So, I hope the jumbled text is all fixed now. I thank the two reviewers who gave me a heads up. Thanks guys, you're awesome. Anyhow, enough of me, enjoy!

In case you haven't henceforth come to a realisation that GummyRabbit doesn't own D. Gray man, I myself have come to slap that delusion out of you. The mangaka of that particular lovely manga is Katsura Hoshino and we shall all worship her and her work of art.

Reasons Beyond Our Madness

Allen's face was peaceful, deep breaths indicating sleep. Kanda almost breathed a sigh of relief, whole form sagging as the tension drained out of him. The beansprout was safe. So you think. Kanda jumped and discretely looked for the source of the voice in his head. The chamber left little room for imagination, infuriatingly white like the rest of the place, empty but for the armchair in which Allen sat. Looking for me? An unseen force directed his attention to the armchair, and from behind it stepped out a small tomboyish girl, pink umbrella in hand. Kanda shook his head furiously, scowling at the mental invasion in loathing. The voice in his head only laughed and disappeared altogether. "Well, well, what do we have here?" The girl asked gleefully.

The girl had blue hair, dark ash coloured skin and seven stigmata on her forehead, golden eyes. She wore a knowing smirk on her face, seemingly a default expression for the Noah family. Allen was wary of the girl. No matter how young she looked, other members of her family had been known to amputate limbs and eat holes out other's hearts, not a good first impression. The girl giggled again, "How cute, you would make a beautiful doll." Neah seemed to shudder in Allen's head. "Who are you?" The boy asked. "I am the Ninth Disciple, Noah of Dreams, Road Camelot." Dreams? "I know who you are, Allen Walker. Fourteenth." Allen's head jerked up, wide-eyed. Oi, don't let her get to you! They already knew, remember? No, it's not that. ...What? I think... I remember her. Neah's thoughts were disbelieving, No way... It can't be happening now of all times... Neah? His confusion must be on his face, because the girl – Road – smiled, "Don't worry, it'll all make more sense soon... For now," Road's face split into an inhuman grin, "Go to sleep."

Kanda can only watch helplessly as the beansprout's head snapped back from an unseen force, and his closed left eye started to bleed profusely. The boy's face is still as peaceful as ever. It seems the idiot's expression isn't any indication to what he's experiencing right now. Kanda scowled darkly, hiding his concern under many layers of less than pleasant emotions. Not that he realised that, though. "Teme! What did you do to Moyashi?!" The Noah girl looked lost for a second, before grinning, "Ah, Allen?" She asked, cradling the sleeping boy's head to her chest, making Kanda growl, pointing Mugen at her, wondering if it would hit its mark if he threw it. His reaction seemed to amuse her, "He's just dreaming." The girl purred. Kanda flew at her, trying unsuccessfully to land a hit. The girl cackled, having anticipated that, now stood on top of her floating – talking – umbrella. "Aww~ How mean," She pouted, "After all the effort made so that I can get to Allen alone, and that's what happens to me. Attacked by his jealous boyfriend~" Kanda spluttered for a second, floundering for words, "We're not-" "-Yeah yeah, been there, done that," The girl replied, bored. She looked up and grinned, gold eyes glinting, as well as her pale teeth, "How about a legitimate excuse?" Her face lit up in manic light, "I've seen you, touching MY Allen at every convenient situation," The entire room seemed to shake, pointy ended candles bursting into life around the girl, "What do you have to say for yourself?"

"Ack! Yuu!" The rabbit whined, dodging another burning candle, "Why is she targeting us both if you're the one she wants?!" Kanda smirked, despite the situation, cutting a candle in half like it's warm butter. "Even a Noah knows the value of getting rid of certain Baka Usagis out there." That prompted yet another whiny "Yuuuuu!" "Don't call me that!"

Allen was falling, he realised dumbly. Then, silver eyes widened and he let out a panicked yelp and grabbed at the air with futile effort, only succeeding in looking like an idiot, which the girl's voice testified with a high laugh that faded with the sound of the rushing wind. He tried to activate his Innocence, a nasty shock went through his body as he stared wide-eyed at his silver claw. "Wha-" The claw disappeared, and Allen found himself staring at a normal left hand of flesh, just like in his inner world. What is happening?!

His rapid descent slowed abruptly, so suddenly his breath caught in his throat, there he was, floating half a meter above the iced over floor when whatever mystic power that kept him hovering stopped working its magic and he fell the rest of the fifty meters to the floor. "Gack!" Well done nephew mine, 'gack' indeed. Shut up Neah. Why so cold? There's a note of nervousness in Neah's voice, one that put Allen on edge. Where is this place? He looked around, spinning in place on the frosted paved floor, his breath misted in front of him. The sky was dark, a haggard crescent moon hung above him, the only light source. Flakes of snow drifted to the ground and melted on his skin, leaving no trace nor water behind, as if they were not real. Allen took a shuddering breath and looked down at his hands again. His left hand is still… a left hand. Normal skin, normal nails, normal joints. He sunk a nail into his forefinger, it prickled dully. Normal. You know what? I think this is your mindscape. Allen looked at the pale leafless trees and flat landscape and snorted. Bleak place. I'm not surprised, sorry to break it to you. Allen made a face and started to walk in the direction of the silvery moon.

It didn't take long for him to spot a lake - a frozen one - occupying a quarter of his vision - to sum it up, it's big. Seeing that, Allen felt the strangest sensation, a slight buzzing behind his temple. Because it wasn't exactly unpleasant, Allen was able to ignore it. Huh, weird, I could've sworn I've seen this place before. Neah commented, seemingly shaking his head, annoyed, though Allen couldn't tell for sure. The whitette, being the curious little thing he is, decided to kneel down at the edge, leaning forward to try get a good look.

Instead of the murky black depths of the lakes, Allen saw a good reflection of himself and drew a breath. His wide left eye was dripping blood, Allen wondered why he didn't notice sooner, sclera black and iris red, like an akuma. With the extra colour on his face, Allen looked positively sickly in comparison, which made him frown. With the movement, his reflection melted away - making him jump - morphing into the exact visage of Neah, pale skin and pitch black eyes and hair, smiling a confident mellow smirk. That face too melted, turning into one of a dark skinned woman with pale green eyes and cold countenance. She looked back at Allen, as if weighing him, and she closed her eyes, disappearing with the other reflections. A messy haired blonde took her place, and his place was a middle aged woman, dress, hair and expression equally tight-lined. Next was a tanned, dark haired girl with haunting eyes. Finally, stood an older girl, a scruffy brunette with a wide smile, brown eyes and freckles, eyes without a shred of worry or sadness. She stood farther from him than the others had, and when she held a hand out to him, he reached out without much thought.

The ice cracked, a freezing hand gripped Allen's wrist like a vice, knuckles white. Allen flinched, but couldn't move away, silver eyes peering back up to the girl. She wasn't smiling anymore. Next thing he knew, he was plunged into the cold water.

The blue-haired girl paused in her attack for barely a second before resuming with a mad grin on her face. "It's begun."

The water swirled around him as he sunk, the cold hitting him all at once, like needles of fire plunging into his skin, bubbles escaped his lips as his chest constricted, he swore his heart stopped for a moment. It's a cold and dark and heavy place he landed himself in. The buzzing in his head became more pronounced until he could hear a high hum like an electric fence. The hum became a whine, and the whine became something else, the sound at such a high frequency that it was almost beyond his hearing range, and it hurt. More bubbles escaped as Allen thrashed his head side to side, as if it could dislodge the agonising sound. The sound didn't stop getting louder and higher, until, as if a dam broke, coldness flooded his head.

Kanda fought at a frantic pace, cobalt eyes shone a ferocious light bordering on madness. Both Lavi and Lenalee were locked in cases of glass, lost in a nightmare of their own. How is it that one midget girl can best two of the Order's most experienced and knowledgeable exorcists? How is it possible? Kanda glared at the girl silently, katana slashing with a speed that rendered it almost completely invisible, cutting through the sharpened candles like warm butter. What Kanda was more concerned about, however, is the girl's triumphant expression, as if she is about to achieve her goal. And her goal, he knew, wasn't to kill him, but to get to the beansprout, whatever that may entail. Kanda froze in place as a piercing scream rang through the tower, and heedless that a candle scraped by his shoulder, turned to the source of the sound. The moyashi's eyes were open now, his left the eye of an akuma, the right flashing between silver and gold so fast it was almost blinding. His forehead split open, blood spilling over his porcelain face. He was still screaming.

At first Allen didn't comprehend the images, sounds, sensations that flashed before him at a bruising rate. But he now realises they are memories, crisp and sharp like it happened yesterday. They were the memories of the Noah, their lives, deaths, and each of their painful rebirths. A never ending cycle. They were not his memories. They were not the Fourteenth's memories. They were the memories of the others. How they lived, but more importantly, how they died. Where the others forget, we remember. The voices told him. And he was plunged into darkness.

Allen stood at the end of a road, cut off abruptly by a curtain of overgrown grass at waist height. Everything was… grey. Several pairs of visible hands nudged him gently off the path, and he stepped forwards. Slowly, blade by blade, one or two at a time, the grass turned green, the grey sky bled to baby blue and a simple cottage came to sight. Allen stepped out of the curtain of grass and walked towards the cottage. He phased through the door like a ghost, inside lived a little girl and her mother. Allen recognised the girl as a predecessor Noah of Desire, though much younger, her two pony tails tied loosely and a pair of rectangular glasses hung low on her face, a content look on her face. Seeing a woman walking through the side entrance, a happy smile crossed her face - an expression Allen never saw in the life she led as a Noah - the woman wore an answering smile on her tired but equally content face. The two people shared a conversation, like all was right to the world. The happiness didn't last.

He noticed a slight tremor in the ground that swiftly escalated, the girl crying out in panic, reaching for her mother, but before her hand could reach the woman, the older of the two looked at her sadly and disappeared in a flare of black flames, leaving not a trace behind. The cottage followed the older woman's fate shortly afterwards, and the girl seemed to grow in the span of a few seconds into the form she had when Apocryphos killed her, a lost, betrayed look on her face. The ground dissolved from under her and she fell in the pit of black fire. This we must remember above all else. There is no end for the damned. Allen realised what the cottage had been, the happiness on their faces. He understood. That was death's realm. Beyond hatred, worry or sadness. And Allen also realised it was not just the memories that a Noah gains when they awaken, but all the souls that lived before them as the same Noah. Which means the realm of death will be forever beyond the Noah's reach until… until the very end.

Okay, so I know this is all a bit random, but I can't wait to post this - D. Gray man updated! I am sooo happy! So in case you haven't found that out before now, go read that new chapter!

Love(lots and lots of kisses),
