Becoming a new mother is wonderful to experience for someone who has wanted children their whole life. Although sometimes it can become overwhelming, nothing is better than coming home and seeing those chubby cheeks, big brown eyes and stubby little legs for the first time in twelve hours. Two months ago since Olivia agreed to foster baby Noah, she has fallen in love with that beautiful little boy. He bonded with his new mom from the very beginning and she did the same. Olivia sat at her desk starring at some pictures on her phone of her son and she couldn't help but smile.

"You've been smiling like a clown since you have been starring at your phone. What are you looking at anyway?" Fin said pulling Olivia from her daze.

"Some pictures I took of Noah when I took him to the zoo last week. The light in his eyes when he saw those huge animals and flying birds, he look so happy and it just melts my heart that I'm a part of this sweet boy's life now" she gave Fin the phone so he could look at the pictures.

"He is adorable baby girl. You know he almost look like you… if I didn't know any better I would say you gave birth to him. When are you going to bring him here so everyone can meet him?"

"Oh I don't know about that. I want to protect him you know, not bring him into a place where criminals are swarming twenty-four seven. But if you like you could come by my place or we could go to the park so you could meet him."

"Ok sure we can do that. I want to be first to meet him anyway." Olivia rolled her eyes

"Yea so you can have him on your side whenever Amaro or Rollins are betting against each other."

"You right "Fin laughed

Olivia looked at the clock that read four thirty "It's almost time for me to get him from daycare anyway. How about you come by tonight say around seven. I'm going to cook some shrimp pasta with garlic bread, your favorite."

"Aww man that sounds so good. I haven't had your good cooking in a while. I will be there at six thirty with my napkin and fork in hand." He gestured a bilb around his neck and a fork in each hand.

"You're hilarious. Ok see you tonight I'm going to let murphy know that I'm leaving."

When Olivia got hot home from picking up Noah she was exhausted but she had promised Fin a home cooked meal. She sat her purse on the counter while trying to balance the sleeping baby on her shoulder. "I'm starting to think you fall asleep in the car on purpose just so mommy can carry you all the way to your room, only to have you wake up five minutes later." She looked down at Noah as he began to stir. "Yep I knew it." She laughed and lay the baby in his bassinet and rolled it to the living room where she could see him. After a quick change out of her work clothes, she headed to the kitchen where she began to prepare dinner. When six thirty rolled around she was just putting the bread into the oven and turning off the stove so the pasta could cool. She turned around and looked at Noah who was now contently watching SpongeBob in his bouncy.

"You love that yellow sponge and his star friend don't you buddy." She cooed at the baby. He responded by spitting bubbles and bouncing up and down. There was a knock on the door "Well that must me uncle Fin huh, you want to meet one mommy's partner." She checked the bread before opening the door. Fin stood there in a baby blue polo shirt, a pair of dark jeans and some white sneakers.

"Hello Fin. You clean up nice." She laughed

"You saying that I'm ugly at work?" he joked

"Noooo I just have never saw you in regular clothes. You look good." Just looking him up and down made her shift uncomfortably "Come in I was just putting the bread in the oven and putting the finishing touches on the pasta." Fin walked past Olivia and went straight to Noah. He handed the little boy the teddy bear he had been holding in his hand.

"Aww thank you Uncle Fin. He loves bears, especially if their big and squashy." She laughed watching Noah play with his new toy.

"Oh god the food smells delicious Liv. Hey Noah you have a wonderful mom, did you know that. She is funny, smart, and very beautiful and to top it all off she is the best cook in the world. When you get old enough I bet she will share her recipes so that you can cook for the pretty ladys. Women love a man who can cook."

"Hey no girl is coming towards by boy until he is forty." She laughed

"Liv that's wrong. You gone have this boy be a forty year old virgin like Munch"

"Ewww I do not want that vision and besides he is way too young to be thinking about girls. He is not even a year old yet and you are already going to have him on punishment." Olivia poured her and Fin a glass of wine with their food. She sat Noah in his hair chair and handed him a piece of garlic bread which he immediately began to nibble on it. Fin and Olivia sat across from each other at the small table while Noah sat at the end

"Slow down sweetie, you don't want to eat that too fast"

"He likes bread too huh. I loved bread when I was a kid. Every time my mom cooked a batch of sweet rolls I would eat five in one sitting. Never touched my actual food, just ate bread and water." He and Olivia laugh

"Is that why your head is so big, all that bread you ate" Olivia joked and got kicked by fin under the table. "I'm just kidding I like your head the way it is, not too big and not too small."

Fin looked at her thinking that comment sounded very sexual. He noticed her cheeks had turned a pinkish color and she was laughing to herself. He shook his head and continued to eat.

One hour, two glasses of wine, three full stomachs and a sleepy baby later Fin sat down on her couch waiting as she put Noah in his crib. He was really glad he agreed to meet the sweet little boy Olivia was so happy about. He didn't know if it was the wine or his feelings, but as the night went on he couldn't keep his eyes off of Olivia. He eyes began to close when he heard footsteps coming up behind him. He was about to sit up on the couch when Olivia plopped down next to him. Their bodies couldn't have been any closer, making fin regret even sitting down because he know this was not going to end well. He didn't know whether to put his arm her or to stand up, but if he did that she would see the huge bulge in his pants. He just sat there and listened to her talk.

"Thanks again for coming over. I'm happy you came to meet Noah, I was just not ready to bring him to the precinct just yet. Hopefully nick and Amanda will understand as much as you do." She turned to look at fin and noticed that he was sweating profusely. "Are you alright Fin"

He looked up from her lips to her eyes then back at her lips again "uhh yea I think it was the wine, do you mind pouring me a glass of water please."

Olivia got up from the couch and a wave of relief washed over Fin. He stood up to grab the glass of water when he noticed her eyes had drifted down to his pants. She was about to say something when Noah's cries disrupted them both.

"Uhh umm you can go ahead and attend to him, I can show myself out." Fin stuttered

"Yea sure see you at work tomorrow" she headed to Noah's room but not before she looked down at the hard on Fin had in his pants. This didn't go unnoticed by Fin, he couldn't believe what had just happened. All he wanted to do was crawl under a rock and die. Heading out the door he looked back to hear the baby's cries had quiet down. He shut the door and ran towards the elevator. He had to get rid of this load or he was going to bust back into her apartment and do something he would regret later.

A/N: Olivia Fin and Noah has been on my mind and this story was at my fingertips so I literally .. hope you like it though! Review and tell me f I should continue or not..Thankz