A/N: Ooh scary stuff, first story! I feel as though there aren't enough Elsa and Mama stories going around so I thought I would have a shot and try to write one! I'm not sure if I'll make this a long story with loads of chapters or maybe one-shots, I'll probably decide as the story progresses. I hope you enjoy!

"Come on now, little one." the Queen murmured, pulling her daughter close. "It's alright. Mama's here. Tell me what happened."

Elsa clutched onto her mother's clothing, soft whimpers escaping from her lips as she stuttered over her words. "I-it was an a-accident, mama.."

"Is all of this about the other night?" she asked softly, drawing back slightly so she could dab at Elsa's tears with a handkerchief, before pulling her back into a tight squeeze. "I know it was, sweetheart. Or has something else happened...?"

The whimpers had subsided, only tears had threatened to fall but thankfully they were wiped by her mother. Elsa was slightly hesitant to be so close to her in fear of hurting her but regardless, she was still a little girl who needed a mother's comfort. "Other night.." she mumbled. "I want to see Anna."

"Oh, darling." the Queen murmured, biting back her own tears. It was a wretched situation. She almost wanted to go against her husband's orders, and reunite her daughters. They were so close - how could they keep them apart? But she also saw the sense in it. Until Elsa had control over the magic, it simply wasn't safe. What if it was Anna's heart next time? "You know why I can't let you do that."

Those are not the words Elsa wanted to hear. Despite the situation, she had at least a small amount of confidence in herself that she would never harm her younger sister again. It was an accident after all. "Please mama, it won't happen again!" she pleaded, the tears now falling down her reddened cheeks. "Anna is my best friend!"

"Darling, please don't cry." Idun chimed, rubbing Elsa's back gently. She hated seeing her children cry, and knowing she was at fault hurt the worst. "I know you would never hurt Anna," she continued. "But we can't guarantee another accident won't happen. Come now, don't cry." She pulled Elsa into her lap, and began to rock, continuing to rub her back.

"Mama it won't, I know it won't." Elsa was beyond desperate now, if her mother could just realize how careful she would be around her sister, surely everything would be just fine. Separating herself from Anna was the worst thing imaginable and it had already happened before her. "Tell papa I won't do it again, I'll be good.." She buried her face into her mother's neck, her body wracking with sobs.

"Elsa, he will say no different than I, you know that." she replied, feeling her daughter's sobs. She left her own eyes slide shit, and rested her cheek on top of Elsa's head. Her hand drifted from Elsa's back to stroke her hair, trying to calm her. All this commotion would only cause more trouble - since her eldest's powers were linked to her emotions. "I know it's hard, sweetheart. I know. You'll always be my good girl, but you have to learn to control the magic. Understand?" She pulled Elsa back from her shoulder for a moment so she could look into her eyes.

"He might, if I could just show him." She whispered, if Elsa had been given the chance to show her parents that everything would be under control once again if reunited with her sister. It had only been a day without Anna's constant presence by her side, it was proving difficult for the elder sibling to control her powers, just last night her entire room had been frozen over in a state of panic. I don't want to understand, I want my sister." She pulled herself from her mother's arms, her tone was a little harsher than expected, especially for an 8 year old.

"Elsa, don't use that tone with me," Idun chastised, pulled her daughter closer so she stood before her. "I know what you want, but demanding things will not get you them, young lady." She knew this was just the result of sadness, but she still couldn't let Elsa be so rude. She was still a princess, after all. Cupping her small cheek, the Queen stroked way the residue of tears. "As soon as you control the magic, you can be with Anna again, I promise." She said, knowing deep down she shouldn't make such promises. But she couldn't bear to see that sadness in her baby's face any longer.

Elsa was not one for being angry nor to hold a temper tantrum but her emotions had gotten the better of her and she could tell her mother's words would only lead to a broken promise. "No!" She stepped back from Idun, wringing her hands together. "You're lying, you won't let me see Anna because you and papa are afraid of me!" Elsa snapped, of course she didn't truly believe that but she was upset and only wanted her sister back with her once more.

The Queen slipped from her seat, until she was knelt before Elsa, pulling her gently back towards her, holding the tiny hands in her own. "Elsa," she began, calm, but stern. "You will cease this behavior at once. Your father and I both love you very much, and don't like to see you hurting." Idun gently brushed Elsa's bangs out of her face. "Do you think Anna would like to see you acting this way?" She asked quietly, placing a finger under Elsa's chin to force her to look at her. "Because I certainly don't."

Elsa knew her behavior was unacceptable, especially for a young princess. She had no other choice but to stand closer in front of her mother as she held her hands, the young girl didn't dare to look at her, she didn't like when her parents had to be stern with her, it wasn't often but it still upset her greatly. "Anna can't see my anyway." Elsa muttered under her breath, it probably wasn't the best of ideas to back chat her mother given the situation now, her gaze had now shifted to look at her as her chin was forced around. "I-I want to go."

"Elsa," the Queen warned, but decided not to push the matter. The poor child was no doubt tired and stressed, and the upset of being separated from her sister was not helping. Her expression softened as she pulled Elsa to her once more, kissing her forehead. "I know it's hurts, love," she began, "but it's for the best." She decided to echo her husband's words from that night. She only hoped they had made the right decision. That vision - it had frightened them all. "Go where, sweetheart?"

Elsa relaxed being able to now calm herself down, thankfully her powers did not break out of control. Her small arms wrapped around her mother as far as she could reach, eyes shutting in the comfort of the embrace. Although she couldn't see Anna, the princess still had both of her parents to keep her company when they weren't busy and she now had extra time with her tutors to prepare herself for when she became Queen one day. Elsa pulled back to look at her mother, a small smile tugging at her lips. "To out - my room, I don't want to go to my lesson.."

Idun simply held her for a moment, enjoying the contact. As Elsa wrapped her arms around her, the Queen planted another kiss on the side of her daughter's head, cradling her close. When Elsa pulled away, she raised an eyebrow at the request. "You know the importance of your lessons," she started. "But given as to what has happened, I think missing one day is acceptable, don't you?" Part of her decision was so Elsa could fully calm down, and so she wouldn't have to flare up around the tutor. "Would you like me to keep you company?"

Elsa was sure enough there was no way her lesson would be missed, they were of utmost importance but given the situation, her mother hand thankfully cut her some slack. "Than you, mama." Elsa would more than likely act out during her lesson now that Anna was no longer apart f them, her tutor would surely get frustrated with her leading to her parents being angry which she didn't want. All Elsa wanted to do was return to her bedroom and read a book. When switching rooms, she had thought it was best to leave all her old toys within Anna's room, she was younger and needed them more, it was also to keep her younger sister occupied now that Elsa couldn't. "If you aren't busy.."

"I have all the time in the world for you, love." She beamed, giving Elsa's shoulder a rub, before standing and holding out a hand for Elsa to take. She knew she couldn't be rewarding Elsa's little tantrum, but it was not hard to see the reasons behind it. She would send a note about her eldest missing her lessons for the day - illness, she would say. No one would question that. Things would settle down soon. Idun was still waiting for the meltdown from Ana, it was sure to follow Elsa's. Her youngest seemed not herself since her big sister had left. The Queen had never seen Anna looking so sad. Shaking her head, she sighed, turning her attention back to Elsa. The little thing seemed to have the world on her shoulders.

"Okay." Elsa mumbled, grasping her mother's hand as they began to walk toward her room. With only books now to keep her company, Elsa was thankful that she needn't be alone tonight and Idun would stay with her fr however long, the tutor would understand her absence from the lesson, it was only fractions for today after all and the young princess despised those. Upon reaching the bedroom door, she stood up on to her tip toes and pushed the handle down before entering the room. It was a simple room, if a stranger were to walk in they would only assume that this was a bedroom for a young woman, not an 8 year old girl. Hopping onto her bed, Elsa swung her legs back and forth of it, glancing towards her mother. "What should we do?"