
Chapter 2

A Human Thief

As Cipher flew around he heard the fairies chattering about something but he was too far away to really hear. He flew over to see what all the fuss was about. "What`s all the fuss about?" Cipher asked as he landed.

Pacifica the fairy said. "The border guards have discov…" Grenda the fairy yelled. "Why do you get to tell him?! I want to tell him!"

Candy said. "I would also like to tell him!" Pacifica said. "There are rules, Grenda. I tell this time, you tell next time." Cipher sighed and blew at his hair knowing that this was going to take a while.

Grenda said. "You told last time so I should tell this time and Candy next time!" Cipher a little annoyed said. "Tell me what?!" Pacifica let out a grunt and said. "Fine."

Grenda said. "Thank you. Cipher, the border guard-" Candy interrupted and said. "The border guards have found a human thief at the pool of jewels!" Pacifica and Grenda both looked at her as she said. "Sorry."

Cipher`s eyes widen as he flew over to the Pool of Jewels. His strong wings blowing the fairies away. Pacifica said. "He`s always in a hurry, with his big wings." Candy gulped. "Humans here. I hope there`s not going to be another war."

Cipher flew over to the Pool of Jewels to see two tree things with spears aiming for something in the forest. He landed on a rock in-between the two. The trees said something in Moorish to Cipher as he said. "I`m not afraid. Besides, I have never seen a human up close. Come out!"

The figure in the forest replied. "No. They mean to kill me and besides, they`re hideous to look at."

One of the trees grunted as Cipher said. "That`s extremely rude. Don`t listen to him, Balthazar. You`re the spitting image of charming." The tree said something that sounded like a 'Thank You'

Cipher said. "It`s not right to steal but we don't kill people for it. Come out. Come out this instant!"

The figure slowly revealing himself to be a brown haired boy. Cipher blinked and asked. "Are you fully grown?" The boy said. "No."

Cipher said to the trees. "I believe he is just a boy." The boy said. "And you`re just another boy. I think."

Cipher asked. "Who are you?" The boy replied. "I`m called Stanley. Who are you?"

"I`m Cipher." He said. One of the trees said something in Moorish again.

Cipher turned and said. "Yes, Right." He turned to Stanley. "You have to give it back."

Stanly said. "Give what back?" Cipher sighed and blew at his hair. He stuck out his hand. The boy sighed too and went into his knapsack pulling out the stone.

He threw it to Cipher who caught it. They stared at each other for a bit until Cipher dropped the stone into the water.

A little while later, Stanley and Cipher were walking in the forest. Stanly said. "If I knew you would throw it away, I would have kept it."

Cipher replied. "I didn`t throw it away. I delivered it home as I`m going to do for you."

They walked out into this grassy field with big stones surrounding the two worlds.

Stanly said. "Someday, you know, I`ll live there. In the castle." He pointed directly to the castle. Cipher asked. "Where do you live now?" "In a barn." "So you`re parents are farmers then?"

Stanly sighed. "My parents are dead." Cipher said. "Mine too."

Stanly looked at him and said. "We`ll see each other again." Cipher replied. "You really shouldn`t come back here, you know! It`s not safe."

Stanly looked at him and stopped. "And if I came back, would you be here?" Cipher grinned and said. "Perhaps." Stanly then stuck out his hand.

Cipher went to shake it when he yelled. "OW!" "What`s wrong?" Stanly asked, scared. "You're Ring. Iron burns demons." Cipher said.

"I`m sorry." Stanly said as he took it off and threw it away. They looked at each other for a bit before Stanly said. "I like your wings." Cipher smiled.

Cipher thought of how Stanley had cast away his ring he who had so little in the world so that they might shake hands again and his heart was moved.

Thus did the young thief who had hoped to steal a jewel get something far more precious.

The next Morning, Stanly yelled out. "Cipher! Cipher? Cipher!" Cipher flew behind him and landed startling the young boy.

Cipher said with a smug face. "So you came back?" Stanly smiled and said. "I thought it worth the risk. So what do you do for fun?" Cipher grinned.

Stanly yelled and Cipher laughed. Stanly held onto Ciphers leg as they flew a couple feet off the ground. Stanly fell and held his head. He spat out some water. Cipher laughed so hard that he fell too. Stanly grinned.

Stanley and Cipher met each other more and more and they seemed to forget the old hatred between fairies and men. As it will, as they aquatinship turned into something else.

And on Cipher`s 16th birthday, they had officly become as Stanly put it best friends…