Just as Shira was about to switch places with Ruby, a bullet hit her in the side and, due to the magic circle, caused her to collapse. A Pandora agent stood next to Break holding a gun, fear in his eyes of the girl that now lay bleeding on the ground. Break quickly deactivated the circle and Kisa ran up to Ruby, Ariah getting to her first. She held her paw over the gunshot wound and hesitated. She couldn't continue with the bullet still in her side.

Suddenly, a girl with long blonde hair in low pigtails wearing a green kimono top, dark blue pants that stopped at her knees, and black heeled sandals appeared by Ruby with a worried look in her brown eyes. The girl bent down and examined Ruby's side, a frown appearing on her face as she looked to the Pandora agent who had shot her. "Kuro, deal with that man." She said calmly and began to carefully remove the bullet, not sparing a glance to the people behind her. "With pleasure." A male voice answered and a black tiger with white stripes and dragon-like wings appeared in front of her.

The Pandora agent was frozen with fear as he stared at the black tiger that charged towards him. Recognizing the girl, Justin leapt in front of the agent and stopped the black tiger. "It's been awhile, Tsunade. I wish we could have met again on better terms." He called to the girl, who looked over her shoulder and glared at him. "Indeed. Your friend here is healing exceptionally fast. I just removed the bullet and the wound is already disappearing. How dare you let her get shot!" She called angrily.

"I know. I've been careless this past month, I'm afraid that I'm hurting her more mentally and emotionally than before." Justin replied as he sent Eevee an apologizing glance, understanding of her anger as well for letting Ruby get shot. After all, it was still her body, whether or not Shiradori was in control. Kuro flew passed Justin and attacked the agent, sinking his teeth into the man's arm and biting until he dropped his gun and fell to his knees in pain.

"We'll go now, then. But I want to be properly introduced when she wakes up. Until then, don't bother calling. Bye." Tsunade stated before she and Kuro disappeared in a cloud of shadow. Eevee ran to Ruby and checked her bullet wound which, was indeed, healing fast. Inhumanly fast. Cursing, she picked her up carefully and jumped to the window, glaring at everyone before disappearing into the room. Guilt flooded Break's senses. If he hadn't tried to stop Shiradori, Ruby wouldn't have gotten shot. Turning to the fallen Pandora agent, Break motioned for two more men to escort him back inside to be treated before leaving and made his way to Ruby's room.

Hey everyone. I'm sorry this chapter is so short and that I haven't updated this for awhile. I'll try to make the next chapter a little longer. Please feel free to leave comments or reviews if you want. Until then, read and enjoy~