's been a liiiittle longer than I planned... I have been writing for this story off and on for so long, but it just wasn't coming together. I've really missed this one, and I had to come back to it - if only to not have it sitting on that kind of cliffhanger. With sincere apologies and thanks for sticking with me - Giada

Double or Nothing
Chapter Fourteen: Break the Deck
A technique used to defeat a card counter by shuffling the deck

The private jet had barely touched down when Kankurō rocketed to his feet.

"We haven't finished taxiing yet," Matsuri blurted out.

Kankurō shot her a dark look, just managing not to launch an acerbic retort at the young woman.

He settled for an unintelligible grunt as he pulled out his phone and shot off a text. She watched with wide eyes and a white-knuckled grip on the arm rests as he began yanking things out of the overhead compartments. She shot a look to the stewardess who gave a minute shake of her head.

Kankurō was thankful that she made no further comment, as he was not in the mood to play nice. Matsuri was Gaara's personal assistant. Despite being woefully naïve, Matsuri was an intelligent girl, as well as fiercely loyal to his younger brother. She could be sensitive, though, and her feelings were easily hurt by stray comments. Gaara was protective of her, so that meant that Kankurō stepped in it at least twice a week.

Tonight, though, he didn't have time to be careful.

"Do you know what you are supposed to do?" he asked crisply.

"Y-yes," she stammered.

"Good," he shrugged into a fitted jacket then tugged sharply at his shirt sleeves. The stewardess appeared, holding his long winter coat, scarf, and gloves.

"Keep your phone on you at all times," Kankurō instructed, winding the scarf around his neck. "Do not turn it off, and do not alter any of the settings. If you are asked to turn it off, use the dummy screen I showed you. Understand?"

"Of course," she flushed, fumbling with her lap belt. "But if I am supposed to go to the VA, shouldn't I - "

"Don't. Turn. It. Off," Kankurō punctuated each word with a glare and full stop.

"Got it," she squeaked. Her belt finally released, and she scurried to her feet, hastily gathering her belongings.

Kankurō shoved his arms into the long, black coat and buttoned it. He took a deep breath and tried again.

"We are counting on you, Matsuri," he said in a less threatening tone. "Stay sharp."

"Yes sir," she nodded, cramming a hat onto her head.

"Let's go."

He strode to the front of the private jet and jogged quickly down the stairs to ground level, leaving her to follow. It was a short walk to terminal entrance, but he didn't look back to see if she was keeping up.

The airport attendant that was waiting for them hurried to reach for his bags, but Kankurō jerked his thumb over his shoulder. "Get hers," he directed as he climbed into the front passenger seat of the open transport vehicle. In moments, Matsuri was sitting in the back, nervously fiddling with the tag on her luggage, and Kankurō was sitting silently, eyes focused straight ahead.

His expression remained unchanged until he saw the signs held by the chauffeurs. The corner of his mouth twitched up ever so slightly.

"That's your ride over there," he motioned to a blonde man in a simple black uniform. "The chauffeur doesn't speak. Wait with him until the other passenger arrives."

"Okay," she said, still fiddling with her luggage tag.

Kankurō heaved a huge sigh. "Stop fidgeting," he grumbled. "Gaara wouldn't have sent you if you couldn't handle this. He needs you to be on point, got it?"

Matsuri's nervous smile brightened somewhat.

"Got it."

She scrambled out of the vehicle and adjusted her coat while the airport attendant carried her luggage over to the silent chauffer.

Kankurō nodded to the large man. "Anders."

The blonde man dipped his head in acknowledgement.

"Matsuri? Anders. Anders? Matsuri," Kankurō gave a perfunctory introduction before nodding to his own driver and taking his leave.

He was silent until he reached the car, getting in next to the driver rather than behind him.

"I thought you said it wasn't that cold, Snowflake," he grumbled, burrowing into his coat.

"It isn't," Haku shrugged.

"Maybe not to someone who grew up in an igloo," Kankurō muttered. "How long until Gamariki arrives?"

"Not long."

Haku pulled the car into the exit lane and was soon gliding down the roads that wound away from the airport.

"Catch me up," Kankurō stuffed his gloves into his pockets and took out his phone. "One minute I'm coming on deck for night watch at the control center, the next minute we get an urgent alert from you and Sai, and I'm hauling ass to Konoha. I assume that means that Sai is part of our team?"

"Sai has agreed to take on the assignment," Haku affirmed. "I didn't tell him that you are contracted specifically."

"And what about the other guy?" Kankurō sat back in his seat.

Haku shook his head.

"He hasn't been brought on yet."

"So, someone blew up the old Konoha Center tonight," Kankurō prompted. "And Sai was on surveillance?"

Haku nodded.

"Did he see anything?"

"He saw someone on the rooftops," Haku flicked a glance to his mirror before changing lanes. "But no identification was made."

"Any guesses on how the explosion started?"

"Several of the people reported smelling something odd in the kitchen just before the explosion."

"Odd like gas?" Kankurō quirked an eyebrow.

"Like gas, but not gas."

Kankurō frowned.

"How do you know it wasn't gas?"

Haku half smiled.

"Because between two chefs, an Inuzuka, and KPD K-9, there were some very sharp noses in that building. On top of that, Sanshō tested positive for multiple compounds in her lungs."

"That's the little old lady, right?" Kankurō held a hand out. "'Bout this big?"

"That's her," Haku nodded, taking the exit.

Kankurō looked over his shoulder.

"So, we aren't going to the hospital, I take it?" he asked.

"They aren't at the hospital."

He took out a long manila envelope from above his sunvisor and handed it to Kankurō.

"Officially, they are listed as patients of the VA," he continued.

"And unofficially?" Kankurō opened up the envelope.

"They are being treated on the military side of the hospital. They have better equipment for victims of fires, especially those inhaling poison."

Kankurō looked over to Haku slowly.

"But how would they know about that until after they tested the old woman?" he asked.


Kankurō raised his eyebrows. "He found something?"

"Let's just say he had strong evidence," Haku pulled the car over and straightened his cap. "Ready to go, Inspector?"

Kankurō pinned the badge from the envelope onto his coat. "Inspector, huh? I kinda like the sound of that." He eyed the criss-crossed yellow crime scene tape and the smoking remains of the Konoha Center behind it. The police kept the crowd back, and the fire trucks had established a perimeter, but there was still a crowd.

"That Captain Nara?" he nodded to the figure supervising the other officers.

"Yes," Haku turned the collar of his coat up, further obscuring his features. "He is expecting us. Do you have your kit?"

"One bag of goodies, ready to go," he hoisted up a black leather bag. He smirked at Haku's KPD uniform. "Lead the way, Officer."

Kiba knew he shouldn't expect to hear from her, but when no messages had been answered, he got a little suspicious.

He figured Tenten and the others would go get pizza or something after doing their work in the Konoha center, but he really hadn't thought it would be almost midnight and he'd still have heard nothing.

He was just about to shoot a text to Nara when his phone buzzed in his pocket.

"Outside. Three minutes. Northwest corner."

He stuck the phone in his pocket. "Gotta jet," he said to the gang. "Something came up."

"So soon?" Ami pouted.

"Sorry," he shrugged, clearly not sorry. "It's how things go. Later." Without another word, he headed out. He walked the short distance to the northwest corner of the block, just out of sight from the bar.

Seconds later, a nondescript car picked him up. As he closed the door, he saw the vehicle he had driven to the bar pass in the opposite direction, and circle in front of the Tavern.

The silhouette of the driver was similar enough to his to pass in the tinted windows and the dark of night. Kiba looked to the driver, questioningly.

"Some of your new friends are taking a cigarette break," he explained, putting the car in gear and pulling smoothly away from the curb. "We want them to see you leave."

"Fair," Kiba shrugged, reaching for the seat belt. "Have to say, I wasn't expecting to see you tonight, Uchiha," he buckled himself in. "How did I end up with you for a chauffeur? I thought you and Nara were on duty tonight."

"We were. We are," he corrected. "But something came up."

"Something that meant you had to come get me?" Kiba raised an eyebrow. "It isn't often we partner up. Actually," he rubbed the back of his neck. "Have we ever partnered up?"

"No," Sasuke shook his head. "I do not often switch partners. That is Naruto's department."

"Yeah, you're not really the partnering –up sort," Kiba said easily, leaning back in his seat. "Where is Naruto tonight?"

Sasuke flicked a glance to his rear-view and then back to the road. "Out of trouble."

"Bet that's a nice change," Kiba snorted. "Could be worse. He could be poor Chōji and stuck with keeping Tenten in line." He pulled out his phone to check his messages. "At least Hana is there to help."

Sasuke's jaw tightened into a hard line. "About that…"

He was interrupted by an incoming call, the illuminated panel on the dash scrolling the text 'Call from: Yamanaka Ino.

"You aren't here," he reminded Kiba before tapping a button on his steering wheel.

"Uchiha," he said curtly.

"Sasuke?" Ino's voice echoed anxiously over the Bluetooth system. "Where are you? Is Shikamaru with you?"

"He left to join you about fifteen minutes ago," he assured her, hesitating a fraction of a second before adding, "Any news?"

"No, not yet," Ino sighed. "I still can't get back to see Chōji. Sounds like he has some burns and minor smoke inhalation. His left arm is pretty banged up – maybe even broken."

Sasuke grimaced, and Kiba felt a bitter weight dribble down his throat to line his gut in lead.

"Lee said that he stumbled out long enough to yank the emergency kit from the back of his cruiser, then ran back into the building – but not before tossing Lee the keys and insisting that he put Karashi and his mom in the cruiser and drive to the front of the building." Ino continued. "After that, he went back in for the girls."

Kiba felt the air leave his lungs and his chest tightened painfully.

"What do we know about them?" he heard Sasuke ask.

"Chōji is the one that got Hana and Akamaru out. I haven't heard much more than she is being treated for smoke inhalation but is stable. Tsume is here. She might tear this place apart if someone doesn't get her in to see Hana soon."

"Who are you talking to, Blondie?"

The familiar voice echoed through the line, startling Ino.

"S-Sasuke," Ino stuttered. "He was working with Shikamaru tonight; I was trying to find out where he-"

Clearly Tsume snatched the phone from Ino, because her voice was soon booming over the speaker.

"Uchiha? You were monitoring things tonight. What the hell happened out there? One minute I'm sitting at home, the next I'm hearing news flashes that the building my daughter was in blew up."

Sasuke shot a look over to Kiba whose mouth was pressed into a thin, hard line.

"The teams on the ground haven't reported back, yet," he began calmly. "As soon as we-"

"Shikamaru! About time you dragged your lazy ass in here. Where's is your dad, kid?"

Shikamaru's voice drifted over the speaker.

"He reported in to the base and is going to the Konoha Center to meet up with the investigations team."

"Well, then, where is your dad?" Tsume's voice shifted away from the phone, back to Ino.

"He's not here," Ino said in the background. "He's-"

"Chōza!" Tsume boomed. "Finally – one of the old crew. Maybe now we can get something done. Come on; let's see if we can find out what the fuck happened with our kids. Here."

The 'oof!' of air and tone of mispressed numbers echoed in the car as the phone was shoved back at Ino.

"I'd better go after them," Ino said breathlessly. "Here."

The rustle of a phone exchanging hands gave way to a familiar voice.

"Uchiha." Shikamaru's dry tone echoed in the car. "I trust you can hear me alright?"

Sasuke flicked a glance to Kiba and answered, "Yes."

"Good," the young strategist spoke in deceptively bored tones. "I have no updates to share past what you just heard about Choji. As soon as I know anything more about the situation here, I will be in touch. Nara out."

A series descending bleeps punctuated the end of the call, and several seconds of silence followed.

"Where is she?"

The sentence hung low and quiet between them – far more a demand than a question.

Sasuke complied, speaking in an even, steady voice.

"Hana sustained a mild concussion and is going to be kept at least overnight for observation. She was taken to a different area of the hospital, which is why Tsume hasn't found her yet."

Kiba continued to stare at the other man, who was well aware he hadn't been asking after his sister.

"As for your partner," he continued, "Nara and I were given the report that she was brought in after the accident and is being treated for smoke inhalation."

"What happened?"

Sasuke inhaled and exhaled deeply through his nose, in no way fooled into thinking the other man's calm was anything less than deadly.

"Tenten and Hana were on the second floor of the Konoha Center," he recited mechanically. "There was an explosion resulting in a fire. Chōji knew the building had originally been built to also serve as a community bomb shelter and took the reinforced back stairs to get to them. Hana had been going for the door when the explosion hit and was thrown into the hallway separating her from Tenten. Chōji tried to open the door to get to Tenten, but it wouldn't open. He got Hana and Akamaru out and then went back to try again, with no luck."

"How did she get out?" Kiba asked.

"I don't know," the other man admitted. "But I got the information straight from my brother, so I know it is good." He flicked a glance over to Kiba. "I know she is safe."

Sasuke's phone began to ring again, this time it was Itachi.

"Itachi," Sasuke answered.

"Sasuke," his brother returned calmly. "Where are you?"

"En route to the hospital," he stated before looking over to Kiba. "I have Officer Inuzuka with me, as directed."

"Change in plans. I need you two to run an errand."

"What sort of errand?" Kiba asked.

"I believe you are acquainted with Mr. Gamariki?"

Sasuke's face took on a pained, pinched look, while Kiba blinked a couple of times and asked "Works for Jiraiya? Has a thing for red bow ties?"

"Yes. You will rendezvous with him. Kiba, you are to tell him everything that you know so far. Sasuke, you are there to be my eyes and ears. There are two more contacts at the Konoha Center taking down information. They may or may not join you, depending on how quickly they wrap-up their work."

"Any news about Hana?" Kiba interrupted.

"Your sister is in no immediate danger," Itachi assured him. "She has a concussion and will need a solid week of rest but does not appear to have sustained any major injuries. She is in the recovery area, which is why your mother has not yet seen her. She will be relocated to a private room within the hour and allowed visitors soon after that."

"And my partner?"

"The only report I have been given so far is that she suffered significant smoke inhalation and is still being treated. It would not be unusual if they insist on a 24-hour observation period, however, so there is no cause for immediate alarm."

"How is this incident being classified?" Sasuke asked.

"Too early to say," Itachi mused. "But I have a hard time believing it was something as pedestrian as a gas leak."

"Not sure I like the sound of that," Kiba grumbled. "When will we know?"

"Sir?" a woman's voice interrupted in the background. "Sir, you can't have your phone on in there, it is hospital policy that-Oh! Captain, I'm sorry, but -"

"Yes, thank you," Itachi said briefly, his voice muffled by a hand over the mic of the phone. "I am almost through here."

"I have to go," he said into the phone. "I'll have better answers to your questions when Captain Nara returns from the site. Until then, head to the address I texted over. I'll pass on your regards to your friends and family. Itachi out."

The two men sat in the silence of the car, neither particularly thrilled with their situation.

"Boy," Kiba said dryly. "You Uchihas sure know how to plan a fun-filled evening."

"Says the man whose mother is terrorizing a hospital," Sasuke muttered. "Or would you rather go back to playing 'Lone Wolf.'"

"Beer's better back there," Kiba allowed, "Don't know that I can say for the company."

"Not sure if I should be flattered to come ahead in that comparison or not," Sasuke drawled. "But I've heard enough to know I'd be insulted if I didn't."

"Well, compared to the company I've been forced to keep lately, you're a barrel of laughs," Kiba reached in his pocket for his phone. Itachi has sent them both the address, and he programmed it into Sasuke's GPS.

"I am sorry about your sister."

Kiba blinked and looked over at Sasuke, eyebrows raised.

"I know you are close," Sasuke shifted lanes. "I've only met her a few times, but she's a good person. I'm glad she's going to be alright."

"Thanks," Kiba gave a tight smile. "I hope the same can be said for the rest of them."

"Itachi would've told us if there was any reason for more concern," Sasuke flicked his eyes to the GPS and then back to the road. "If he hasn't heard anything yet, that means there isn't anything worth hearing."

"Well at least our night will be easier than his," Kiba sighed.

Sasuke arched one eyebrow.

"And that is because…?"

"We don't have to try and keep Tsume away from Hana."

"Sounds like that won't be a problem shortly," Sasuke said dismissively.

"Yeah…if you think she was bad just trying to get to her daughter; wait until they try and tell her she has to go home without her."

Sasuke looked over to Kiba who shrugged sympathetically. "The old guys will absolutely leave him out to dry on this one. By the time tonight is over, he probably will never want to see my mother or sister ever again."

"Hn," Sasuke gave an amused laugh. "That's a shame. I hear Hana is nice."

It was Kiba's turn to arch an eyebrow.

"Trying to set up your brother with my sister?"

"I'm not Ino," Sasuke said flatly. "She's the one that was always trying to get people together. Even she wasn't brave enough to tackle Itachi."

"It's just as well," Kiba checked his messages again. "Can you really see the two of them dating?"

"No." Sasuke returned honestly. "But, then again, I can't really see my brother doing anything that isn't a military assignment. If he's married to anything it is his work."

"That's a shame," Kiba locked his phone and stuffed it back in his pocket. "I hear Itachi is nice."

Sasuke's lips twisted into a wry, amused smirk and let the silence settle between them.

It took the entirety of Chōza and Ino's collective efforts to convince Tsume to wait in the waiting room for news of Hana – doubly so once they were discreetly brought to the secured military side of the VA. Even that might not have been enough, but Ino gently reminded her that Chōza was also waiting for news about Chōji.

"Fine," the older woman grumbled. "But if someone doesn't tell me something soon, I'm going to-"

"We'll find out what is going on," Ino assured her, relieved to have contained her chaos for however long they had.

She'd almost run out the tether of that relief when one of the nurses poked her head into the waiting room.

"Mr. Akimichi?"

"Yes?" he stood.

"Just wanted you to know your son is fine," she smiled. "You'll be able to go back and see him in about ten minutes."

"Thank you," Chōza clenched and unclenched his fists at his sides, his voice thick with emotion.

"I'll come back for you," the nurse promised, and then left the room.

Ino was at Chōza's side and hugged his arm tightly. "I'm so glad," she murmured.

The larger man sank into a seat, sagging with relief. Ino sat with him, pulling her phone out of her coat pocket. "I'll text the others," she said quietly.

"Good news, Chōza," Tsume gave a gruff nod of approval. "I'm glad he's alright."

"Thanks, Tsume," the big man gave a watery smile.

"I'm going to take Kuromaru out," she said abruptly. "I'll be back in a jiff."

Without waiting for any sign of acknowledgement, Tsume strode out of the room, and through the double doors.

Looking around, she decided to find the one person who could give her answers.

"Kuromaru," she instructed in a low voice, while watching everyone around her. "Find Pakkun."

She was halfway to Kakashi's room when the man himself rounded the corner in a wheelchair.

"Kakashi," she nodded to the trying-to-retire Captain. "Yūgao," she acknowledged the field medic. "Either of you know where the hell my daughter is?"

"As a matter of fact, yes," Kakashi's crinkle eyed smile stretched the paper of his mask. "I was just on my way to speak with Chōji, and then to her. Care to join me?"

"I don't need to speak with Chōji," Tsume said flatly. "I need to see my daughter."

"She hasn't been taken to her room yet," Kakashi said easily. "Come with us – it will only take twenty minutes or so, and she can't have visitors before then anyway."

Tsume narrowed her eyes at the former soldier, weighing his words.

"Alright, fine," she muttered. "But they'd better hurry the fuck up. And has anyone told Kiba about this?"

"We're on it," Kakashi said easily, reaching out to scratch Kuromaru's ear. Pakkun leapt up onto the Captain's lap and glared at the other dog. "Easy, Big Guy," Kakashi chuckled, scratching the smaller dog's head. "C'mon," he motioned to Tsume to follow. "Let's find out what happened tonight."

"Some retirement, Kakashi," Tsume muttered.

Kakashi grinned. "Tell me about it."

The report about the fire popped up in an alert on several of the bar TV's tuned to the local channel. The sound was muted, but as soon as Ami caught sight of the report, she hurried to the bartender and told him to turn it up.

"….explosion at the Konoha Community Center. The Konoha Fire department managed to contain the fire, and the KPD has roped off the area. There were several volunteers setting up for this weekend's Winter festival at the time of the explosion, leaving four in the hospital, and two in critical condition. At this time, the KFD is investigating a potential gas line break..."

Ami didn't hear the rest as she was pulling out her phone and racing toward the back hall near the restrooms, where it was quieter.

"C'mon, c'mon…" she muttered, pacing nervously. "Pick up…"

"Hi, You've reached Karashi. Please leave your name…"

"Shit," she choked on a gasp, dialing again, and getting the same response.

Finally, she tried a different number.


"Kuromaru – thank goodness – there's been an explosion at the Old Konoha Center – Karashi and his mom were there, and I can't get a hold of them."

"The Old Konoha Center," he repeated. "That's in Kurosuki territory, isn't it?"

"What? I mean, yeah? I guess?"

"Then you'd better make sure your friends tell their boss. I'll see what I can find out on my end."

"You have to find out about Sanshō," she gripped the phone more tightly. "That's Karashi's mother. She has a bad heart – she takes different medications for it, and if she skips, she can be in serious trouble."

"She carry her meds?"

"Not usually," she shook her head, ignoring the tears slipping down her cheeks. "They're probably at her apartment."

"I found the news broadcast. If they took her to a hospital, they'll have whatever meds she needs."

"How will they know what to give her?" Ami half snapped half sobbed. "Her doctor is as old as she is – he won't be up to tell them!"

"I'll see what I can find out," he repeated, and there was less of an edge to his tone. "Go home, Ami. If your friends have had as shitty of a night as I'm guessing they've had, they might need some help in the morning."

"Yeah…" she mumbled… "Yeah, okay.."

She hung up, and took a shuddering breath. She stumbled into the restroom and tried to fix her face, all the while calling herself seven hundred kinds of a fool for acting that way.

"It's Sanshō," she repeated. "I'm worried about Sanshō."

When she came out of the restroom, she jammed her phone in her pocket and took a deep breath.

She told Zori and Waraji about the Konoha Center and Karashi, and that she'd let them know if she heard anything.

She thought about calling Fuki for a ride but decided to walk.

She'd made it as far as the backside of the bar, hands jammed in her pockets and hood over her head, when someone called out to her.

"Miss Ami? Is that you?"

She snapped around to see the cook stepping out in his worn coat. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah," she gave him a small smile.

"Bitter night," he shivered. "Are you waiting for a cab?"

"No," she jammed her hands farther into her pockets and tried to ignore the cold seeping into her bones. "Just going to walk."

"Come on," he motioned to his old car. "I was leaving as soon as I put the trash out. I'll give you a ride."

"You don't have to do that," she muttered.

"True," he shrugged. "But it's either that or get you a cab, and frankly tips were awful tonight."

She laughed in spite of herself, and shrugged.

"Okay. Thanks, Old Man…." She paused. "No. Private – right? You used to be in the Army?"

"Private Kosuke," he saluted. "At your service."

Ami wasn't a particularly careful girl, and she'd gotten into her fair share of strange vehicles with strange men with little to no hesitation provided there was the promise of a good time.

She paused as he opened the passenger side door.

"Keep your phone in your lap," he told her kindly. "If you feel threatened at all, I will stop. Call 911 if you need to."

"No," she put her phone away. "It's fine."

"Keep it in your lap anyway," his smile was gently reassuring. "Maybe you'll hear from your friends."

They were nearly to her apartment when she got a message from Kuromaru.

'Sanshō has seen better days but is stable. Probably a couple days in the hospital while they watch her heart. She has her meds. Karashi is with her and is shaken up but okay. Get rest and call him in the morning for details.'

The iron constricting her heart began to loosen as she replied. 'How do you know? Did you speak with them?'

'I have my ways. Get rest and stay put until you hear from me or Karashi.'

Ami frowned at that but agreed.

Private Kosuke pulled up to her building, and she gave him a small smile.

"Thanks," she stepped out of the car. "I appreciate it."

"Have a good night, Miss Ami," he waved, pulling out once she was inside the front door to her building. She made her way up to her small, worn apartment, and locked the multiple locks before hanging up her coat and plugging in her phone to charge.

Too tired to wonder why tears were tracking down her cheeks, she got into bed fully clothed and tucked her covers tightly around herself. She fell asleep somewhere between relief and worry, and with an unselfish prayer on her lips.

"Please let her be okay," she breathed, and let the familiarity of the darkness overtake her.

"Koskue got Ami home," Kiba said, pocketing his phone.

"Mm, good," Mr. Gamariki blew across his tea. "That takes one variable out of the mix. Ah, Matusuri, thank you for bringing those files. Anders, if you would?"

The skittish young woman gave them each a file folder while the silent Anders tapped a password into two tablets, before handing one to Kiba and one to Sasuke.

"Wow," Kiba flicked a glance over to his fellow officer. "Lecture swag is usually something more along the lines of stressballs and notepads."

Mr. Gamariki perched his cat-eye red glasses on the end of his nose, as he opened his 360 laptop and flipped it into a tented configuration. "Jiraiya-chan always does have the newest and best toys." He cleared his throat. "I'm afraid we've found out some more about your friend Waraji," he looked over his glasses to Kiba before turning to the girl. "Matsuri? If you will?"

"Right," she nervously fidgeted with her own laptop, her movements mirrored on the other screens.

"We recovered multiple photos from Waraji's phone, indicating he is inflicting harm on women," she recited. "Going back through the police records, there have been several bodies found in Konoha in the last month that appear to be consistent with his method of harm. As of yet, we have no intel regarding his motives, or how he selects his victims. His texts are consistent with a predator that enjoys harming and torturing his victims. Kank.." She blinked wide eyes and hastily corrected. "Omozukai is attempting to cross-reference his," she hesitated before settling uncomfortably on "methods with other victim profiles in other police databases in an attempt to track his previous movements and link him to other affiliations."

"There is little to no doubt that he and Zori were hired in to infiltrate the Kurosuki's," Mr. Gamariki added.

"Two more victims were found in Konoha," she continued, "And a third just last night. The reports are in your files," she nodded to the folders sitting in front of them. She blinked and swallowed, opening her mouth to speak, but no sound came out.

Mr. Gamariki took over smoothly, much to her relief.

"The next pictures are from the autopsies of two unidentified women. Preliminary reports state the third has markings consistent with this method. A DNA test has shown that at least one of them came into contact with Waraji. We will know more after that autopsy is complete. I'll spare you the more detailed pictures; for now, consider these particular markings on the victims."

The pictures that flashed onto their tablets were clinical, and professional, and chilling. The images documented the damage as well as any identifying markings like scars and tattoos.

Sasuke looked up from his tablet. "Did we ID the victim? Any of the victims?"

"As far as someone in their position could be ID'd," Mr. Gamariki sighed.


"No family forthcoming, nor do I suspect there will be."

"Runaways? Prostitutes?"

Kiba gave a snort. "Worked a case last year where someone was roughing up some sex workers. Believe it or not the population in Konoha isn't that large, and it is oddly close knit. If these girls were part of the community, we'd know about them missing by now."

"Yes," Mr. Gamariki leaned back in his chair, thoughtfully. "We would. There are, of course, shadier channels available – ones where he wouldn't have to pay literally or figuratively for hurting these girls."

"Channels?" Sasuke quirked an eyebrow. "What kind of channels?"

"I suggest you both consider the markings on the top of the victims' left thighs," he tapped an image onto their screens and enlarged them.

Sasuke peered at the image. "Are those tattoos? Scars?"

"No," Kiba's voice was low. "Not tattoos, and not even the scars some people get instead of tattoos… they've been branded."

"Yes," Mr. Gamariki nodded gravely. "Both women have the same brand. It means these women were bought and paid for."

"Human trafficking," Sasuke sat back, eyes cold. "And the latest victim?"

"Bears the same marking."

"Has anyone recognized it?"

"Possibly one of our sources," Mr. Gamariki said vaguely. "Too early to tell. Inquiries of this nature must be discreet and take time."

"And in the meantime?" Kiba crossed his arms, agitated. "What is Waraji's link to all of this? Is he involved in the trafficking? Is he a buyer, or is he interrupting the supply chain?"

"We do not know for sure. The brand isn't one known to the KPD, so Kazekage is cross-referencing known trafficking organizations. Either way, we know he is intersecting the trade and therefore we are watching his actions carefully. It might be unrelated to the current attempts at a gang takeover or it might have everything to do with it."

"So, what about Ami and her friends?" Kiba pressed. "Or Tenten? Are they at risk, or does he only go to this extreme of a measure with girls that can't be traced."

"We don't know," Mr. Gamariki admitted, but there was determination in his tone. "That is why we are increasing our efforts and including the girls in surveillance and protection assignments."

"You requested us specifically," Sasuke met his gaze with his own unwavering one. "What do you need us to do?"

"I like Uchihas," Mr. Gamariki, plucked a small square of fabric from his pocket and began to polish his glasses. "Direct and efficient – although not quite as direct as a certain Tsume Inuzuka, or so recent reports tell me." He held up his glasses and peered through them, frowned, and returned to cleaning them. "I need you, Officer Uchiha to report back to your brother and Captain Nara. Itachi specifically requested you be present as his trusted eyes and ears, as Nara Sr. is currently at the crime scene and Nara Jr. is with Officer Akimichi. You were granted special clearance to act as an interorganizational liaison, should the need arise, and it has. As for Officer Inuzuka," he turned to Kiba, "Or should I say Kuromaru, we have several things we will want you to be looking out for during your assignment. I suspect that this incident might provide a good 'out' for Karashi, and a way to remove him from the loose gang structure of the Kurosuki's. We want you to redouble your efforts on that front. If he can be replaced in the familial structure, that not only gives you an in, it will help give Ami and any other potential victims an out – or at least an internal layer of protection that Karashi simply cannot provide."

"What is your strategy?" Kiba asked with a calm he clearly didn't feel.

"We are going to recommend that Sanshō be transferred to a rehabilitative facility for two weeks, and that Karashi go with her."

"There's no way they could afford something like that," Kiba shook his head. "And I'm certain they can't afford for the restaurant to be closed that long."

"There are measures in place to account for that," Mr. Gamariki gave an elegant shrug. "We also want to remove Sanshō from Raiga's potential list of funereal candidates."

"Fair enough," Kiba allowed, "What about Ami?"

"I suspect if you ask her properly, she would happily help with Sanshō. This will allow the gang to think they still have an insider, and we know it is someone actually looking out for the older woman. That is the first phase of uninvolving those three in particular."

"Walk us through it," Kiba leaned forward on the table. "I'll feel better if Uchiha knows the ins and outs of this one, since I got a feeling that once I go back under, I'm not coming back until this mess is cleared up."

"That is why we are arranging for it to appear you have left the area for a few days," Mr. Gamariki folded his hands, "but more on that later. Matsuri – be a dear and pull up the agendas for us. Anders, can I trouble you for another tea? Gentlemen," he looked to the two men. "Anything?"

"No. Thank you," Sasuke said politely.

"Suit yourselves," he shrugged. "This will take a while."

Kiba looked over his shoulder.

"Got any beer in there?"

Two bottles appeared on the table.

"Alright," Kiba cracked it open. "Now I'm ready to hear how we're going to handle this clusterfuck of a case."

Sasuke saluted with his own drink

"Well, then, Cheers, gentlemen," Mr. Gamariki saluted them with his newly filled steaming mug. "To the clusterfuck!"

Kiba grinned and Sasuke shrugged as they echoed

"To the clusterfuck."

Ranmaru went to bed shortly after speaking with Raiga and was up early the next morning. Also, Lee said that he would join him and Tenten for a post-swim breakfast, but the boy wasn't ready to admit he was looking forward to it. He got himself ready as best as he was able and waited for Dr. Kato to come and collect him. A cheerful nurse entered instead, surprised to find him dressed.

"Dr. Kato will meet you down at the pool," she said, checking his vitals and making notes on his chart. "I wasn't expecting to see you ready so early," she chirped.

He just shrugged noncommittally.

"Let's head down," she smiled, and released the break on his wheelchair.

It wasn't a long journey down to the pool, and he did his best to appear disinterested for the whole ride. By the time the elevator opened, and he could feel the humid air and smell the chlorine, though, he was excited. He looked around expectantly, but he didn't see anyone yet. He flicked a glance to the oversized clock on the wall and gave a tiny sigh of relief. It was still early. The door to the women's locker room swung open, and Dr. Kato came out.

'Maru gave a nod and hid his disappointment behind his normal mask of disinterest.

"There were a bunch of road closures this morning," Doctor Kato said. "Traffic getting to the hospital is pretty horrendous. I know it's early, but why don't we get started, and then whenever Tenten can join us, she will.

"That's fine," the boy shrugged.

They were fifteen minutes into their session when the ding of the elevator caught his attention. Both 'Maru and Dr. Kato were confused when Rock Lee stepped out and headed over to them.

"Lee?" 'Maru raised his eyebrows. "What are you doing here?"

"Sorry to interrupt," he apologized both to Shizune and to 'Maru. "I would have been here sooner, but I got caught in the traffic."

"We figured that must have happened," Shizune nodded. "Is Tenten with you?"

Lee shook his head. "No. She…" he hesitated. "She won't be able to come today."

Maru masked his disappointment quickly. "Whatever. I don't need her here."

Shizune looked to Maru reproachfully, but Lee spoke up first.

"She very much wanted to be here," he said firmly.

"Sure, she did," he snorted.

"'Maru, you don't understand," Lee said, and something in his tone stole the retort from the younger man's tongue.

Shizune looked back and forth between them. "Did… did something happen?"

Lee's look was pained. "There was an accident at the old Konoha Center last night," he explained slowly. "We were there setting up for the Winter Carnival that was supposed to start today."

"Accident?" Maru asked, eyes widened. "What kind of accident?"

"We aren't sure, exactly," Lee frowned. "Probably a gas line break. There was an explosion that took out most of the building."

Shizune gasped, and Ranmaru met Lee's eyes in a serious – if not frightened – stare.

"Where is she?" Ranmaru asked, throat tight.

"Officer Akimichi, Tenten, and our friend Hana are all being treated at the VA hospital. Sanshō is also there, but she will be released later today. I left Sanshō with her son to make sure I came to tell you," Lee assured Ranmaru. "Tenten would never break a promise to be somewhere, unless she absolutely couldn't keep it. I promised her I'd come and check in on you and explain why she wasn't here."

Lee looked tired, and haggard. Ranmaru got the sense that Lee hadn't wanted to leave his friends, but his loyalty meant that he had to do otherwise.

"Is…is she okay?" Ranmaru asked quietly.

"I didn't get to see her," Lee replied honestly. "But that is what the doctors told me."

"You just said that you promised her," the boy narrowed his eyes.

"I did," Lee gave a knowing and weary smile. "She sent word through one of the nurses. I was told that she is in stable condition, but I don't know much more than that."

"So, you left her alone?" the boy asked accusingly.

"No," Lee shook his head. "They took her to a different area of the hospital and I wasn't allowed to follow. Once I was checked, I stayed with Sanshō and Karashi. I am hoping to see her after we have breakfast."

"Breakfast?" Maru asked.

"I promised," Lee smiled, and even though it was tired and not his usual exuberant smile, it was genuine nonetheless. "Tenten would be furious if I stayed at the VA where I couldn't do anything; especially since we both promised to be here. She would want me to uphold her end of the bargain until she can do it herself."

Ranmaru felt and odd twisting in his chest that tugged at the back of his throat. He felt his airways constrict, and pressure form behind his eyes, but he did not cry.

"We can end early," Shizune offered. "Then you two can head to breakfast."

"You don't have to-"

"No," Ranmaru interrupted Lee. "I said I'd try this, and I'll see it through," he said firmly. "Stay," he said to Lee. "Stay and then go back and tell her I kept my end of the deal."

Lee's smile brightened proudly.

"Let's get this over with," Ranmaru grumbled, and returned to his exercises. Shizune swallowed her amazement, and returned to her work, with Lee encouraging her patient every inch of the way.

Itachi entered silently, hesitating before crossing to the only bed in the room. He gently reached out and brushed a hand across Hana's forehead, before sitting in the chair at her bedside. He took her hand in his own, and she stirred in her sleep.

Her eyes drifted open lazily, and she blinked at the ceiling a few times before turning to look at him.

"Hey," she said softly, a hint of a smile pulling at her lips.

"Hey?" he arched an ebony eyebrow. "That's the best you've got after landing yourself in the hospital?"

"Sorry," she clumsily ran her thumb across the hand holding hers. "I didn't mean to make you worry. How are the others?"

"Everyone is alright," Itachi wrapped her hand in his before bringing it to his lips.

She patted the space next to her, and he lowered the side of the bed. He climbed in, wrapping his arms around her and cradling her against his chest and pressing a kiss into her hair. "I'm taking time off." He murmured. "I don't want you out of my sight."

"I told you, Itachi," she said gently, snuggling into his chest. "I'm not going anywhere."

"I would be more inclined to believe you, if the last time I left you alone hadn't ended with your being rescued from a burning building."

"Fair," she chuckled. "Although if you have a lecture on the subject, I am pretty sure my mother covered it already." Hana looked over to the chair where her mother had been when she fell asleep. "Did she go home?"

"No," Itachi admitted with a dry chuckle, "As it turns out, a small incident with Akamaru was the only thing that could get her to budge long enough for me to come see you."

"Akamaru?" she blinked up at him. "Is he alright?"

"Fine. He wouldn't let anyone near Tenten until your mom had him stand down." He shrugged. "He was just doing his job."

"How is she?"

"Better now that Akamaru is with her," he gave a small smile, tucking a stray hair behind her ear. "And you?"

"Better now that you are with me," she leaned into his hand. "Although I am not sure how long that will last. The doctor said I have to be discharged into someone's care, and Mom was pretty adamant about me coming home with her for the first twenty-four to forty-eight hours."

"Very adamant," Itachi agreed. "I'm half-worried if I let you go home with her, you may never leave."

"Maybe you should wait to take time off," she teased. "She'll be sick of me by next week."

"No," he laced their fingers together. "I will need to wrap some things up over the next 48 hours, but then I am coming to get you."

"Is that wise?" she looked at their interlaced fingers.

"I don't know," he admitted. "We kept things quiet for your safety, but it was still compromised. Perhaps it is just better to let others know."

"This probably had nothing to do with us," she frowned.

"I agree," Itachi met her eyes. "But it made me realize that if something did happen to you, I don't want to be the last person to find out." His phone buzzed several times in his pocket, and he scanned the message. "Tsume is on her way back. I will need to speak with her to make sure we have her instructions for Akamaru while Tenten is here."

"Go on," she leaned up to kiss the underside of his jaw.

"Get some rest while you can," he helped her sit on the bed before he stood. "I'll see you shortly."

"Alright," she whispered, grounding herself in his presence as they pressed their foreheads together. "Itachi?"


"I don't regret it," she offered. "Not a single moment. If I had to, I'd choose to be with you all over again."

He kissed her gently before helping her settle back into bed. He pressed two fingers to her forehead, and she smiled.

"I love you, too," she sighed, her eyes growing heavy.

He stayed a moment longer, assured by her slowed breathing, and then quietly exited her room. By the time the door closed behind him, his body language had shifted entirely – he was once again the highly competent-youngest-Captain-since-Kakashi Uchiha Itachi, with no known connection to anyone other than his brother. There was nothing in his air to indicate that the other half of his heart was sleeping peacefully behind the closed door, or how close it had been to breaking when he heard about the explosion.

There were many risks in a military life, and Itachi calculated them all.

He was no stranger to loss.

He was no stranger to sacrifice.

But having come so close to losing Hana?

It reframed some of those risks in a different light, and he had changes to make.

Beginning with speaking with Tsume about that time he married her daughter.

As soon as he was back in his room, Ranmaru fired up his laptop. The Konoha center was in Kurosuki territory, so Raiga would want to know about the incident. The boy's fingers flew as worked through several programs, pulling up any news or reports he could find. He briefly considered trying to hack into the VA records to see what happened to Tenten, but he decided against it. The military was not very tolerant of any hacking activities, and he didn't need to raise any red flags.

It was rare that Raiga called, but Ranmaru insisted on it. He managed to convince the man to skype.

"What is all of this about an attack on our property?" Raiga asked, brows furrowed.

"No way was that fire an accident," Ranmaru said, clicking through pictures. "Trajectory is all wrong. Burned too hot, too fast. That building was built when there were still bomb scares, complete with reinforced stairwells and a basement bomb shelter; it was made to stand up to some serious pressure. Someone was either after the people in the building or after the building itself."

Raiga frowned

"Who was in the building?"

Ranmaru took a deep breath. "My friends."

"Friends?" Raiga blinked several times. "The ones from the hospital?"

"Yes," Ranmaru nodded.

"Even that little old woman? Do not worry, we shall give them the best funeral we-"

"No," Ranmaru said firmly. "No funerals. I'm…I'm calling in your marker."

Raiga's eyes darkened. "Do you understand what that means?" he asked seriously. "This is a tall order, and you don't get to change your mind."

"I know," Ranmaru breathed. "But there is something going on here, Raiga."

"Now that we agree on," the man rubbed his chin. "I'll make you a deal. It is too early to call in a marker, Ranmaru,"

"But, I-"

"Listen to me," Raiga said firmly. "It is too early to call in a marker, because I will not call for any funerals until we know more about what happened. Save your marker for after that. I promise," he held up his hands, "to take no action until I know more about what is going on, and never without letting you know first."

"Fair enough," Ranmaru exhaled in relief.

"That still leaves us with a problem" Raiga frowned darkly. "I must think about this. I shall contact you later tonight. Your friends are in the VA until at least then. They shall be spared. Tell me their names again."

'Maru hesitated a moment, but finally complied, sending Raiga several links he'd prepared earlier that day.

Raiga's eyes widened.

"Karashi?" he raised his brows. "Our Karashi?"

"Not sure," Ranmaru frowned. "I've not heard of a member with that name."

"He is an auxiliary family member," Raiga explained. "He runs a restaurant with his mother, and has been doing some work for me privately." He sat back in his chair and stroked his chin. "This changes things. This can be an attack on us, directly." He leaned forward again. "Tell me again about who was hurt and how badly."

Ranmaru gave a careful version of what he knew, and Raiga frowned.

"I am not sure that I like the idea of police involvement."

"Karashi has been friends with Lee and Tenten since they were children," Ranmaru pushed. "They work at the academy; not in the field. They specialize in physical and self-defense training – an asset if you ask me."

"Interesting," Raiga mused. "You seem most anxious to protect them."

"They have been helping me," he plowed on. "Today… today I swam – I did exercises I haven't been able to do before now."

Raiga blinked. "You did?"

"Yes," 'Maru nodded emphatically. "Dr. Kato was most impressed. She said she can't wait until my guardian sees all of my progress."

There was a silence as Raiga considered this.

"Then… I shall have to come and see. And you say both of your friends were involved in this attack?"

"Lee is okay. Tenten is still in the hospital. Lee thinks she will be discharged soon, but will need some time to recover. She…" he swallowed. "She sent me a text. She said she will still work with me."

"I see," Raiga mused. "Then," his eyes drifted to Ranmaru's, "then we must ensure her safety."

Ranmaru's heart filled, and hope sparked in his chest. "Does this mean?"

"It means I still need information from you, but I will not allow anything to interfere with your success."

"Right," he bobbed his head, trying to hide his smile. "I'll get on it right away."

Raiga's smile was small and wistful. "It is… good to see you this way, Ranmaru. I shall be sure to visit soon."

"Yes, Raiga," he replied. "Thank you."

Their conversation ended moments later, and he poured himself into whatever research he could do.

Kiba had barely four hours between dragging himself back to his 'home' as Kuromaru and being picked up by an unmarked vehicle to speed off to a private airfield. He hopped a flight, spent three days in Ame, and 36 hours in Mizu before finally touching down in Takigakure.

He hadn't been to bed yet, and he was still traveling under cover, which meant he had to be constantly on guard. He was traveling light and had been given the clothes he was wearing just the night before, in exchange for some that got bloody during a fight. Luckily, an old friend of Itachi got him in to where he needed to be seen, and back out again in one piece.

Kiba didn't even need to call for a ride; Nara was tracking his phone and let him know when his ride arrived. The chauffeur arrived in a private car and whisked him off to an equally private vacation home, tucked away in what he was assured was one of the most secured locations in the area touted by the Tourist Board as "The Land of Waterfalls." There, an impossibly perfect butler took Kiba's things as he directed him to the large balcony.

Too tired to argue, he thanked him and complied, finding Kakashi already seated at a table, scanning a magazine.

"Tsume sends her love," he remarked, barely glancing up from his reading. "Left strict instructions that we be good guests. Pakkun, too," he nodded to the small dog snoozing on the cushion of an adjacent chair

"And Hana?"

"Her follow-up appointment went well, and she elected to take a friend up on their offer of a mini vacation at Yugakure. As for your partner," he did look up then, "she inhaled some nastier stuff, and is spending several days under observation. Tsume made the call to have Akamaru stay with her, too."

Kakashi gave a nod to the table, and Kiba took a seat with a sigh.

"What the hell happened out there, Kakashi."

"Still piecing that together," the ex-Captain grimaced. "We have confirmed the fire was arson, but don't have any true suspects or motives."

"Any leads?"

"Possibly," he put his magazine down. "Nara Sr. says that there are similarities to a military case from a few years back, but he has to do some investigating before sharing details. Has to be sure it is relevant."

Kiba shook his head. "None of it makes sense. Who would want to blow up an old building before a large community benefit?"

"We are hoping to figure that out," Kakashi laced his fingers and leaned on the table. "Nara promised to let me know the moment he has a reasonable suspect."

"So," Kiba looked around the balcony and private view. "Does that mean we are here on KPD's budget or the military's?"

"Neither," a tall, white haired, giant of a man said jovially, sauntering out to join them. "This is one of my writing retreats. You are here as my guests."

Kiba flicked a glance at Kakashi before venturing. "Mighty nice of you…"

"Jiraiya," he smiled, motioning a silent butler forward as he took his seat. "Officer Inuzuka, right? The one who filled out that questionnaire about working for a K-9 unit?"

Kakashi nodded his head, and Kiba answered, "That's me."

"I appreciate the information you sent me," Jiraiya leaned back as the butler began to serve coffee and leaving the shiny metal cart at Jiraiya's elbow, per his request. "Although," he grinned, "I had hoped to see your partner again. She get your book to you, Kakashi?"

Kiba arched an eyebrow.


"Mm. My last release," Jiraiya nodded. "Which reminds me," he took a book from the second shelf of the cart and handed it to Kakashi. "She made me promise to advance you a copy of my newest book. I didn't realize I'd get the opportunity to deliver it in person."

Kakashi ran his fingers along the spine reverently. "This isn't supposed to be released until April."

"Don't I know it," Jiraiya snorted. "But your Officer Tenten is a rather savvy negotiator. I don't mind telling you she drives a hell of a hard bargain."

"Bargain?" Kiba blinked. "What kind of bargain?"

Jiraiya's grin was slow, even as Kakashi stiffened.

"She didn't tell you what she did?"

"No," Kiba looked over to Kakashi who suddenly looked very, very uncomfortable. "She say something to you?"

"She might've mentioned something the night I was shot," he said with a tenuous caution that set off all of Kiba's 'Tenten is up to something' alarms.

"Then by all means," Jiraiya grinned, settling into his seat. "Allow me to enlighten you. This was back in September, when she made a special visit to see me."

Kiba quirked an eyebrow. "September?" he looked over at Kakashi. "She went to a target shooting competition in September, but that's pretty much the only vacation she's taken in… wow. Forever," he finished, thinking about it for the first time. Tenten didn't take time off. Even when she competed in contests for marksmanship, she was never gone for more than a weekend. Come to think of it, that last competition might have been the longest stretch of time she had been gone since she had joined the force, and it had only taken two days off work to augment her weekend.

"Is that what she told you?" Jiraiya smiled. "Well, I suppose there was one a few towns over, but she made a special side visit as well. She made it to my office, entered the room without knocking, came right over to the desk, and told me she had a deal to offer me."

Kakashi stared. "Not with any identifiable department weaponry, I hope?"

"Trust me," Jiraiya smirked. "Her weaponry didn't belong to anyone's department. She handed me this envelope," he held up a standard letter sized envelope and Kakashi visibly blanched.

"What's going on, Kakashi?" Kiba asked warily, his eyes darting between the two men.

"See for yourself," Jiraiya tossed the envelope onto the table and then put both hands behind his head, sitting back to watch in amusement.

Kiba took the opportunity to snatch the envelope and dump the contents on the table. He thought Kakashi might've made a strangled 'eep,' but he couldn't be sure. "Fabric?" he asked, reaching out a hand. Kakashi tried to snatch it away, but only succeeded in grabbing one of the two objects. "What's gotten into you?" he asked, before joining his Captain in staring at the diaphanous garment dangling out the end of his fingers. It took several seconds for Kiba to register it as what could only kindly be described as a microscopic bikini top striated with the kind of ribbon that was must have been there just to hold the shit together.

He looked down at his own hands, dumbly, realizing he had the matching and possibly more microscopic thong.

"What the fuck is this?" Kiba demanded, his red triangular tattoos bright against his suddenly pale cheeks.

"…How much of an explanation do you need?" Jiraiya asked dryly.

Kiba glowered at him, but he only chuckled. "Our friend Tenten told me she would trade me that envelope and another for the anthology and signed copies of my new book."

Kiba's pulse was pounding in his ears as he tried to piece this all together. "…Other envelope...?"

Jiraiya gave a slow smile. "The one with the pictures of her wearing that get up."

Kiba's tension snapped into relief with a snort. "So, you got set up. How long did it take for you to realize she was never gonna wear this get-up?" he tossed the thong back onto the table.

"Oh, she set me up, alright" Jiraiya agreed, before pulling a large manila envelope off the cart, and flicking it upright between his index and middle finger to slowly wave it back and forth. "But she followed through." He tossed it lightly onto the table, the light gust of air enough to flutter the thong away. Kakashi and Kiba stared at the envelope between them with a mix of horror, shock, and blatant curiosity. Kiba's face was flushed and he didn't know whether to laugh, punch this crazyassed old man in the face, or hop on the first flight to Konoha with the express purpose of finding Tenten and shaking her senseless. Kakashi looked to Jiraiya as if he had just been told to dismantle a bomb in three seconds or less.

"Konoha's finest are afraid of a few pictures?" he asked, eyebrow arched.

"You don't know Tenten," Kiba said in a tight voice, a very peculiar rage simmering under his skin.

"After this?" he smirked, "I think I do. Go on, Captain," Jiraiya nudged the envelope toward him. "It won't bite."

Kakashi cleared his throat and gingerly pulled the 8x10 photos out of the envelope, half turning his good eye away.

What he saw made his breath catch with a strangled sound that made Kiba freeze in place. Kakashi slowly moved the first photo behind the others, his eyes growing wider with each new image.

"Kakashi," Kiba growled a warning, suddenly not liking anything about this even the littlest bit. He was just about to call an end to the bullshit when Kakashi did the strangest thing he could have done.

He laughed.

He threw his head back and laughed.

He laughed the longest, loudest, brashest, most honest laugh Kiba had ever heard, clutching at his sides and his aching ribs as tears rolled out of his good eye.

Kiba stared between the cackling Captain and the Pervy author with the knowing smile before he snatched the pictures out of Kakashi's hands.

There was Tenten, her hair in her trademark buns, winking and giving the camera a peace sign like some kind of silly girl tourist, wearing the world's tiniest excuse for lingerie, over her black combat pants, long-sleeved turtleneck, bullet proof vest, and combat boots. In the next photo, she was lying on her stomach, her feet crossed behind her in what would have been a very sexy pose if any skin could be seen at all.

The next one was a picture of her back, the thong comically bright against the seat of her pants, one arm extended holding the scrap-of-fabric-masquerading-as-anything-that-could-hold-even-the-suggestion-of-mammary-tissue-without-disintegrating bra out to dangle away from her body. Several more would-be sexy poses later, and Kiba – who was now laughing in relief – found himself staring down at a much softer picture of Tenten.

She was in a high-necked, red silk qipao gown patterned with gold embroidery. His eyes widened as he took in her hair falling in waves well past her shoulders and down her back, her makeup subtle and perfect. He stared openly at the next picture of her laughing, her hand on her hip in that posture he knew so well, but with a distractingly long, lean, well-muscled leg peeking out from the high slit on the side of the dress. Another was of her holding a parasol over her shoulder, and looking back at the camera, her expression disarmingly sweet, and the view of her ass fantastic. The last was just head and shoulders of her with the most beautiful smile he had ever seen. His thumb absently brushed her cheek in the photo as if to see if it was really her. Kiba suddenly noticed the other two were staring at him.

"Well," he quickly handed them back to Kakashi. "At least she gave you those last few to make up for the joke," he rubbed the palms of his hands on the tops of this thighs.

Jiraiya gave a slow smile. "She didn't give me those pictures. How do you think she managed to convince me to listen in the first place, especially since I couldn't open the envelope until I agreed to her terms?"

Kiba stared back at the man. "She… she showed up looking like that?"

Jiraiya nodded slowly. Kakashi and Kiba looked at each other in disbelief. "I didn't know she owned a dress," Kakashi said lamely.

"I understand that was borrowed," he nodded to the photos. "Part of her cover, actually. The photographer was there to take promotional photos for the new book. She had a friend on the inside for the photoshoot and came in with the rest of the models. She agreed to let him take a few pictures of her, once I gave in to her demands. She's a pretty remarkable girl." He looked up at Kakashi with a sly grin. "Did you think I'd agree to forward advance copies of my books from now on for just anyone?"

Kakashi's eyes went wide.

"Didn't tell you that part, eh? Everything I write." Jiraiya nodded. "That girl has guts, and I respect that. Speaking of," He pulled out another book. "For you. My first book. 'Tales of a Gutsy Gumshoe' never quite took off, but I think you will appreciate it."

Kakashi took the book as Jiraiya gathered up the pictures (and undergarments).

"That reminds me," he turned to Kiba. "A suitcase arrived for you last night. I believe Nara's son and his friend put together some of your things for you to have while you are here."

"And how long will that be?"

"A week. Maybe two. We'll know more after speaking with Captain Nara tonight. In the meanwhile, we are well on our way to establishing your cover. There have been requests for more information on how to contact Kuromaru. My network is disseminating as much information as we can to muddy the waters and flush out who might want to speak with you and why."

Kakashi's phone began to buzz, and he checked the read out.

He frowned. "I'd better take this," he murmured.

"Don't get up, Captain," Jiraiya stood. "C'mon, Officer. I'll show you to your room while Kakashi takes his call. Then we can come back for breakfast."

Kiba stood, knowing his Captain's leg was still sore, and followed.

Jiraya led the way down several halls before opening up a door to his room.

Kiba stepped in, immediately spotting the suitcase sent from Konoha.

"She talked about you, you know."

Kiba turned, confused.


"Tenten. When I met her the first time. She spoke rather highly of you. Sounds like you are very close."

Kiba's answer was guarded. "I guess. We are partners, after all."

"You guess," Jiraiya gave a half laugh and pushed off of the door frame. "If the best response you've got is 'I guess,' then you haven't been paying much attention. That's alright though," he stood to his full height. "Because I've decided to help you out."

Kiba stiffened, now certain they weren't talking about his mission, but Jiraiya just grinned and headed for the door.

"See you at breakfast!"

Kiba sank onto the bed and raked a hand through his hair.

"This mission gets stranger every day," he muttered, glancing at his phone.

Still no direct word from Hana or Tenten. He toyed with the idea of contacting his mother but decided against it; he might be on a temporary reprieve, but he was still deep under cover.

Instead, he reached for his phone and sent off a simple text to the one person he could count on to know most things.

'How is she?'

He wasn't sure if it was a minute or an hour before his phone buzzed back.

'Recovering. Still very disoriented; no formal report yet of how she got out. Don't be shocked if you hear she's resigned from the force. It's what we want people to think.'

Kiba considered that.

'Her affiliation with KPD might have afforded her some protection. We sure it's a good thing to remove that?'


Kiba snorted at that. Shikamaru didn't do much unless he was sure, so that had probably been an unnecessary question.

'Akamaru will stay with her?'

'It isn't worth the military resources to remove him, so yes.'

That time Kiba did laugh. The little dots next to Shikamaru's code name in his phone danced, indicating he was typing.

'K is on the phone with HQ. He will fill you in on the rest.'

With that, Kiba pocketed his phone, and stood – cheered and suddenly hungry for breakfast. When his phone buzzed again he assumed that Nara had forgotten to tell him something – so he was surprised to see Tenten's code name on the screen.

From: Doubleshot: 'Sorry if we worried you. Be safe. You know how Akamaru worries.'

He replied: 'I will, and back at you.' He hesitated a second before adding, 'Tell Akamaru I miss him.'

'He misses you, too. Come home safely.'


'Naruto Promise?'

'Double Naruto Promise.'

'Then I'll see you when this is all over.'

Kiba smiled and sent the single most reassuring text he could send his partner.

'Believe it.'

This is one of my favorite AU's, and has long been a favorite story to write. I very much appreciate your patience, and hope you'll stay on the journey with me. - Giada