A/N:I really shouldn't be starting a new story now, especially knowing I won't be able to update. I still just wanted to get this out there. Sorry :/

Disclaimer: Fairy Tail is not owned by me.

Chapter One:

She combed her hair slowly yet carefully, watching it at the mirror. Once done, she put down the brush and looked at her reflection, smiling. Her blue hair cascaded down her shoulders just far enough. The blush in her cheeks fit in perfectly and the fake eyelashes did not look out of place. Satisfied at her appearance, Juvia Lockser slowly rose from her seat, took her handbag, and started to leave the apartment. While coming out of the room she shared with her boyfriend, Bora, she grabbed her keys from the dinner table and, as she came out of the front door, locked the apartment. Pressing the elevator button, she waited as the doors opened before getting in and setting for the ground floor.

Juvia was in a fantastic mood today. Why wouldn't she be? It was the day of her dreams, the one she'd been waiting for since forever. Ever since she first saw Bora, she instantly fell in love with him, caught in his charm. Her dream of dating him turned into reality after he noticed her and asked her out. Once they were together, she made sure of making every second of their lives perfect. And it was; to her, at least.

She exited the elevator, walking up to her car and unlocking it. Once she settled inside, she locked the doors, put the keys into ignition and her foot onto the accelerator. She drove smooth, not rushing anything. After all, the wait was finally over.

Juvia was on her way to a restaurant called Aroma, where Bora had called her. She left with high expectations. Juvia was awaiting a marriage proposal today, and she was sure she would get it. Their relationship went through a few ups and downs, but they finally got here. She was happy beyond belief, and that fact was not going to disappear.

After a while, she finally arrived. She stopped her car in front of the restaurant, getting out when the door was held open by the valet. She handed him her car keys and then set off in even strides to the door. Juvia entered the restaurant with grace, looking around afterwards to find Bora. On spotting him with an open menu, she walked over to their table.

"Hey," she greeted once there, smiling.

"Oh, hey," he said, surprised. "Um, sit."

"Yeah, sure," she uttered while taking a seat and settling down.

"I ordered for you, by the way," Bora told her.

"Oh, okay. That's… good, I guess," she smiled, unsure in her mind. Juvia knew this was what Bora always did. He would always order things he liked before she arrived. Juvia liked to think it was because Bora thought he knew her well, though she knew the truth was that he was just downright inconsiderate. She shrugged it off, especially now that she had learned to live with it. She wouldn't let it bother her; not now, not in the most important moment of her life.

She took a look around and saw a crying person in every table. She sighed knowingly. Aroma was known for a place of breakups. She wondered why Bora chose this place to propose, trying to find some positive meaning inside it. She felt bad for all the newly single people, but not everyone could have a life as happy as hers.

It was only a matter of time before the food arrived, and she inwardly cringed. Oysters; it was always oysters. She hated it, but he loved it, which is why she never mentioned it to him. She simply smiled and started the food with him, pretending this was her ideal night even though it wasn't.

That was what Juvia always did; what Bora made her do, pretend. Everything was perfect, yet everything wasn't. She just couldn't risk the idea of perfection slip away from her fingers. What if, afterwards, her life was even worse? She just had to pretend.

"So," Bora spoke some while after, "I had a good day."

"That's great," she smiled. He wouldn't ask her how her day went, she knew that. He never did, because it was all about him.

"Yeah. Um, I also need to tell you something."

As he uttered those words, Juvia braced herself. This is it, she thought, everything has to be picture perfect. Okay Juvia, you can do this. You've practiced it before, it's time it comes to life.

She smiled, motioning for him to continue, as he did, "Okay, so… I'll just get to the point."

"Juvia," he started as she expectantly waited, "I think we need to break up."

Wait, what?! "What?"

To say that Juvia Lockser was shocked would be an understatement. How did this happen? This was not what she predicted. He was supposed to spend the rest of his life with her, not end what they had right now.

"Yes," he slowly said. "Sorry, but I just don't think this is working out."

"You say this now?" she blustered, losing her cool. "After nine years, Bora? Now?"

"Well, I just realized it now."

Juvia didn't know what to do. She felt like slapping him across the face, but also crying. She chose none, keeping a straight face. "But Bora… how could you?"

"Sorry," he said while paying the bill, then getting up to leave, "but I think it's time you start moving on with life. I'll leave your luggage with the guard downstairs."

With that being said, he left, leaving her shocked at how easy this was for him. It seemed like he wanted to get it all over with as soon as possible. No sweet talk, nothing; just a direct break up. Was this really the man she was in love with for so long?

Juvia no longer admired him now. He revealed his true colors, acting only as a cold, emotionless creature to her. For some while she kept badmouthing him, but then the time came for her to flood her tears. She poured out her heart and drowned in her own emotions. Up until now, Juvia's life was perfect, but to her it suddenly tore apart. What she didn't know was that the worst was yet to come.