He pounded his pencil against the desk, thinking about the problem in front of him. He started scribbling down some numbers, trying to reach a conclusion, but none came to him.

"GAH!" Yukine shouted, slamming down his pencil. "Hiyori's homework just get's harder and harder!"

"Maybe you should just give up." Offered Yato, who was sitting in the corner of the room, flipping through a magazine.

"You know, for a God who wants to help people solve their problems, you're not helping me solve mine." All Yato did in response was shrug as he continued to sift through the magazine. Sighing, Yukine returned to the homework, but after some more time of not being able to solve them, to opted to take a break. "Hey, Yato." Yukine called out. "I'm taking a break from my homework and heading out on a walk. I'll be back later."

"Okay." Yato replied, waving goodbye, without looking up from his reading material. Quickly grabbing his parka, Yukine exited the room and descended the stairs. He passed by Kofuku and Diakoku on his way out. "Kofuku, I'm heading out on a walk." He said, into the doorway to the kitchen.

"Got it!" She replied cheerfully.

Without another word, Yukine exited the small house owned by the god of poverty and made his way to the streets. It was only around 3pm, so the sun was still out and shining. Yukine looked up at the bright blue sky and was glad that he had lots of time before the sun would set, bringing with it the darkness of the night. As he walked, Yukine was debating on which walking route to take, when in the end he decided to visit the Cherry Blossom tree, that one of Vaisravana's regalias had tended to. When he reached it, he laid down a little ways away from it, so he could admire it's blossoming beauty. He didn't know how long he had stayed there, but after awhile, something strange happened. A woman, seeming to be around the age of 20 or so, tripped and fell over Yukine.

"Ahhhh!" she shrieked as she fell down.

"A-Are you alright?" Yukine asked the woman, who was now laying across him.

"Yea, I'm fine. I just didn't see you there! I'm sorry." The woman said, picking herself up. Now that she was standing, Yukine could get a better look at her. She was wearing a nice red tank top and a matching skirt to go with it. "My name's Belle. What's yours?" Belle asked, extending her hand. Yukine was thrown off for many reasons. One, most people couldn't see Regalias, unless the Regalia was the one to make the first move in the conversation. Two, because the woman seemed very out of place in a quiet area like this. And Three, because she was stunningly beautiful.

"A-a-ah, M-My name's Yukine, Miss." He finally stuttered out, shaking the woman's hand.

"Mind if I sit here?" she asked, politely.

"U-uh, not at all."

"Thanks." She sat down next to Yukine, who had sense sat up when Belle fell on him.
"So….. What brings you here?" Yukine asked, offering to start a conversation.

"I just like to come here to clear my head."

"Really?! Me too. Although… I haven't seen you here before."

"Yea, you probably wouldn't. I haven't been to this tree in sometime now." Belle replied, a sad expression growing on her face. A realisation hit Yukine like a freight train. 'Could this be the girl Suzuha was talking about?! But wait, didn't he say she died?' However, before Yukine could figure it out, Belle spoke up. "So, why are you here?"

"I already said it's to clear my-"

"No. That's not what I meant." Belle said, cutting off Yukine. "I mean, why HERE. Why THIS tree?"

"Oh….." Yukine didn't know if he wanted to talk about, especially to a complete stranger, who would forget it after she broke sight with him. However, he decided to talk, because he couldn't think of a reason not to. "Well, a friend of mine cared for this tree very much. He died a few months ago, so I come here out of respect. It also helps me to clear my mind to think about him, because he was such a nice person." Belle stared at him baffled.

"Wow… I wasn't expecting something like, 'Because the petals are pretty' or 'Nobody else comes here'. I wasn't looking for something so deep." Yukine blushed a little, haven't not been able to realise what she had meant by the question. He looked away, to keep her from seeing him from blushing, but Belle thought he did so, because he was sad. "Hey, Yukine was it? Don't be so down. Things will get better. Say, how about I take you out for some lunch?" Yukine turned to her, slightly shocked and now thoroughly creeped out. People don't just randomly offer to take you out for lunch.

"U-uh… Thank you, Belle, but I can't accept."

"Nonsense! It'll be on me. Come on." Belle grabbed Yukine's hand and pulled him to his feet.

"Really, ma'am, I'm fine." Yukine protested, but the strange lady wouldn't take no for an answer.

"There is no way I'm going to leave someone out here all alone and sad. Especially when the place I would be leaving them is the source of their sadness. Nope, you're coming to get lunch with me and that's final." Yukine was shocked. How could a random, human stranger be so nice? Now, Yukine wasn't naive. He knew that if this strange lady started to take him somewhere strange or erie, he should just bolt. He was also comforted by the fact that if he got far enough away from her, she'd instantly forget all about him. So, in the end he let himself get dragged along to a nearby noodle shop. They were quickly seated and, soon afterwards, Belle started up another conversation.

"So, Yukine, you have any family?"

"I-I don't know…" It bothered Yukine, but it's just what happens to Regalias. When you die as a human, you lose all your memories of your living life.
"What?! So do you mean, you have like amnesia?"

"Kind of? I'm not really sure how it works…"

"You poor thing! Do you have anywhere to stay? I mean, sense you don't have a family?"

"Yea. I live with some….." Yukine was about to say Gods, but then realized that might freak out the lady a bit. Instead he said, "... friends."

"Well that's good to hear." Belle replied smiling. "So, what school do you go to?" That question set off all kinds of alarms in Yukine's head.

"Umm, Ma'am. I don't mean to be rude, but that's a little…. strange to ask." It took a little bit for Belle to realise what Yukine meant, but then it all hit her.

"Oh my gosh! I'm acting like a predator! I'm so sorry! You must think I'm the creepiest person on earth!" Belle said, with a laugh.

"No, No, You're okay." Yukine said, smiling.

"I can't believe you came here with me! With everything I've said and how I said it! I'm so sorry!" In response, Yukine just laughed. He instantly felt better about the strange woman, feeling more comfortable around her. He thought it was a little strange that he felt that way, but paid it little attention, as Belle asked a new question. "Well, I meant, how is your schooling? If you HAD told me which school you went to, I'd be able to judge how well of an education you got from it."

"Oh, I see. Well, I'm actually home schooled."

"Really?! That's great!" Belle said, beamingly.

"W-Why is that great?" Yukine asked, curiously.

"Well, it's because, before my son moved out, I homeschooled him. I'd say I taught him pretty well, if I do say so myself."

"Ah. Well that's cool." Soon after, Yukine said this, the waiter arrived with their food and placed it on the table without a word. He quickly made sure they both had their silverware then left. "Hey… Belle. I need to ask you something."

"Yes?" she replied, scarfing down some noodles.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" She smiled at him from across the table for a little bit, before she replied,

"Because I don't like it when people are sad. It makes me sad to see other sad." This made Yukine smile. This lady seemed so nice, Yukine played with the idea that if, when she died, maybe she'd turn into a Regalia. After they had both finished their meals, Belle offered to drive Yukine home.

"My car is back over by the Cherry Tree, so we'd have to walk back there, but It would be no problem to give you a lift."

"Uh….-" Yukine was about to reject the offer, due to it, again, being strange to get a ride from a complete stranger, but after the meal they had just shared, he decided she was a nice person. "Sure. Thank You very much."

"No problem!" Belle said gleefully, as the two walked back to her car. It wasn't long before they returned to Belle's car and when Yukine got into the passenger seat, he was bombarded by the heat of it.

"Man… your car is hot, Belle." Yukine said, stating the obvious.

"Yea… sorry about that. My A/C broke on me." Belle replied as she got into the car. "But I have some water in the glove box if you want it. Help yourself." Yukine opened the glove box and found, the water.

"Thank you." He said, as he opening on up and took a few big swigs of it. However, he should have been more weary. He should have noticed how the water bottle was already unsealed. He should have noticed how Belle had locked the doors of the car before even starting the car. He should not have been so trusting of a random stranger. Within seconds of drinking the water, Yukine's head started to feel hazy and he soon passed out.

AN: Depending on how much people like it, I will update again soon. I just need motivation :P