A/N: I'm back with another fic for the KnB fandom! Well, I say fic, I mean fics. These centre around challenges made by Aomine to Akashi so expect some crack filled moments. Read and review! Also, if you have any ideas for the next challenges, leave a comment or send me a PM

Disclaimer: Kuroko no Basuke and it's characters do not belong to me in anyway shape or form

Challenge 1: Badminton

"Daiki, ever before have you played badminton?"


"Do you understand any of the rules?"


"Have you ever seen a match of badminton?"


"Have you done any preparation for this match?"


"Are you going to say 'no' to every question I give to you?"

"Most likely."

Akashi rubbed at his face with the hand not currently holding his racket. Aomine had approached him earlier in the day asking if there was any sport he could be beaten in. Akashi, of course, had said no but the taller boy had refused to take no for an answer.

You may be wondering, why badminton, of all the competitive sports out there? Well, that was because neither of the boys had played it before and the redhead had been willing to accept the other's challenge.

The pair stood on the court, each holding a racket by their sides. "Hey Akashi, why's the net so high? I thought it was lower." Aomine asked, pointing at the red netting in front of him. "You may be thinking of tennis." The blue-haired boy scratched at the back of his head. "Whatever. Can we just get started so I can beat your sorry ass into the ground when I win?"

The redhead let out a laugh that sounded quite evil to the other's ears. "As if I'd ever allow that to happen." Akashi pulled a shuttlecock out of his pocket and was about to serve when, "Whoa! What the fuck is that?"

Sighing softly, the redhead's arms fell back to his sides. "This Daiki is a shuttlecock. It's what you play with in badminton." "But it's got a parachute on it!" "It's supposed to have one. Now," Akashi's voice dropped into a dark, spine-chilling tone. "Shall we continue?"

Hearing the tone of voice used by his ex-captain, Aomine swallowed thickly and nodded. "Can I ask one more qu-?"


And with that final word, Akashi started the game.


"Out!" Aomine shouted with glee, happy to score one point against his tyrannical ex-captain "In." "That was totally outside of the boundaries!" "Daiki, we're playing a full court match, not half court. This line," Akashi pointed at the white line furthest to his right. "Is the boundary line."

The tanned male frowned slightly. "Huh? The white line? I thought we were playing inside the green lines." A low chuckle came out from between the redhead's lips. "Confusing tennis and badminton again are we?"

Aomine almost threw his racket down like a child in a tantrum but decided against it when he saw the calculating look Akashi was giving him. He bent down to pick the shuttlecock off the floor, muttering under his breath, "I fucking hate badminton. What a stupid sport, even if you could call it a sport."


"I can't believe I lost…"

"What were you expecting? That you'd win?"

"Well yeah…"

After half an hour, the match had ended with a score of 65 – 5 in favour of Akashi.

The smaller boy stood over Aomine, smirking slightly, his heterochromatic eyes glinting dangerously. "You should know Daiki that I will win every challenge you put to me. Since I always win, I'm always right."

Aomine looked up at him. "Is that a challenge?" He asked, a wild grin spreading across his face.

The redhead's smirk widened. "It might be."

"Bring it on."