Ash blushed every time he looked at Cynthia. Cynthia was now travelling with him on their journey. She had been a big help, since she already had experience as a Pokemon trainer, and she helped Ash train his Pokemon.

Ash decided that he needed a variety of Pokemon, since he only had a few.

Ash was training his Pokemon, until he saw two people in a white uniform that had a big red R on it behind some bushes. "Team Rocket,"Ash growled under his breath so that they couldn't hear him.

"You useless Pokemon!" Ash heard a female voice scream. "You're a pathetic excuse for a Pokemon!" this time it was a male voice.

Ash used his aura and sensed that a female and a male were beating a Meowth. Ash growled since he hated Pokemon abuse.

He used his psychic powers to stop the duo and ran up to the beaten up Meowth. "What have they done to you," Ash muttered under his breath.

The Meowth had a dazed look on its face and it was about to faint.

"Forgive me, but this is the only way," Ash whispered into the Meowth's scratched up ear.

Ash took out a Pokeball and caught Meowth. Ash turned to the duo of Team Rocket members. Ash thought of a way to punish them for Pokemon abuse and an evil smirk grew on his face.

Ash used his psychic powers and teleported them right into a police station. "That should do the trick," Ash said thoughtfully.

He quickly ran to the nearest Pokemon center to heal up the Meowth. Cynthia followed him with a shocked look on her face.

When they reached the Pokemon Center, Ash was panting like a dog and cried,"Abused Pokemon, needs treatment!" At those words, Ash collapsed from exhaustion.

Ash and Cynthia ran about two miles without stopping to get to the Pokemon Center.

They slept through the night, and the next morning Nurse Joy shook them awake.

"Is Meowth okay?" Ash asked frantically, afraid that Meowth had some internal injuries.

"Meowth is fine, though he flinches every time I try to go near him," Nurse Joy reported.

"May I see him?" Ash asked nervously. "Sure, go ahead," Nurse Joy replied.

Ash was escorted by Nurse Joy into a room with Meowth in it. Meowth had tubes sticking out of its body. Ash was horrified at the sight of how injured Meowth looked.

"Are you okay?" Ash asked petting Meowth gently on his head. "Yeah," Meowth said coughing. Ash was beyond shocked that he rescued a talking Pokemon.

"I'm sorry for what happened to you, I wanted to ask if you could join me on my journey?" Ash asked to Meowth.

"Of course, I am grateful to you for saving me. It is only fair that I would have to help you in any way possible," Meowth replied.

"Alright, welcome to the team," Ash said excitedly. Ash took out a Pokeball and Meowth tapped the button on the Pokeball.

I apologize for not posting a chapter for so long. I was on a trip in Italy until now.

Also, can anyone guess who Meowth is?