Title: Painting Nails
Rating: G
Pairing: BonneyLaw
Warning(s): Dorks being cute

Part 1 of 8

"Law, let me paint your nails."

Law held up a thick textbook, slightly annoyed. "I'm studying, Bonney."

His girlfriend flipped him off. "Just get your weenie ass over here."

Apparently he wasn't getting out of this. "If I fail, I'm blaming it on you." Grumbling had never stopped Bonney or Kid from doing something before, but it sure did make him feel better.
Law shuffled over to her grudgingly and plopped onto the couch in front of her.
She laughed and tucked some hair behind an ear. 'Not that way' was the uttered explanation when she forced him to turn around.

"You can't paint my nails like thi- oh." Law's grumbled sentence was cut off when Bonney pulled him backwards, forcing him to lay against her and use her chest as impromptu 'pillows'. "This is uncomfortable."

Bonney snorted and grabbed one of his hands. "You're such a fucking weenie."

Law resigned himself to being stuck here for as long as it took.

The color she insisted on using was a garish shade of ultramarine blue.
It almost made him cringe.
At least watching her doing the actual painting of nails was oddly hypnotic; he could kind of tune out and not pay attention to the color.

Until his left hand.
Until she reached his ring finger.

Bonney skipped over that finger, and it was a tad baffling but he didn't point it out; she had probably just missed it and would get back to it.
Then she put away the blue nail polish.
Law had just started to complain, just opened his mouth to say if she was going to do this then to not miss anything, when a new color came into view.

It was slightly darker than the blue but still bright. It had glitter in it. It was purple.

His words died in confusion, and Law watched as Bonney painted the missed nail purple. "What is this?" He flexed his fingers as he spoke, leaving no question that as to what he was referring to.

Bonney laughed and showed him her own bright red/pink/what the fuck ever is that color called painted nails.
And then her own left hand, painted the same blaring color. Except her ring finger.

Law opened and closed his mouth a few times - no words came. Bonney looped her ring finger around his, almost like a pinky promise but sans the pinky.
"Oh." It was the most intelligent thing he could manage, and Bonney laughed at him yet again (she didn't call him a weenie this time though) and pressed a kiss to the side of his head.

Law allowed it the first time but when she tried to do it again he ducked his head away (and she did call him a weenie).

He might have ducked his head to keep her from seeing his dorky smile more than anything.