Nothing was fine after that, the place turned out be a home for bloody vampires the last thing in the world any one of them thought would happen. Kate saw Seth and Richie killing their away though them like it was nothing it took her breath away watching them it was like they were dancing, she bite her lips watching them it made her worry for her own soul that she had fallen for the fallen angels.

Some many thing happen at that bar in one night that she couldn't get her head around it, Seth and Richie stood up for her after she said about the blonde man hitting on her at the other bar they stood next to her said guns pointed as they looked at Sex Machine …Oh boy… she thought as she stood there, Jacob had walked over to Scott as he tried to pull chair legs apart making Kate watched as Seth and Rich move to the blonde professor "So tell me Professor is it in your nature to pick up young girls?" Sex Machine gave him a nervous look that he covered up quickly with a cocky smile and said

"Well you know these young fillies are they look older than they are." He chuckled, Seth looked at Richie and pulled his hand back and punched Sex Machine in the face "Ahhh what the hell is wrong with you?" He cried out making every one look at them

"There's nothing wrong with him." Kate answered making the two brothers look at her with a warm smile

"Oh sweet cheeks there's plenty wrong with this one." The blonde hissed though his bloody nose and lips, Seth cocked his gun and placed it at the man's head

"Let's get one thing clear Professor, Kate is not to be touched by you in any shape and form and if I think you are talking to her, looking or even in the same personal space as her I will put a bullet in your head. But I would rather not waste bullets on you when we have other things I should be using it for, do I make myself clear?" Seth asked, the blonde nodded as he looked into the dark steely eyes

"Crystal." He said swallowing thickly as he looked at the gun, nodding Seth pushed him away making him topple over at Kate's feet

"Princess tell us if this man does anything to upset you." Kate blushed and nodded, she was very aware that her dad and brother was watching her.

Richie had been shot and Santanico dragged him away hissing at Gonzalez before Seth rounded on the man. Santanico hovered over Richie as the man tried to move away from her "Please Richie let me help you, your dying." She said touching his wound and then bring it up to her lips an licking the blood off her fingers

"No I thought the painful breathing was asthma." He hissed, she gave him a pouting lip and knelt closer to him

"Richie do this for me I want to be free." He looked at her and frowned as he took her hands off his legs

"Let her go." Santantico froze and looked at him

"That little girl? Why?" She asked narrowing his eyes at him Richie just smiled at her as he felt another pain shoot though his body

"Her and Seth, just let them go."

"After you and your brother help me then he can leave with the angel." She hissed angel with distain, the dark hair man reached for small knife and pushed into her chest.

Santantico hissed and looked down at the knife, she reached up and grabbed it before pulling it out gasping she dropped it to the floor before looking up into Richie's face "Do you love her?" She asked him "Or is it her broken innocent that you love, because you can have them both you can turn them…"

"Stop… Seth would never follow and I won't let Kate be like this."

"For the time being." She purred as she watched Richie stumbled before falling to the floor "I agree to let them both go but they will have to fight while they remain here." She told him as she knelt by his side and cradled his head he looked up at her

"Promise?" He whispered touching her face, she smiled and lowered her face to his hovering just above his lips

"I promise." She whispered before moving to his neck and sinking her fangs into his skin.