HOLY SHIT IM SUPER SORRY ABOUT THE SPACING. I have no idea how it happened, but shout out to Dyton for telling me. Sorry again guys. It finally happened, another crappily written update! Sorry about the update time, it comes with the first few days of summer. Along with the good news of updating comes sad news, this is the final chapter! I didn't like writing the story anymore so I'm finishing it up here at six chapters. But still, please enjoy the last installment of Advanceshipping- Kalos!
Lumiose City PC- Morning
Ash and May walked into the PC, two hours late, the excuse was, they had slept late after "A fun night." for the sake of Bonnie, which to May's delight, had Serena about to explode with anger.
"So like Brothers fun night with the computer?"
Clemont waved his hands at Bonnie, signalling her to stop.
"Is that so Clemont? Because I found some cameras on the place where we were having dinner.." Ash said
Clemont began to deny that he did anything of the sort, when a flying shoe that came from May's direction, hitting him in the face and knocking him out.
Kalos Route 14
"The scary route… are we really going to do this?" (giggty) Serena asked, trembling.
"Oh Serena, afraid of a challenge?" May said with a smirk.
Serena, not paying attention, had walked into a Haunter.
"HAUN HAUN HAUNTER!" The Haunter exclaimed.
"Sorry…. please… don't… hurt… me…"
"Maybe you should catch it?" Clemont said with a giggle from behind his camera. He was definitely going viral with this video.
"Uhm, right! Lets go Fenniken!"
A red fox appeared with probably an attempt to intimidate the Haunter, but instead came out as a cute little, "FennIKEN!"
Fiery dust shot towards Haunter, but it dodge easily and sped towards Fenniken charging up a Shadow Claw.
"Gah! Fenniken, use Quick Attack!"
Fenniken shot forward with a burst of speed, and flew through the Haunter.
"Serena, everybody knows that normal moves don't work on ghost types." May said matter of factly.
Fenniken shot towards May's face, and mouthed what looked like sorry, before slamming into, then jumping off of May's face into Haunter.
"Haun! Haaun, ter ter…" The Haunter stammered, barely able to float.
"Alright Fenniken! Use Ember one last time!"
The fiery dust shot towards Haunter, but before the Ember could land a hit, it shot towards Fenniken and used Astonish. This made Fenniken fly back and hit Serena, causing her to land on her back in the trademark Route 14 Swamp.
"Haun haun haunter!" The Haunter said with a giggle, and flew away.
Then she stood up, and threw Clemont into the mud.
Farther in Route 14
The group had stopped for lunch in a clearing of downed trees. One of the trees had fallen at an angle, so the tree's branches had got caught in some other trees branches, making some of it off the ground. May had taken advantage of this and started to nap on the bit of the tree that was in the sun. However, a gust of wind knocked May off, luckily, Ash was nearby and caught her, making for a crappy fluff moment.
The two exchanged words so fluffy I don't want to write them, and then Ash kissed her.
"Your always there when I feel like falling down." May said with a giggle.
"I should let you fall because of that pun." Ash said. And he did.
Laverre City- Airport
It was a scene of sweet tender, awkward goodbyes. Bonnie had given May a heartfelt hug, making her promise the next time they would see each other (which is never, I mean, come on.) May would have to give her coordinating tips. May gave Clemont a punch in the face, she simply stared at Serena and said,
"The best girl won." May said with a smile
"You mean the sluttiest." Serena replied.
"At least I don't try and steal a boy from a perfectly happy relationship."
"Anyways! Bye Serena, just remember who the better looking and who has the better social status!"
Vivillion had to put Serena to sleep.
May walked up to Ash, and began a long kiss. After a while May looked up at him and whispered,
"I'm still pissed about when you dropped me."
"I know." Ash said.
They briefly kissed one more time before May turned to walk on the tarmac. She pause right before the door and said,
"Hey, theres been a surprising lack of Pikachu, and since I'm a Top Coordinator, shouldn't there be a lot of press?"
"Whatever. See you guys! Love you Ash!" And with that, she turned and walked out to her plane.
Laverre City PC- Dinner
"So Ash, now that May is gone, want to, I dunno? Go out on a date with me?" Serena said with a wink
This journey was going to be long.
And thats it! Sorry again about the no update for so long and ending one chapter short, but I didn't have any other ideas, so I just scrunched three together and made it into one one, fluff (sort of) rivalry and humorous chapter! The plan for the next story is, a OC Battling story! It won't be a tournament (I know, I didn't think it was possible for an OC story not be a tournament.) What it will be is a traveling ref reffing battles between OC's and trainers in the Anime! I will be sending an early OC form for two people. One will be a person who reviewed consistently, and one who gave me some good advice. The plan to release the story is this: The early OC forms will go out Monday, June 23, then the "public OC forms (they will be the same) will go out that Friday, with the first couple chapters hopefully coming out that weekend. Anyways, sorry for the crappy quality of the chapters, this really was meant to be a one-shot, but thanks to all for ignoring the bad writing to read this story. Peace!
P.S.- You all should follow me as an Author so if you don't get the early OC forms you can be the first to fill the public form.