On the night of America's birthday party, several countries stayed over at England's house. May of them did not want to make the long treck back, and some of them had been drinking a little too much to allow one person or another to forbid their leaving.

Germany was one such person. He did not get drunk easily, however he knew that he had a possibility of falling asleep at the wheel so had taken up the chance to stay at England's house.

Among the others were France, Spain, Italy and his brother, China, Japan, Russia, and Canada.

Germany was impressed with his quarters. Even though he was not the guest of honor, he still got a bed. How many bedrooms were in this place he wondered. He did not give it much thought. They were staying in an old, remodeled castle. There were probably many rooms that were for guests.

Germany pushed the thoughts aside as he brushed his teeth and washed his face. He headed to bed, and sitting there was a small man with dark hair and eyes wearing a white night gown. Germany knew it was China, but why was he wearing a night gown?

China jumped up onto his feet. "Ai! There you are!" His voice was choppy and short. "I have a favor to ask."

Germany was quiet startled by this. "China, if you have a favor you should go through the proper channels—"

"No, I will ask now." China pointed down for emphases.

"Does it have something to do with your night clothing? If so, you should go ask England instead…" Germany knit his eyebrows together.

China shook his head. "No it does not! It is about changing rooms!"

Germany raised his eyebrows. "Why do you want to change rooms?"

China fidgeted. "I am worried… About… Things."

Germany sighed. "Get out. I am not in the mood to deal with nonsense."

"Aya! Wait!" China wiggled. "I was going to ask America to switch rooms, but he didn't give me the chance to ask! He sudden bolted up the curtain! Man would not let me talk to him!"

"So why are you asking me?" Germany frowned.

"Because you are big scary man and I need big scary man to swtich with me that is not Russia." China huffed.

Germany shook his head.

"Please! Qing ni! Gei wo bangju! Help me!" China was moving closer.

Germany stayed in the same spot, but was growing ever more uncomfortable from the attention. Germany averted his eyes, and covered his forehead. He sighed. "I do not know what you are going on about, but fine…" He looked at China. "However, I hope you remember this."

China bobbed his head, suddenly ecstatic. "I will! Oh, yes!" He grinned. China told Germany where his room was, and called "Wait!" as Germany was starting to leave. Germany turned back, and China was holding up part of his night gown. "Is this strange for me to wear?" He asked, eyebrow raised.

Germany took a second, considered. "No, it's not." He left a somewhat confused, but grateful, China.

China's room was just a little bit different than his own in style. It still had a good bed. Germany climbed into his bed, and gave a great sigh. He pulled the covers up to his chin and fell asleep as soon as he closed his eyes.

Germany was at China's house. It was early spring, and he could see the plum trees blooming close by, He could smell the mild scent of a winter that had just passed. It was rather… Relaxing. He closed his eyes and crossed his arms behind his back. It didn't hurt to go looking through such a pleasant scene. He had the time to do so…

Germany took his time walking through China's garden. The old nation loved his plants. It wasn't over-done like most of the European nation's, even the North American countries. It had a little more than Japan's garden, but with the same feeling of elegance to it.


Germany stopped when he heard the low voice. He turned expecting to see the owner of the voice talking to China somewhere close by, but walking up to him was the large Russia. The pale nation had on a light jacket over a wool shirt and some slacks. He had his signature scarf around his neck. "China, please." Russia muttered, looking down between him and Germany.

"I'm not China." Germany said with a hint of annoyance. He should leave, now. Nothing good ever came with dealing with this big man. He turned to go.


There was a crushing grip on Germany's wrist.

Germany turned to grab Russia's arm to grapple with him—but something in the large nation's eyes made him hesitate. Germany's hands were gripping Russia's wrist tightly in warning.

"Please, China." He muttered, looking right into Germany's eyes.

"I am not China." Germany repeated in more annoyance.

Russia shook his head. "I know. Is bad. I keep coming back." He gave Germany a sheepish smile. "But I keep remembering." Russia took one of Germany's hands, prying it off of his wrist, and turned it over to start rubbing the palm of it with his thumb. "When I was little and lost, I came here. You would give me food, and tell me things would be fine." He muttered. Russia chuckled to himself. "You said that Mongolia was just big bully, and that I'd be big and strong one day."

Germany was staring at Russia. The bigger man was staring at Germany's palm as he traced lines on it. "Is that so."

Russia nodded. "You could not keep me from him, but I felt better every time I came to see you." Russia smiled. "I still remember seeing you and feel little bit better every time I see you, even now." He was now holding both of Germany's hands. "You are strange, China. I like you though."

Now Germany was getting a bit uncomfortable and was trying to twist his wrists away. He shouldn't have let Russia get his wrists.

"You are still so pretty." Russia mused.

"I'm not a woman!" Germany protested, stomping hard on Russia's foot.

Russia didn't twitch an eye. He came closer. "Still you hold onto beliefs, love food, and jump off handle every time." Russia chuckled.

Germany was trying hard to twist away from Russia now. This was past uncomfortable! "Let me go!" Germany yelled, right in Russia's face.

"You have not changed all that much." It was as if Russia couldn't hear him. Russia pulled Germany to him, and put one arm around Germany's back. "China, I still want you." Russia muttered, his innocent smile shifting. He leaned down, and Germany pushed Russia in the face with his free hand. Russia moved his head so Germany's hand slid off past his shoulder. "So come with me, and I will keep you where you belong." Russia's smile changed again. Germany recognized the look: Mild insanity. "I was you inside of me.


"Become one with me."

Germany screamed out of terror, and bolted up in his bed. He took five rapid heartbeats to realize he was not at China's house. Where was he? Where—Russia's? No. No it wasn't. It wasn't. He had come to England's house to attend America's surprise party. He stayed over at England's. Germany felt cold sweat drip down the back of his neck, and put a hand over his chest. It was beating hard. Germany breathed in slow a couple times with his hand over his chest. He decided it would be best to go take a walk. He moved to get out of bed… There was a lump in the bed. He felt himself jump, but told himself that it was probably just Italy. He probably found his way into Germany's bed again. Germany sighed, and moved to re-tuck in the silly man—

Only to catch a glimpse of hair much lighter than Italy's. Ivan froze. He took a gulp, and uncovered the sleeping figure.

Germany had excited the door from his room in 0.64 seconds.

Russia rolled over in his sleep in the bed, snuggling up to the warm spot that was left by Germany only a few moments earlier, with a contented sigh. He never woke up.

China was in Germany's room. He was awake, and awkwardly snuggling with Italy. The young man had came to the room, thinking that Germany was still in there.

"Mmm… You're actually pretty comfy." Italy said happily, nuzzling China's stomach, making the older nation squirm.

"Aya! Don't move much!" China protested.

Italy huffed. He paused, only to nuzzle and make China squirm, holding back a laugh.

"I was hoping to do this to Germany, but this isn't half bad either." Italy was quite pleased.

"Foolish child!" China huffed.

Italy settled down a bit, and China was patting his head. 'I hope that Russia did not come as I thought he would…' China sighed, and then felt Italy grab his chest. "AYA!" China jumped up and scooted back to be up against the head board, covering his chest. "What you doing?" He demanded.

Italy rolled onto his back. "I never knew you were a woman, China."

China felt a vein pop. "I AM NOT A WOMAN!"

"But you are wearing a night gown! Now I know why you're hair is so long! Ow! Why are you so angry? I was just making sure!"

Italy was chased out by a furious China, and he ran all the way back to his room.

Germany, for the rest of the night, hid out, wide-awake in the library where he silently swore at China, and jumped at the things that would go bump in the night, all the way until morning.

This is the second and final part of It's the Day. :) China was the ghost in the first part.

Also, I was hoping to go with Russia wanted to eat China in this part, but I don't know if that's how it came across.

It might be a bit bad, but oh well. ^^; I needed this out of my head.