A/N: So this was supposed to be the first thing for the 30 Day Challenge but I realized I couldn't finish it, like ever, but I think there will be at least one more chapter to get across half of the ideas and awesome headcanon I have created around this in my mind. But that's why this chapter sort of revolves around holding hands :D

This takes place one and a half year after the end of season one, so Dick is 15 and Roy is 20 :)

Warnings: slash. But it's just fluff. Also, Roy is probably a little OoC in here, but I like him like that, I just can't stop imagining it. Sorry.

It's rated T because Roy is lusting after underage butt very briefly, because there can't be a fanfic with Dick in a romantic relationship without a mentioning of his butt. It's like a rule of nature, sorry.

Disclaimer: I don't own Young Justice. If I did, there'd be a third season instead of this fanfic.

Also, this is my OTP. There needs to be more of it.

Today is the day.

Roy stood nervously in front of the mirror. He suspiciously eyed his hair that he had fixed with gel to look just the right amount of messy to look cool and not like he'd just fallen out of bed. He reluctantly deemed it okay and then moved on to his clothing. He wore a black tank top that showed off his abs and an open red shirt over it. Then his usual shorts and chucks and his outfit was completed with a leather bracelet. He tried to view the outfit as a whole. Did he look cool? He'd never really bothered thinking about when guys looked good or lame...

"Will you stop looking in the mirror already?", came Artemis' voice from behind him. She laid completely relaxed on his bed, along with a pile of clothes Roy had considered wearing. "You worry more about your outfit than I did when I had my first date with Wally, and I'm a girl. I told you, you look great. Stop acting like a cliché gay and get going or you're gonna be late." Why had he called her over again? If only Kaldur were more familiar with fashion... But sadly, the Atlantean knew even less about cool clothing styles than Roy, since Atlantean fashion differed quite a bit from the surface worlds. And except for Wally (who'd also be a horrible fashion guide), no one else knew of his date.

His date. Oh god. Today he'd have his first date with Dick Grayson. It had already cost him all of his courage to ask him out and now he was super nervous he'd totally screw up, like he screwed up that conversation...

He tied the last goon up and turned to Nightwing, who had just finished calling the police. Now Blüdhaven had about twenty arms dealers less to worry about. Neither of them had suffered any injury that was worse than a small bruise or a scratch, so all in all, it was a very effective and successful mission. When they heard the police arriving, both young heroes made their way out of the warehouse through a small window. They climbed on the roof and watched as the police arrested the dealers and secured the evidence.

"Good job. It's always nice working with you." Red Arrow took the hand Nightwing offered him and smiled. "Same here. You'll have to tell me one day how you come up with those jokes you crack at the bad guys and how you keep them funny." Nightwing let out his trademark cackle at that comment and let go of Roy's hand. "I'm just naturally funny, I guess." Usually, this was the moment where Red Arrow said his goodbye, went to the nearest zeta-tube and zeta'd home to Star City, but today, Roy had a mission in Blüdhaven as well and he wasn't about to let it go and say nothing.

But his mouth wouldn't move. So he just stood awkwardly on that warehouse rooftop without replying. Nightwing eyed him for a while, waiting if something would come, and when Roy didn't move or speak, he just decided to go home and hit the showers. "Well then...", he started with a smile and began turning around to leave, waving a short goodbye with his hand. That shook Roy out of his trance.

"Wait!" The raven haired hero turned back to face Roy again, a questioning look on his face. "I, uhm... wanted to ask you something... Dick." The younger hero gave him an encouraging look. Since this was obviously a personal question - if it would've been about the job, Roy would've called him Nightwing - he had always time for his friend.

"I, uh... would you... Are you free on Saturday?" Dick thought about it for a short while. "Well, I promised Jason to train with him in the morning and then have lunch at the manor... But after that, I'm free. School's on summer break, after all." Roy beamed. "Great!" Damn, that came out a little too happy... He'd just have to keep talking to cover it up. "So, uh... I thought, maybe we could... get some ice cream together... or something like that." He should stop stuttering. Dick was already bat-analyzing his weird behaviour, he could see it despite his mask. "Um...", Roy continued as Dick didn't answer immediately, "just the two of us, you know...?"

Dick smirked. The bat-analysis was over, now he probably knew exactly what Roy wanted and why he acted the way he did. "Sure", he answered, "why not? So, how about we have our date at Happy Harbor? There's an ice cream parlor that beats any in Gotham and Blüdhaven."

"Okay", Roy agreed readily. Then he realized Dick had called it a date. Of course, that was Roy's intention, but he hadn't said it, so... Did that mean Dick was okay with their meeting being a date instead of just some friendly hanging out together? He tried to find out by studying the young hero's expression, but that smirk didn't really tell him anything and he couldn't see his eyes... Damnit. It wasn't fair that he apparently was an open book for Nightwing, while Dick remained a total mystery to him.

"So, meet me at 4pm at the cave?" Roy nodded stupidly. He really should pay more attention to the conversation and less to his own thoughts. "Perfect! See you then." And with that, Nightwing turned, pulled out his grappling gun and swung to the next rooftop. Roy looked after him, eyes fixated on that beautiful butt of his. Fifteen-year-olds shouldn't be allowed to have butts like that. Seriously. He only snapped back to reality when Nightwing was already out of sight.

Yup, he totally messed up that conversation.

"If you don't move soon, you're really gonna be late, you know that?" Artemis' comment brought him out of his thoughts. He gave a quick glance to his cell phone and realized she was right. He knew he invited her over for a reason, after all. With one last look in the mirror, he quickly grabbed his keys and wallet while shoving Artemis in the direction of the front door. He had just stepped out of the apartment when he realized that he forgot his sunglasses, so he hurried back inside, threw them on and sprinted outside again.

"You should really stop being so nervous, Roy", Artemis sighed. "You're going out with Dick, remember? That little devil probably already knows every embarrassing or stupid thing you ever did in your life and he's still willing to take up with you. So basically, no matter how much you screw up today, he'll already know how much worse you did and won't mind." The two archers walked to the next zeta-tube together, since Artemis planned a girls' afternoon and possibly night out with M'gann. Roy wasn't sure if her little "pep talk" made him feel better or want to run back to his apartment and hide forever.

They reached the abandoned phone booth way too soon for the redhead's liking. He wasn't prepared. But then again, he also couldn't wait anymore. He'd tried to work up the courage to ask Dick out on a date for a few months and right now, just a quick zeta-trip away, he'd actually have a date with his favorite bird. That thought brought a smile to his face and he zeta'd to Mt. Justice after Artemis.

"Recognized: Red Arrow B06"

Roy heard the computer announce his arrival as he stepped into the main hall of the mountain. Superboy and Aqualad had trained together, but were now turning around to greet the two archers. Dick was sitting between M'gann and Jason on the floor, watching them sparring. Dick obviously tried to study their moving patterns in order to keep his winning streak going - even after two years of training by Black Canary, nobody on the team had managed yet to have that fail sign appear with Nightwing lying on his back. The guy just always landed on his feet or - if his feet weren't available - he landed on his hands. Sort of like a cat. Miss Martians eyes were lingering on Superboy's abs, not caring that much at all about the actual fight. Jason just looked grumpy. Roy didn't know the new Robin good enough yet to figure out if he actually was in a bad mood or if this was just his general expression.

Dick sprung to his feet and lunged at Roy, pulling him into a hug. Looking up to the redhead, he grinned. "Hey Roy." The archer immediately noticed the lack of sunglasses on those way too shiny blue eyes. He spotted them resting on top of the teen's head, but couldn't really move his glance away from Dick's eyes. "Hi", he replied, blush already beginning to creep over his face, along with a nervous smile.

"So, shall we get going?" Well, Roy didn't exactly crave being in the cave any longer with Kaldur trying to inconspicuously send him encouraging looks (and failing on the inconspicuous part), Artemis grinning at him and Robin staring at him with what seemed to be the first attempts on a batglare from the baby bird. "Sure", he replied. They waved their goodbyes to the team and left the cave in the direction of Happy Harbor.

On the short walk through the forest, he mainly listened to Dick talking about whatever came to the acrobat's mind. Roy used the time to check what the younger hero was wearing. Dick had moved the sunglasses over his eyes as soon as they had stepped out of the cave. The sun was really bright, especially after the relatively dim light in the cave. He wore a black t-shirt with the Nightwing sign on it ("It's called hiding in plain sight, Bruce.") and a pair of shorts that was tight enough to compliment his butt but not too tight to look weird, as well as sweatbands.

They had just reached the city and Dick was telling him about how he first introduced Wally to Barbara, when Roy noticed. Two, no... three people were following them. He couldn't spot them, but they were doing a shitty job at keeping quiet. A questioning look to Dick and a curt nod and he knew, he noticed them too. When they reached a more crowded area, Dick suddenly grabbed his hand and started running. The acrobat pulled him straight ahead through the crowd for a while and made a sharp turn to the right into a side alley. They crouched into the employee entrance of a shop and waited. It didn't take too long until they saw Artemis running past their hideout, followed by M'gann and... Jason?

"What the hell is Jason doing here? He didn't exactly strike me as the overprotective brother" Roy whispered, but Dick merely shrugged in response. "How would I know? Maybe Artemis thinks of this as a great team bonding exercise or Batman sent him or he wants to be a brat and ruin this or something..." They waited a while longer, then left their hiding spot only to break out in a laughing fit. The adrenaline of running and hiding, combined with this awkward situation, was just too much. But at least, the awkward tension was gone from Roy's body as they made their way to the ice cream parlor Dick had suggested. They joked around a lot and the redhead felt this natural happiness bubble up in his stomach again that had made him fall for the younger teen in the first place. It just made him feel comfortable an at ease. So much at ease actually, that he took a while to understand why the waitress gave them a knowing look when she welcomed them.

Oh. They were still holding hands.

Luckily he had to let go when they were sitting down, so his hand didn't get a chance to become sweaty. He had liked the feeling of Dick's hand in his own though. It just felt... right, however stupid that may sound.

After having ice cream together - which was fantastic, Dick had been right - they went to the beach. They had decided to wet their feet a little to escape the heat, but somehow it turned into a full-fledged splashing fight that left both of them dripping wet from head to toe. But they had a ton of fun, so Roy figured none of that really mattered.

They took the way over the beach back to the mountain, just walking side by side without talking, but still content. Roy gulped hard, gathering up courage, and grabbed Dick's hand again. He was rewarded with a joyful fluttering of his heart as the raven-haired boy intertwined their fingers and moved a little closer. Roy wished this moment could last forever, just the two of them walking across the beach with the waves washing softly around their feet and the two of them linked by their hands...

However, they eventually had to reach their destination and stood awkwardly in front of the cave entrance, not really wanting to end this. The archer decided that now was the time to make his move. The moment wasn't perfect, he was still dripping wet and his clothes stuck to him in a weird way, the sun at 7:00 pm in July was still far too high up to call it a romantic sunset and there was a stone that pressed uncomfortably into one of his still bare feet. But it was now or never. Since his right hand was still occupied holding Dick's, he grasped him by the shoulder with his left hand, turning him a bit so they were facing each other. Feeling he was about to chicken out, he bent down swiftly, closed his eyes and pressed his lips against Dick's.

The young vigilante seemed startled and didn't respond to the kiss, going completely stiff instead. Roy was about to pull back and utter a very awkward apology when he finally felt movement against his lips and a shy hand on his hip. Roy laid his arm around the younger teen's shoulder and pulled him closer, still kissing him softly with their hands entwined and their bodies close. Now this moment could last forever.

"Awwwwww~" Well, minus Artemis cooing at them from the cave entrance.