A Game of Love Ch. 1: A Harmless Little Game
I have a new story for you guys! Man, writing is much fun than playing Minecraft (But Terraria is much fun than writing). Anyways, on to the story!
Tigress was walking down the barracks hall towards the kitchen for dinner when she noticed that Po wasn't in the kitchen.
"Hey guys, where's Po?" Tigress asked the rest of the Five who were already seated on their chairs. The group just shrugged for they don't know where is Po.
"Hey guys." The group heard Viper's voice in the hall, "Po won't be cooking for us tonight since he's going on a date with his girlfriend." Viper said as she entered the kitchen. Tigress just felt a little pain in her chest when she heard Viper say the word 'girlfriend'. Yes, Po has a girlfriend and no, it isn't Tigress, but it's non other than Song. They have been dating for like a month and half now and Tigress always felt some pain in her chest whenever she sees Po with Song or even talking about Po with Song.
"Oh...okay." Tigress said as she sat down on a chair. "So who's gonna cook for us?" Tigress asked.
"Why don't we go to Mr. Ping's?" Mantis suggested. The group nodded and went out to the valley.
While they were walking down the steps, they bumped into Po who was upset for a reason.
"Hey Po." Crane greeted.
"Hey guys." Po greeted back but his tone wasn't his usual happy tone, instead he had a depressed kind of tone.
"Po, what's the matter buddy?" Monkey asked.
"Nothing guys, just not in the mood." Po replied as he continued towards the palace. The Five just watched the sad panda walking to the Jade Palace.
"What could've happened making Po upset?" Mantis asked.
"I don't know, but we could just ask him later." Monkey said as they continued walking. When they got to the noodle shop, they were greeted by non other than Mr. Ping himself.
"Greetings Masters, why are you here this fine evening?" Mr. Ping asked.
"Were here to grab some dinner since Po won't be cooking for us tonight." Monkey replied.
"Well, there's one reason why he couldn't." Mr. Ping said under his breath in a serious tone which wasn't gone unnoticed by the Five and made them wonder what is going on. "Anyways, come in. You can sit over there, at table four." Mr. Ping said as he lead them to their table.
The Five sat down and ordered their food. While waiting, Monkey decided to start a conversation.
"So guys, what do you think does Mr. Ping mean by what he said a while ago?" Monkey asked.
"I don't know, but I think it involves Po being upset." Mantis replied as the group nodded then Viper noticed something in the corner of her eye and turned to gasp in shock.
"Or maybe it involves that." Viper said making the rest of the Five look at where she was looking. What they saw made them gasp as well, they saw Song walking with a lion, both of them holding each other's paws.
"Whoa, Po got his heart broken, that's for sure." Mantis said.
"Hey guys, don't jump to conclusions, maybe that's a friend of Song." Crane said.
"But why would Po be upset especially after his 'date '?" Viper said.
"Well, maybe you're right..." Crane said only to be interrupted by Mantis.
"And would a friend of Song do that." Mantis said as he watched the lion kissing Song on the lips.
"Oh, okay Song just broke Po's heart." Crane said. They all just watched the scene of the two lovers making out when Mr. Ping came to them.
"Order up, five orders of noodle so..." Mr. Ping said but stopped when he saw the Five were watching something. He turned and saw the scene.
"Oh, her." Mr. Ping said in his serious tone. Then he plopped down the bowls on the table and spoke up. "Well, now you know why Po was feeling upset. That good for nothing excuse for a girlfriend for my son thinks that she can break MY son's heart!" Mr. Ping said as he walked back to the kitchen. The Five just watched the goose walk away then focused their attention to Song and the lion who noticed that they were being watched and quickly walked away from the place.
"Man, Po has got to be devastated right now." Mantis said as he started to eat his noodles.
"Yeah, that Song should really be taught a lesson." Monkey added as he drank the soup.
"I can't believe she broke Po's heart just like that." Viper said. Tigress just sat there in her seat, deep in thought.
'That little miss sweets, how dare she breaks Po's heart, after all he had done to her, she repays him by going with another man?! That leopard really needs to be taught a lesson!' Tigress said in her mind. She got mad and let out a small growl that no one can hear. 'I think I'm gonna go pay her a visit.' She thought as she stood up and left, making the Five wonder where she was going.
Tigress walked out of the shop and looked around. She saw the lion and Song walking on the road. She went near them and when the lion wasn't looking, she pulled Song aside.
"What the..." Song said when she was pulled into an alley.
"Hello Song." Tigress said as she held Song on her shirt collar.
"Oh, H-Hello Master Tigress." Song said a she got nervous. "W-What is it d-do you want?" Song asked.
"I heard you got a new boyfriend?" Tigress started making Song gulp, "So, what happened with you and Po?"
"W-Well you see... um... Po was..." Song said trying to find an excuse.
"Po was what? Was left by you and left with a broken heart?" Tigress said.
"Um..." Song said as she started to sweat.
"Look here Song, Po's a panda that does everything he can for someone he likes especially you since both of you were once dating. You can't just find another guy and shatter his heart, now he's alone again. You're lucky I'm bound as by my honor as a Kung Fu master or else I could've beaten you up already." Tigress growled as she let go of Song.
"If I ever see you again, I'll knock your lights out." Tigress threatened. "I'm going back to get dinner now, and hope we don't meet again." She added as she turned and left.
"You're just being like this since you care too much for Po right? Well, now he's alone and now you can have him!" Song said at the feline who stopped in her tracks. Tigress turned and immediately punched Song on the face making the leopard fall to the ground.
"This is you're final warning!" Tigress growled then she went back to the noodle shop. When she got there, she sat down on her seat and began to eat her noodle soup. The Five just stared at her plus they were done eating already.
"Uh... Tigress where have you've been?" Mantis spoke up.
"Just took care of something." Tigress replied as she drank her soup. The rest of the Five just fell silent since they knew that when Tigress says that she took care of something, they shouldn't ask what that something is.
"Okay then..." Crane said.
"Hey guys, while we wait for Tigress to finish eating, why don't we play truth or dare?" Mantis suggested.
"I... don't know." Viper said.
"Maybe..." Crane added.
"Aw, come on, it'll be fun." Mantis said.
"Oh what the heck, just this once." Viper said.
"Great, so who goes first?" Mantis said.
"How about me?" Monkey suggested making the group nod.
"Okay, Viper, truth or dare?" Monkey asked.
"Hmmm... truth." Viper replied.
"If you would choose between Crane or Mantis, who would it be?" Monkey asked.
"I'll say Crane. Mantis is kinda... I don't know." Viper replied making the bug a little annoyed. "Alright my turn," She added, "Truth or dare?"
"Truth!" Mantis replied.
"How many girlfriends did you break up with?" Viper asked.
"Oh uh...well... let's see, there was this butterfly girl... then there was this...uh... I would say nine, no no, eleven!" Mantis replied making the group stare at him.
"What?" Mantis asked.
"Dude, you broke up with a lot of girls." Monkey said.
"So? What's the matter?" Mantis asked to the group who just remained silent, "Anyways, continuing on, Tigress truth or dare?"
"I'd rather not play this childish game." Tigress replied as she continued eating her noodles.
"As come on, just this once." Mantis begged.
"No." Tigress replied.
"Just this once Tigress, have some fun once in a while." Monkey said.
"I could agree with Monkey." Viper said making Tigress look at her, "I mean, why don't you have some fun every once in a while?"
"Alright. Just this once." Tigress groaned. "Dare." She said.
"Hmmm... I was expecting you to say truth but never mind..." Mantis said as he was thinking for a dare, "I got it! I dare you to go on a date with Po! If you do it, we get to give you twenty almond cookies." Mantis said.
"What?!" Tigress almost yelled, "I can't go on a date with him!"
"Yeah Mantis, Po just got his heart broken and you want Tigress to go on a date with him? If he finds out that she's doing it for a dare, he would totally be devastated." Viper said.
"Wait, let me finish." Mantis said, "And if Tigress won't go on a date with him, she has to give each of us ten almond cookies."
"Alright I'm in." Monkey said along with Crane and Viper.
"Wait what?" Tigress asked the group. "Viper, I thought you said that I shouldn't do this?" Tigress asked.
"Well, ten almond cookies is pretty good." Viper replied.
"But if Po finds out, who knows what could happen to him." Tigress said.
"Then we make sure he doesn't find out." Mantis said.
"No I'm not doing it." Tigress said.
"Come on Tigress, maybe you can cheer him up if you do it, plus if you don't, you he to pay us twenty almond cookies." Mantis said.
Tigress thought about it for a while then groaned.
"Fine, but if this goes wrong, you guys are totally gonna get it." Tigress said. Then she finished her food and they all headed back to the palace.
Back at the palace, Po was lying faced down on his bed in his room as he cried silently.
"I... I can't believe Song... left me for that lion." Po said between tears. "And I... I was supposed to... to..." He said as he sat up and reached in his pocket and grabbed a small box. He opened it up to reveal a golden ring in it. Then he started to tear up again and dropped the box on his lap. Then he lied back face down on his bed dropping the box to the floor.
By that time, the Five were already at the palace and were heading towards the barracks when they heard someone crying.
"Man, Po's upset real bad." Mantis said as they entered.
"I just hope he could get over this and let everything get back to normal again." Viper said as they went to their rooms.
The night was a little hard since the Five couldn't get to sleep because of Po's crying. Tigress was in her room listening to Po's crying as he laid on her bed.
"I really shouldn't be doing this." Tigress said to herself.
Then after a few minutes of crying, Po finally fell asleep making the barracks fill with peaceful silence and making the Five fall asleep as well.
Done, hope you liked it cause I'm gonna post the next chap when this gets positive feedback.
See ya laters, Fanfictioners!