Okay, you all know that this is my first story, but this one is totally different. You all know why I change it based on the message I said about it. Anyway, I delete it and re-posted it back as a new story just before the sequel is up. I want to make it like Kick-Ass 1 and 2. So I created a story that is a based on both of them. I know that a lot of you guys had seen my story and said some good things about it. However, as I was reading the story, I wasn't feeling the vibe, you know? I feel like the first chapter was too soon, you know where Gumball meets the team. So what I did was I had remake it and turn it like a comic book. It was my first try, and I'am still getting it.

In my first ever fanfiction of TAWoG, Gumball had always been treated like a nobody in Elmore. He was sick and tired of his regular and boring life. After seeing heroes in the town, Gumball decided to become a hero himself and now is in a group of masked heroes that had dedicated their lives to serve the community and protect the city of Elmore from crime.

This story is based on the comic books that I had read and the movies I seen like "Before Watchmen", "Watchmen", "Kick-Ass", and "Kick-Ass 2."

Chapter 1: The Question.

Gumball's P.O.V:

You ever had a dream that no one have ever tried to attempt? You get so caught off with life and all that you suddenly become boring at it and want to do something that no one had ever done before? You see every comic books and movies about an ordinary citizen becoming a superhero, then all of a sudden, you want to be a superhero yourself?Come on, let's be honest. Everyone wants to be a superhero someday.

At the top of a building, a man was dressing in a silver and blue costume, kinda like an eagle. His beak and mask is a helmet with a microphone on it. He lifts and open his arms, revealing his blue metallic wings.

Everyone down below the building stopped walking and saw the man from high above the building. The man sees a robbery in progress at a local store. The robber held the man at gunpoint. The people didn't see what was happening right behind them.

Then, without hesitation, the man leaps from the building and dive diagonally in super speed. The audience clap and cheer at the same time as they watch at this spectacular moment. The man kept on diving very close at the store. The robber and the frightful store owner turn their heads around to see the man coming at them until...


He got hit by a passing sixteen wheel truck, making the audience stop cheering and clapping. They wince in pain as they saw the lifeless man still on the front of the truck like a bug in a windshield. A big bug.

That dude over there wasn't me by the way. That was some frustrated accountant who had a lot of problems with his work and heath. If I was going to do something drastic like jumping over a building with an eagle costume on with a pair of fake metallic wings, I had to make sure that I wasn't going to overdo it. And for the poor bastard over there? He started doing this after hearing about me and the team. That's where all of this shit begin.

Three Months Ago. Gumball's P.O.V:

My life starts right here where every teenagers go. In high school, or should I say, good old crappy high school. I wasn't of what everyone call being like everyone else.

A sixteen year old blue cat got out of the family wagon along with his siblings. As the wagon drives away, Gumball Watterson is about to have another crappy life in school. He was still wearing the same tan sweater with brown cuffs and a brown collar, not to mention the same blue shorts, but longer than they were when he was twelve years old. He has a bit of muscle underneath his sweater. He follow his siblings to the entrance of the school. He was stop by a soccer ball that was near his feet. He look over to see a couple of teens, waving their hands to get his attention. Gumball then kick the ball, but instead to them, it landed on the bush. Gumball resume walking after that embarrassment.

I wasn't the class athletics just because I had muscles.

Inside of the school, he walk pass his classmates who were just about the same age as Gumball is. Gumball walk pass the Eggheads who were calculating on each others notebook.

I wasn't the genius at this school.

Gumball walk pass a group of cheerleaders who were doing their makeup. Gumball nodded at them, and the girls just scowled at them.

I wasn't good at making direct contact with girls too.

Gumball then saw his two siblings, Darwin and Anais Watterson, standing in a row of lockers. Darwin was fourteen years old. He hasn't changed since then. He was still wearing the same green and white sneakers. Both of his arms (I mean fins) had muscles in it. Anais was at the age of eight years old. She was still the genius and still wears the same pink dress and white shoes.

My siblings, however, had good lives in the school. My younger adopted brother and best friend was the school best swimmer, despite him being a fish with legs. My little sister was still the genius and still helps me with my homework.

The three siblings walk down the hallway and separate from each other to their classrooms. Gumball and Darwin went to Miss Simian's classroom and sit in their seats. The sadistic age baboon came in the door with a shout.

"Sit down and shut up!"

She started her lecture as the whole entire class were beginning to get bore the minute she went writing on the chalkboard. Gumball place his hand on his arm and his eyes were started to close from that.

This teacher was boring the hell out of all of us, including me. I may not be the smartest teen in the classroom or fall between above and below average, but I do have a great life at home. I play video games whenever dad is not hogging the t.v. I listen to music from the 80's. I watch movies that include people getting kidnapped and torture in a underground basement. But most of the times I go on the computer and look up for adult websites to pass the time. When my mind is shut down by the aging whore, I see pictures of curvaceous woman taking off their clothes off. I wish I could just stay there forever.


Gumball's mind soon snap back from reality and instead of a flirtatious woman right in front of him, he is now seeing the mad face of a wrinkling woman.

Miss Simian stated "Having trouble sleeping, Watterson?"

Most of his classmates chuckled by the embarrassment. Gumball lied "No ma'am. Not at all."

"I don't know how you get into Sophomore year, but I guess that what scientist calls things like you that can't know the answer. Unanswered."

Out of all the woman from those websites, there's only one girl that I had my eye on since I was a kid. Penny Fitzgerald.

After the day was done, Gumball got his things out of his locker when he notice Penny was standing about one locker ahead of him. The beautiful sixteen year old shift shaping fairy was getting her things out of her locker; her new form made his heart warm since she grew out of her peanut shell a few years ago. Gumball tried to say a couple of words to say to his crush. A hey or a hi? Those things are old school. Gumball need to tried something else like "How you doin girl?"

Penny smile warmly "How you doing gorgeous?"

Gumball replied coolly "Back right at you, girl." He waited for an comment from Penny, but was given a small and quiet chuckle. And that wasn't from Penny. Gumball turn around and saw Teri right behind her as her locker was open. Gumball look back at Penny, who was giggling too. Gumball's face was turning bright red.

"Oh, you-you meant Teri. Right. Uh, see you tomorrow."

Gumball quickly close his locker and walk away from another embarrassment. Penny and Teri each close their lockers and walked away giggling.

You think that's bad? Wait till you see of what I had to deal with every day.

At recess, Gumball saw a pack of students in a circle chatting "Fight! Fight! Fight!" Gumball goes over there and saw the beast and his minions the makes his life a living hell. Tobias Wilson and his gang, Tina Rex, Jamie, Banana Joe and Anton. Tobias has always hated Gumball and his family because his family is richer than his. That's wasn't the only reason why he hated Gumball. See, Tobias has always have a crush on Penny, but Penny have a crush on Gumball, so did he. Not to mention, Gumball's brother Darwin was dating Tobias' older sister, Rachel Wilson. Tobias was picking on some poor kid while his gang helps him.

Gumball said "Knock it off, Tobias."

The crowd didn't listen to what Gumball say because of the instant chatting. Tobias grab hold of the small boy and pin him on the ground.

"I say knock it off."

Tobias then started pulling the kid's arm out, making him squeal.

"Yo, Wilson! Lay off!"

The crowd stop cheering and look at Gumball with a "Oooooooh..." Tobias stop pulling the kid's arm and look at the blue cat. Tobias grinned evilly "Well, well, well. Look who it is. Gumball pussy Watterson." He crack both of his knuckles and twist his head. "You ready to get you ass whoping, boy?"

"I came here to stop beating that kid up." Gumball replied. "Why don't you pick on someone your own size?"

"Great idea." Stated Tobias, who grab him and punch him while he was on the ground. The crowd resume cheering while Tobias was still beating him up. Gumball tried to fight back, but the massive strength that Tobias had kept beating him up. Then the bell ring, making the fighting stop. Tobias got up from the ground as the entire class return back to school. Gumball was left on the ground with his nose bleeding and a black eye. Unknown to him, Penny was looking at him worriedly. She wanted her to be with his side, but her friends call her to get in and Penny left the scene.

You see the kind of thing that I'm dealing with everyday? Back then Tobias used to be this wimpy jackass who kept threatening me if I talks to Penny. He couldn't throw a punch, and now I had been punch like I hadn't been punch for so long, despite me getting my ass kick by Tina.

The only thing that I want to see of someone other than me getting my ass kick again as usual is in the comic books. Man, how I love seeing people dressing up in tights, helping people in their time of needs and kicking the shit out of people. My family told me to stop reading them because I might get lost in them, but I don't listen to them. Behind my regular life and school, I just go into the world of comic books. Then a few weeks later, while I'm not doing my homework or seeing hot ass women in the Internet, I just told the simplest question that nobody had every thought off.

Gumball asked as he was holding a Captain America comic book "How come no one ever tried to be a superhero?"

Both Darwin and Anais look at Gumball with a raise expression. The three siblings were at a local diner that they usual go everyday after school. They were drinking milkshakes; Gumball had a chocolate milkshake, Darwin had a vanilla milkshake, and Anais had a strawberry milkshake.

Darwin answered "Cause it's impossible, dude."

Anais added "Not to mention very stupid."

"Dressing in home made costume and helping people is not impossible."

"What about fighting people while being physically fit?" Darwin asked again. "Now that's impossible. Beside you get your ass kick in real life if you tried anything that stupid."

"What about gadgets? Not all superheros beat people up; they just use their gadgets on them."

Anais corrected "Yeah, only because those were the gadgets that people thought they didn't exist. Plus, they cost like a million dollars."

"Okay, I'll ask you something. How many girls wanted to be Britney Spears?" Gumball asked.

"Like fifty percent."

"How many guys wanted to be Justin Bieber?"

Darwin answered "About fifty percent of confuse bisexual guys."

"Now how many people want to be a superhero?"

Anias answered blankly "None."

"Okay, check it again."

Darwin corrected "Dude, what you just say before adds up about a hundred percent and none of them wants to be a hero."

"Face it, Gumball." Anais said, slipping her drink. "No one will be that dumb will ever want to be a superhero."

I didn't care what my siblings say. There are heroes out there at night, waiting for some mugger to beat the shit or helping a poor old lady escorting to her home. I meant, helping a super hot ass women escorting to her house. Then she want to give you something other than a friendly thank you. Possibly a kiss or being at her bed. Now that will be awesome if these kind of heroes gets that kind of reward. And that's when my praise finally answer.

Gumball was walking home from school until he saw five police cars park outside in front of a factory. Police officers were looking above the building. Many people had stop and witness the commotion. They join in, so did Gumball.

The police chief had a megaphone and spoke on it, shouting out the words out loud "THIS IS ELMORE POLICE! COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP! YOU'RE SURROUNDED! THERE'S NOWHERE TO RUN!"

Inside the factory, there were two rats who were in the fifth level. Both of them were armed with guns and extremely dangerous. There were three rats who had rob a bank about ten miles from here. The plan went very wrong as one of them shoot the bank manager and set up the alarm. They high tail it to the factory except for one. The third member disappear the minute the other two had enter the factory.

A rat said nervously "Man, what did we do? There are cops everywhere."

The other rat who was extremely paranoid replied "Will you forget about the cops, man? What about Bobby?"

"He's done for. The cops got him."

"I don't think it wasn't the cops, Jerry. I saw them before we were going to the factory. There were these two people came out of nowhere and just grab Bobby just like that."

Jerry scolded "You must be seeing things because our operation went wrong and watching that bank guy's brains blast out must have traumatize you."

Marty suggested "Maybe we should just turn ourselves in, Jerry."

"What are you, nuts? We're already in the deep in, Marty! There's no turning back now!"

"Do you want us to end up like Bobby?! We should get the fuck out of here before something bad happens!"

Jerry look at the window to see police officers at the end of the building as he added "All right there's a small back door that leans to an alley. We can go there and ran like hell. Sound like a good plan, Marty. Marty?"

He turn around and saw Marty wasn't here. Jerry look at the place that was filled with darkness, except above them were six lamps from above. He look down on the ground from the ledge to see if he's down there, but couldn't see anything. "Come on, Marry. This isn't funny."


Jerry head that small small from the ledge he was standing. He held his pistol on his hand. He shouted "Who's there?"

Then one lamp exploded out of nowhere, scaring Jerry a bit. His eyes move out of control. Then two lamps exploded, shutting down the light and entering more darkness. A small footsteps was heard from the ledge. Jerry pointed his weapon on the darkness. The footsteps grew louder and louder, making the rat shaking with fear and felt moisture coming from his pants and filling his shoes. With three lamps left above the ledge, Jerry saw the one who was doing all this. A teenager wearing a white Japanese kimono with a white mask that was cover around his eyes.

Jerry, still shaken with fear, said "All right, freak. Eat lead!"

Right before he fired a bullet, his hand suddenly was on the ground along with his pistol. His missing hand was gashing with blood. He drops both of knees in shock as he stare at the teen holding a katana.

Jerry pleaded with fear "P-Please, don't kill me. I'm sorry. I-I'm so sorry.

Outside of the factory, there was silence in the background. The suspense was killing them. The police thought that they had escape. That's what they thought about three seconds later.


The sound of the window smash was erupted along with a man and landed head first in a police car. The entire crowd stop and look at the criminal at the damage police car. Gumball look above the building and saw two figures wearing a white kimono and disappearing. The only thing Gumball last saw were the faces underneath those white masks that covers their eyes.

And for that moment, that one suspense moment had made my answer come true. There really are heroes out there. But the question is who are they?

Gumball have witness something unexpected that night. Two criminals in a factory and surrounded the building by cops. There was no way for them too run, then all of a sudden one of the criminal had jump out of the building and landed at a police car. He then saw two mysterious figures in white kimono uniforms disappear in a flash. They give it out on the morning news and in the papers.

I didn't know what I had saw last night; Was it ghosts, specters, or some kind of phantoms? My head was still in question of what I had witness outside of the factory. I mean, everything went out in a bang. Two guys goes into a factory, cops surround the place, we wait a few seconds, then some poor bastard had landed in a car with his hand cut off. Then there was these two figures up in the building staring down of the scene. They went away, but I was able to get a one good look of their white robes. Maybe it was just my imagination. I'm probably seeing things.

Gumball went down for breakfast, where he saw in family in the kitchen. He sat down on the table where he got himself some cereal and milk. His mother and father were four years older now, but nothing had change between them. Nicole was still the workaholic and temperamental mother and Richard was still a fat lazy slob. Gumball took a bite out of his cereal where he had enjoy since he was five when Darwin cried out something revealing.

"Hey, guys, look at the front page!"

Nicole, who was holding a newspaper, turn around and the whole family, plus Gumball, saw who was on the front page. The front page had a picture of the factory from last night and a drawing of two mask heroes. The same ones Gumball saw on top of the factory. The paper explains that the police discover all of the three criminals in mass critical condition. They have been attack brutally and the results sent them all in the hospital with broken arms, missing limbs, and a spinal injury. One of them said that he saw a white ghost, two white ghosts. It was like last night all over again. Gumball's mind of seeing the two masked heroes wasn't interrupted by the bus horn.

Nicole declared "Time for school, guys."

Darwin and Anais got their backpacks and headed out to the door. Gumball was still seeing the front page in disbelieve. Were their the real thing? Can it be true? Are their superheroes out there?"


Gumball's mind snap back from reality and saw his mother

"Time for school."

Gumball shake his head to clear things out. "Oh, right. I'm coming."

Nicole notice his son's behavior from the front page. "You okay, honey? You look like you see a ghost."

You don't know the half of it. Thought Gumball. He took the front page from the newspaper and put it in his backpack. He walk out of the house and enter the bus. He saw his siblings in the bus. Darwin with his eighteen year old girlfriend and Tobias' sister, Rachel and Anais with her friends. Gumball sat down by himself as the bus drove to school. Gumball took out the cripple newspaper from his backpack and begin to see it again.

I was still mind blowing about what happen. I though it was a shitty illusion, but after seeing this evidence on the newspaper, this wasn't no shitty illusion. Could there really be superheroes out there? If so, who are they? Do they possess some sort of powers from a laboratory or an accidental chemical substance give them super mutant powers?

What the hell am I saying? This is nuts! I hate to say this, but their aren't any real life superheroes out there, are they? No, of course not. Maybe I had been reading too much comic book. My folks were right about me reading comic books. They can make me see things. I resume to my "normal" life as being a nobody and a punching bag. I was getting pretty tired of the old hag yelling at me, but that's life, huh? All my mind kept thinking about is not about the heroes, but Penny. If only I told her how I feel about her, but I always fuck up and got laugh at by her friends or Tobias.

A week had went by, and there wasn't any newspapers or news related to the two masked heroes. I took a break from reading comic books for about five days, and resume reading them again. What do you all expect? I'm a comic book geek! I knew those weren't real life superheroes. Until I saw the front page.

There a robbery at a market with five armed men, who were later stopped by the same masked heroes. They had used Japanese weapons such as katanas and ninja stars and attack them with deadly martial arts. The manager describe the heroes as "twins, wearing a white Japanese kimono and a white mask around their faces." The article reads "Masked Twins War On Crime".

Gumball said in amazed "Holy shit."

It looks like I was right all along. There really are superheroes out there. If I was a superhero, maybe I should help them out. Then I got the craziest idea. It sounded crazy like my other plans, but this one takes the cake. I should tried to be a superhero.

Not bad, huh? So Gumball just witness a suspense scene from a factory and saw two mask heroes disappearing. Who were those guys? The next chapter will include the answers for the new heroes and Gumball's attempt to become one. Please read it and comment of what you thought of it.