This is it, guys! The last chapter of the new and improve of my first story Elmore's Warriors. We last saw Elmore's Warriors getting into a trap by their former member and Warrior-Cat's partner, Rainbow Mist. They escape from their wrath, and now they're going to fight back! Sit back and read this amazing last chapter!

Chapter 17: When Superheros Fights Back!

Gamble asked "Are you guys sure we're ready for this? This goes beyond everyone we fought for."

Elmore's Warriors had went back to the lair after being set-up by their former member and Warrior-Cat's partner, Rainbow Mist, along with his uncle and crime boss, Victor DeSoto. He and his men had torture the team of letting out their secrets, so far, they only confesses their real names. Warrior-Cat here was the blabbermouth here as he told them everything about the team. Now they're at the lair, getting ready to fight DeSoto and Rainbow Mist.

Warrior-Cat had took the most damage out of all the team. Colonel War had suffered worse than him, but he managed to hold it in. His suit, plus his face, were covered by his own blood, some of them were from the doctor himself before losing his head in a freak lightning blast. He wasn't feeling ready to fight against a crime boss and his former partner. He was having a hard time of keeping the bottom part of his suit after it got cut off by the doctor, so Joesph give him a belt to tied it around.

Night-Ninja said to him "Hey, go wash off the blood off your face."

Warrior-Cat nodded his head in response; despite being critically injure, he got up from his chair and went to the bathroom before closing it behind him. He look at himself in the mirror before getting a bit freak out by his reflection. He open the sink and splash himself in the face with water, rinses out the blood from it, some of them were on his fur. He wash every fur that had his or someone's elses blood. He got out of the bathroom, and saw the team wasn't here. Warrior-Cat saw the Colonel's office open, and goes there. He walk very slowly until he reaches the office.

He said the team, plus the Colonel, who was sitting at his chair. They were looking at his computer. Warrior-Cat join in, and saw in the screen several screens on the monitor. There were gangsters, all armed, in every corner. In the hallway. Outside and inside a mansion. Guarding a large office, and finally a room filled with five crime bosses, a dangerous one, and a sadistic masked hero. Warrior-Cat notice pictures of crime bosses from the billboard, and the top one is DeSoto himself.

Warrior-Cat stuttered "W-Wait. That's DeSoto's place."

Colonel War answered "Yep."

"Wait a minute, you're not thinking of going in there, right?"

Joseph added "He knows who we are. It's only a matter of time before he starts finding us and kill the people we know. We need to put a stop to it."

"This-This is insane! We can't take down a crime boss and his gang! It's suicide! They'll kill us the minute we enter through there! Look at me, guys! I can barely take one guy down, but not against this! It's too much! It's...all...too much!"

Suddenly, something was inserted from Warrior-Cat's arm and he felt something sensation from within. A few seconds later, He took a deep breath and lay it out. Warrior-Cat know feel something. All his injuries, his wounds and pain. They're all gone. All gone. He turn to see Jenny holding an empty needle.

Warrior-Cat asked "What the hell was that? And why can't I feel anything?"

Colonel War explained "That was something we took from one of DeSoto's operations. This stuff can make you shut down all of your injuries. Also, it'll give you a quick boost."

"So why you took these?"

"We needed for emergencies. So we took a whole crate. However, the effect will wear off in about an hour, so we don't have a lot of time."

Warrior-Cat notice that the rest of the team had given themselves a small dose of a white substance. They all lay out a deep breath.

Dr. X-Ray exclaimed "Whoo! That's what I'm talking about!"

Warrior-Cat saw that the team were all hope up by the dose. They were getting ready to do this incredible mission. Joseph said "So Warrior-Cat, you still want to back out?"

The looks of everyone faces felt like they didn't want to back down from this, not after what they had been through. Warrior-Cat saw determination from each of them; so instead of that quitter shit, he exclaimed "Are you kidding me? They electrocuted my ball! Time to kick some fucking ass!"

Once again, he swear again, right in front of the Colonel, He apologized "Sorry about that."

Colonel War nodded "I'm going to allow that. Gang, let's move out!"

With both of his hands clap together, Elmore's Warriors went out of the lair and into the van.

Gumball's P.O.V

I didn't know if that was the needle talking or my superhero side telling me to go for it, but hey, they can do these for many reasons. They can tried to kick my ass, they can threatened me to back down, but when they shove two sticks into my balls, that's when they cross the line.

DeSoto's Mansion.

After getting a call from Colonel War himself, instead of old Doc Electricity, Victor DeSoto had order a lock down on his house. His men was order was to guard every speck of the house, armed with weapons. Right now, he was in his office becoming paranoid with a pistol.

Rainbow Mist had his mask taken off and said "Come on, Uncle Vic, let me take care of Warrior-Cat or maybe the Colonel. I can kill them both-"

Victor answered quickly "Absolutely not, Tobias! I can't see you getting kill out there!"

One of the crime boss said "Vic, take it easy. They're just a bunch of fuck faces in masks. How bad can they be?"

"You don't know about Carl, Joey. He and his brother were considered the most deadliest assassins, but Carl was considered the worst. He once stuck a guy in the heart and, before you know it, he was sleeping underneath Elmore's River."

"But, Uncle Vic," Stated the unmasked hero. "There's two guards outside of the mansion. They'll be dead before they'll reach us."

Victor said "You're right." He press the button on the intercom and spoken "Send out three more outside on the double."

Outside the mansion, the two bodyguards were standing guard with their pistols and looking for anyone wearing a mask. It was about midnight on a Tuesday. The moon was full above them, and a heavy wind set across them. As the two guards were looking any sight, one of them pick up something from his ears.

"You heard that?" Said one of the armed guards.

The other guard used his ears to pick off something of what he had heard. He, too, can hear it. The noise was low, but the two of them can hear it off distinct. The noise grew louder and louder. It was some sort of a noise being made like a goat pleading out of mercy. It's sound like...a car engine.

The two of them notice the noise coming in closer and closer. They hold their pistols onto the direction it was coming at.

One of them said "You think it's them?"

"I doubt it. No car can make that noise from that old dinosaur car."

Then the van came in out of the darkness, but something was different from it. The two of the guards were in shock when they saw spikes from the front of the van. They scream in terror before the impact hit them and crash into the entrance of the mansion.

The noise had alerted Victor, the crime bosses, and Tobias from Victor's office. Victor said "The fuck was that?"

The rest of the gangsters follows where the noise had erupted. Two of the guards had already arrive before the rest. There, at where the entrance once stood and the gangsters, were impaled by the spikes on the van. Their guns were loading and getting ready to fire. The side door from the van open up, and a huge amount of sun radiation had hit one of them in the chest. Archie then came in and started pecking the other guard's face. His pistol fired a few rounds in the air before a single punch knock him out cold. Elmore's Warriors got out of the van with their weapons up.

Victor walk a bit with his cane in his hand, while the rest of the crime bosses each took out their pistols. Victor said "You heard those shots?"

One of the crime boss answered "It's coming from the entrance."

Victor ordered "The three of you go over there and take care of it. The rest of you stay guard outside my office. "

Warrior-Cat asked "Alright, what's the plan?"

Joseph answered "We find DeSoto and get the hell out of here quickly. I don't know how long this chemical compound is going to hold us."

The rest of the guards had finally show up, and Colonel War erupted "Elmore's Warriors, charge!"

The heroes ran straight to the gangsters and giving them a good kick in their asses. They may be armed with their pistols and such, but the team were prepare for this kind of thing. The result of the drug they have taken back at the lair was making them move faster than ever. Gamble quickly hit his first target as he throw three cards went into each gangster's chest. Fly-Man took out his electric gloves and smash a gangster in the face very fast before breaking one's leg. Night-Ninja slash two across the faces with her blade staff. Jenny quickly throw her ninja stars on two in the eyes and Joseph send his blade onto someone's skull and split him in half. Dr. X-Ray's device hit some of the gangsters, and Warrior-Cat punch one on the face and throw his shield on another one before catching it.

As Colonel War finish about five gangster with his straight thanks to the drug, he look to the other way of the hallway and saw more gangsters coming in. He shouted "There's more on my back! Joseph, Jenny, Warrior-Cat you three take care of them, we'll hold up the rest!"

Warrior-Cat, and the J Twins had heard their leader's order and quickly ran to the other side. The gangsters each took out their pistols and fired at them. Lucky, they made it safe on the armor van before closing it. The three masked heroes can heard the bullets ricochet against the van.

Warrior-Cat said to the twins "You guys got any ideas?"

"Just one." Stated Joseph. "Give me your shield."

The gangsters kept firing on the van, hoping to get the three heroes. When one of them yelled stop with one arm raise, the bullets stopped. They had left about fifty bullet holes in there. It was only a minute before they realize that they were all dead. Then the van door open, and another does of sun radiation came it, but this one was deadlier than the last. A couple of the gangsters body were in flames, screaming. The remaining gangsters ran away after one of them shouted "Jesus Christ!"

After the deadly sun radiation was over, the three masked heroes got out of the van and started running down the halls. Warrior-Cat shouted "Shit! What the hell did you do to my shield?!"

Joseph answered "I rewire your device so that those sun radiations blast can become more powerful than the sun. I increase it over about 10,000 degrees."


The remaining gangsters ran back to Victor's office, where they slam on the door, and Victor shouted "The fuck you guys doing here?! You were supposed to take care of those freaks! Where the hell are the rest?"

One of the gangster cried "They're dead, Vic! All of them! They were burn like a Christmas turkey!"

One of the crime bosses exclaimed "I can't take this anymore! I don't want to died with you all!"

Victor shouted back "Come yourself! They'll be coming for me the minute they walk right on that door. Alright, everyone in the room follow me to the kitchen. Except for you, Tobias. You stay here and lock yourself in the bathroom."

Tobias argued "But Uncle Vic-"


Victor, the crime bosses, and his remaining gangsters had left the office before Victor close it and left. The two guards were the only ones standing there.

Warrior-Cat, and The J Twins hurry to DeSoto's office. Joseph spotted something and told the other two heroes to stop. He summons his blade and tilt it to see any guards. He saw the reflection of the two heavy guards.

Joseph smiled "Easy. Me and Jenny can take them out."

With a heavy breath and still has the chemical from within, Joesph ran with his katana in the grips on his hands. The two guards took out their pistols and fires at him. Joseph ran from the walls and deflect the bullets with his blade.

Warrior-Cat said in disbelief "The fuck?"

The bullets had brought back to them, but it did hit them. It went into the doors, alarming Tobias, who was still inside. He was supposed to lock himself in the bathroom just like his uncle had told him, but didn't even bother to. Tobias look for something in his uncle drawers for a firearm, and he did. A Forty-Five caliber pistol. He then went straight into the bathroom before locking the door.

Jenny was next after her brother deflected the bullets and throw a couple of ninja stars in their arms, knocking their pistols off of their hands. Joseph decapitated one by cutting his head in half and slice off the other guard's legs. Jenny finish him off with two knifes on his neck, slicing off his jugular with an X.

With the guards dead, Warrior-Cat join them and asked Joseph in awed "How did you learn to do that?"

Joseph answered "Takes years of evasive training. You want me to teach you?"

"No! I mean, no. No, that's okay."

Joesph open the golden doors with a mighty kick, and the rest of the heroes enter the office. They pull out their weapons to see if Victor was here, but he wasn't. Not even his crime bosses or his buddies.

Warrior-Cat exclaimed "Damn! Where is he?"

They heard the sound of gurgling coming from the guard who had his throat slice. The guard said as blood was coming from out of his large wound "They'….the kitchen."

Jenny asked "Where's this that?"

"On...the right. Fourth door."

With a finally gurgle sound, the guard died from external bleeding. Warrior-Cat notice something from the office. He goes over there and saw a green mask. He grabs it and recognizes it. It was from his former partner.

"Warrior-Cat! Come on!" One of the twins stated.

"You guys go. I have some business to take care off."

The J Twins left the office, leaving Warrior-Cat alone. He close the door and lock it. With his shield still on his arm, Warrior-Cat shouted "I know you're here, Tobias! Or should I say Rainbow Mist! Come out and face me like a man!"

The bathroom door open a bit, revealing the eye of Tobias Wilson. He said in a low voice "Come on. Come on, you son of a bitch. Come on." He held the pistol closely on his face.

Warrior-Cat shouted a bit more "What's the matter, Wilson?! Are you a man or pretty much of a pussy?! That's what you said about me, right? Little pussy fuckin Wilson!" Rainbow Mist's anger increased and his gun was started to shake violently. "I always thought the nephew of a crime boss will be a bad ass, not a pussy who hides on his momma basement like forty year old coward."

With a scream and a door open wide, Tobias fire several rounds at Warrior-Cat, but Warrior-Cat deflected the bullets with his shield before ducking cover behind Victor's oak desk.

Tobias yelled "Is that the best you can do, Watterson?! I already know your secret! You can tried to beat me all you want, but I know who you are!"

Warrior-Cat throws his shield at him, but Tobias miss. Then Warrior-Cat send a mighty punch at Tobias' face. With him on the ground, Warrior-Cat grab his shield and swing it on Tobias' arm, knock gun out of his hand. His hand might have been broken by the impact. He send a kick to the face, making him stump back. Then Warrior-Cat send his mighty shield with a powerful swing on top of Tobias' forehead. That swing send Tobias on the ground, knocking him out cold and a bloody head wound on the left side of his forehead.

Warrior-Cat then uttered "Who's the pussy now, pussy?" With that being said, Warrior-Cat left the office.

Inside the kitchen, Victor and the rest of his gang were there after getting warning of Warrior-Cat and The J Twins were coming for Victor. Right now, Tobias' uncle was becoming more than paranoid. He was becoming over the edge since he was losing the battle. Everyone took out their pistols out and waited for a masked hero to come into the door.

Victor muttered to himself, over and over again "Shit, shit, shit."

The crime boss named Joey revealed "That's it. I'm getting the fuck out of here!"

One of the gangsters replied "The fuck you are! We're not leaving here until we see those assholes coming into those doors!"

The two gangsters were standing right next to two metal doors with their guns press against their head.

Joe scream, while being paranoid "Vic, there's no way we can survive this! I say we leave town for good while we still have the chance!"

Victor shouted "The hell you aren't! Nobody is leaving! We are not going to be threatened by some punk ass freaks!"

One guard behind the metal door just got a blade went through his stomach, sending the crowd in a frenzy.

The other guard exclaimed "Holy shit! Eddie!" He took his head outside the kitchen and got his eyes being throw at by ninja stars. He drop dead on the floor with both of his eyes bleeding out of their sockets.

Joey exclaimed "It's them!"

Jenny was the first one to enter the kitchen as she throw a couple of blades onto two gangsters. Joseph went in second as he got his blade out of the fat gangster's stomach. He slash the last of Victor's gangsters in a second; their heads, arms, and legs were spattered all around the room.

The crime bosses were freak out by the twins' assault on the rest of the gangsters, except for Victor. He shouted at them "What the hell is wrong with you people?! They're just teens in masks for Christ sakes!"

One of the crime boss manage to grab Jenny as she wasn't looking. She struggle to get out of his might, but couldn't. He chuckled "Got her, Vic."

Joesph notice her twin sister was in trouble, and rush in to save her. But Victor send his golden cane on him, knocking him down. Victor pop out the top of his cane to reveal a long golden blade. Joseph got up and had his blade connect to Vic's golden blade. The two of them cling their blades into each other.

Their blades connect at each other, and lock eyes with each other. Joseph has hatred from within him. Victor laughed at his ambition to kill him while showing his golden tooth. "You know, kid, I got to admit, your dear old daddy had taught you well of handling a sword. Too bad he didn't taught you skills."

Victor kick him on the stomach, leading him against the silver counter. Victor charges his sword on him, but Joseph counter block him. They continue clanging their blades onto each other, until the crime boss got the upperhand. He punches Joseph with his gold rings in the face, and send him across the table. Another crime boss quickly got Joseph's blade, and Joseph quickly got up and dodges every attack made by the crime boss. He manage to disarm Victor's blade before sending a punch on the face. The crime boss felt unmove by the impact, so Joseph punches him again.

Victor laughed "Kid, you know how many people I face who mess with me? I got fourteen facelifts several years ago. I can't feel a thing!" He then grab Joseph by his shirt and lifted him up. "And I got tiger blood injected into my veins! Looks like you won't be messing with me ever, kid!"

He send the masked hero to the silver counter very hard that it broken in half. Joseph felt a bit pain, but not a whole lot. He later was grab by Joey. Victor crackle both of his hands and tauted Joseph "Not so taught, aren't you?"

He lands a couple of punches onto Joseph's face. His face was already bleeding from his nose and mouth, despite the chemical drug in his body.

Warrior-Cat kept running through the halls while shouting "Joseph! Jenny! Where are you guys?!" He stop to hear the sound of punches, and the angry voice of a crime boss. It was coming from the door that he was looking at.

Victor kept on punching Joseph's face while shouting "You and fucking gang ruin my business! You and your sister kill most of men!"

With that being said, Victor order his men to lay go of him, and he did. Joseph collapses on the ground with his face is being mess up. Jenny tried to shut her eyes of seeing her brother getting killed, but couldn't. She had tears in her eyes. Victor inspected Joseph blade while whistling "This is a nice pieces of blade. Smooth on the texture and still looking sharp." Joseph look at him as he was still breathing and bleeding at the same time. Victor held the blade with both of his hands and stated "Time to joint a family reunion."


The gang stopped to see Warrior-Cat coming in. He finished "Why do you pick on someone your own size?"

Joey said "Get the fuck out of here. This a matter of business you wouldn't understand."

Victor smiled "Take it easy, boys. This one doesn't have the balls to stop us."

However, Victor was soon proven wrong when Warrior-Cat's shield send a huge solar radiation out of the device and hit Victor's pants, which eliminated his pants and his skin. Victor screamed "AHH! MOTHER OF GOD! HE FUCKING BLOW MY PANTS OFF! AND MY DICK!"

Warrior-Cat quickly send his shield onto the crime boss that was holding Jenny, letting her go from his might. With the twins free, they both took out their weapons and finish this. Jenny throw her blades on two crime bosses on each throats. Joseph got his blade back and send down on a crime boss's groin before splitting him in half. Warrior-Cat punch one in the face with his shield still in his arm and a swift kick on another one above the skull.

They didn't notice Victor taking out a pistol and yelled in bloody murder "YOU ASSHOLES ARE DEAD! DO YOU HEAR ME?! MOTHER FUCKING DEAD-"

Then half of his head got hit so many times by an object. After about a hundred times, Warrior-Cat and Jenny stood there in silence to see Joseph with his katana filled with all the gangsters blood. He stood there very quiet while standing on the remains of the crime boss who took him and his sister family away.

Warrior-Cat said "Joseph?"

Jenny put her hand on her twin brother's shoulder and said worriedly "Joseph?"

Suddenly Joseph quickly give her sister a massive hug, and Jenny, in shock, put her arms on him. Warrior-Cat could hear the tough male teenager wolf crying softly. He had never see him cried before since the night their family was murder. He then feel something that made his whole body go into limp. All the pain and injuries that he had gotten back at the factory had brought back to him. His legs were the first ones to go before his whole body collapses on the ground.

Gumball's P.O.V

Great. I was back to where I came here before. In the hospital. In the same room. Why do I always put myself into these things? And how the hell did I get here? All I remember was that we were in DeSoto's place, and all hell broke lose. Everything went in a flash.

Gumball's family came into the room with the same worry looks on their faces when he got stab. Nicole said while crying "Sweetheat, its me. How are you?"

Gumball answered "I'm fine, mom. How did I get here?"

Darwin said "You don't remember? You were found in the park with massive bruises. The guys that brought you here say that it was gang violences."


The door open up to reveal unfamiliar faces to the Watterson, except for Gumball. Gumball recognizes those faces without the mask, the costumes, the weapons, and those awesome comebacks. Gumball spoke, but the bear in the suit put up his finger as a hush.

"You're were lucky, son. Those guys back there couldn't have kill you if we haven't save your behind."

Gumball smiled "Thank you. Can I have a quick word with them?"

Nicole smiled sweetly "Of course, sweetheart. We'll be right back for a couple of hours. Get well, baby." She planted a small kiss on his forehead, and she and her family left the room, leaving only Gumball and the unmasked team.

Carl commented "Sweet family, kid."

Iris Madison said "You were almost lucky tonight, Gumball. You could have died by there."

Gumball replied "I own you guys a life debt."

Joseph remarked "How come every time we seen your ass getting kick, we always come in and save you?" The rest of the team chuckled for a bit, including Gumball.

"So," Stated Gumball. "True story. What really happen back there?"

Carl answered "After your chemical dose had worn off, we immediately took you to the hospital after we strip you out of from your suit."

Shawn added "Which we throw it on the trash. It was all cover in blood and rip. It was no use for you."

Jenny said "We call your family and made up a story to avoid suspicious."

Gumball asked "What about Victor and his gang? Also Rainbow Mist?" His ambition for answers made him raise up a bit from his bed.

Carl raise his paw and said "Easy, son. You gotta take it easy. They're all dead. Every last one of them. Lewis, show them the papers."

The man known as Fly-Man, whose real name is Lewis Marsh, took out a newspaper from his grey suit and hand it to Gumball. The newspaper headline had a picture of Victor DeSoto's mansion with a dozens of police officers and ambulances. It said "Big Time City Crime Boss Slaughter."

The news talk about an assault in Victor DeSoto's place. Twenty-five dead bodies were found in the madison, and ten more were found at the factory. The police, follow by the media, declared a gang-related violence. When I told about what happens to Rainbow Mist, this happens on the next page.

Gumball turn to the other page and said in wide eyed in a low voice "Holy shit." There was a picture of Rainbow Mist, unmasked, being handcuffed by the police as declared on the headline "Former Superhero In Cuffs For Attempted Murders."

The public learn about Rainbow Mist's scheme, and the nephew of DeSoto after police had found a recorder in the office. My partner said that he knew about Warrior-Cat's name, but doesn't remember. Guess that bump on that forehead must have erased the memory of knowing my secrets. Possibly the rest of us.

Shawn said "Looks like the bastard finally got what's coming at him."

Michael Carson, also known as Dr. X-Ray, said "Damn straight."

Gumball sighed in reviled "Looks like our secret safe. Listen guys, I been giving some thought about this, and I think I'm going to quit this. I mean, this-this have gone too much for me."

Carl said "We understand, Gumball. Seem you can take so many punches while being with us."

Shawn added with a remark "Not to mention your balls were almost fried like burn turkey."

Jenny nodded "We understand that you need some time off from the team."

Carl added "But if you're ready to go out into the world of being a hero again, don't do this by yourself. Try calling us."

The middle-age bear took out something from his shirt pocket and hand it to Gumball. From the palms of his hand it was a small communicator. The details was that it was all red, the small antenna was blue, and the words E and W were white and the background was black.

Gumball said in awed "Cool."

Dr. X-Ray raises his hand and uttered "I made it. For you and all of us."

Iris added "Now you can contact us or we'll contact you whenever there's trouble ahead."

Their conversation was interrupted by another gust coming at the door. Gumball quickly throw his communicator to Shawn, who put it at Gumball's shorts. The young blue cat was surprise of seeing her. Penny.

Penny stopped by surprise by the amount of guest Gumball have. She said "Oh! I'm sorry. Are you here for Gumball?"

Carl answered "We were just leaving, miss. See you later, Gumball."

The rest of the group left the room, while Shawn was giving two thumb ups at Gumball before leaving. Penny close the door behind her.

Gumball asked "Penny, what are you doing here?"

Penny answered "I came in as soon as Darwin text Rachel, and she text me. Gumball, why do you always put yourself into these things?" She had tears in her eyes, so Gumball concluded that she must have been crying.

Gumball replied "Trust me, Penny. I ask myself everyday. But listen, that's not important right now." He pat on the bed, asking Penny to come sit beside him, so she did.

Gumball let out a breath and uttered "Can't believe I'm doing this. Listen, when I was getting my ass kick like a hundred times, I keep having these thoughts in my head telling me that I wasn't going to make it. From every bruises and cuts and broken bones, there's this part of me, telling that I should go tell someone that I love for so long how I feel. I kept telling myself "I can't; what if she doesn't feel the same?" So fate kept beating my ass over and over again until I tell her how I feel. Then after that one night that I was going to died, this was the perfect time for me tell her, even though she looks at me, being here and strap on an I.V."

Penny was without words; she was being confronted of the only person she cares and deeply admire by telling her how he feels. She said while being stunned "Are you...telling me what I think you're telling?"

Gumball nodded "For a long time, Penny. I wanted to tell you how I feel about you, but I get so damn nervous that I haven't got the confidence of do it. Now, if you don't feel this way, I understand because I-"

His lips had suddenly meet her lips. Gumball's eyes were open wide in shock, and he let his eyes close, getting the feeling of this beautiful moment. Gumball lifted his arms onto her back, getting it more and more. Their kiss had lasted about a minute before breaking away and looking at each other eyes.

Gumball said in awed "Whoa. So I see you feel this way?"

Penny giggled "Of course, silly."

"So I guess that we're a couple now. I'll see you at school when my injuries are heal."

"You kidding me? You need someone to stay by your side, and beside..." Penny put her hand onto Gumball's cheek and started rubbing it, while saying in a seductive voice "I can't leave my boyfriend all alone."

Gumball's whole body had turn into bright red, blushing very madly. He felt something coming from his private parts. He said nervously, while still blushing "You-You know, my family won't be back for a couple of hours."

"We have all the time we need." Stated Penny, who lock the door behind her and let the shades from the door down, to not let anyone see this action. Penny jump right in bed with Gumball and started making out with him underneath the sheets.

This was an incredible day for me. Here am I healing from the broken bones given by a group of gangsters, and I'm now making out with the girl of my dreams. The nurses and doctors who pass my room didn't bother hearing the bed squeaking. We didn't continue that very often due to my broken rib cage, but hey, a good ten minutes wasn't that bad. It's was start.

One Month Later.

The Watterson's car pull off at the site of the school, and Darwin and Anais were the first ones to get out. Gumball, after having spending almost a month in the hospital, was heal. He has a bandage on top of his nose, another one on his right cheek, and a major stitch on his forehead.

Nicole planted a kiss on his forehead, and said "Have a good day, Gummypuss."

Gumball smiled "You too, mom."

The teenager got out of the car and reunited with his siblings before entering the school.

So here we are again, back at regular old high school and back at my regular life. But you know what? I didn't care. I spent the last three months of becoming the hero I was destined to become, and join a team of heroes. After I give up being Warrior-Cat, I didn't need the team to help with my life.

"Hey pussy!"

Gumball turn around and saw Jamie, Tina Rex, Banana Joe, and Anton. But there was no Tobias. He wasn't in school anymore due to his of being involved in the plot of killing Warrior-Cat and Elmore's Warriors.

Jamie stated "Just because Tobias isn't here anymore doesn't mean you get to serve the school without a beating." She crack both of her hands and finished "You can either run like a pussy, and we beat your ass, or you stand there, and we beat your ass. And the best part, you can't do nothing to stop it."

Instead of being a pussy just like Jamie and the others have insisted, Gumball drop his backpack and crack his knuckles while smiling…

Jamie and the rest of Tobias gang had all experienced major beatings and bruises as they were taken away by the hospital. The students were left with questions of who could have done this. Everyone, except one former masked hero.

Warrior-Cat was gone, but not forgotten. The team was better off without me getting my ass kick, but I still hang out with them before or after missions.

At the diner, Gumball and Penny were making out, so did Darwin and Rachel. Anais was the only one who wasn't making out since she didn't have someone to, plus she's about eight. She just stood there and read a Captain America comic book.

But my world had just evolved thanks to a new generation of superheroes. They said that we inspired them to do good and help others. The team were the inspiration, but all I did was lead them to a new world of superheroes that I had dream about when I put on the mask.

Epilogue: Unknown Location.

On a dark and mysterious room, the walls were filled with pictures and newspaper clippings of Elmore's Warriors, some of them were Warrior-Cat. All of them had red marker markings on them with the words "Revenge", "Destroy", and "Kill". There were drawings of costumes being in dark or black and skull symbols on the ground. A young man was in his computer, typing down a message, a message of revenge.

Dear Warrior-Cat,

You think you and the team are safe? You think you just created a new generations of superheroes? You think you're going to change this city? Well, you're fucking wrong. My uncle was right about you; you're nothing more than a punk ass shit in a mask. Guess what? Me and my friends are going to team up and find out who you are so we can watch you beaten and filled with our shit in your face. It's not just you; same goes to your fucking team. We're going to know the names of your love ones and kill them just as your team did with my uncle. We're going to enjoy watching you died in a slow and painful dead. You're forgotten one detail of this new generation of superheroes shit. Everyone superhero has to have a super villain.

The man lifted his head in glee, revealing Tobias Wilson, still in his Rainbow Mist costume, except his design is different, and he wasn't call Rainbow Mist anymore. His whole new costume is all black like the night and darkness. Even his utility belt is darker. A symbol of a skull appears on his chest. His dark mask now cover the half part of his face, except for his eyes.

The new super villain Tobias Wilson finished his message "And you just made yourself one."

There you go, ladies and gentlemen. Elmore's Warriors is finally done, after almost a month! The team had murder DeSoto's gang, Rainbow Mist doesn't remember the names of Warrior-Cat, and Warrior-Cat is retire! Don't worry folks, he'll be back at the next sequel Elmore's Warriors Return! Also, Rainbow Mist had turn into a super villain! What's going to happen next? Find out of the next story, which will take about the next month because I need to take a break from this. See you later. NiteOwl18 out!