Disclaimer: HoO are not mine, especially Leo, Calypso, Percy, Luke, Thalia, Reyna and

Author's Note: New story featuring Leo and Calypso. I'm just missing one with Frank and Hazel, but I still don't have anything yet. This one will be probably Sunday updates.

1. 7 Years Now

"Good morning" I said as I looked at my beloved. I kissed his shoulder as my arm was on his torso. We were spooning. I heard him sighed before turning to meet my lips.

"Happy Anniversary" said my husband.

"7 years" I said sighing happily.

"You know, the kids are still sleeping" he said with a mysterious sparkle in his eyes. I looked at the clock. It was barely 6 o'clock.

"We have like 30 minutes" I said and pressed me forehead with his. His hand drew slow circles in the waist of my sleep shorts right by my hips.

"Let's not waste time, then" said my husband and we made quiet sweet love trying so hard not to wake up our 4 years old son and one year daughter sleeping in the next bedroom.

Afterwards, we were still in bed enjoying the afterglow and decreasingly panting.

"Can you believe it's 7 years already?" I said.

"Almost 8 since we met…" he said.

"I am so happy than you found me" I said kissing him with my hands on his face.

"I think is the other way around" said my husband with a grin. We stared at each other. He still makes me feel like we just met. Loved!

"Maybe" I said rolling my eyes. "Hungry?"

"Starving" said my husband and I jumped out of bed to make breakfast in a quiet Sunday morning of June 1st.

So this is the story how we met and stayed together. Seven almost 8 years ago…