A/N: 'Ello! Thanks for the feedback and such folks, I appreciate it. I've decided this won't progress to be one-shots but rather a longer story, I'll probably keep it going until I start to run out of how to continue it. I'm also looking for someone to be my beta! I'm paralytically dyslexic and I find it kind of hard to spot mistakes and such so having someone to help would really benefit me. If you're interested pleased don't hesitate to message me, I don't bite! :) Enjoy the next chapter!

Fondly rolling her eyes, Idun followed her daughter down the corridors. She kept her pace at a polite speed, but it was brisk, to please the princess. She treasured the time she could spend with her children - especially if it made them as happy as Elsa seemed at that moment. With the little blonde head bobbing ahead of her, her troubles seemed to be momentarily forgotten. Idun stopped walking as Elsa did, wondering where the enthusiasm for treats had gone. At the question she understood, and placed a hand on the top of Elsa's head. "We could have something sent for her, yes," she agreed. It would be best if they didn't take it themselves - and if Anna didn't know it was from Elsa. It would only make it more difficult. For both of them. She'd have to have a discussion with her younger daughter about their new situation. If she pestered Elsa too much, they'd just end up getting hurt. And she didn't want to see any more tears, although Idun thought she'd have to deal with them anyway.

Sent? Elsa didn't particularly want someone else deliver the treats to her sister, she would much prefer to bring them to her instead, at least that way she could say a quick hello then be off again. Surely there would be no harm, right? "Could we not bring the treat to her instead? We'll be there and back again!" Elsa assumed her mother wouldn't want to linger about, they were split up for a reason and returning to Anna was probably not the best of ideas but like she said, they would stop by for a moment then return to Elsa's quarters. Elsa began to walk backwards, facing her mother as she waited for a reply. She was sure to say no at the request but there was no harm in trying, it were only fair if the elder sibling were getting a treat tonight that Anna should get one too. "I bet she would like one of those pastries with the chocolate in the middle, we used to love when the chef made them for us!" She said, grinning.

"I'm afraid not, darling," Idun said softly, trying to let her down easily. Bending down, she lifted Elsa into her arms. Fortunately, her daughter was still light for her age, making it relatively easy. "I think it would upset Anna - to have you there and then gone again. And I think you would be sad too." No, it would be better to have someone else take something for Anna. "Or I could take it when I tuck her in later, if you'd like that better." Normally, food was not allowed in bed, nor a snack before bedtime, but a one time thing couldn't hurt. And the delighted expression that would be on Anna's face at a gift from her sister would make it worth it. And hopefully, she could avoid questions as to where her sister was. Or when they could be together again. She continued to walk them to the kitchens, Elsa balanced on her hip. The hallways were quiet, the lamps flickering as they passed. Idun's footsteps were quietened by the carpet beneath her feet.

And there it was, the denied request. Elsa so desperately wanted to argue with her mother, to tell her there was absolutely no way she was letting someone else bring her sister a snack but she had already been told off today already, there wouldn't be a second time. "Okay." Elsa simply said from within her mother's arms, no one but the two of them seemed to be up at this hour, it was still relatively light outside but the kitchen staff should have returned to their homes for the night at least, leaving Elsa and Idun to take whatever they pleased from the kitchens. "Could we maybe have some hot chocolate?" She asked, twisting her head around to face her mother, a sheepish smile curving her lips. The times she and Anna had gotten a snack for themselves, Elsa took it upon herself to make mugs of hot chocolate for them both as a sort of 'pass time' if they could call it that. Why not continue it with her mother if Anna couldn't?

"Of course we can," Idun said, bopping Elsa's nose with her own, before sitting her daughter on a counter-top. Several of the live in maids bustled about in the pantry, but they left the Queen and Princess to their business. They were used to the royal family popping in and out. She set out making it, keeping a careful eye on her daughter on the high surface. As she passed at one point, she offered her a biscuit, from the selection she was adding to a tray. What would you like me to take up to Anna?" she asked lightly, hoping being normal about the situation would ease her children's minds. She stirred the chocolate in the saucepan as she awaited an answer. Not many queens could claim to be able to make hot chocolate - most would simply order the cooks to make it, or avoid it altogether. But it was soon ready, and Idun poured it out into two mugs. She made sure to give Elsa's a little more sugar, and to pour a little more in. "Careful, it's hot," she warned as she handed it to her.

Elsa giggled, wriggling her nose as she swung her legs back and forth from the counter top. She waved her hand to the few maids that left the kitchen, leaving only Elsa and her mother now in the room, happily taking a biscuit from her. She broke a piece off, slyly sweeping the crumbs from her dress onto the floor before taking a bit of her broken part. The mention of her sister caused Elsa to frown, placing the remainder of her biscuit onto the counter, glancing toward her mother as she bit her lip. "The pastry thingy. She'd like that." In fact the young princess knew Anna would love that, though she was still saddened to not be able to bring it to her sister herself. Taking the mug from Idun, Elsa blew gently over the warm liquid before taking a small sip. "You always make the best hot chocolate, mama."