A/N: New story everyone! In honor of it being June I thought it would be fun to take a fictional look at the journey to the alter for Punk and AJ. Let me know what you think so far and a special thanks to all my loyal readers who have followed all of my stories, I do this for you! Oh and obviously I own nothing :/
Part I: A Good Night
As AJ Lee stood in front of the mirror she examined herself in her long white dress and ran her hands gently down the thin vale that was cascading down her face and falling past the length of her dress. She took a breath as she watched her reflection. She never thought she'd find a man who would fully accept her for her who she is and would want to spend the rest of their life with her. The only thing more surprising than her wedding? The groom himself, which was none other than Phil Brooks aka CM Punk. For many reasons she thought this would never happen first being: he was not the 'settling' down type, second: once walking away from the company she feared their relationship was going to stray but instead it was tested and strengthened and sure enough a few short months after walking away from his job she was about to marry him. Of course there were some bumps in the road along the way and it was far from smooth sailing but she couldn't help but flashback to the moment she knew that lead her to this moment.
"I don't know what you want me to say" Trent Barretta shrugged "I'm sorry it was a stupid mistake"
"A stupid mistake is forgetting my birthday, sleeping with another woman isn't. There's a lot that goes into it last time I checked!" AJ shouted harshly. She had confronted her boyfriend of two years in their shared hotel room.
"I said I was sorry April what do you want from me?" Trent sighed taking a seat on the bed "I swear I was going to tell you"
"Oh that makes me feel better. It's just too bad you didn't get a chance to tell me before your new girlfriend went on a very public and embarrassing twitter rant" AJ said fighting back tears
"She's not my girlfriend" Trent said to her "You are"
"How could you say that?" AJ asked "Why did you do this?" she said as the tears rolled down and she hated he saw her like this.
"It wasn't about you April" Trent said shaking his head "It was about me. I've been under so much stress and let's be honest it's going to be a matter of time before Vince hands me my pink slip"
"So you should have talked to me about it not jumped into bed with the first floozy who batted their eyelashes at you!" AJ yelled. Even though she was yelling the pain was far more evident in her voice.
"I didn't want to bring you down" Trent insisted "You're doing so great here you're the GM and then going into a program with Cena and Ziggler- I didn't want to taint you against the company"
"Oh gee thank you for looking out for me" AJ bit back sarcastically "I guess you don't think I have enough intelligence to be able to separate the two issues"
"I don't know what more I can possibly say to make this better" Trent said standing up and walking over to her "I love you April and I'm sorry"
"Me too" AJ frowned avoiding eye contact and staring at her feet as she spoke "I'm sorry that you felt you couldn't turn to me"
"April-" he started again but stopped when she looked up
"I should go" AJ said briefly meeting his eyes then stepped away and grabbed her rollaway luggage.
"You stay here I'll leave" Trent said stopping her before she reached the door "I'm the one that screwed up not you"
"Ok" AJ agreed lightly still avoiding his eyes. He collected his bag and stopped in front of her before finally leaving
"I love you" he said kissing the top of her head before walking out of her door and out of her life.
"I love you too" she muttered to the empty room resting her back against the door before sliding down it and allowing herself to fully cry.
AJ didn't think anything would be as painful as that moment and at that point in time she didn't think she'd ever get over Trent. Looking back on it now she felt silly. Sure she loved Trent but she wasn't in love with Trent. But again at that point in time she didn't think anything could help her out of her funk but sure enough one man was able to. And her comfort came from a man that other men feared and the bosses deemed 'difficult'. Not many people were able to see Punk's sweet and soft side but for AJ that was the only side she knew.
About half an hour later there was a knock at the door and AJ was still in her position on the floor. She tried to ignore the knocking but it became more persistent so she eventually stood up and swung the door open.
"I can't do this again" AJ said as she opened the door but frowned further when she didn't find Trent but CM Punk instead. He was truly one of her best friends inside the company and out. "Punk-" she started trying to hold back her tears but he just stepped past her and into the room closing it behind him
"I know" Punk said pulling her into his loving arms "It's going to be ok" he assured her as his chin rested on top of her head and he ran his free hand through her long wavy hair.
"It hurts" she confided as she openly sobbed against his chest
"I know" the WWE champion repeated soothingly
After ten minutes of holding her she finally pulled away feeling she couldn't cry anymore.
"I'm sorry" she said wiping her tears
"Don't worry about it shorty" he smirked brushing his thumb against her cheek wiping away a few tears she had just missed "I'd ask if you were ok but I got my answer"
"I will be. I just needed to get it out" AJ said feeling herself calm down finally "What are you doing here?"
"I'm staying with Mike and Trent showed up with his bag in hand and asking to crash with us" Punk said to her "He told Mike the story so I thought I'd come down here and check on you"
"You're always looking out for me" AJ faintly smiled
"And I always will" Punk said giving her a smile that made her heart melt
"What am I going to do?" AJ sighed moving to the bed and taking a seat at the edge of it
"What do you mean?" Punk frowned
"I love him" AJ said tilting her head with a frown
"I know you do and that should make this all the more easy for you" Punk said coolly "You trusted him, he lied and he'll do it again"
"Do you really believe that?" AJ asked skeptically as he took a seat next to her
"AJ you've been nothing but loyal and supportive and clearly he can't handle the fact that you're moving on in the company and he's stuck." Punk said to her seriously "And in all honesty he's the biggest idiot I've ever met and you my dear can do better than an idiot"
"He's not an idiot" AJ argued back
"Anyone who would cheat on you is a fool" Punk told her firmly "Even I know that"
"That's very sweet of you" AJ smirked lightly "Thank you for checking up on me but I know you're busy you don't have to stay"
"Nonsense" Punk said with a wave of his hand "I thought we'd get some room service and watch a few movies"
"Really?" AJ asked and Punk simply nodded "You want to stay in on a rare night off with me?"
"There's no one else I'd rather stay in with" Punk grinned causing her to blush lightly
"How about your girlfriend?" AJ said with a chuckle
"Amy isn't here because we're not together this week" Punk said to her with a light laugh
"I feel like you two spend more time arguing then getting along" AJ said to him lightly
"We do" Punk agreed "But the good times outweigh the bad ones. We'll be back together by Thursday" he remarked smugly
"I hope so" AJ said to him "I know how happy she makes you"
"Yea" Punk said with a slow nod "But I'm more concerned with your happiness right now"
"I'll be fine" AJ said to him "I feel stupid to be honest. I mean it was one thing to get called out on Twitter like we we're in high school but there were so many signs"
"Like what?" Punk asked arching a brow slightly
"Like how he was secretive with his phone and he hadn't wanted to-" AJ stopped herself mid-sentence though
"He hadn't what?" Punk asked
"You know…" AJ urged not wanting to say it out loud
"Nope afraid not you're going to have to be a little more clear" Punk said seriously as her cheeks turned bright red causing him to grin "You are such a prude" he laughed
"I am not!" AJ said smacking his arm causing him to flinch and run his other free hand over it to rub the sting away
"So just say it then" Punk said still laughing
"He didn't want to sleep with me" AJ said firmly causing him to laugh only more "There I said it!" she said proudly which only made him enjoy this more "And to prove I'm not a prude I tried everything and it didn't work. I just assumed he wasn't attracted to me anymore"
"First of all there is no way any red blooded male wouldn't be attracted to you" Punk assured her still grinning from her outburst
"I don't know about that" AJ said shyly
"AJ are you kidding me?" Punk asked seriously "Even in your new GM shorts you are the hottest Diva in the locker room" he confirmed "I have to be honest even I have concentrating when we're working together when you come skipping out"
"You're just saying that because I'm your friend" AJ said shaking her head lightly "I'm not tall or blonde or big busted- I don't fit the mold of what a Diva should be in the company"
"No you don't" Punk agreed "You broke the mold" he said causing her eyes to soften by his statement
"Like you did?" AJ asked
"You did it better" Punk said giving her half a smile "And I have to be honest I love your body"
"Punk" she said lightly
"Seriously you are beautiful" Punk said brushing her hair out of her face lightly "And you are hands done one of my favorite kissers"
"Do you mean TV scripted kisses or do all your kisses in your lifetime count?" AJ asked folding her arms
"In my lifetime" Punk confirmed placing his hand on her chin to examine her lips "Those lips are very dangerous if I do say so myself"
"Trent doesn't seem to think so" AJ said to him sadly causing him to frown
"Trent never deserved them" Punk shot smoothly not missing a beat locking his eyes on her lips. She caught on to this and couldn't help but lean in closer and before she knew it her lips were on his. It started off slow but before she knew it she felt his tongue tease her bottom lip and she immediately granted him access.
AJ wasn't sure what was happening but it was happening fast. It didn't take long before she was lying on top of him on the bed with her legs straddling his waist. She couldn't believe they were able to keep up at this pace without coming up for air but when they did he spoke first.
"AJ…" Punk started panting lightly for breath "…I can't do this to you. You're vulnerable"
"I'm not vulnerable I am never vulnerable" She said firmly before kissing his lips again lightly "I'm sad and I want to feel better" she said once she pulled away again
"I can help with that" he said before flipping the two over and he was now on top of her "I'll treat you the way you deserved to be treated" Punk promised before his lips moved to her neck and AJ could already feel the difference between Punk and Trent.
The next morning AJ woke up in her hotel room and was actually surprised to see Punk sleeping soundly next to her. Their night was long and although she'd never admit it was the best night of her life.
"Morning" AJ said to him nervously starting to feel shy
"Don't be shy" he grinned "No reason for that anymore" he said with a yawn as he slowly sat up "Are you ok?"
"Yes" AJ said biting her lower lip "I'm sorry if you felt I pushed you into this" he let out a laugh as he looked over to her
"Believe me you didn't push me into anything" Punk assured her "I just- I don't want you to think that-"
"I don't" She said cutting him off knowing exactly where he was going with this "I'm not ready for a relationship and you already have one" she assured him "This was just a good night" Punk smiled at her as she kept the bed sheets pulled up to her chin nearly
"A really good night" Punk added smugly
"Don't be smug" AJ warned
"Alright" Punk said to her
"Oh god" AJ muttered pulling the sheets over her face
"What?" Punk asked lightly pulling them back down to see her face
"I'm Trent" AJ said to him with watery eyes
"I assure you- you are not Trent" Punk said eyeing her and subconsciously running his tongue over his bottom lip
"No I don't mean physically" AJ said annoyed "You're in a relationship! And I slept with you! I'm the other woman"
"I told you last night we are not together at this point of time" Punk said to her then gave her sympathetic eyes "But I would like to be again soon and if history is any indication then we will be and I you know you're one of my best friends and I don't want last night to change anything"
"It won't" AJ promised sitting up and grabbing his hand lightly "And I really appreciate you for staying with me last night I think I really needed it"
"Anytime" Punk remarked jokingly "Seriously I had a really good time too" he then kissed the top of her head lightly "Want to grab breakfast, my treat?"
"Yes I am starving" AJ said seriously as she watched Punk get out of the bed and he was completely butt-naked "Oh Punk" she said covering her eyes and she could her him laugh
"I think we're a little past the point of embarrassment shorty" Punk said removing her hand so she was looking at him
"Ugh" AJ said getting out of the bed and firmly wrapping the sheets around her body so he couldn't even get a glimpse
"All I have to do is close my eyes" Punk said closing his eyes then smiled brightly "Yup there it is"
"Stop looking at me naked" she warned slapping his arm with her free hand that wasn't holding her sheet up
"I can do it whenever I want now" Punk said slowly opening his eyes and looked down at her "Don't be shy" he said more seriously as he removed her hand clutching the bed sheet wrapped around her small frame "We need to get you out of this shell a little"
"I like my shell" she pouted lightly as she let the sheet fall and hit the hotel room carpet
"You're beautiful April" Punk confirmed "Don't be ashamed of that" he said kneeling in close to her face. Their lips were mere inches apart but she pulled away quickly and picked up the sheet again
"I'll work on it" AJ smirked before heading into the bathroom
AJ and Punk went to breakfast that morning and chatted about comics and videogames as they usually did and there was no awkwardness between the two. AJ still wasn't sure how she was able to play it so cool because she knew she loved him she didn't feel she was good enough for him. And it also helped that not long after their one night he took off for a few months for a well-deserved break. She didn't hear from him often but she did get one phone call one night a week before his return at payback was announced.
It was almost two in the morning and AJ was back at home in Tampa after working for ten days straight. She was alarmed when her phone started to ring and was prepared to ignore it until she saw the name on the caller ID. 'Punky' it read and she quickly reached for it.
"Hello?" she asked quickly
"Hey shorty" Punk said from the other side in a light voice "Did I wake you?"
"You know I don't really sleep" AJ reminded him
"Yea" Punk said lightly
"Are you alright?" AJ questioned
"I'm good" Punk said coolly "I wanted you to be the first to know that I'll be back soon"
"Really?" she asked almost too excited
"Missed me?" he chuckled lightly
"Of course!" AJ said with a sigh "Nick and E don't really get my comic book love"
"So you miss for me comic and gaming knowledge?" Punk teased
"I guess I miss seeing your ugly face" she teased back
"I caught some of the show the other night you're doing really good" Punk confirmed "Any chance you're getting that Diva's title in Chicago?"
"They haven't said either way" AJ admitted "It would be nice"
"You'd wear it proud" Punk agreed
"Are you sure you're alright?" AJ questioned noticing his down tone
"I just wanted to hear your voice, I needed a little motivation to come back" he told her honestly surprising her in the process
"You don't want to come back?" AJ asked frowning herself even though she knew he couldn't see it
"Not really" Punk said to her "It's nice to not wince with every step I take" he admitted "I don't really like the story they have picked out for me either but they need me back"
"You should be happy" AJ said to him
"Are you telling me to blow off Vince McMahon?" Punk laughed "Don't tempt me sweetheart"
"You should be happy and not in pain but I want you back" AJ told him "I've truly missed you"
"I've missed you too" Punk said with a sigh "Like I said that's why I'm calling I just needed a reason to come back, I needed to hear someone say they missed me"
"Everyone misses you" AJ argued lightly
"I don't care about everyone" Punk said to her coolly and AJ couldn't help but smile over the phone "I've got to go" He said to her "I'll see you in a week shorty"
"Yea" AJ said to him "Oh and Punk I'm glad you're coming back" she said before hanging up
"Thanks" he said softly before hanging up
AJ didn't realize it then but that phone call was just the beginning of their journey to the alter….