Sorry I took such a long break you guys. I had some family stuff to deal with, and then with all the shit going on with the show and in the fandom, I just didn't feel like writing. But I'm back now and I promise not to make you wait so long next time!I only have a couple more chapters left, but after I finish this story I'm going to start a new one. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter!Please let me know what you think!

It was a Saturday afternoon, and the Swan-Mills family had decided to have lunch together at Granny's. When they got there, Robin Hood was there sitting at

the counter, getting drunk off his ass. He wasn't hurting anyone, just being obnoxious, and today was Emma's day off, so she decided to let it go. If she had to,

she could always call her father to come deal with the ugly moron.


They all sat down at a booth in the back and ordered their meals. Emma and Henry got burgers and milkshakes, while Regina got a salad. "We really need to do

something about your eating habits Ms. Swan. They're rubbing off on our son. I hope our daughter doesn't take after you too," Regina complained sarcastically.

"Well excuse me for being hungry. Not all of us can get by on a salad. But if it makes you feel better, you can make us something healthy for dinner tonight,"

Emma replied. Henry groaned in disagreement. "Your mom's right kid. We shouldn't eat junk all the time, we need to balance it out with healthy crap too, even

if we don't like it," Emma told him. Henry just glared at her while he continued eating his burger. Regina chuckled. "I never thought I'd see you agree to eat

healthy food over that junk you love so much," she told her girlfriend. Emma grinned at her. "Hey, I said we would need to learn to balance it out, I never said I

was going to give up eating the "crap" I love," Emma said as she made air quotes emphasizing the word crap. "I'm trying to be a more responsible parent." "Well

it looks like I'm finally starting to rub off on you dear," Regina teased. Emma stuck out her tongue and continued eating her burger. Regina smiled and shook her

head, and went back to eating her salad.


An hour later, they had finished their meal and had gotten up to leave. By now, Robin Hood was thoroughly trashed. Emma rolled her eyes at him as she walked

by him to the door. Regina was the last to leave the booth, and as she walked by Robin Hood pushing Aria in her stroller, the bastard stumbled off the stool

he was sitting on and had the nerve to grab Regina's ass. Regina spun around and slapped him hard across his face, but he didn't back down and proceeded to

grab at her breast. Before Regina could conjure a fireball at him, Emma came barreling forward and pulled him off Regina, and punched him in the face, causing

him to fall to the floor.


"Are you okay?" Emma asked Regina, pulling her into her arms and checking to make sure she was unharmed. "I'm fine, just a little shaken up. You're lucky

you punched him when you did, because I was about to throw a fireball at his face," Regina told her angrily. "Believe me, I almost strangled the bastard myself,

but then I remembered he has a son and I didn't want to make the poor kid an orphan," Emma said. "He'll probably be out for a little while, I punched him

pretty hard. I'll call my dad and have him bring the asshole to the station." Regina nodded in agreement, and they left Granny's, leaving Robin Hood lying on the



The next day was a nice day out, and Emma decided to take Aria for a walk in the nearby town park. Regina had to go to the station to fill out some paperwork

on Robin's assault from the previous day, so Emma decided to walk by herself. Emma walked Aria along the path next to the lake, stopping to feed the ducks at

waters edge. Just as Emma and Aria reached the wooded section of the path, Rumplestiltskin suddenly appeared in front of her in a puff of red smoke. "What are

you doing here?" she asked him, as she stepped in front of Aria's stroller. " I was sent here by Zelena. She wants Regina's heart," Rumple explained. "Well in

case you haven't noticed, Regina isn't here," Emma told him. "I know she's not here. That's why I waited to get you alone dearie. Regina is too smart for us to

go after her head on, which is why I'm here. I'm really sorry to have to do this, we are family after all, but I have no choice," he said. "What do you mean?"

Emma asked him. "I mean Ms. Swan, that if you want something from someone that they're unwilling to part with, then you need to take something of theirs

in exchange," Rumple replied. Suddenly, he motioned with his hand, and Aria appeared in his arms in a puff of red smoke. Emma cried out in anger. "Let her go

you bastard!" she yelled at him. "Gladly Ms. Swan. I'll return her to you in exchange for Regina's heart. Tell her to meet me at the docks in one hour with her

heart, or I'm afraid I'm going to have to kill little Aria here," he told Emma. Emma charged at him in anger, but before she could reach him, he disappeared,

carrying Aria with him. Emma cried out in anguish. "You'll pay for this you bastard!" she yelled after him.


Emma was furious, but she closed her eyes and forced herself to calm down. She concentrated on Regina, and in a poof of white smoke, she appeared in front of

her surprised girlfriend and father at the sheriff's station. "Thank god that worked, I didn't know if I could do it," Emma said in relief. "Emma, what are you

doing here? What's wrong?" Regina asked in concern. She could tell something was wrong. "Regina, Gold took Aria! He said he would give her back in exchange

for your heart!" Emma explained in a rush. Regina's face turned white. "What do you mean? Tell me what happened!" Regina ordered frantically. Emma quickly

explained how Gold had appeared and kidnapped Aria, and delivered his ultimatum right before he disappeared. "That bastard! I'll kill him!" Regina exclaimed

angrily as her eyes glowed purple and sparks shot out of her hands. "Woah babe, calm down. I want to kill him too, but save your magic for him," Emma

cautioned as she ran her hands down Regina's arms trying to calm her. Regina closed her eyes and took a deep breath, letting Emma's touch soothe her. She

relaxed and the sparks coming from her hands disappeared. She opened her eyes, which were now back to their normal chocolate color. "You're right, I'm sorry.

Thanks for helping me calm down," she told Emma. "You're welcome. Now we need to come up with a plan. Any ideas?" Emma asked Regina and David. Her

father just shrugged and shook his head. "I got nothing, sorry," he told her. "What do you think Regina?" Emma asked her. "I think that we have no choice. I'm

going to have give him my heart," she replied. "What?! No way Regina! You can't be serious! There's got to be another way!" Emma exclaimed. "There isn't.

You know how powerful he is. And I will not risk our daughter's safety!" Regina said. "I'll be fine. Zelena needs my heart for her spell, so obviously they can't kill

me. There's no other choice. We'll let him have my heart in exchange for our daughter's safety, and once Aria's safe, we can try to get my heart back," she told

Emma. "You can't just give him your fucking heart Regina! There must be another way!" Emma pleaded. "I wish there was, but there isn't. I will do anything to

keep our family safe, and if that includes giving my heart to that bastard, then I will. As much as the thought of him possessing my heart disgusts me, there is

no other choice. I have to do it in order to save Aria," Regina explained. Emma hung her head in defeat, knowing that Regina was right. "Fine, I don't like the

idea of you giving up your heart, but like you said, there is no other choice. We will save our daughter, and then get you your heart back," Emma vowed. "I

know we will Emma," Regina said as she leaned forward and squeezed Emma's hand. "Now do you want to do it or should I?" Regina asked as she gestured at

her chest. "Maybe you should do it. I've never taken a heart before, and I'd hate to accidentally kill you," Emma said warily. "Alright, but you should probably

learn how at some point. It could come in handy," Regina told her. Emma didn't say anything, just watched as Regina plunged her hand into her own chest and

pulled out her pulsing heart. Regina grimaced, immediately feeling it's absence. "Are you okay?" Emma asked her, concerned. "I will be once we get Aria back,"

Regina said. "What can I do to help?" David asked from his desk. "You can come with us and be our back-up," Emma said. David nodded his head. "Well, I guess

we better get going. We're supposed to meet Gold at the docks in twenty minutes," Emma said. They agreed to drive, so Emma and Regina left in Regina's Benz,

while David followed behind them in the police cruiser.


Ten minutes later, they all pulled up at the docks, and got out of their cars. Emma and David pulled out their guns, while Regina conjured a fireball in preparation

for Gold's arrival. They all stood there tense and silent, waiting for Gold to appear. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Gold appeared in a poof of red

smoke. He was holding Aria, who thankfully seemed unharmed. Emma and David trained their guns on him. "Rumple you bastard, I'll kill you for this!" Regina

yelled at the imp angrily. "My apologies dearie, but you know I have no choice. Just give me your heart and your daughter will be returned to you," he told her.

"It's right here," Regina said showing him her heart in her hand. "Now give me my daughter back and you can have it," she told him. "Give me the heart first,

and then you'll get her back," he said. Regina ground her teeth in anger, the fireball in her hand flaring up. "Fine, take it, and let's end this," Regina said. Rumple

giggled, and with a wave of his hand, Regina's heart appeared in his hand. "You have what you want Gold, now give us our daughter back!" Emma commanded.

"Sorry my dears, but I lied. Zelena needs a child of True Love for her spell to work, and yours will do just nicely. She grows tired of waiting for Snow's brat to be

born," Rumple told them. Emma and Regina looked at each quickly, surprised to learn they shared True Love. But they didn't have time to dwell on it and

returned their focus to Gold. " I will break your neck you bastard!" Regina screamed at him in rage. Her fireball flared again, and just as she was about to throw

it, Aria disappeared from Rumple's arms in a puff of white and purple smoke, and reappeared in Regina's unoccupied arm. Regina and Emma stared at her in

shock. "Did she just?" Emma asked in surprise. "I think she did," Regina replied in awe. She quickly looked up and noticed Rumple about to attack with a fireball

of his own, so she quickly threw the one she holding at him. But before it could reach its target, he once again disappeared. "Damnit!" Emma yelled in

frustration as she lowered her gun. "We need to get out of here before he comes back," Regina warned. Emma rushed over to Regina, to check on Aria. "How is

she? Is she okay?" Emma asked in concern. "She seems fine. But we should go," Regina told her. Emma nodded and they all went back to their cars and left in a



That night, Emma and Regina were lying in bed, with Aria asleep between them. They didn't want to let her out of their sight, and had held and fussed over her

the rest of the day. "I'm glad she's okay," Emma told Regina. "Me too," she replied. "How are you? Does it feel weird not having your heart?" Emma asked her.

"I'm ok. It feels strange, but I'll survive until we can get it back," Regina told her. "So does this mean you can't feel anything anymore?" Emma asked. "No, I

can still feel, just not as strongly as before," Regina explained. "Oh, okay. Good," Emma said, relieved that Regina still had feelings for her. "Don't worry

darling, nothing would ever stop me from caring about you or our children. We are each other's True Love after all," Regina said as she leaned over and kissed

Emma. Emma eagerly kissed her back. Regina pulled away, and they looked into each other's eyes. "I guess that explains a lot. I always wondered how you

knocked me up," Emma teased. Regina chuckled. "Yes, I wondered about that too. I mean, I suspected, but I didn't know for sure until today," Regina admitted.

"I'm glad it's you. I love you and our kids so much," Emma told her. "I love you guys too," Regina said as she leaned in for another kiss. They eventually pulled

apart and laced their hands together, falling asleep with smiles on their faces.