Haruno Sakura, daughter to one of Konoha's heroes. Uchiha Sasuke, Chuunin, who might just be more of a disgrace to his Clan than his brother. Sakura knew going on this mission with him would be a mistake. That she would fall in love with him all over again, and the worst part was - she was right.

Road to Ninja Universe. SasuSaku.

Chapter 27 – Lost with You
"Castaway, I'm running to your shore, so,

Far away, been craving something more.

I don't care 'bout the outcome if we both dive in the deep,

And we'll see our reflection in the depth of you and me."

"This isn't working." Sasuke said, shaking his head in frustration. "Going after her like this is just tiring us out."
"True," Itachi agreed. "But her chakra is dropping significantly every time she uses Izanagi. And she's almost out of chakra."
Sasuke's fists clenched at his sides. "Do we just….do we just kill her?"
Itachi looked at him.
"She's still our mother." Sasuke said.
Itachi opened his mouth to reply but Sakura's scream blocked out whatever he was saying. Sasuke wasn't sure if she screamed once or over and over again because the sound seemed to echo in his ear, knocking the breath from his lungs. His feet moved before he actively registered that he was running towards her. Itachi was right on his heels. Sakura screamed again and Sasuke pushed himself harder, faster as fear iced the blood in his veins. Please be okay. Please just…
He thought about how harshly he'd treated her in his Susanoo and the empty look in her eyes after, as she faced him.
The first thing he heard as they got closer was Sakura's sobs and her begging someone to…stop. Itachi grabbed his arm but Sasuke broke free. Half…half of Sakura's body was black and she seemed to be resisting her own movements. Sasuke ran to the spot in front of her – and then went very still. One green eye moved up to him, filled to the brim with tears. The other – the other eye…was different. Blood streaked down her dark cheek and there was another eye there. Staring at him. An unfamiliar eye. Purple with some kind of spiral pattern.
"Sasuke," Sakura voice cut through him, bringing him to his knees in front of her. Black Zetsu laughed, using Sakura's arm to reach up to that green eye and Sasuke caught her wrist. In her other hand were two eyeballs. One green and the other…a Sharingan. Behind him, he heard his mother's soft cries. Sasuke could sense Itachi at his side but he couldn't look away from Sakura's green eye.
"Release her." Sasuke told Black Zetsu, his voice hard and promising death.
"Did you really think this was over? That you've won?" Black Zetsu laughed, but it was jarring to Sasuke that it was Sakura moving. "And by what? Killing her?" Black Zetsu shook Sakura's head, causing her pink hair to move around her. "Things worked out so perfectly this time. Father would be proud."
Sakura jolted. "Well this is interesting." And then her eyes moved to Itachi. "He attached himself to me because the thinks you won't attack me!" she said in a rush but the more she spoke, the more strained she seemed, as if Black Zetsu was attempting to stop her from speaking. "He's…vulnera…" her words died in her throat and Itachi moved, his sword swinging in his hand before he brought it down. On Sakura.
"No!" Sasuke yelled, reaching out to stop him but it was too late. Itachi's sword bit into Sakura's shoulder, red blood pouring over the inky skin and it was Sakura who screamed. Not Black Zetsu.
Black Zetsu grinned. "Is that the best you can do?"
"Stop it!" Sasuke hissed but Itachi shoved him aside, bringing his blade down into Sakura's abdomen. Black Zetsu made a shocked sound, the eyeballs slipping from his hands and onto the floor as Itachi sword penetrated her skin. Black Zetsu slipped off, body flopping onto the floor and disappearing into the ground. Sakura fell back, eyes falling shut, Itachi's sword going with her as she back hit the ground. Itachi spun, eyes going everywhere and after a long moment, he turned to Sasuke, watching his brother swipe up the eyeballs from the ground.
"He's gone."
Sasuke pulled Itachi's sword from Sakura and the wound began bleeding steadily. He needed to get her back to Konoha immediately. Sasuke lifted her in his arms and looked back at his mother. She was unconscious and lying on her back. Her eye sockets were hollow, face covered in blood.
"Bring her." Sasuke told his brother before taking off towards Konoha. After a moment, he felt Itachi join him. The barrier and sealing teams were waiting at the gate with Kakashi, Gai and Asuma. Sasuke ignored them all, carrying Sakura past the gates to where he was sure Shizune was still healing Menma. He just hoped she had enough chakra to save Sakura.
Sakura's face was pale, making the blood on her cheeks look even brighter. Sasuke couldn't help the feeling of guilt that settled into his gut. His mother was being sealed away forever at that very moment. And if he'd fired that arrow sooner, this wouldn't have happened to Sakura. Sasuke was sure he'd never forget the terrified look in her eye when he stopped in front of her. He'd never forget the way she said his name. What happened to her was his fault. His weakness did this to her. Sasuke's arms tightened around her as he hurried towards where he could finally see Shizune. Menma was sitting up slightly and was the first to see them approach. He took only look at Sakura and his glare turned to Sasuke.
He stood. "What the fuck have you done?"
Shizune shot to her feet and hurried over to Sasuke. "Set her down here."
Sasuke did as instructed, gentle setting Sakura down in front of Shizune. "What happened?"
Wordlessly, Sasuke held out the eyeball he'd retrieved, his hand shaking so much that it was impossible not to notice. "Can you?"
Shizune took only look at it and her eyes filled with tears as she shook her head. She couldn't put it back. She turned back to Sakura, one hand healing the wound on her abdomen, the other checking her eyes.
"You son of a bitch!" Menma grabbed Sasuke collar, shaking him violently. "You had one fucking job! Look after Sakura!"
Sasuke didn't fight back and made no move to dodge or stop him as Menma's fist connected with his face. Sasuke stumbled back and Menma hit him again. He deserved this.
"Menma!" Kushina called but he ignored her, punching Sasuke again. Sasuke turned his gaze back to where Shizune was healing Sakura. She hadn't opened her eyes yet –

Menma hit him again. And again, until Sasuke's vision began to grow darker and darker and he dropped.


Sakura seemed to wake up all at once. She opened her eyes and while one was perfectly normal, there was no color coming into the other. It took in so much detail that Sakura could feel her temples pounding and it took a little effort but she managed to close the one. She let out a shaky breath as the events seemed to rush back. Watching herself…forcibly remove someone's eyes. Bile rose in her throat and Sakura shuddered, squeezing her eye shut once again.
"You're awake."
The voice made her jump slightly and Sakura sat up so fast the world began to spin. She gripped the bed tightly, taking deep breaths. It took her a moment to realize where she was. Konoha Hospital and sitting in the chair next to her bed was Uchiha Itachi.
He must've seen the shock on her face because he lifted a brow. "Not the brother you were expected."
"Not…exactly." She croaked. Itachi gave her a long look before he stood and poured her a glass of water.
Sakura drank greedily and watched him over the rim of the glass as he sat back down elegantly.
"Let me get straight to the point." He said. "I managed to convince Sasuke to go home and take a shower, the only reason he went is because I promised to stay here."
Sakura finished the water and set the glass back on the metal stand next to the bed.
"There's a reason for that."
"Yeah," Sakura said finally, "I figured. What do you want?"
"I'm sure you're aware that my mother was successfully sealed."
Sakura nodded. While she wasn't a hundred percent sure about the events that followed, she concluded that if she was alive and in the hospital, Mikoto must've been sealed away.
"But Black Zetsu escaped. And as the new Hokage, you are not exactly in a position to pursue him."
"What is it that you want exactly?" Sakura asked, narrowing her eyes.
"You'll need to stay here to restore stability to Konoha and deal with the Tsuchikage. I would like permission from Konoha to eliminate Black Zetsu personally."
"As a member of Akatsuki?" Sakura shook her head. "You should know that Konoha's funds will be limited to rebuilding for the time being. We won't be able to afford the services of your mercenary group."
"No. I want to do this independently."
Sakura took a breath. "What's the catch?"
Itachi stared at her, unflinching. "I want Sasuke to come with me."
Sakura's heart dropped. There it was. "Then ask him." She said warily.
Itachi shook his head. "You know he won't leave. Not now."
"And what? You want me to make him go?"
"Not exactly. I will request this again, formally. Sasuke will be there. And I want you to accept my request."
Sakura stared at her hands in her lap, unsure of what to say.
"Why would I agree to this?"
"Because," Itachi said, getting to his feet. "Sasuke wants to see this to the end, but he can't leave you. And…after what happened to our family, to our mother…what the Uchiha did. Having Sasuke deal with Black Zetsu might smooth things over, don't you agree?"
Itachi said nothing else as he walked to the door, a few moments later she heard footsteps and a female voice talking softly.
"Yes, she's awake." Itachi stepped aside, and Shizune entered the room. Sakura didn't look up but she knew he was gone when the door shut.
Shizune looked her over and gave her a clear bill of health and Sakura stood, dressing quickly in the clothes someone had brought for her and stored in the bedside table.
"The eye." Shizune said. "Is it…causing you trouble?"
Sakura straightened, catching sight of herself in the mirror. It…the eye…was a stark difference to the rest of her face. It stood out, now being the first thing you saw when you looked at her.
"Do you know what it is?" Sakura asked.
"Yes. According to Itachi…it's called a Rinnegan. I've sent for information on it from the allied nations. We should hear back soon."
Sakura nodded slowly. "Thank you."
Footsteps echoed in the hallway outside. Footsteps she knew too well. But the conversation with Itachi was too fresh in her mind. Too new for her to face him and without saying a word, Sakura opened the window and slipped out into the bright Konoha sun.


Thanks for reading and for the reviews!

Here is a teaser from the next chapter: What's Done Is Done –

"She's avoiding me."
"Why would you say that?" Menma asked, clearly annoyed as they leaned over the rail on the bridge. The stream flowed gently below them and the sunlight glittered on the water. Things between them had been slightly more awkward since the end of the battle. Losing Hinata…had been hard for Menma. He struggled to sleep and eat. And he saw her in his lap every time he closed his eyes.

- Zana-Lee