Lemmy's Tire Service

by Yoshizilla-Fan

Lemmy Koopa was in the garage of one of his tire shops, which was located somewhere at the starting line of Delfino Airport.

"Tires! Get your tires!" Lemmy hollered in a high pitched voice, riding on top of a tire rather than his usual star spotted ball. "Get your tires before I retire!"

Then, realizing he made a bad tire pun, Lemmy fell off his tire, which rolled over his body as he landed. "Oh pancake pennies! I better not make any more bad puns, or I'll turn into Lakithunder!"

Suddenly, Iggy Koopa rode by on top of a Chain Chomp. "Hi hi hi brother! What's upper?"

"Oh, just selling tires! You wanna by some tires?" Lemmy asked, pulling himself back up.

"Me? Tires? My Chain Chomp doesn't need no stinkin' tires! But thanks for your offer!" Iggy pulled out a whip, smacking his Chain Chomp with it as it pulled him away, barking loudly.

It was then that Wendy Koopa rode by, seeing Lemmy's tire service. "Well look who it is. Sold any tires lately?"

Lemmy jumped back onto his tire, regaining his balance. "No, but I'll sell you a tire or two! And I got airplane tires too! I'm better than that Italian car who's name is the same as that green man!"

Wendy nodded once. "I see. I guess I'll be your first customer."

Lemmy jumped up and did a one hand stand on his tire in excitement. "Great! I'll get you some tires right away, sister!"

Wendy pulled in her cart closer. "By the way, can I pay you in pennies?"