A.N- 'Thoughts'


Declaimer: I do not own (anything) Harry Potter universe or characters.

Harry's pov

Diagon Alley

August 6th

1 o'clock pm

Several days had passed since my visit to Gringotts and within that time, I have fallen into a routine. I ate breakfast every morning in the Leaky Cauldron (spending time talking to Ginny or accidentally listening to her side of the bond), afterward I would spend time in Diagon Alley (exploring shops and trying different sweets that I bought from various shops). Quality Quidditch was by far my favorite shop and where I spent more of my time. One day, when passing by the window, I noticed a crowd of people gathered around the shop window.

"Just came out- a prototype-" a tall sandy-haired wizard tells his companion.

"It's the fastest broom on the market, isn't it, Dad," a young boy says with excitement.

"Irish International Side's just put in an order for seven of these beauties," the owner of the shop announces, "And they are the favorite of the World Cup!"

A large broad-shouldered wizard in front of me moved, and I was able to read the sign next to the broom:


This state of the art racing broom sports a streamline, superfine handle of ash, treated with a diamond-hard polish and hand numbered with its own registration number. Each individually selected birch twig in the broom tail has been honed to aerodynamic perfection, giving the Firebolt unsurpassable balance and pinpoint precision. The Firebolt has an acceleration of 150 miles an hour in ten seconds and incorporates an unbreakable braking charm. Price on request.

'Price upon request,' I think to myself.

'What is, price upon request,' I hear Ginny ask.

'A new racing broom just came out, The Firebolt, and it says the price on request.'

'Are you thinking of buying one?'

'It's tempting but I have a perfectly good broom. So, I don't think it is a good idea, at least not at the moment.'

'True. Maybe later, then?'

'Yeah, I need to buy school supplies now.'

Third Year Supply List

Unfogging the Future by Cassandra Vablatsky (if attending Divination)

The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 3 by Miranda Goshawk

Intermediate Transfiguration by Emeric Switch

The Monster Book of Monsters (if attending Care of Magical Creatures)

Numerology and Gramatica (if attending Arithmancy)

Home Life and Social Habits of British Muggles by Wilhelm Wigworthy (if attending Muggle Studies)

Spellman's Syllabary (if attending Study of Ancient Runes)

The Essential Defence Against the Dark Arts by Arsenius Jigger

I make my way to Flourish and Blotts to buy new school books. When opening the door to the bookshop, I notice in the window display about a hundred of The Monster Book of Monsters in an iron cage, snapping at each other.

'That explains why Hagrid sent me The Monster Book of Monsters. At least it's not another one of his terrifying pets, that he needs help with.'

'What do you mean?'

'First Year, Hagrid had a three-headed dog and attained a baby dragon.'

'Oh, but what about the book?'

'It's for Care of Magical Creatures' class.'

'Why would Hagrid send you that particular book though?'

'I don't know but we will find out September 1st, I'm assuming.'

Once I enter Flourish and Blotts, the door shutting behind me, the manager of the store calls out to me, "Hogwarts?"

"Yes," I start, "I need-"

"Get out of the way," he says, pushing past me with a pair of thick gloves on and a walking stick like thing in one hand as he made his way towards The Monster Book of Monsters's cage.

"Hold on," I say quickly, "I already have one of those."

"Have you," the manager says, a look of relief spread across his face, "Thank heavens for that. I've been bitten five times this morning already. Now is there anything I can help you with?"

"Yes," I say looking at my supply list, "Unfogging the Future by Cassandra Vablatsky."

"Ah, starting Divination, are you," the manager says, stripping off his gloves and leading me to a corner in the back of the store.

"Here you are," the manager hands me a thick black book, "Unfogging the Future. Very good guide to all your basic fortune-telling methods-palmistry-crystal balls- bird entrails-"

I tune him out as another book had caught my attention, Death Omens: What to Do When You Know the Worst is Coming. On the cover was a black dog the size of a bear with gleaming eyes, it looked oddly familiar…

"Oh, I wouldn't read that if I were you," the manager says, "You'll start seeing death omens everywhere. It's enough to frighten anyone to death. Anything else?"

"Ah, yes, The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 3, Intermediate Transfiguration, and The Essential Defence Against the Dark Arts," I say distractedly.

"Follow me," the manager leads me through the bookshop, handing me books as we go, "That all then?"

'Ask if he has any books on soul bonds,' Ginny says.

"Do you have any books on soul bonds," I ask.

He looks at me curiously, "Soul bonds you say. I don't remember that being a book for Hogwarts."

"No, it isn't," I say quickly, "A friend of mine loves to read and was interested in the subject, her birthday is coming soon."

The manager looked as if he didn't believe me, "A friend, huh? Let's seen if I have one."

He goes around the bookshop, looking through books, before stopping in a dark corner of the shop, "Ah, here's one, Soul Bond: A History and Guide, looks like the only one, too. I wouldn't recommend the book as it's a load of dragon dung but if you insist."

"What do you mean, a load of dragon dung?"

"There only has been only one finding of a soul bond and even with that finding, it was only speculation, not a fact."

"So, you are saying soul bonds do not exist?"

"They could but that's a very low possibility."

"Thank you," I say, "I'm ready to buy the books."

"Of course, follow me," he says leading me to the register, "That will be 60 Galleons."

I hand over the money quickly, "Thank you," I put the books into my backpack before slinging it back over my shoulders and leaving the shop.

The next stop I made was to the Apothecary to fill up on some potions ingredients and then I went to Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions to buy new robes as mine were getting kind of short in the arms and legs. Finally, I went back to the Leaky Cauldron to put my new things in my room and to eat supper.

I was sitting a table in the corner of the Leaky Cauldron, eating Shepherd's Pie with a side of Treacle Tart and Butterbeer, as I started to read Soul Bond: A History and Guide.

a soul bond occurs when a person saves other's soul from harm's way, in doing so, the souls intertwine and become one soul shared between two bodies. When this happens bondmates are automatically in the eyes of the wizarding world married and if the bondmates are underage, they will both become emancipated…The only known couple to have had a soul bond was Morgan Le Fay and Merlin…

'I didn't know Merlin and Morgan Le Fay were real. I thought it was just a legend,' I thought.

'They were real and they are older than the Founders of Hogwarts.'

'That's interesting, the book suggests they had a soul bond.'

'They could have but there isn't much documentation from the days of Merlin and Morgan Le Fay.'

I flip through a few more pages before a chart catches my eye:

Initial Process- the soul of each is taken and combine to form a new soul, half is placed back in one and the other half in the other-will be unconscious for a few hours as the soul settles within the two bodies.

Step 1 (Mental Part 1)- about two months from initial, bondmates will begin to listen to each other's thoughts and hear the world through their bondmate.

Step 2 (Mental Part 2)- about two months from step 1 and about four months from initial, bondmates will gain access to each other's memories and knowledge.

Step 3 (Taste)- about three months from step 2 and about seven months from initial, bondmates will have the ability to taste what the other is tasting.

Step 4 (Smell)- about five months from step 3 and about a year from initial, bondmates will have the ability to smell what the other is smelling.

Step 5 (Sight)- about six months from step 4 and about a year and a half months from initial, bondmates will be able to see the world through the other's eyes.

Step 6 (Touch)- about six months from step 5 and about two years from initial, bondmates will be able to feel what the other is touching and how they are feeling (sickness, pain, etc).

Step 7 (Teleportation)- about six months from step 6 and about two and a half years from initial, bondmates will have the ability to transport to their bondmate in times of trouble and when mastered can transport at will, even through wards.

Step 8 (Final Process)- about a year from step 7 and about three and a half years from initial, will gain the ability to read bondmate's emotions and finalize the bond but comes with the price of maintaining contact between the two bondmates for 24 hours a day and 7 days a week for one year, after the year is over bondmates will need to have contact for at least eight hours a day.

'Well, this is a lot to take in.'

'What,' I hear Ginny ask.

'According to this book, there are a total of eight steps not including the initial bonding that we will go through.'

'What are they?'

'Mental Parts 1 and 2, Taste, Smell, Sight, Touch, teleportation, and the Final Process. All of this happens over the course of almost four years.'

'That a long time for it to settle and finalize.'

'It is. Gin, I think I am going to check out a property or maybe both, tonight, that were left to me.'

'Which one are you thinking of checking out first?'

'I think I want to check out Potter Castle first.'

I get up from the table I was sitting at and head to my room as I knew that if Tom saw me disappear, he would alert Minister Fudge. When I got to my room, I locked the door and then pulled my necklace from my shirt, I found the black dog tag with the words Potter Castle etched into the black metal.

I held the tag tightly in my right hand as I said, "Potter Castle."

Immediately I feel my navel jerk forward, my feet leave the ground; Around me, I could feel the wind rippling and a variety of colors pass by me. My hand still stuck on the Potter Castle dog tag, the necklace felt as though it was choking me while at the same time it felt like it was leading me to my destination. Then my feet slammed back onto the solid ground; I staggered forward collapsing onto the cold, hard grass.

My glasses were knocked from my face as was my breath. I felt around the cold grass until I felt the familiar frames of my metal glasses. I pick them up and set them back on my face before standing up.

"Wow," I say, the look of awe on my face as I take in my surroundings.

Before me was a large four-story grey castle with a grand marble fountain in front of the castle. To my left was a beautiful calm lake and behind the castle, I could see the evidence of a Quidditch field.

'What does it look like,' Ginny asks.

'It's beautiful. I think I can even see a Quidditch pitch from here. I'm going to take a look inside the castle.'

I follow the stone path towards the marvelous castle, I go around the fountain, up the stone steps, and to the large oak double doors. At the top of both doors was the Potter Crest was drawn in gold, standing proudly on the doors. I grab the doorknob and before I turn the knob I hear the faint sounds out the lock clicking out of place and then I open the door. The entrance hall was made of dark wooden floors and white walls; to either side of me, there were doors and to the left just passed the door next to me was a set of stairs.

The front door shuts to a close behind me as I make my way into the room to my left. It is a scarlet red room with dark wooden floors, there is a large window (with scarlet and gold curtains on either side) to my left that overlooks the front lawn, and to my right, there is an equally large brick fireplace with large elegant sofas on either side of it. As I observe the room, I feel as if something is watching me.

"Hello," I call out.


I jump at the sound.

"Come out," my voice cracks, "please."

"Who are you? This is breaking and entering! This's Potter Castle, leave," a small elf comes barreling through another door wielding a frying pan. The elf didn't look much bigger than Dobby. The elf had big blue eyes, big floppy ears, and it wore a red and gold pillowcase with the Potter crest sewn carefully on the left breast.

"Uh… My name's Harry. Harry Potter," I say as I dodge the swinging frying pan.

The frying pan drops to the floor with a clang, "Potter? Harry Potter? Master James and Mistress Lily's son, Harry? Oh! Master!"

The little elf attacks my legs in a fierce hug, "Oh, Master Harry returns! Bubbles keeps the castle clean for Master Harry. Master Harry likes?" The elf now known as Bubbles looks up at me with huge eyes, like a young child who wishes for a toy in the store.

"Uh… Yeah… The house looks great…uh…Bubbles?"

The elf's eyes fill with tears before he lets out a cry, "Oh! Thank you, Master Harry!"

"Just call me Harry, please. Can you show me around?"

"Yes, yes, of course, Master Harry!"

Bubbles leads me through the door out of which he came.

"This here's the dining hall. It's can fit two hundred people and through this door is the kitchens," Bubbles leads me out of the dining hall that could rival the great hall in size and into the kitchens that look the size of half a Quidditch pitch "I's the only surviving elf of the Potters, the others died of old age. In the corner, that door leads to the elf quarters. It can hold up to fifteen elves."

After many hours of Bubbles dragging all through Potter Castle, I was finally back where I started, Bubbles by my side to send me off.

'Harry,' Ginny says, 'didn't you say the house elf, that tried to kill you, is now your house elf?'

'Yes, Dobby. Why?'

'What do you plan to do with Dobby?'

'...Uhh… I haven't thought about it…'

'Maybe you could call him to Potter Castle and he can keep Bubbles company? Because we really don't know how long Bubbles has been by himself at the castle.'

'That's a good idea, Ginny,' I think to her.


"Yes, Master Harry?"

"Is it okay if I bring another house elf to Potter Castle to help you?"

"Master Harry is asking Bubbles opinion?"


"Well…Bubbles guesses that it would be alright. Bubbles does get lonely at times…"

"Okay. Dobby!"

I hear a distinct pop and by my side appears Dobby still dressed in the rags that the Malfoy's had forced him to wear.

"Dobby, this is Bubbles. Bubbles this is Dobby."

"Hi, I's Bubbles," Bubbles says waving at Dobby.

Dobby looks up at me before he replies, "Nice to meet you, Bubbles. I's Dobby."

"Bubbles, can you get Dobby some better clothes?"

"Of course, Master Harry," Bubbles pops away.

"Thank you, Dobby, this is Potter Castle."

"This is yours home?"

"Yes, Dobby. Do you like it here?"

"It looks wonderfuls, Harry Potter. And Bubbles seems nice."

Bubbles pops back holding an identical uniform to the one he was wearing.

"Here's you go, Dobby," Bubbles says giving Dobby the uniform.

"I have to go now, I will call when I need help."

I stand before the fountain, with the huge castle (It held six bedrooms, eight full bathrooms, a large library, a ballroom, a living room, two rooftop greenhouses, a garden behind the manor, a lake, and a Quidditch pitch) behind the fountain, as I pull the dog tags out of my shirt again. This time I find the black tag that reads Loft, I clutch the tag in my right hand as I say, "Loft."

Immediately I feel my navel jerk forward, once again and my feet leave the ground; Around me, I could feel the wind rippling and a variety of colors pass by me. My hand still stuck on the Loft dog tag, the necklace chokingly leads me again to my destination. Then my feet slammed back onto the solid ground; I am prepared this time, instead of staggering forward, I bent my knees and absorb the impact whilst still standing. I gasp for air as I stick the dog tags back into my shirt.

'Tough ride?'

'It's getting better,' I reply to Ginny as I look around the loft.

The loft had an open concept to it, the medium-sized living room area was complete with fireplace, the kitchen was a good size and had modern appliances, the dining room was big enough to hold eight people, and a small library. When I went up the stairs it held four bedrooms and two full bathrooms.

'I think I like the loft more than Potter Castle. It feels homier and welcoming. And not to mention it has a good view of the London skyline,' I tell Ginny.

'Will you move into the loft?'

'Not right now. Maybe after Hogwarts, if that's okay with you?'

'It's okay with me if it is okay with you.'

'Thanks, Ginny.'

'So, where to now?'

'Back to the Leaky Cauldron.'


A soft pop is heard, "The Great Harry Potter has called?"

"Yes, Dobby, can you take me back to my room in the Leaky Cauldron?"

"Yes, Great Harry Potter!"

Dobby grabs my hand and we pop away.