I do not own Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. All rights go to Marvel.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. 616, you have course confirmation. You are cleared direct to the slingshot. Agent Coulson, everything alright up there? We heard you had a little dust up on the ground."

"Yeah, we're good. It's gonna be blue skies from here on out."

The wall behind him exploded and objects were rapidly sucked out of the plane.

5-Skye Stark-5

Nineteen Hours Earlier

"Skye? Girl's not qualified to be a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent."

"And you really wouldn't want her as one. She'd be worse than the time Darcy went crazy with Stark's experimental tasers... Which is why we're taking her on as a consultant. S.H.I.E.L.D. does it all the time. Technically, Stark himself is a consultant." Coulson inwardly smiled at the double meaning in that thought.

"But she's a civilian." Ward said. "We know next to nothing about her, except that she's apparently smarter then the rest of us combined, and is in contact with enemies of S.H.I.E.L.D. Who knows what her agenda really is?"

Coulson shook his head. "I know who she is, Ward. I've for known her for a good deal of her life. I'm practically her Uncle." Ward raised an eyebrow.

"We already have two kids on this bus that aren't ready for combat, your adding a third." May pointed out.

"At least FitzSimmons are trained S.H.I.E.L.D. scientists. But Skye? You said that this was a select team. Letting her tag along-"

"Your looking for an objection that I haven't already anticipated. I'm calling this. But your frown will be on record."

"We've been called in to investigate an 084. We all know what that means."

"Yes we do. It means, we don't know what that means."

5-Skye Stark-5

Incan Archaeological Site

Llactapata, Peru

When we arrived at the site, Fitz and Simmons immediately began talking about the area that we were in.

"I would love to see a capuchin in the wild. Maybe even a yellow-tailed woolly monkey. You know, um, Peru has 32 different species of monkey."

"Yeah, and close to two hundred species of snakes. The Shushupe has a fascinating venom. It's neurotoxic, proteolytic, and haemolytic." Fitz chuckled nervously.

"That's fascinating."

"Yeah. Oh, I'd be much more concerned with earthquakes, malari-" Simmons slapped an insect on the back of her partner's neck and he gave a light grunt in protest. "What? There's no vaccine for dengue fever."

We made it through a short pathway in the jungle and a giant Incan temple lay right before us.

"Well, you don't see that everyday." I said, starting to hum the Indiana Jones theme song. "Come on guys, selfie." We took our picture as the head archeologist made his way outside.

"Good morning, professor. I'm Agent Coulson, with S.H.I.E.L.D. I understand you've made an interesting discovery."

"I- I'm not sure how to explain it. This temple dates back at least five hundred years. It's filled with pre-Incan artifacts. One of them is... Impossible. And looks like it may be dangerous."

"Well, that's why we're here."

As soon as we got in, FitzSimmons set up the D.W.A. and began scanning the object. I hadn't brought C.H.I.M.P. with us because he would be rather hard to carry in a scuffle... And because we didn't know how real monkeys would react to him.

I'm I pulled out my phone to check for any radio waves or frequencies were being used in the area. Beside S.H.I.E.L.D. channels, the local radio and the site's communications, nothing popped up, so I decided to tap into a third drone and peak a look outside. It might turn out handy to have an extra eye on things.

"The object's placement in fossiliferous rock formations suggests it's been here for at least fifteen hundred years. That pre-dates this temple by a millennium. Ah! Maybe it's alien." Simmons said.

"Yeah, but the shape and the craftsmanship? It's almost German." Fitz told us.

"Uh, guys?" I asked. "We have a situation." My feed from the drone showed May and Ward in a brief confrontation before being surrounded by army looking people with guns. As we watched, Coulson went outside to get more information and talk with whoever was in charge.

"Buenos dias. Soy Agente Coulson estamos aqui por un asunto de la seguridad internacional." *1


"Camilla? Do you mind?"

"After you."I saw the men back off before the woman walked up the steps and kissed Coulson on each cheek.

"Looks like they know each other." I said, Fitz sniggering beside me.

"Sure. Hey, are they flirting now?"

"Meh. Let me see your results."

"It has a functioning power source." Fitz commented before handing me the tablet.

"Sleepy's reading radio-nucleotides, but they don't match any known isotope."

"I get temporal matches, but even then they seem to shift. Is that even possible?"

"My Dad and I have produced and miniaturised a high energy, low weight, working device for powering- well, yes it is possible." They gave me incredulous stares.

"What? From the data we have so far, the energy signature isn't so different. Actually, I swear that I've seen it before. It reminds me of- Oh, shit."

Ward entered. "We've got company. National police. They've heard about this object, they're probably here to protect it."

"Are we in danger?" Fitz asked, always worried. While it seemed he was asking Ward, the question was directed at me.

"Not if everyone does they're jobs correctly." He turned to me. "What is yours, exactly?"

"That doesn't matter. We need to evacuate the site now."

And of course, gunfire and explosions rocked the area.

Yay to me.

5-Skye Stark-5

Luckily, we all made it back to the bus safely.

But why did these scrapes always have to be so narrow?

"I have to say it." I took a deep breath. "I miss my lab."

"Now, what was the problem?" Ward asked.

"As I said before, this device has a high frequency, fluctuating, sub-material compression-"

"Fitz, in English. Ward doesn't really have a PhD."

"The 084 is fuelled by Tesseract technology. HYDRA, World War II, Captain America. It's full of lethal amounts of Gamma radiation."

"Gamma? You're saying it's nuclear?"

"No. He's saying it's much, much worse."

We all shuffled back with caution.

Well, I did say that this didn't happen every day.

I'm Back.

Thank you to my good friend FollowerOfFanfics007 who was a big help in writing this chapter and responsible for getting me back into writing. Thank you to everyone who responded to chapter 4 as this probably wouldn't be here if you didn't.

*1 I don't know Spanish. I have a friend who does, and this is what they say Coulson said. Feel free to message me if there are any mistakes.

Mika-faberryluver4395: Haha. Maybe a bit later once they get together, but sure.

MysteryAsainNinja: Thanks. Yeah, well do that like we said on PM.

Stephanie310: Thank you, sorry it took so long :p

Skye (guest): Thanks.

Skyeward Musiclover: Thank you. Sorry, this fic is Skimmons (Skye/Simmons) but I have talked with a friend about starting a Skyeward version when this is done.

DrZevil: Thanks! It means a lot that you would do that.

Julsie bear: Well, it's finally happening :)

FireRebel: Yeah. While I think that they each have two degrees, I'm pretty sure that most scientist have a basic understanding of fields out side of their area. *tugs back and grins* Mummy! I made a friend!

LuckyDuckNicole: Thanks. I hope that you like the rest of the story too.