Hey guys! I will be extending my deadline on uploading chapters for DDS and MLD *Damn school projects!* Sorry :
Now i really want to make a self made movie chapter *Consist of more than 9k words and only in a whole page, no cliffhangers,no cuts,no buts,no coconuts*
I'll be needing OC's Antagonists (6 to be exact) and 1 protagonist that will be rolling with Natsu and the others
Pm me your entry
Guild: (Protagonist only, Got a guild for the antagonists)
Color of hair:
Color of eyes:
Equipment/weapons (If your oc have any):
Now i will reveal the main Antagonist for my movie chapter and that's..
Akumushi Itami (Akumu meaning nightmare, Shi meaning death and Itami meaning Pain in japanese *Google translate 'No lies'*
Not revealing more info
And for the Plot? Workin on it!
Pretty excited about this movie chapter project! *It will take time for me to finish this and i will need every help i can get for Grammar corrections 'I really don't know how to use the 'Beta' So please pm how to use that'
No worries, Still gonna update my other stories Just gonna add scene by scene everyday for my movie chapter and not gonna rush myself, Even if i set my deadline on october or November (For motivation 'Im weird right?' *im more at ease and will not easily abandon this project if i have deadlines*
Will start writing next week, And i really need your OC's entry so i can proceed making the plot
Once again, Thank you for reading this, I love you guys
Note: I will be replacing this
Key of the Starry Sky arc with a new arc