This is a SasuTen Drabble collection I've been working on recently and it's very experimental so it may turn out kind of strange. It's inspired by a How I Met Your Mother episode that I found particular interesting. This is AU obviously and Sasuke will seem OOC at times but its vital to the plot. I'll be updating daily so stay tuned.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. (Applies to whole fic)


Tenten rummaged through the box filled with junk, looking for a certain puzzle. She was about to give up after hours of searching the house when she stumbled upon a small black book that had been sticking up from the side of the box. Being the curious girl she was, she immediately picked up the book, curiosity bubbling within her. Tenten looked at the front cover, surprised at what she had just read before running out of the room, calling her lover's name in the process.

"Sasuke! Where are you?" She called, looking around the house in one sweep. She heard a small crash from inside the room beside her but before she could even react, the person she wanted to see walked out of the room with his hands in his pockets. "What's wrong?"

Tenten walked up to him, raising the book in front of his face. "What is the meaning of this?" She asked sternly, staring him straight in the eye. Sasuke looked at the cover of the book, realisation clicking upon his features. He took the book from her hands and flicked through it, amusement written across his face.

"They're lesson notes," he replied calmly, handing her back the book. Her brow furrowed as her eyes narrowed. "What do you mean they're lesson notes? What on?" She inquired, flicking through the book pages herself.

"Didn't you read the title?" Tenten cocked her head sideways before realising that she hadn't. Instantly, she closed the book and read the title aloud. "Tenten 101."

Wait. What?

"Tenten 101? What the hell is that supposed to mean?" She questioned, her mind still not comprehending what she had just read. Sasuke simply took the book from her and opened up a page, showing it to her as he explained.

"These are lesson notes I took on you during my courting period. They came in very handy to be honest," he explained, watching her reactions very closely. He had a strong feeling she would burst out in laughter. After all, it seemed pretty ridiculous now that he thought about it. He did pretty strange things in his youth and he only just realised it.

"Lesson notes on me? You've got to be joking," she scoffed in disbelief. Sasuke waved the book in her face. She read the first few words before face palming. "You're serious."