Alright, let's do some trailblazing! The very first Mass Effect/Guyver crossover, at least on this site! I'm very curious to see how this fic will do. In my experience The Guyver isn't that popular of a franchise, but it was my very first anime that I ever saw (The gruesome scenes were pretty scary for child me, but I still liked the show.) and it's been something of a favorite ever since!

Warning(s)!: This fic will probably be the least of my priorities in actually writing, so updates will likely be very slow. Pretty much I'm just releasing this now so that word can start spreading about it, so to speak.

Disclaimer: I do not own either Mass Effect or The Guyver. I am writing this purely to see reader reaction and for fun. I make no financial profit doing this.

Prologue – The Last Martian's Gambit

Alarms blared throughout the Prothean Observation Outpost turned Bio Weapons lab. The Reapers had finally forced their way to this planet, after dozens of years of war.

Korai Irikan, the commander and lead scientist of the outpost, raced to the depths of the facility as fast as he could, shouting orders to his staff. In his arms he clutched the culmination of his life's work, a weapon that could have helped them win the war. But the Reapers found them too soon for their work to come to fruition.

"Release the Zoanoids! Unleash them on the Reaper forces!" The building shook around him, nearly making him fall.

"Right away sir!" A scientist in their genetics labs responded, looking at the immature results of their experimentation. A series of monitors showed multiple large cells that held what could only be described as monsters. Large bipedal creatures, nearly twice the size of any Prothean, with patchy grey fur, sharp teeth, and tight, corded muscle. Not for the first time the Prothean wondered if they'd be punished for their actions in the afterlife. The beasts used to be inhabitants of the third planet in this system, before they'd been captured by the Prothean's and brought here for experimentation.

The war against the Reapers had been raging for longer than any Prothean here had even been alive, and their armies were mere shadows of what they had been. So Doctor Irikan had come up with a plan to reinforce their armies, by manipulating the genes of a primitive race into cheap, powerful, and obedient shock troopers.

The inhabitants of the third planet were a fortuitous find, possessing multiple qualities they had been looking for. They were intelligent, capable of forging and using tools. They had a high aptitude for violence, slaying beasts that should have been able to easily slaughter them. They were very adaptable, capable of living and thriving in a wide array of environments. But most interesting was their genetic diversity, making it very easy to augment and manipulate their genes into a desired form.

Eventually they had been able to build in a battle form, directly into their genetic code, what they were calling a Zoanoid. But their studies were incomplete. They had wanted to create multiple Zoanoid types, for the different theatres of war; tailor their design so they could take full advantage of and thrive in specific battlefield types. They had been so close! Perhaps one more month and they would have had the first wave ready to deploy, but the Reapers had broken through!

Quickly pressing a series of buttons and inputting his pass code, the doors to the Zoanoid's cell's slid open. The creatures inside didn't hesitate to escape, and it didn't take long for them to come across Reaper forces, the monstrosities the Reapers had transformed their captured brothers and sisters into. They realized their hypocrisy, transforming another race into bio weapons to fight the Reapers, but they were desperate.

The Zoanoid's great strength allowed them to tear apart any Reaper soldier they got their clawed hands on, and their speed was enough to ensure their targets wouldn't get away, but they had no defense against their guns. The particle weaponry easily sliced through their toughened hide, but it didn't matter. The Zoanoids were serving their purpose, buying time for Irikan to secure his work for the next cycle to discover, and hopefully help them defeat the Reapers.

The blast doors to the lab began to spark as the Reaper forces began cutting through the thick metal. When the attack had begun, the science team had sealed themselves inside, severing all controls to the blast door. The only way to open it would be through force.

The Protheans all readied their particle rifles, taking cover behind overturned exam tables and counters, ready to fight to their dying breaths.

Korai reached the stasis capsule, out of breath. Setting the case containing his work down on a nearby table, he opened it for one last look at his creation. Inside were three thick disc like objects. They were fleshy tendrils encased in metal plates with a silvery orb in the center. He called them Guyver Units, meant to be joined with their test subjects as a weapon. Unfortunately, the potential for a Prothean was negligible, a mere small boost to physical ability. But tests with the third worlds species had been promising, magnifying their abilities tremendously for a brief period until the unit malfunctioned and killed the test subject. The three units he had here were the perfected model. There should be no lasting harm to the host no matter how long the unit is active.

Resealing the case, he placed it reverently into the stasis capsule, and locked it shut, engaging the transit system that would take it deep beneath the facility, where their backup servers were in hibernation, now completely cut off from any activity above.

Moments later, he could hear the scuttling of the Collectors chitin covered limbs moving down the hallway. Reaching into a pocket, Korai withdrew a simple cylindrical detonator, and flipped open the safety guard. Just as the Reaperized Protheans reached him, pointing their guns threateningly, he smirked savagely and pressed the button.

"This is one Prothean you will not take, dead or alive! I will take all of you to hell with me!"

The upper levels of the outpost erupted in nuclear fire, obliterating everything in a mile radius, but leaving the lowest levels intact. Deep beneath the ground the stasis capsule safely cradled the Martian's gambit, waiting to be discovered.

End Prologue!

Ok, so let's see how that goes. As the character filter says, this will be a femshep fic, who will be Earthborn and primarily Paragon, though there'll probably be times when Renegade action is taken. As for pairings, I don't know yet. But not Kaiden, as I just don't really like him.

Anyways, please review and let know your thoughts! All feedback, constructive criticism and questions are welcome and appreciated!