A/N: School just started here so I wasn't able to write that much and I also focused some of my attention in my new account that I just created on deviantart but For those reader who read my stories up until now especially 1st female scarlet speedster and Pony1997 Thank you very much. ^_^

Important Note: I'm going to explain the bat siblings ages here in my story so there wouldn't be any misunderstanding.

Dick Grayson - 18 years old
Jason Todd - 16 years old
Tim Drake - 14 years old

Warning: Some OOCness and a little AU

Disclaimer: I don't own Young Justice and the Cover Picture. All credits goes to the real owner.




'Mind link'

CHAPTER 02: The Findings Part 02

- Artemis and Kid Flash -

"It's weird"

"What? You?"

"Of course not! I'm awesome!" Kid Flash shouted making Artemis rolled her eyes.

As they said earlier, they were in the east part side of the building but when they heard from Robin that he's with Red Hood, they both decided to go where the two bird is but unfortunately the place is too big and the blue print that was handed to them didn't help at all causing them to end up from square one (Now they know how Red Arrow feels)

"Keep your mouth shut Baywatch!" Artemis said, accidentally raising her vice as well.

"Look who's talking!" He roared back but then sighed thinking that it was pointless to argue with the archer so he instead went back to what was being said before the little fight begun. "What I was saying is that, for a big place like this there isn't actually many people around here and the security is also pretty weak"

You'd thing Artemis will think of it for a minute before reacting but boy was the junior speedster wrong "Why did you just told it now!?" She shouted.

"I wasn't sure yet!"

"How coul-! Nevermind. Let's just tell the others"

- Miss Martian and Superboy -

'Be careful something's wrong'

"Did you get that Superboy?" The female Martian questioned but when she didn't get any response from the said boy she quickly looked where she last saw him and found him still there standing and engrossed in reading a file in a blue folder.

The place is a medium sized room with shelves full of disorganized books but the paper and folders littered all around the place are more noticeable since some of it are piled up looking like a mountain and some are even hanging from the ceiling. In other words, this room feels like some place where Red Tornado comes in and farted; Messy.

"What's that?" Miss martian asked as she stood near Superboy and peeked through his shoulder.

"A file" Came the short reply. His features didn't have that usual bored look on his face but rather he looks like somewhere between surprised, pity and a look of understanding. When Miss Martian kept looking at him, he hastily stated:

"The weapon is real"

- Red Arrow and Aqualad -

Red Arrow didn't even bother looking up when Aqualad came 5 minutes after Kid Flash called but instead he continued surveying the red liquid that looks like blood in a small test tube on the laboratory room.

Aqualad just shrugged and went to his own surveying and luckily he found a room located at the left side. When he went inside all he saw was a room full of medical supplies.

Red Arrow was still inspecting the red liquids and some papers besides it while Aqualad is now checking to what seems like a Medical bay when Superboy's voice rung in their head.

'The Weapon is real'

"Red Arrow" Aqualad said sounding alerted through the other room.

"I know" Red Arrow announced. "I also found a blue file here that says the weapon is a human experiment not a clone like Superboy"

Aqualad walked around the room again. "Do you think this is the place the weapon was(is) experimented then treated afterwards? He kept walking until he came across a blue folder on a table much like the the other ones have. He examined it first then looked at it's content and was very shocked at what he found.

Red Arrow couldn't see it because of the wall between them but the Atlantean's voice said it clear at how shock he was.

"Red Arrow come here and see this quickly"

- Robin and Red Hood -

"So Teeth Flash said that something was wrong which by the way you probably already know and BoySupey confirmed that the weapon is real? Wow" Red Hood sounded half surprised. "How about PinkArrow and GrilledFish?"

"Will you please stop giving them those nicknames? They have names you know" Robin scolded. "And No. I haven't heard anything from the yet"

Red Hood sighed as they stopped and stood in front of a door.

'Miss Martian can you link Red Hood?' Robin telepathically said.


In a matter of seconds the team could now feel the ex-robin's presence in their minds.

'Woah! It feels like I just joined a Facebook chat!' The man snickered.

"Sometimes... I feel like I'm older than him..." Robin exasperatedly muttered under his breath. "So this is it"

They examined the door in front of them and was mesmerized at how big it was and comparing its color to the other door which is Reddish Brown this one is Silver Gray and has a chains like design carved into it and in the middle is a flame with a large wing spreading widely.

Robin was about to speak but his companion cut him off by bursting through the door with a loud bang and then standing in the middle of the room. 'Stealth skills... 20%- Oh wait. -10 because he broke the door so it should be 10% only" The younger teen inwardly thought.

"The door wasn't strong as how it is big" That's the only thing the man said after causing a ruckus which bothered no one again. Seriously. Are the walls sound proof or something?

Robin stepped inside as well and marveled at the sights of the room filled with different kinds of books. "A Library?" He went to one of the shelves and picked a book to open. "The Manor doesn't have this" It wouldn't be bad if he just took one and take it home right? Wait- No! That's wrong!

By now Robin is having a conflict between himself in his mind to whether he should take it or not. So much for Batman's lesson 'Leave no clues behind' Screw that! The door is already broken anyway. 'Maybe I should somehow thank Red Hood for that'

"I don't know if your doing it on purpose but I could hear everything you just said" The man grinned ear to ear. "And I'll be expecting that gratitude of yours"

In return Robin blushed in embarrassment. Batman is so gonna have a fit about this. Just then, Robin's comm link rung so he fished it in his utility belt only to find Batman staring directly at him through the screen. 'speaking of which'

"A word got out that the Apprentice of Deathstroke was hired by the Blue Sactuary"

A/N: Sorry if it was short but I'll be able to post sooner now. Have a good day! Reviews and Comments are very much appreciated :D