Hey! Mily here with a TMNT fanfic! Has anyone other than me noticed Mikey never gets the girl? Well now he does and this is not a Mary-sue! I did a specific test to make sure it wasn't lol, on with the fic and don't worry I don't do the "if you give me such-and-such reviews I'll continue" I"ll continue it at the rate I write new chapters kay? This doesn't mean I don't want you to review! Review away please, ^_^ please no flames but you are allowed to criticize me in a helpful matter, :) Email me at [email protected] and....I'm out!

Disclaimer I don't own the Ninja Turtles or an characters created by the uh...people who created them all I own is my character Mirabelle.


Now I am free

Running, the last thing she could remember was fleeing from the white lab coats as she called them. They had caught her this time but she would be ready next time.


"Now come on dear" said a sinister voice "this won't hurt a bit." he sniggered and thrust a hypodermic needle into her green reptilian flesh.

Mirabelle cried out in pain but succumbed to the anesthetic affects of the syringe.

*End Flashback*

Now she had to execute her escape, she had been planning it for months. Mirabelle had been captive at the "Institute of Paranormal Activities" for as long as she could remember. She knew she had to get out some way or another. It had been too long since she had seen the light of day. She waited until the guard brought her daily stale bread and a liquid she dare not call water.

Over the years she had taught herself to wait until the precise moment to catch him off-guard.

"Here's your bread little lady hope you enjoy it." He smirked evilly and dropped the bread which landed with a thunk on the cold floor. Mirabelle grimaced at the hardened food and prepared to strike.

The clumsy guard fumbled with the keys and they clattered to the floor, as he bent to pick them up Mirabelle saw her chance and delivered a swift kick to his head temporarily knocking him unconscious. The next thing she did was run, the alarm started blaring and the walls were painted red and blue as the warning lights flashed. Mirabelle desperately searched for a window or door she could escape through, she had decided she was going to free herself or die trying. Anything was better then the life of living in the laboratories.

Danger! Danger! Patient 4304 has escaped! Block all exits she must not escape!

Mirabelle was well aware of the sirens and lights but over the years had memorized ever escape route in case of a fire or some other emergency. Left, right, left, left, Mirabelle finally reached the front door and sprinted towards the door, she was within steps when it was blocked by the person she had hated for life.

"Well, well, well, you thought you could escape missy, but you failed once and now you will fail again!" he laughed evilly and brought out a syringe Mirabelle was sure it was filled with a liquid that would make her fall asleep.

"You won't take me you monster! You will never perform experiments on me again! YA!" Mirabelle sucker-punched him and tore out of the institute. She sighed in relief and never looked back.

Mirabelle soon found herself wandering around New York city without any food or water, she was thankful that she managed to get her hands on an old hooded cloak to shield herself from the everyday citizens who weren't afraid to show their face. In reality Mirabelle could have acted that way too until she was mutated into a humanoid turtle at a very young age, she barely remembered being human at all.

She wandered through the dark alleys in search of food or water and finally found some old pizza boxes with a slice or two left him them. She hungrily devoured them and sank into sleep on some old garbage bags.

A few hours later Mirabelle was soon awoken by the sound of voices coming from around the corner of her hiding place. She froze and carefully listened to the two male voices around the corner.

"If you see her, report to me immediately I have a huge reward waiting for the one who finds her." The one voice whispered.

Mirabelle felt terror engulf her at the thought of her captors being so close but continued to listen.

"Alright someone's bound to see her, who wouldn't notice a 6 foot mutant turtle?" The other voice uttered jokingly.

"Just report to me or The Shredder will have your head." the first voice finished, Mirabelle could hear him walking away and waited for the other one to leave but he didn't, instead he walked right around the corner to where she was hiding!

"Something smells like... Pizza, I'm sure those damn ninja turtles are around here somewhere!" he suddenly began throwing boxes and garbage bags every which way.
"I"m so mad at them! Its their fault I look like this!" he continued his rampage when he finally left the alley. Mirabelle sighed in relief and went back to sleep.

The next day she found herself in a more dangerous situation. She was cornered by a mutant who looked like a rhinoceros and another who looked like a mutant pig.

"Leave me alone!" she tried to sound threatening but her voice quavered and she shrank back in terror.

"Hey Bebop she looks like the one Shredder was giving the reward for!" he laughed stupidly and came towards her.

"Hey yeah! Lets get her!" The two advanced towards her menacingly to knock her out.

"I warned you..." Mirabelle jumped up and punched the pig square in the nose, and kicked him in the stomach. He doubled over gasping to his partner to get her for him.

Mirabelle swirled around to face her other attacker when she was struck on the back of the head with a board. Her eyes fluttered and she fell unconscious...

"Heh heh come on Bebop we'll come back for her after we eat!" the two got up and left leaving Mirabelle lying on the ground.

"Oh.....I wish I were an Oscar Mayer hotdog! That is what I'd truly like to be! Cuz if I were–ow! Raph! I'm the one carrying the pizza you know!" Mikey rubbed his arm gingerly and continued humming.

"Well if you didn't suck so much at singing...I wouldn't have socked you." Raphael crossed his arms and kept walking.

Donatello just rolled his eyes and anticipated their return to the lair.

Leonardo shook his head and muttered something about respecting one another no matter what kind of voice they had.

"Hey what's that over there?" Mikey handed the pizza to Raph and ran over to the alley what he found there was unbelievable.

Ok I'm leaving it there! How'd you like it? Don't worry chapter 2 is in the process in fact I'm probably writing it as you read this or write your review! You are gonna review are you? You are! Thanks! Later!