AN\: What's up everyone! You know who this and Major shout to the KingDon himself, Saito Uzumaki for letting me adopt this story. Now then...

If any of you guyz remember the collection of Saito Uzumaki's one shots, this is one of them. Aka, Kitsune Hollow. This chapter will be EXACTLY like the one Saito did but I did add a few things of my own. Yes I do have the permission from Saito so don't get any ideas of me stealing...period!

For all you guys who have not seen this story, am gonna tell you it's con


Godlike Naruto(He is a god here, I kid you not)

Semi-Dark Naruto(My first time trying this out, am not sure if I can do it)

His harem:

Mei Terumi
Tia Harribel
Neliel Tu Oldeschwanck
Mila Rose
Anko Mitarashi
Rangiku Matsumoto
Retsu Unohana

Momo Hinamori
Tsunade Senju

Anyways, enough talk, ON WITH THE STORY!


"It's almost over." Naruto said as he glared into the singly eye of the Juubi.

Naruto was facing off against the Juubi who used to me Madara Uchiha, prior to him exploding of course. Somehow Madara was able seal the Juubi into himself at the last moment, But he underestimated the first bijuu as after 30 seconds of having to seal the juubi in himself, he immediately went 'ka-boom' with Juubi re-emerging and know standing before our blond Uzumaki hero.

Here is Naruto Uzumaki in his nine tailed fox cloak glaring into the single eye of the gigantic ten tailed biju before casting all his bravery for one last fight to save the world.

Thanks to Itachi, the army of the dead returned to rest but not without a cost. Before the original Madara Uchiha died, Mei Terumi the Godaime Mizukage died along with Anko Mitirashi trying the very hardest to fight along side their one true love Naruto, even with Anko having to loose almost all her strength from Kabuto extracting the curse seals power from her.

Naruto activated his new Rinnegan which was granted by Nagato during the time he first fought him. "I may not be able to kill you like this. But if I die, you do too!" Naruto yelled as he charged at the Juubi.

Thus the end of the 4th great shinobi war, ended.

An hour past. An hour past before the 4 kages and others surrounded Naruto who was on the floor gazing at the moon. He had a smile on his face before closing his eyes to see a young girl with dark blue hair smiling at him.

'Soon, Soi-chan. Soon.' Naruto thought as he gave his last dying breath. The kage around him bowed their heads while Tsunade cried as did Hinata and others.

Naruto opened his eyes to see he was standing over his dead body. Looking at his chest he saw there was a link of chains. "What are these things? How do I get it off!" Naruto asked as he started pulling on it but it only caused him pain.

"AH!" Naruto screamed. 'NOT doing that again.' Naruto thought. He looked around and saw the people surrounding his body. 'About time.' A voice said.

Naruto raised a brow as he heard another voice. 'I thought he would never die.' That was a woman's voice. "Huh?" Naruto asked. 'You bastard. It's your fault...Sasuke-kun.' Naruto looked confused that was Sakura's voice.

"What is going on?" Naruto asked. 'You can hear there thoughts Na-ru-to-kun.' A female voice purred. "Hey! Who's there?" Naruto asked.

'He was a good tool for Konoha. Winning the war. Now he is useless.' A male voice said. Naruto tried looking for the person but couldn't. 'Who would have thought such a loser would win this war? Whatever. Once a loser always a loser.' That was Neji's voice.

"What is going on? Why can I hear there thoughts?" Naruto asked. 'Because I can hear there thoughts which allowed you to hear there thoughts as well. Remember Naruto-kun, I see, and I have saw everything. I know all on this earth.' The same female voice said.

"What are you talking about? Who are you?" Naruto demanded. 'Still haven't figured it out yet? It's me Naruto-kun...The Shinju...The Juubi.' She said.

"J-Juubi? Y-you're a female?" Naruto asked. 'Yes. You thought I was a male?' Juubi asked. 'Well yeah, I mean all your other biju besides Nibi were male so I thought….' 'IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU THOUGHT!' Juubi screamed.

"…Don't ever, and Naruto means EVER steal his catch phrases, got it, Dattebayo?" Naruto said still hearing their voices. 'I'm sorry Naru-kun it was just too fun(giggle). Anyway lets get back on track. How does it feel?' Juubi asked.

"How does what feel?" Naruto asked. 'How does it feel to have the very people you gave your all and your life for saying such mean things? Loser, failure, dead weight, useless.' Juubi asked.

" hurts. It makes my chest ache." Naruto said sadly. 'I know it does Naru-kun. I'm sorry but that's what or rather HOW they feel. All humans are like that. They are such weak minded humans, only seeing black and white. It's been like this since the beginning of time.' Juubi said.

"W-wait! Kurama! Where's Kurama and the others?" Naruto asked. 'Kurama is sleeping now. Just like all the other Biju.' Juubi said. "Oh...okay. Why are you talking to me, though? I sealed you away. Shouldn't you hate me...or something?" Naruto asked nervously knowing what he said could happen now, and in his mind, nothing was stopping the Juubi from eating him whole now since he could exactly use chakra to defend himself being dead.

'AHAHAHAHA!' Juubi laughed. Naruto didn't know why but he liked hearing her laugh. 'Hate you?! Oooooh I don't hate you Naru-kun, If anything...(inwardly smiles)I love you. I've seen your whole life except for one thing.' Juubi said.

"What is it?" Naruto asked in surprise. 'The only thing I haven't seen was a part in your life. You were 6 years old I believe. All I remember is someone with a strange aura coming. When they opened a gate they left leaving it open where you jumped in running away from the villagers.' Juubi informed.

"I met my first friend...Soi-fon. I don't know how long it's been but I bet she's grown up by now. Heh" Naruto smiled. 'Why won't the hokage burn his body?' Naruto heard.

He gazed at them all with sad eyes. "Am I not missed at all? Do I mean nothing?" Naruto asked not noticing the links on his chains being eaten away.

'Tell me, Naruto-kun, why did you try so hard? From the start I mean' Juubi asked. "I tried hard to get their attention. T-to be acknowledged!" Naruto said. 'Naruto-kun. Do you want to be in pain? To always be hated? To be known as weak?' Juubi asked.

"No! I want to prove to them I am strong! That I can handle anything!" Naruto said. 'Then ripped the chains off. I know it will hurt but, it will be the first step to power...Real Power this Time...Arigato(Thank You) Kaguya-sama' Juubi said with the last part being something she thought on her own. Naruto was silent.

"….Why...Why are you helping me?" Naruto asked. 'Because...(smiles warmly) Because I care for you Naruto-kun. I love you and only you. You are my first love.' Juubi said. Naruto was silent again, but wasa surprised at hearing the Juubi's confession inwardly.

"You…you will stay with me?" Naruto asked. 'Always by your side.' Juubi said.

"And you say you know everything about me right?" Naruto asked. 'Yup!' Juubi said happlily. "Okay then...Am I a virgin?" Naruto asked. 'Nope. You lost your virginity to the Godaime Mizukage, someone who you deeply cared about you in your world. Then you fucked your Mother, Kushina, senseless when you met her inside your mindscape. I'm preeeety sure her real-self is still a hot blushing mess right now. Hehehehe!' Juubi replied.

"I guess you do know everything. Okay Juubi-chan. Tell me everything about you. It seems only fair." Naruto smiled. 'Kurohime.' She said. "Huh?" Naruto asked confused. 'My real name. Is Kurohime.' Juubi said.

"Well then it's nice to meet you Kuro-chan! I'm Naruto Uzumaki! Future destroyer of the elemental nations!" Naruto grinned. Kurohime giggled at him and begun telling Naruto all about herself...

Timeskip, Soul society

"What's that?" Sosuke Aizen asked calmly. "I told you! I won't leave Rukia!" Renji Aburai said. The two along with Gin Ichimaru and Kaname Tosen stood at the executioner hill.

In Renji's arm bridal style was Rukia Kuchiki. "I refuse to let her go." Renji said glaring at Aizen. "Very well then." Aizen said with a calm smile. Gin put a hand on his Zanpakuto but was stopped by Aizen.

"That won't be nesccary Gin." Aizen said as he walked forward. "Your are very stubborn Renji to stand down when I ordered you. I have no choice. But I'll take your feelings into consideration. And I will let you have your way." Aizen said, still walking towards them and drew his sword.

"She can stay in your arms, the rest of you goes." Aizen said as he swung his sword. Blood spilled on the floor as Rukia looked at Renji worriedly. "Renji." She called. "My My." Aizen said.

Renji held Rukia in one arm while the other was bleeding and holding his sword. "I can see your defence capabilities have grown Renji Aburai. I am happy to see you have continued to progress. But I hope you won't struggle for too long. It's difficult for me to control my power. It's difficult to step on ants without crushing them. And as your former superior I would prefer not to kill you, if I don't have too." Aizen said still in that calm voice while Renji panted.

"Renji." Rukia said worringly. "It's okay Rukia. Just shut up...Yeah right! You don't want to kill me? Then what about Momo? You killed her in Cold blood!" Renji glared.

"What happened to Momo couldn't be helped. I had trained her so she couldn't live without me. So you don't think killing her was an act of mercy?" Aizen asked shocking Renji.

"Still...What I said is true. I didn't want to kill her myself. That's why I went to all the trouble for Izuru and Toshiro. But that didn't workout. So I had no choice. I had to finish her myself." Aizen explained.

Renji gritted his teeth. "So Momo and Izuru, were all just puppets in your twisted scheme!" Renji shouted. "And you too, Renji." Aizen said as he stared at Renji's glaring eyes.

"I see. I don't know who the monster in front of me really is, but your not the Aizen I knew. And I don't know why you want her so badly! But I'll never hand Rukia over to you! Even if it costs me my life!" Renji said holding Rukia closer.

"Hn. The Aizen you knew, was a mask. It was all part of the plan." Aizen said. Renji growled and jumped into the air.

"Roar! Zabimaru!" Renji howled as his sword changed to a Shikai and shot at Aizen. "Shikai huh?" Aizen smirked as he held his sword up and blocked the attack.

"Your probably at your limit. But that won't help you." Aizen said as he deflected it away. "That's what you think!" Renji said swinging it back at Aizen. "Foolish." Aizen said stopping it with his palm.

"Out the three of you I always thought you would be the most troublesome. And I was right." Aizen said breaking the sword into pieces.

Renji gasped before blood spewed from his back. "Renji!" Rukia called as he fell forward in front of Aizen.

"I'll give you one more chance. Put Rukia down and get out of here." Aizen glared. "He'll do it Aizen-Taichou! I'll go with you if you want just leave him alone!" Rukia begged. "Shut up Rukia. I refuse!" Renji whispered.

"Renji no!" Rukia said. "I won't let him have you, Rukia. You thought I'd give her up? Are you that dumb?" Renji asked. "Then so be it." Aizen shrugged. "Too bad." Aizen said about to bring his blade down when it was blocked by two blades. A black blade and a silver one.

"N-Namikaze-Fukutaichou! Ichigo!" Renji said. Aizen glanced at the two males beside him. On his left was Ichigo Kurosaki still in Bankai. On his right was Vice Captain of the 2nd division, Minato Namikaze, better known as the yondaime hokage of Konoha.

"What's the matter Renji? The way your crouching down makes me think your about to give up Rukia." Ichigo smirked. "Minato. I would expect the Yellow flash to be faster." Aizen said ignoring Ichigo.

"What is the meaning of this Aizen?" Minato glared. "Hn." Aizen grunted as Minato pushed away Aizen's blade allowing Ichigo and Renji to leap back, as well as himself.

"Ichigo." Renji called. "Yeah?" The teen asked. "I'm sorry you had to come." Renji said. "What happened to you?" Ichigo asked. "Huh?" Renji asked as Ichigo looked back at him comically.

"All you had to do was carry Rukia away and look at you. Either she gained a lot of weight or your weak and all beat up." Ichigo said making Renji's eye twitch.

"Yeah? Well looks who's talking! Instead of coming here you should have gone back to bed." Renji shot back. "You got a lot of nerve talking like that to the guy who saved your ass!" Ichigo retorted.

"I was gonna thank you, you idiot, but I'm not going to now!" Renji said. Both stopped arguing as Rukia pulled her head back from Renji's chest and glared at him while try to regain her breath.

"You Idiot!" Rukia said giving him an uppercut. "You think I'm trying to hold a new world record for holding my breath?" She ranted.

"Hey! Focus!" Minato barked making them look at him then at Aizen. "Well someone isn't in a good mood." Gin smirked. "Shut it Gin. I expected you to help Aizen but you Kaname?" Minato glanced.

"It's for justice." Kaname said. Minato shook his head. "Renji." Minato called. "Yes?" Renji asked. "You think you have enough energy to get away?" Minato asked. "I have enough to stay in fight." Renji answered.

"No! you need to get Rukia out of here. Ryoka! Go with him." Minato ordered. "Sorry, no can do. It's useless for us to run. Even if you are the yellow flash." Renji said. "That's an order Renji!" Minato yelled.

"Zabimaru might be broken but he still has a few surprises left! We just need to slow him down to get away." Renji said. Minato growled in annoyance. "Who needs a plan B? If we all join forces in battle I'm sure we can take this guy." Ichigo smirked.

"Oh my, such arrogance." Gin chuckled. Renji stepped to the side making space between the two.

"I can only use this technique once. But if It connects, you got him wide open for a second or two. You and Namikaze have to strike him at that opening." Renji said. "Right." Ichigo nodded.

'This is gonna hurt a bit Zabimaru, but you have to hang in there.' Renji thought. "Go! Zabimaru!" Renji said slamming his blade on the ground. "Ika Zakol!(?)" Renji yelled as red energy buzzed around him.

The broken pieces of Zabimaru floated above Aizen making Gin take a step forward. Minato looked with a bit of awe as the pieces shot themselves at Aizen.

Minato and Ichigo took this chance and charged at Aizen. "GRAAH!" Ichigo roared as he swung at Aizen the same time Minato did but both were shocked when Aizen blocked them. With Ichigo, one finger. With Minato, his Zanpakuto.

Aizen just smirked and tapped Zangetsu. When that happened blood erupted from both Ichigo and Minato. "Hm." Aizen hummed before blurring out of site and behind Renji. At that moment blood erupted from Renji's shoulder.

Minato, Ichigo and Renji fell as Aizen walked towards Rukia who couldn't move at all. "Stand up, Rukia Kuchiki." Aizen said. Rukia just stared with wide eyes filled with fear.

Grabbing her collar he lifted her up. "Oh, it seems my spiritual pressure made your body go limp." Aizen said before turning to Ichigo who was glaring and panting.

"Your stamina is amazing but your spine is not connected to your body." Aizen said sheathing his sword. "You should lie still. At any rate you have each served your purpose. Your job in all this is done now." Aizen said.

"Our job, is done?" Ichigo asked glaring harder. "That's correct. I knew you were coming. I even knew where you were. I knew you would arrive at the west Rukon district. That's why I had security increased there. The squad members stationed at the gate. I had Gin go there as well, in case something went wrong.

I lowered the wall around Sereitei right after your arrival and had squads 3 & 9 at the gate. I knew the only way you'd be able to get in would be Kukaku shiba's firework cannon. A very flashy entrance that everyone would notice, a bold approach." Aizen explained.

"It helped that you were able to get passed the captains. As a result the eyes of all the soul reapers were on you. The perfect diversion. Your actions and the turmoil you caused were actually quite impressive. As a result, there wasn't much fuss at all over me when I faked my death. You made it easy for me to make my move." Aizen said shocking Ichigo.

"But! Hold on! How did you know we were gonna come through the west rukon district in the first place?" Ichigo demanded. "That does not matter." Minato panted trying to stand up.

"He is right. What matters is that you have what I want. And you know what I want. The Hyogaku." Aizen said turning to Rukia. "What?...What is that?" Ichigo demanded. "I'm tired of talking. Your gonna die anyways." Aizen smirked before something or someone crashed down behind him.

"AAAAIIIZZEEENNN!" The fox thing bellowed. Aizen spun around and blocked the sword by grabbing it. Aizen smiled at the fox looking captain. "How dare you! How dare you smile while you betrayed us! Everyone of us! You will not be forgiven! Nor will you! Kaname!" Komamura growled.

Aizen jumped back with Rukia when Komamura slammed his fist at him, pounding the ground. "Kaname! If you got an explanation I need to here it now!" Komamura said.

Kaname Tosen said!...Nothing. "Nothing? To bad Kaname." Komamura said raising his spiritual pressure. Aizen smirked and was right in front of Komamura.

'What? That's impossible! He should be with Kaname.' The fox man thought only to see that Aizen fade away. "Hado #90: Kiruhitsugi." Aizen said.

Black poles appeared at Komamura's corners and formed a black square trapping him inside. The box pulsed before dispersing. Aizen turned around as blood spewed from Komamura's body. The fox fell down, unconscious.

"No way!" Minato said in awe. 'This battle between two captains. I can't believe I can be so helpless.' Ichigo thought.

"So that's unspoken Hado 90. Pretty badass. I take it you mastered that little tact when I wasn't looking." Gin said. "No, it was a failure. What you saw was only a third of it's destructive power. Number 90 is difficult to control." Aizen said grabbing Rukia from Gin.

"Oh I'm sorry I haven't killed you yet have I?" Aizen said looking at Ichigo then Minato. "Ichigo!" Uryu called as he and the others ran to the sight.

"No go away!" Ichigo yelled. They all stopped in confusion. "Rukia!" Orihime called. "Oh no no. You shouldn't be moving." Gin said, raising his pressure. They all fell one by one due to the pressure.

"Now Rukia kuchiki, lets get started, ne?" Aizen smiled taking out some sort of object and clicked it. Once he did, mist started seeping out and whirled around his hand."Aizen stop!" Minato yelled. Aizen ignored him as 6 green spikes shot from the ground. Aizen's hand turned green and scaly before he plunged his hand into Rukia's chest. "RUKIA!" Ichigo screamed. Aizen found what he was looking for and took it out letting Rukia fall. "How fascinating. I didn't expect it to be so small." Aizen said as he observed the small incased orb. The hole in Rukia's chest closed.

"And no permanent harm to the soul. What an astounding technique." Aizen muttered. "It's too bad, I don't have any use for you. Kill her, Gin." Aizen ordered. "Well if I must. Shoot to kill, Shinzo." Gin said as the blade grew and shot at Rukia only to stab Byakuya.

"Ni-...Nii-sama." Rukia whispered as she was in his arms. The blade retracted from his chest allowing blood to spill out. "Byakuya!" Rukia called as he fell only to be held up by Rukia.

Aizen began to walk up to them when he looked up to see the giant jidanbo. "Lets go Jidanbo!" Kukaku grinned. "Alright!" Jidanbo grinned. "Hado 63!" Kukaku yelled as lighting burst from her hand shooting at Aizen.

Aizen got away but was met by Soi-fon and Yoruichi. Yoruichi held his blade sheathed and Soi-fon had her blade against his neck. "Don't do it. You move as so much as a muscle," Yoruichi said. "Then were gonna cut off your head." Soi-fon finished.

"Yes I can see that." Aizen said. "Well that was flashy. What should I do?" Gin asked raising his hand but his wrist was grabbed by Isane. "You shouldn't even move." She said. "Sorry, Aizen-taicho, I got caught." Gin smirked more, if that was possible.

"This is the end." Yoruchi said. "Hm? Did you say something?" Aizen asked. "Can't you see? There is no where to go. No where to escape too." Yoruichi said as the other captains and Vice captains appeared all except Toshiro, Matsumoto and Unohana.

"Minato!" A voice called. Said man turned to see his wife Kushina and his student Kakashi running towards him. "Sorry it took us so long." Mei Smiled. "We kinda got caught up." Tsunade said with Sakura by her side.

"So this the traitor huh?" Sasuke smirked standing with Orochimaru who had a smirk also. Aizen looked around and smirked.

"Well well well. Quite a predicament your, Sosuke-chan." A voice said making Aizen freeze. His smirk was now gone. Everyone looked around to see where that voice came from. Then they found the owner. Yoruchi and Soi-fon jumped back as the person was back to back with Aizen.

"This seems like a fun game. Can I play?" The person asked. "What are you doing here? Why are you not at base? Uzumaki?" Aizen asked. Everyone from the elemental nations froze at hearing the surname.

They narrowed their eyes...and they widened at who they saw. "What? I simply can't take a breath of fresh air now? Even if I'm 'not alive', a man as to breath you know" Uzumaki asked. Aizen stepped back and turned to the 16 year old boy.

In front of him was a tall 16 year old boy who was a little taller than Sasuke. He had spiky shoulder length blonde hair. He wore a high collared jacket with black trips. The jacket was zipped down a bit showing his fishnet shirt underneath. The sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. He wore a white Sashinuki Hakama that were gathered at the ankles giving them a ballooning affect. He had a black sash with extra length. Tucked at his side was a sheathed Katana that has a white handle and a two-crossed triangle shape(The Judism symbol) for a guard. On his feet he wore flat pointed ankle high boots. On his right ring finger was a silver wedding band with the Kanji 6. On his left middle finger was a crimson ring with the Kanji Zero. On his left pinky was a black ring with the Kanji star in crimson.

This was Naruto Uzumaki. Arrancar and Espada number Zero.

"Uzumaki." Aizen growled and glared. Naruto ignored him and ran a hand through his hair revealing a bone like headband on his forehead. Funny thing is, it is bone.

Naruto then turned his attention back at Aizen and glared his spiritual pressure off the charts making all of Soul society fall to it's knees. Aizen was no exception.

"We had a deal, Aizen." Naruto said coldy, any humor in his voice gone. "What?" Aizen asked. Naruto snapped his fingers. In a blur Kaname and Gin had their blood spewing out their chest, killing them. Isane froze as Gin's blood got on her.

"Gin! Kaname!" Aizen yelled. The blurs appeared by Naruto's side revealing to be three women and a short boy.

One had long mint green hair with hazel eyes. She had a crimson line that run's across her face. She had light tan skin and a gorgeous curvy figure. She had a curved horn skull on her head. Her chest was the most noticeable thing about her. Her bust was at least a DD-cup. She wore an outfit similar to Naruto's but didn't have a high collar only a short one. Her outfit was tight around her but seemed she was able to move freely, having long sleeves. She wore white Anbu like pants with a black sash tied around her waist and her unsheathed sword tucked by her side. She like Naruto sported a silver wedding band on her right ring finger and a green ring on her left ring finger with the Kanji 3.

The second woman had dark skin, beautiful jade green eyes which seemed more vibrant then Sakura's. Blonde eye lashes and messy blond hair that came down in three braided locks. She wore a variation of the Arrancar jacket. It had a high collar that covered the lower part of her face downward, while baring a good portion of the lower half of her DD-cup breasts. The jacket had a zipper running along it's entire length that is opened from the bottom upwards.

The jacket sleeves completely enveloped her arms only leaving her hands, which had a two rings. One on each ring finger. On her right a silver wedding band, and on the left a light blue ring with the Kanji 3 and S. Her sword is strapped horizontally across her back. It is notably broad and short while being completely hollow in the middle, and has a western style guard. She wore a black sash with white Hakama pants.

The third women had blue eyes and long beautiful black hair that was on her back reaching down to her knee-caps tide in a chain-like bride. She wore a small black neck collar on her neck and also had a pair of cream white fingerless gloves. The white dress she wore only covered her DD-cup breasts and showed the hole in her chest. The dress also revealed the white and black trimline G-string she was wearing, along with her magnificent hips and her big but round ass that made those that saw it launch into the sky because of the massive nosebleed they had(AN\:My profile Picture, but without the black cloth and the horn on her head). For shoes she wore nothing showing her clean feet as the dress was ankle length.

The boy that was standing next to the dark-skin women stood at the minimum height of 4'4 and had white spiky hair and turqoise eyes. He had a Kenji for 'seal' tattooed on the right side of his neck and another Kenji which was a name on the left side of his neck. The boy wore white hakama pants that was held by a light blue sash at his waste and a fishnet shirt that showed his six pack. He wore a sleeveless black haori with the kenji for 'sub Zero' on his back along with the Katana on his back that was held in place by a green sash and a round star-like clip. He wore a pair of black fingerless gloves and a pair of boots similar to Naruto's.

Everyone look at the third women and boy with wide eyes that spelled out shock and disbelief, along with Aizen who look confused but still angered at the other two women appearing. Joshiro and Kyoraku looked at Unohana as the muttered...


Isane looked at the third women who gave her a motherly smile, making the Fukutaicho shiver and slightly gasp.


"Sorry for coming unexpectedly, Tou-sama. Me and Retsu-san just couldn't resist making our last appearance on this dump of an after life" said the white haired boy with an ice-cold voice as he glared at the Soutaicho who glared back at the boy with closed eyes. The old man opened his eyes as he looks at the blue-eyed women who looked back with a blank look. The old man said "Retsu Unohana...Toshiro Hitsugaya".

"What is the meaning of this? Nel, Harribel?" Aizen glared. "They don't serve you anymore Aizen. And the reason I'm doing this because you broke our deal." Naruto said in that same cold tone.

"What?" He asked. "I specifically told you to keep Nnorita on a leash and we will have no problems. Give me what I want and I'll work with you. But no, Nnorita attacked Nel-chan, breaking your part of the deal. I told you specifically, if any of your lap dogs go after my mates or my son or servants, I will kill them and you. So the mantis is dead." Naruto shrugged before snatching Aizen by his neck holding up.

"Before I kill you, I will be taking what's mine." Naruto said as he thrust his other hand in the center of Aizen's chest shocking everyone. Naruto stuck his tongue out while he searched. "Ah! there it is." Naruto grinned as he grasped it and pulled his hand away with something in it.

Flicking the blood off he handed it to Toshiro. "Hold that for me, sochi." Naruto smiled. "Of course Tou-sama." Hitsugaya nodded with a hidden smile. Naruto grinned then glared at Aizen.

"Oh what is this?" Naruto asked as he took out the Hogyoku. " This thing is far smaller then mines. What a waste, Sosuke-chan" said Naruto. Naruto pocketed it and dropped him.

"No matter. Nel-chan, would you like to do the honors?" Naruto asked. "Of course Naruto-kun." Nel smiled while unsheathing her sword and beheading Aizen.

Naruto smirked as the blood shot out of his neck. "So weak." Naruto muttered. "Naru-koi, I think we have company." Retsu warned Naruto as he glanced around.

"Hn." Naruto grunted. "N-Naruto-kun?" Mei asked teary eyed. Naruto glanced at her and grinned. "Oh-Hey Mei-chan!" Naruto said as she jumped and hugged him. "I missed you so much!" Mei cried. "Will it wasn't as easy finding you either Mei-hime." Naruto chuckled as Mei stepped back.

An orange blur came flying at Naruto shouting "NARUTO-KOI!" and tackled the man but he didn't fall. When the blur was finally seen, everyone jawdropped at what they seen, with Isane muttering...

"How...can this be?... Rangiku-dono...Unohana-tacho...Hitsugaya taicho...What's going on?". The blur revealed to be Rangiku Matsumoto who was dressed in the same attire as Tia but without the high collar and her Zanputo was held by the black sash around her waste at her back and she had a ring on her right hand's middle finger. She jumped off Naruto not before giving him a kiss, which she got a glare from Nel, Retsu and Tia and an eyebrow twitch from Toshiro. She walk over to Toshiro and gave the poor short boy a massive motherly hug with his head being between her massive breasts.

"OH MY SOCHI-KUN! MOMMY HAS MISSED YOU SO MUCH!". Toshiro used as much strength as he can to pull out of the breath taking hug and shouted to Rangiku, "FOR CRYING OUT, IT'S ONLY BEEN TWO HOURS, KAA-SAN!". Naruto glance at the two with a look that said 'Settle down or am taking away your watermelons and sake' which the two responded by standing behind Naruto with serious gazes towards the Shingami of Soul Society.

"Who are you?" Yamamoto demanded. Naruto raised a brow.

"Me? I am the Jabroni beatin, Pie eatin, Trail blazin, Eye brow raisin, fast in a fight, quick on a word, came to finish this god forsaken world, NARUTO UZUMAKI!" Naruto grinned while doing a dance similar to Jiraiya's.

"There he goes again." Toshiro and Nel sighed. "Sometimes it gets old." Tia muttered. Naruto heard them and sweat dropped. "Why are you here…" "IT DOESN'T MATTER WHY I'M HERE!" Naruto yelled cutting him off.

'Yup! that's Naruto-kun.' Mei thought. "So this is soul society? Hasn't changed." Naruto muttered but everyone heard him. "Wait you've been here before?" Shunsui asked.

"When I was little." Naruto answered. Naruto turned around. "Alright! It's time to leave." Naruto said but before he could take another step he was surrounded.

"You think you can just come here and leave? You are a danger to the Soul society along with these rogue shingami." Yamamoto stated as Toshiro raised his reiatsu, making the ground he was standing on to becmme thin ice. He was stopped when Naruto grabbed his shoulder and shook his head to the white haired boy. Naruto looked back to Yamamoto and said "You know I was really going to leave you in peace but now your pissing me off."

"Naruto, son." Minato called. Naruto looked at him wondering what he wanted. "Why don't you just stay here? So you, your mother and I can be a family, like we were supposed too." Minato said. "No. I have my own family as you can see, and a harem full of girls...with some bitches(grins). What can this place offer me that I already have?" Naruto asked.

"Your friends." Kakashi said. "Friends?...FREINDS?!" Naruto yelled. Nel, Retsu, Matsumoto and Tia stepped a little closer to him to calm him. "HAHAHAHAHAHA! Friends? Like Sakura and Uke-chan? Friends like those Kaka-baka?" Naruto asked.

Naruto then looked at Yamamoto. "You don't pay attention to the world of the living do you, old man?" Naruto asked. "What do you mean?" Yamamoto asked. "I mean Uke-chan, and Orochi-chan are the biggest traitors in our home world. I'm surprised not to see Kabuto-chan here but I guess Itachi-chan still has him in that Genjutsu." Naruto chuckled.

"Naruto things don't have to be this way. Stay with us." Sakura said. "And be the dead last again? Sorry pinkie, I ain't fallin for it. Plus what makes you think you can hold me down?" Naruto asked raising a brow.

"How about we got numbers." Kenpachi smirked. "Numbers don't mean shit to me in this case. It's quality not quantity. Anyway, I feel crowded." Naruto said as he raised his palm. "Shinra tensei." Naruto said as everyone was blown away.

"How is that possible? Your dead! you can't use chakra!" Sasuke said. "Don't underestimate the unpredictable, number one knuckle head, ticking time bomb, Jabroni beating, Naruto Uzumaki...Dattebayo!" Naruto smirked.

"Naruto-sama! Shiro-chan!" a female voice called making Toshiro eye-twitch at the name he was called by. Naruto turned his head to see Momo running towards him. "Momo-chan." Naruto grinned as Momo hugged him which made Mei gain a tick mark at another woman getting all up on her man again.

"I'm happy to see you Naruto-sama." Momo grinned. "Momo? Your alive?" Minato asked. "Momo what are you doing? He's an enemy!" Isane said. "Naruto-sama isn't an enemy! Aizen-baka-teme was the enemy!" Momo stated.

"Aren't you all wondering how I got here? Momo-chan of course!" Naruto grinned kissing her forehead making her blush and sputter out words for a second but sighed blissfully(and giggle) and Matsumoto smirked which got her a pout from Momo. "You see before Aizen-baka could kill Momo-chan, I switched her with a henged blood clone so everyone thought, including Aizen, that she was dead when secretly she was trying to figure out a way for me to return since her seal was used up." Naruto said.

"Momo Hinamori, Toshiro Hitsugaya, Rangiku Matsumoto, Retsu Unohana. You are a traitors to the…" "SHUT YOUR TRAP AND KNOW YOUR PLACE! WHY? BECAUSE MOMO SAID SO!" Momo yelled cutting off Yamamoto.

Naruto gapped at her like a fish as Hitsugaya kept holding back is laughter. "Never ever and Naruto means EVER! Steal his catch phrases." Naruto said. "Hai...Naruto-sama." Momo muttered while all the women that stood with him giggled.

"Now where is Anko-chan?" Naruto asked. "Oh she said she had to take care of a few things." Momo said. Naruto nodded before someone stepped up. Naruto glanced at her and she had his full attention.

"Yes, Soi-chan?" Naruto asked. "Why are you doing this? Are you against the Soul society?" Soifon asked her hair covering her eyes. Naruto was surprisingly serious now.

"At first, no. I was just trying to live. Make a name for myself and all that biz. But now…after seeing how this place treats the true traitors and the poor like my son and Rangi-chan along with Retsu-hime, I have decided to carry out Aizen's dream. To become god. Although I already am one, I'm not that kinda god who rules everything in a bad way.

I want to change everything. Have true peace. The peace Nagato-sempai wanted. And if that means I have to play the 'Villain' in the 'Hero's' eyes then I will. But nothing will stop me from accomplishing my goal...Nothing" Naruto explained.

Soifon nodded and walked over to him. Nel and Tia tensed while Mei, Toshiro, Restu and Momo were curious. Naruto…did nothing. He just watched her. He was looking down at her as she was right next to him while Momo was standing by Nel as Matsumoto as standing by Retsu and poking the women's sweet and big ass earning a sweet smile that promised death if she didn't stop. Matsumoto shivers and backs away from the scary wife of Naruto muttering to herself to never do it again.

The Shinigami watched with bated breaths, wondering what Soifon would do since it seemed she had some sort of connection with Naruto.

Said woman looked up at Naruto with watery eyes and a smile. "I-i thought I lost you. That you were never gonna come back." Soifon said. Naruto smiled at her. "And leave my little bumblebee alone? Never." Naruto said. Soifon grinned and kissed his lips shocking the Shinigami and getting a pout from Momo and Mei, while Retsu smiled at the reunion as she clapped her hands once.

Jushiro, who was standing behind Retsu thought, 'I wish her but would do that...tap'.

"Soifon what are you doing?" Yoruichi demanded. Soifon pulled away and grabbed Naruto's hand while facing them. "I'm going with Naruto-kun. I want to help him achieve his goal." Soifon said.

"As do we!" a voice said as Naruto was surrounded by three blurs. "I thought you would never show up, Whisker-chan, whity-chan." Anko smirked earning a 'hn' from Toshiro who had gotten used to her name-calling. "Yeah right. Dango-chan." Naruto fired back making her gain a tick mark.

"So this was the shit head you were talking about?" Tayuya asked. Naruto's eye twitched. "Hey I remember you! Your that Sound 3 girl or something!" Naruto pointed. Tayuya blinked before she pointed back also.

"And your that blonde shit head who wore that Orange kill me jump suit!" Tayuya growled. "Fuck you Horn girl!" Naruto yelled. "Fuck you Shit head!" Tayuya yelled back. "You!" "You!" "YOU!" "YOU!" They both yelled before making out making everyone sweat drop save for Toshiro who shook his head mutturing "Am probably gonna get a sister soon...again".

"Whisker-chan sure works fast." Anko muttered while the other girls nodded in agreement. Naruto pulled away as Tayuya had a dazed look. "So I take it your coming along then?" he asked. She nodded dumbly while saying,

"If it means I don't have to be with Goody goodie dead two shoes, yeah." Naruto grinned and kissed her forehead. "Welcome aboard." Naruto grinned but someone cleared their throat making Naruto look to the last person of the three and his eyes widened.

"M-Miko-c-chan." Naruto stuttered. "Naruto-kun." Mikoto smiled. "Mother?" Sasuke asked. Mikoto ignored Sasuke and gently kissed Naruto's lips. "It's been to long. Naruto-kun. You sure have grown." Mikoto smiled.

Before Naruto could reply Kenpachi erupted. "Enough of this!" He said drawing his sword and charging at the group. Naruto smiled at Mikoto as Retsu stepped forward then glared at Kenpachi. "What a pest. And here I thought you would be a promising challenge someday but..." Retsu said holding out his hand and Kenpachi stopped in mid air just 1 inch from her palm, shocking all the shinigami, even getting wide eyes from the Sotaicho himself.

"She closed her hand into a fist then...slightly knocked Kinpachi on the forehead. He was propelled back along with the ground by an unknown force as he screamed in pain. "Ken-chan!" Yachiru yelled. "Stop him and the traitors at once!" Yamamoto yelled.

"Ooooh you don't wanna to do that." Naruto said before they could even move. "You see I can kill all of you in one sweep but I've decided not too. But that doesn't mean I won't. Your pushing your luck old man. I'm sure the people out there still want to exist because after this, you will die. Permanently!" Naruto glared.

"Naruto don't do this!" Tsunade begged. "You want to know what turned me into a hollow? It wasn't because of my first wife. Nooooooo it was because of loneliness, Hate, and some other crap. But I have a question. How the hell is Orochimaru here, if Itachi sealed him?" Naruto asked.

"Only we have the ability to seal souls." Shunsui answered. Naruto nodded. 'That must be why Nagato-sempai is 'alive'.' Naruto thought. "Okay anyway back on point. It was my so called 'Friends' that pushed me into a hollow." Naruto said.

"W-What? We didn't do anything!" Sakura said. "Hehehe, my dear Sakura-chan. You know the saying, if you have nothing to say, keep it to yourself? Or keep your thoughts to yourself?" Naruto asked as they all nodded.

"Well you should have thought happy thoughts. Not, 'It's all your fault. Its your fault Sasuke-kun is dead.' While staring at your 'friend's' dead body. The dead hear things." Naruto said.

"But not all of us thought this!" Tsunade said. "You are right. Not all of you thought such things. Such as you, Tsunade-chan. Uncle Bee Lee, Gai. And a COUPLE more. Even the Kages. By the way, Gaara and Konan are with me. Anyway, but the rest of Konoha? The people I helped bring back to life. The people I put my life on the line for? Over and Over again. The person who defeated both Pain AND Madara before he 'ate some hot chilly up in this bitch and exploded from massive diarrhea'. Not to mention the second Orochimaru, Uke-chan. Those people, with the so called, 'Will of fire', don't think so highly of me." Naruto explained.

"It hurts to give your life for the people you protected with everything you had, just spit on your grave. It's seems Daddy didn't have that problem. As they ruled the father but damned the Son. The same son who ended the 4th great Shinobi war." Naruto chuckled.

Everyone from the Elemental nations was silent. "Anyway it's been fun. I guess. It's time for us to go home. But don't think you have heard the last of the Jabroni beating, Naruto Uzumaki!" Naruto grinned as they all started to float thanks to a light beam shining on them.

"Wait Naruto-kun!" Kushina called running towards him. "Kushina no!" Minato said as he tried running after her but was still hurt from his wound that Aizen gave him. "Yes?" Naruto asked. "Take me with you!" Kushina said. Naruto pondered it before shrugging.

"Okay!" Naruto grinned as a second beam hit Kushina making her float. "Kushina why are you doing this?" Minato asked. "I wasn't there for him. At all. And that was because of Obito. But when I met him, I had the chance to bond with my Naruto-kun. I will be damned if I miss this chance. Even if it makes me your enemy. I will be with Naruto-kun!" Kushina stated.

"So long Soul Soicety! NARUTO UZUMAKI WILL RETURN!" Naruto yelled as he and company disappeared.

Yamamoto grunted in annoyance. 'Next time Naruto Uzumaki. When you do return. You will face Justice.' The man thought. Yoruichi gritted her teeth in anger.

'Was he-...Was he more important than me? Did she leave with him because he offered her a chance to come while I didn't? Why?...Why Soifon?' The cat woman thought in rage.

'Uno-...Unohana-taicho...why?' Isane thought as she hugged herself and fell on her knees. Joshiro and Kyoraku got to Isane and comfort the silver haired shinigami as she released loud sobs. 'Naruto! That bastard took Kaa-san! Tou-san won't like this. Not at all.' Sasuke thought.

'Naruto, I'm sorry...I'm so sorry. I promise, I will get you back so we can be a team again. That's my promise of a life time!' Sakura thought. 'Should I have gone? I found him. And now he's gone again.' Tsunade thought.

'Damn! What did I do wrong? Why Kushina? Why did you leave with our corrupted son? Naruto doesn't want peace! He wants revenge.' Minato thought with anger as the medics took him and the other injured away.

'So that doctor of a women is strong huh? I will enjoy facing you some day. Unohana.' Kenpachi thought with a sick grin.

'That look. Why did he look at me before leaving? What could he want with me?' Orihime thought in confusion. 'And why does he look like Namiuzu-kun? I mean they both have the same name. Could they be the same?' She thought.

It seemed Chad knew what she was thinking as he thought the same. "I don't think that was him, Orihime. The Naruto we know is nice and compassionate. Not like this one who seems to get off killing people." Chad said.

"I have to agree with Chad. I may never talked with the Naruto-san we know but he seems way different from this Naruto." Uryu agreed.

"Well we better go help Ichigo." Orihime said as she and the others went to do just that.

Los Noches(Forgot the spelling)

"Man that took longer than I expected." Naruto muttered as he, Toshiro and the girls walked through the halls of Aizen's castle, which is now Naruto's. He glanced at Toshiro as the white haired boy nodded and held Unohana and Matsumto by there hands. The three broke into ice particles, shocking Mikoto and Kushina who sensed chakra from the technique.

"What's the next step Naruto-kun?" Tia asked. "We round up the weaklings. And send them off to recruit new hollows. I plan on creat my own army." Naruto said.

"Which weaklings Naruto-kun?" Nel asked. "The Espada from 21 and up. Starting with Espada 20 and lower we are gonna redo the strength system.

Aizen was to lenient with that as he gave that mantis freak Nnorita number 5. Hell even that cat, Grimmjow, was stronger than him." Naruto said as he entered the throne room and sat in his seat.

Naruto closed his eyes while resting his chin in his palm. "What rank will we have Naruto-kun?" Nel asked. Naruto opened his eyes. "You two will not have a rank." He said shocking them.

"W-what? But Naruto-kun(Look of surprise with sadness)" Tia asked. "Calm down Tia-chan. You two will not have a rank because you will be apart of my new strength system that Unohana-Hime, Rangi-hime and sochi are apart of. The Maelstroms." Naruto said getting confused looks from all of them.

"We will discuss this later. I want you two to go round up the other high ranking Espada and bring them to the meeting room. After I will have a meeting with all Espada. Dismissed." Naruto ordered. Nel and Tia nodded kissing his cheek and left.

"Now for you guys." Naruto said looking at the girls in front of him. "To start off I am very happy that you all decided to join me for my goal. I care not if you want to fight for the army or stay by my side. But lets get one thing straight." Naruto said as he turned serious.

"I treat all of my girls equally. There is none, who gets more than the other. Fights would start among you all and I don't want that. What I want is for all of you to be great friends, sisters to be exact. And yes that means you too Tayu-chan." Naruto said as Tayuya huffed with a pout.

"Naru-kun, what if we want to fight for you?" Kushina asked. "Then I will have to test your strength and start your training. And now that I have 'this' Hyogaku, I'll make mines even stronger by feeding it this puny thing of a barrier breaker. Mines was strong enough to give my son son physical energy, but not enough to do something like a Kage Buushin." said Naruto as he pocketed it back in to his right pocket.

"It seems that boy, Ichigo Kurosaki is part vizard due to Urahara. Anko-chan and Tayu-chan along with Uke-chan are closer to Vizards as well due to the curse mark Orochi-chan put on you...bu I'm not having any of that shit happen. Not after the last time Uke-chan got his first test of power. Ugh!." Naruto said with a shiver.

"Will that change anything?" Anko asked. "No. It just makes it easier for you to turn and have your mind in check since you have been dealing with dark powers for awhile now." Naruto said.

"What does this mean for our Zanpakuto, Naruto-kun?" Soifon asked. "Nothing. All it means is that you will have more power. Most Arrancars have their Zanpakuto in Shikai form. Just like me. But you can chose whether or not if you want that. But I'm still working out some details right now" Naruto answered.

"This is great! So when do we start?" Anko asked. "After the meeting. First I want you all to get settled in and meet the rest of the family." Naruto said. "Family? What do you mean?" Mikoto asked.

Naruto sheepishly smiled. "Well you see over the years I've been dead I kinda…" "NARUTO-KUN!" A whole series of voices called as the door burst open to show at least 20 women rushing towards him.

The other girls looked in shock and jumped out of the way as the giant hoard of girls hugged and yanked on Naruto.

Naruto did his signature hand sign and jumped while saying, "Blood clone jutsu!" Naruto said. As the same amount of girls of Naruto's appeared and no one knew which was the real one but it didn't matter as each girl hugged their own clone.

The real Naruto however was standing on the air while making out with a black haired goddess. The woman pulled away with a grin and drew circles in his shirt.

"You took to long Naru-kun." The woman pouted. "I'm sorry Kuro-chan." Naruto smiled softly.

The woman had long black hair that was braided into a ponytail while having a long bang that covered her left eye. From looking at her right you could see she had pupil-less red eyes. She had tan skin that was a shade lighter than Yoruichi's. Her fangs jutted from her upper lip like Naruto and had nice supple lips. She really did have the body of a goddess as she had curves in all the right places. She wore the same outfit like Tia but hers had a high collar like Naruto's and was zipped down a bit showing her cleavage.

The woman had a flat but muscled stomach with long legs that seemed to run for days but she was only at least 2 inches shorter than Naruto. She had at least a DD-cup that were being squeezed against her tight jacket. Tied around her waist was a black sash and tucked within and by her side was her Zanpakuto. This woman was Naruto's first wife and Mate, Kurohime Shinju Uzumaki.

Naruto and Kurohime floated down and sat down in the throne. Well Kurohime sat in Naruto's lap making all the other girls pout but hung on to their clone.

"Naruto...Who are these girls?" Kushina asked.

"Well before they came in bursting in, what I was gonna say is Over the years while I have been a hollow, before and after I joined Aizen I explored the human world... or worlds to be honest. Past and Future. Thanks to Kurohime I could do this. But only once a year of course- I'll spear you the details for later" Naruto paused.

"Anyway over those years I have ran into dozens of girls. These are said girls. To some of these girls I am known as their Ashakabi, their destined one. Others their master, and some very emo-like ones, their god. These girls here, are my Fiancee's. But…" Naruto snapped and by his side were 3 other girls.

"These are my wives. Kurohime-chan, Nel-chan, Tia-chan, Retsu-chan and Rangi-chan are one of them. These three are Karin-chan, Temari-chan and Konan-chan. I have many other more like Annie-chan, Misaka-chan, Miya-chan, Kazehana-chan, Uzume-chan, Akitsu-chan, Seras-chan..." Naruto said with the names going one getting huge mouth gaps from the people he brought with him trying to count all the names but failed to misserably.

These girls wore the same outfit as Nel but were different. Karin wore Hakama pants instead, Temari wore tight shorts and Konan's had no sleeves. Karin's and Konan's shirts where tight against there skin showing off their chests and nipples that were clearly visble. While Temari's cuffs were baggy almost like a Kimono's. Then Naruto gestured to the other girls he mentioned as their outfits either ranged from Nel's or to Konan's. Some even had Hakama pants while having a shirt like Konan's, with some others having skirts going from long to EXTREMELY short.

"Girls these are, well I don't know what to call them, actually. Their not really my mates yet, and the only girlfriend is Mei and that's barely. Um…"

"Future wives." Mikoto said. "Hm?" Naruto asked. "Your future wives. Well I at least to be one." Mikoto smiled. "Well um yeah what Miko-chan said! Girls this is, Mei Terumi, Mikoto Uchiha, Tayuya…" "Tayuya?!" One of the girls screamed.

Tayuya looked to see her cousin Karin. "K-Karin?" She asked. "Oooh Naruto-kun! I'm so happy and thankful that you brought my cousin with!" Karin said as she hugged Naruto. Said teen was just waving his hands comically.

"Karin...Your smothering him again" A girl with chin-length black hair said with a monotone of sorts wearing black scarf around her neck. "Hm? Oh sorry Naru-kun." Karin grinned sheepishly letting him go. "It's okay Karin-chan. Anyway, Kushina Uzumaki, Momo Hinamori, Anko Mitirashi and Soifon." Naruto introduced.

"Okay girls these are my Fiancée's. You have already heard the names but believe when I sai 'The list goes from the north to the South pole of the Earth" Naruto said taking a deep breath but grinning in the process.

"Naruto-kun, the others are present." Tia said entering the room. Naruto nodded and stood. "Konan, Temari, Kurohime, you 4 are with me in this meeting. Mila!" Naruto called.

"Yes Naruto-kun?" She asked right after Naruto responded. "I want you two to find rooms for them. The rest of you keep an eye on the Espada's. If any of them try to get out of hand warn them about me and if they still continue, Kill them. Make an example if you want. I want to kill the un-loyal and keep the Loyal ones. Now that Aizen is dead things are gonna change around here. Karin!" Naruto called.

"Yes Naruto-kun?" She asked. "I want you to have it's power be fed to the Eien no Hogyoku of mines. Use it on Toshiro again to see if he can try and make a perfect Kage Buushin. Understood?" Naruto asked.

"Yes Naruto-kun." Karin nodded. "Good. Dismissed." Naruto ordered as he walked out the room with his group and Tia in tow.

"Have any acted out?" Naruto asked. "It seems Grimmjow is getting irritated." Tia said. "Hn. Expected from the 'King'." Naruto muttered as they entered the meeting room.

It was like any other conference room except there was a long and wide table. Nel was standing at the head of the table were Aizen sat. The other Arrancars were surprised to see Naruto sit in that very same seat.

"What is going on? Why are you sitting in Aizen's seat?" Grimmjow demanded. "Calm down little cat. I'm about to tell you the very reason why I'm sitting here. And you can't get your answers if your dead, can you?" Naruto asked. The man growled before sitting down.

"Now this is the most urgent news. As you all know Aizen went to the Soul society to find the Hogyoku. Well he found it. And now I have it. Why do I have it? Because he's dead. I killed him." Naruto said making all eyes wide even the girls who haven't heard the news.

"What is the reason you killed Aizen-sama, Naruto?" Ulquiorra asked. "Ah Yes! Good question, Ulquiorra-san. Aizen broke his part of the deal. You have all heard rumors about Nnorita being killed?" Naruto said. All nodded. Naruto glared while holding his hands interlaced and over his mouth.

"I killed him. The reason I joined Aizen in the first place was so I wouldn't be bored My lifesty;e can't just live on sex alone so I decided to see what was happening around the area since rumous were spreading around the time about something new happening. When I arrived, Tia and Nel were with me along with Kurohime, Konan and the others. Aizen let them join but I was still skeptical wanting to know what the big deal was. When Aizen gave Nel her test against Nnorita for her number, she beat him. Badly." Naruto paused.

"Ever since before his death, Nnorita held resentment towards females who were stronger than him. Mostly Nel. I told Aizen I would join him if he gave me something to do. And he kept Nnorita on a leash and made sure he didn't go overboard against my women and children. This deal was broken." Naruto said glaring harder.

"While Aizen was away and I was…busy." Naruto hesitated as Kurohime blushed lightly. "Nnorita and two of his punks killed Nel's fraccion, then Nnorita tried killing her. He nearly did if it wasn't for Tia telling me. So I killed Nnorita. Then I had my spy in soul society open a gargunta a little away from Aizen and observed his movements. After I had enough waiting I made my move." Naruto said.

"Tia and Nel accompined me as my son and two wives, Restu and Rangiku followed behind, killing Kaname Tosen and Gin Ichimaru, Aizen's two lap dogs. I killed Aizen myself." Naruto said. Nel was silent as she knew Naruto needed to say this. She didn't mind at all. She would do anything for her love. And he would do anything for her. Making her love him more.

Everyone was shocked at Naruto's statement. "So part of the reason I called this meeting was to see where your loyalties lie. If your against me, then I will kill you immediately without batting an eye. If your with me I will tell you my new plan. But you may not like it." Naruto said.

"Even if I don't like you, what are you offering me?" Grimmjow asked. Naruto glanced at him. "Power. I can only give you some. The rest is up to you." Naruto said. "I'm guessing Harribel and Nelliel have already heard this plan?" Ulquiorra guessed.

"Not really. They have only heard a piece. And it was just a name." Naruto said. "Where are your loyalties?" Stark asked Nel and Tia.

"Our loyalties never were with Aizen. We joined him because Naruto-sama suggested it. Our loyalties are and always will lie with Naruto-sama." Tia said with Nel nodding in agreement.

"I see. Well I really don't care. Reason being is your son Toshiro saved Lilynette from being 'killed' by Nnoitra this one time and am actaully cool with you, Naruto" Stark shrugged. The others nodded while Grimmjow was hesitant.

"Good. Now lets begin the next step of my plan."


Phew! Alright. This is the first chapter and I promised that the second one will be as longer(Not longer then 7k) as this chapter.

Stay cool, be cool and look cool and...(loooooooooooong burp)