself durable. With tough skin and a even tougher resolve. He built himself up from a tiny weakling middle-schooler to a strong and powerful young man.
From a Herbivore to a Carnivore.
And it was an amazing transformation. Kyoya was pleased that he'd been able to watch, to appreciate. Because things like that did not come often. It was once in a lifetime.
So he didn't want Tsuna to go either. He wanted to keep watching the young man grow and change. He broken to pieces and then rise form the ashes.
He wanted to watch Tsuna grow old beside him.
"But you have to go."
"Look after them?"
"Please don't leave me"
Kyoya smiled sadly.
"Never" he said. Because he would never leave Tsuna. Not even if he died. Because Tsuna was his Sky, and he was his cloud.
He'd follow Tsuna wherever he would go, forever tracking across the sky.
But you are the one that's leaving me
"I'm sorry."
"...Me too."
Dying hurts. It burns, It freezes. Hot and cold, fire and ice. It was painful. It wasn't like Tsuna imagined it to be. But then again he'd always thought he'd die with a bullet through his skull or a knife in his heart. Quickly, suddenly.
Not like this.
And the chances of this happening were second to none. Like, one in a million. Especially in this kind of life. It was so much more likely for him to die because of a weapon rather then because of his own body.
Cause yeah, his body was effectively killing him. Destroying his mind and leaving his body to perish.
Because the body could not survive without the mind.
He felt phantom pains running through his body. His brain telling him he had injures that weren't actually there. And it hurt, it was almost like muscle memory. It felt like all his past injures had opened up. His scars opening into gaping wounds.
It felt like all the pain in the world had descended upon him. But the thing was that his body was completely fine. No injures to describe his pain.
He was wallowing inside his own mind, feeling things that weren't there. Everything was mental now, and he was stuck inside a hamster wheel, sprinting just to keep his mind lucid. Running a marathon but not getting anywhere.
But he was slipping. He was tumbling.
And soon he would fall.
Tsuna screamed, gripping onto Hibari and he sobbed and cried. Kyoya just held him, stroking his hair as he lost his mind.
"You can go now, Tsunayoshi. I'm here" he said. "It's okay."
He could say that now. Because it was okay. Tsuna could leave now. It would be better for him to. There was no benefit in staying behind. If it was time, time to leave...
Then he should go.
And so he did.
In the early morning with Kyoya by his side, the sunrise watching through the window as another soul was taken. The bright light shining in his eyes as he passed, a bright smile on his sunken face.
He was gone at nineteen.
"Why do good people die?" Lambo asked suddenly, the silence surrounding them. Kyoya didn't turn to look at him, only looking at the grave. They had buried him properly this time, not like the last time when they didn't know if his past self was coming back.
Leaves rustled in the wind, grasses swaying in the breeze.
"For the same reason you pick flowers from the garden.." He said, turning away from both the grave and Lambo who cried behind him.
"Because they are the best ones."
How was it?
As always, feed meh your ideas! I'm currently working on some of them but more would be great :)
See you all later :D
God Bless,