By Swordwriter
This is my entry to the 2014 Ficathon. This is a very AU story set at the end of season four. As always in my stories Castle has a military background, the details not known to Kate or the boys. In this story Kate and Espo are not suspended, they continue to hunt for Cole Maddox and neither the fight on the roof or Kate's appearance at the loft happen. Rick is done with Nikki Heat and he will leave the city. Kate may lose the love of her life and Rick may have a chance at a new love. Will Kate have the strength to go after him and a strong enough love to bring him back? You my dear readers will have a say in it. I am also issuing a minor challenge.
I am basing parts of the story on a poem and a fifties song. I am going to give you a couple of lines from each. Can you give me the titles? Poem: I've topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace, where never lark or even eagle flew. Song: Cold, cold was the wind, warm, warm were your lips. Out there on the ski trail where your kiss filled me with thrills.
Disclaimer. Castle and all the characters are the property of Andrew Marlowe and ABC. Characters in this story, not part of the show are my own. For entertainment purposes only.
Chapter One: I'm Done.
After Kate Beckett's rant, Richard Castle walked out of her apartment, through with her. No matter how hard he tried to show her how much he loved her, to show her that there were other paths that she could be on, ones that led to happiness, nothing could break through her obsession. She didn't love him, she never would. She'd broken his heart but not his spirit. He was a much stronger man than she or most other people knew.
He wouldn't stop loving her, probably couldn't, but that didn't mean that he would let that control his life or that he couldn't go on and love someone else. His heart was big enough to love more than one person. He could shelve his love for Kate and give love to another woman, maybe even enough that she'd never feel a lack.
He wouldn't cry for Kate. All his grief would be buried inside where no one, not even his sensitive daughter, would see it. After all, he'd once been a man of iron discipline and quiet courage. He'd be that man again. He desperately wanted to drown his sorrows in a bottle of scotch but he wouldn't do that. He'd seen too many men destroy themselves that way.
By the time he reached his loft, his plans were made. Alexis would graduate in two days. He'd take three weeks to finish the last Nikki Heat book and wind up his affairs in New York. He didn't plan to leave New York permanently or sever ties with Black Pawn, but he was going to take a year's hiatus from writing. If he never wrote another best seller, so be it. He was a shrewd business man and his net worth was over one hundred million dollars. He would take the rest of the summer to give Alexis a grand tour of England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, France and Italy. When they returned at the end of summer, Alexis would start college at Columbia, still living in the loft with Martha. He had a plan in the back of his head, something he'd wanted to do for quite a while but hadn't been able to while Alexis was a minor or while he thought he had something with Kate.
Rick put a pot of coffee on and when it was ready, made himself a cup of Irish coffee. He wasn't going to drown in alcohol, but a single drink he could handle. Rick sat at his desk, sipping his coffee. Eventually the emotional stress of the day got to him and he nodded off.
"Sky Eyes, Sky Eyes, this is Archangel do you have any customers for me today?" "Roger that, Archangel, I have a column of sand turtles about twenty kilometers east of Bagdad. You should have them on radar soon."
"I've got them, Sky Eyes, thanks for the assist. Archangel to Cherubim. Let's go get them." First Lieutenant Richard Rogers, U.S.M.C.R., flew off the wing of his flight leader Captain Bob Weldon. He put his F-18C Hornet into a long shallow dive until the column of Iraqi armored vehicles and trucks came into view. He released his four 1000 pound bombs on the targeting computer's cue, then banked hard right and circled to start a strafing run. As he pulled out he felt several thumps and the fire light came on for his port engine. He quickly shut off the fuel to that engine and hit the fire extinguisher switch. He made a radio call. "This is Jolly Roger, I'm hit. Port engine shut down." Rogers turned around and headed for the aircraft Carrier. Two other F-18's from VMFA-315, the Death Angels, flew alongside him. The landing approach was harder with only one engine but he made it.
Rick woke up when Alexis put her hand on his shoulder.
"Dad, Dad, wake up. Dinner's ready."
Like her father, Alexis Castle was a fairly accomplished cook, although tonight's dinner was simple. Pork chops, mashed potatoes and corn. As soon as the dishes were washed, Rick said, "I'm going to do some writing and then go to bed. I'll see you in the morning, Pumpkin."
Kate Beckett walked into the precinct in a foul mood. Yesterday's fight with Castle had affected her more than she thought it would. A lot more than she thought it would. If Castle had only been angry and lashed out at her as she had at him, it would blow over in a couple of days as their fights always did and he'd be right back here with her coffee. His reaction yesterday had thrown her. It hadn't been anger, just resignation. She dropped her purse at her desk and went into the break room to make coffee. She cursed as she burned her hand. Why did this coffee machine hate her? Castle always made it look easy. She slumped against the counter. When she got down to it, Castle made most things he really cared to do look easy. Esposito and Ryan kept well away from her after she snapped at them when they asked her where Castle was. Kate was edgy and snapping at everyone all week. She was still mad at Castle, but by the end of the week she realized how much she missed him, how much she needed him, but she was still stubborn. She decided that if he didn't show up on Monday she would call him.
She was off that weekend, and except for her morning runs, she spent a miserable, lonely time cooped up in her apartment. Monday morning rolled around and still no Castle. A little before noon, she called him. It went to voice mail after the first ring. This is Richard Castle. I either can't or don't want to answer the phone right now. Leave a message or don't. It's your dime. Kate was shocked at the message. The tone was cold, not the warm, cheery baritone she was used to.Kate said, "Castle, please call me. We need to talk." Three more calls that day went unanswered.
On Tuesday a desperate Kate sent a text message. Castle, please meet me at Remy's for lunch, it's my treat. By one o'clock Kate knew that he wasn't going to show. Sadly she trudged back to the precinct and offered the burgers to the boys. She was too upset to eat hers. She'd ordered Castle's too, never believing he'd turn down a cheeseburger, even if he was mad.
By Friday she'd had enough. After work she drove to Castle's loft. As she approached the door, Eduardo, the doorman held up his hand. "I'm sorry, Miss Beckett, but Mister Castle has instructed me that you are not allowed to enter the building without a warrant."
Kate was appalled. "You mean his loft, don't you, Eduardo?"
"No Miss Beckett, I mean the entire building. Mister Castle owns it. Nor can Detectives Esposito, Ryan or Doctor Parrish." Kate returned to her cruiser and sat in it, then slumped over the wheel crying. Her sobs rocked her whole body. Oh God, what have I done? My best friend, my rock, the man I love and I drove him away. No, no, no, no, no.
Eduardo was a kind, soft hearted man. He could see Kate falling apart in her car. He called Castle. "Mister Castle, this is Eduardo. Miss Beckett is in her car and hysterical. I'm afraid if she tries to drive, she'll have an accident."
Castle sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I can't help her Eduardo, this situation is her doing. This is what I want you to do. Call the number that I am going to give you. Ask for Detective Ryan. Tell him about the situation then go take the keys away from Detective Beckett. When he gets here give him the keys. He will take care of her. If he asks about me, tell him that I am not home, because I won't be."
Eduardo did as he was told. He called Ryan then went and opened the patrol car's door. Kate was now slumped over on the seat crying so hard that she didn't even notice Eduardo removing the keys from the ignition. He looked up two minutes later as Castle roared out of the garage on a Harley Davidson 1200 Sportster. Rick kept the Harley at high revs as he tore through the city streets headed for the open highway. He couldn't let Kate's emotional problem affect him. She'd gotten like this before but as soon as the momentary crisis passed she was back behind her wall jousting with the windmill of her mother's case. He wasn't going to be her Sancho Panza anymore. As Sancho's line from Man of LaMancha stated, "Whether the stone hits the pitcher or the pitcher hits the stone, it's bound to be bad for the pitcher."
Castle reached the highway and really opened the bike up, hitting 110 miles per hour in some stretches, letting his anger and frustration blow out in the wind.
Detective Kevin Ryan and his partner Javier Esposito reached Castle's loft within minutes of Eduardo's call. Kate was still lying on the seat of her cruiser sobbing uncontrollably. Ryan took the keys from Eduardo and gently lifted Kate out of the car, moved around to the passenger side, opened the door, seated her and belted her in. He turned to his partner and said, "Espo, call Lanie and have her meet us at Beckett's place."
When they arrived at Beckett's apartment and got her upstairs, only minutes passed before Lanie arrived. Esposito said, "Stay with her, chica. Ryan and I are going to find Castle and kick his ass." Kate pulled out of Lanie's embrace and turned her tear filled eyes to Esposito. She touched his arm.
"No Javi, don't do that. This isn't Castle's fault. It's mine. I caused this whole mess. I won't let you hurt him, I've hurt him enough as it is."
After Esposito and Ryan left Kate collapsed on the couch. She couldn't cry anymore, at least for now. Lanie put a gentle hand on Kate's arm.
"What happened?"
Kate's eyes teared up; she wasn't as cried out as she thought. "I messed up Lanie, the worst I've ever done in my life. I…I love Castle, I love him and I drove him away. I put my mother's case above everything. He told me that if he meant anything me to drop the case. He wouldn't stay to watch them kill me. I told him that if they wanted a war to bring it on. I was ready. I chose the case over him and he walked out. He's done with me. I made the wrong choice Lanie, I've lost him."
"Oh, honey, that can't be true! Hasn't that man showed you how much he loves you? He's hung around for four years, through three men you didn't love. He'll be back if you give him a little time and then do something to show him that you really love him."
Kate hung her head. "I don't think so, Lanie. He won't take my calls or answer my texts. He's barred all of us from his building. Not just me, but you, Espo, and Ryan too. I think he believes that you're only his friends because of me and that you'll all turn against him. He may be right; look what Espo and Ryan wanted to do."
Lanie was shocked to learn that Castle could be severing ties with all of them. She couldn't speak for Esposito or Ryan, but even though Kate was her best friend, she felt that Castle was a friend too. She shook off the shock and said, "It may not look like it now, but Castle loves you. I know he does. He's waited for you. Four years he's waited for you to see him as he truly is.
"Do you really think that he's so mad that there's no way back? You just said that you love him. Do you really, enough to fight for him? If you do, I'll help you. Together we'll figure out a way to get to him. It won't be easy; although he appears to be easy-going that man is as stubborn as you."
Kate perked up a little at Lanie's words and said, "You're right Lanie. I won't give up."
It was nearly midnight when Castle returned from his motorcycle ride. He hadn't realized that he'd sub-consciously turned off his phone when he got on the bike. Alexis and Martha were frantic when he walked into the loft, helmet dangling from his left hand. Their voices overlapped as the both yelled at him, "Dad, Richard, where have you been?" Alexis went on, tears falling as she said, "Dad we've been frantic. We've been calling for hours. You didn't answer. We called Paula, Gina, the detectives, nobody knew where you were."
Castle had the grace to look sheepish. "I've been out riding. I needed to clear my head. I guess I accidently turned my phone off. Sorry it won't happen again. But do me a favor; don't call anyone from the 12th Precinct again. I'm done shadowing Beckett, I'm done with NYPD and I'm done with Nikki Heat. I'll have the final draft of the last book in to Gina in two weeks. I was halfway through the book anyway. I've just changed the title and the ending."
He smiled down at Alexis. "Then I am taking you on a tour of Europe and the British Isles for the summer. Mother, you are also invited. After you're settled in college, Alexis, I'm going to take a sabbatical. I haven't quit writing; I'm just taking a break. I have a project I've been thinking about for a while. None of this is open to discussion, neither the plans nor the reasons." He kissed them both and went into his bedroom.
Monday morning at the 12th precinct was not off to a good start. Captain Victoria Gates stood in her office doorway, a seriously displeased look on her face. "Detectives Beckett, Esposito, Ryan. My office, now!" When the three detectives were standing in front of her desk she said, "I have the mayor on speaker phone. He is quite upset. He wants an explanation of the letter that I am going to read to you. I quote: To Captain Victoria Gates, NYPD. I am informing you that upon the receipt of this letter that I will no longer be shadowing any member of the 12th Precinct nor assisting in their cases. Furthermore I am ending my relationship with the NYPD. Richard E. Castle. The mayor wants an explanation and so do I."
Kate stood tall and looked her captain right in the eye and said, "With all due respect, Captain, what happened between Castle and myself is personal, and happened outside the precinct. I did not involve detectives Esposito or Ryan so I do not intend to answer that question."
Before Gates could explode, the mayor intervened. "Detective Beckett, I understand your reluctance to involve your personal life in this and I respect that. However, not only has Richard Castle contributed to your high solve rate and is therefore important to the city, but he is one of my oldest friends. I would consider it a personal favor if all of you could be in my office in one hour. I will then explain some things to you and you can decide then if you will clarify the situation. If you do not want to do so, I can assure you that there will be no professional repercussions."