Triumvirate Wrath: Tethered Will of ZRAIARZ
AN: WOOHOO! So this is my first fic and frankly this ended up longer than and better than I thought, feel free to review and leave me thoughts as I want to no that atleast someone saw this story. Also I'm up for Ideas as while I like to be original some what other people might bring up great ideas from other animes, games or their own that I could use.
Anyway on with the show!
Disclaimer: I'm suppose to do this right? Say how I don't own Naruto on a sight that is specifically for FANfiction…
Chapter 1: Broken Beginning
"^Heh heh heh *pant* Hah hah heh heheheheheheheh,^" was what would be heard coming from an isolated alley if there were people around – correction, if there were living people around to hear it. It was a giggle that sounded both demented and exhausted. It also had a high and light quality that would not be found uncommon amongst teenage girls and young children. A quality that just added to the creepiness factor when added to the person's current location.
It was around midnight in the village with a large full moon out. There was a low layer of fog coating the streets of this section of the village. The majority of the village was in there homes at this time or enjoying the festival in the more populated parts of the village. The festival celebrating the day their beloved late Yondaime (4th) Hokage, The Kiiroi Senkō (Yellow Flash), Minato Namikaze had 'slain the dreaded Kyuubi no Kitsune (キュウビのキツネ), the 9 tailed fox spirit or demon as the ignorant humans enjoyed calling said creature. But that is only mildly important and is not the main focus of the story right now. No the main focus is the person who the creepy ass giggle originates from.
Outside the alley one would see small drops where it appears that there was some running to escape and that this was as far as they got until they hit the alley. But if one were to go into said alley, they now would see a dramatic shift in the story behind the blood trails.
There was carnage everywhere inside the alley. Blood painting the walls, scattered body parts, mangled corpse, were just some of the things to name a few of what was seen in the alleyway.
And the cause of the carnage can be seen at the dead end of the alley giggleing with broken insanity.
The appearance of the figure was that of a small 5 year old boy. Or at least that was what his small, toned, yet malnourished and scarred frame said. He had a handsomely cute young boy face that if he were in a happier setting would make women of all ages around him gush at how adorable he looked. The boy was none other than Naruto Uzumaki, the village pariah, among other things but that's a story for another time. He was a short boy for his age from poor dieting, not by choice, and had dynamic electric blond hair.
His hair was unique in its own right. For certain reasons his hair has recently taken a silver or grayish hue to it and has grown longer. His hair was almost like the late Yondaime's actually in terms of style and look with a few differences.
His hair went down to cover his right eye and lightly shade his left. The bangs that framed his unique face were shorter than the 4th Hokage, going down to his lips instead of his chin.
But his hair had thicker, more dynamic spikes that went out in every direction that were currently drooping down some. His hair was also shorter in the back so that it wouldn't look like a mullet if the side bangs were gone.
But what was even more fascinating about his hair was the color scheme. He had two sets of horns of hair on his head. Both sets of horns were situated on the top of his head near the edges and had steeper, upwards diagonal angles than the rest of his hair. These odd clumps of hair also didn't seem to move as much in the air as the rest of his hair which made them stand out even more if that was even possible.
The bigger set of horns were a little longer than the rest of the boy's hair, with the other set of horns being in front of these being shorter than the other spikes on the top of his head but more vertical.
These horns, both sets, were also full on stark white with a grayish undertone and seemed to give off a faint pale red glow in the night air. It made him look almost demonic.
This was in stark contrast to his bangs, as the bangs that framed the sides of his face were black. They were so black that they seemed to absorb light itself.
The kid's face, what should have held joy and innocence towards the world… well it's not that there was none of those emotions it's just that the context of them is not what one would expect.
The boy was laughing. Laughing like crazy as you saw a joyful gleam in the one eye that was showing. A joy towards any living person at that moment to treat them like his toys, toys that he would break. He never had many toys if any growing up so he wouldn't be able to control himself!
Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on who you were talking about, little Naruto this day, or should I say night, learned how to play. The psychotic boy learned that if he knew what the limits of his living 'toys' were before they 'broke' then he would be able to get more 'use' out of his future 'toys'.
The insane giggling continued as innocence shined behind his dull yet dynamic violet eyes. But this was feign innocence as while his retaliation would be justified had he been anyone else, he knew that for him to take such pleasure in his carnage would be looked at by the world as wrong. Too bad for the world Naruto no longer gave a damn about what the world thought.
"Heh heh, awww I have no more toys! I should find more tos, toys to play with. Yes! HAHAHA! Then we will have more fun, and play more games until eventually, they BREAK! Yes! Yes Yes Yes! Hahahaha!" Naruto continued to talk with himself in a demented voice. You could practically see the word insanity spelled in his eyes. But then his expression shifted and looked very much like one of obscession. He grabbed the sides of his head and his tone changed as he continued.
"Yes, more toys. More toys to play with, more toys to break. Then there will be less toys to hurt little Naruto. Eventually there will be no more toys. No one left to hut Naruto. Naruto didn't do nothin' wrong. Naruto just was hungry. But the mean man took food from Naruto and got others to hurt him for stealing." Naruto's expression and tone shifted back to one of intoned insanity.
"But they thought this little pup had no bite. But this time this pup was a wolf! Hehheh a wolf that could bite and stab and cut and kick and punch and fight and rip and bleed and sting and tear and eat and chop and snap and break and Break and Break and BREAK! Hahahahahahahahahah!" Then switched back to obscession.
"All other times they hurt Naruto, they hurt us for no reason. But what does the fox say? The fox says to run and hide. But they still find Naruto, and then they hurt Naruto." Back to insanity.
"I will make all of them my toys to break! Heh heh and then no more hurt for Naruto! But wait then jiji would be sad if I kill everyone - !"
Naruto's body suddenly froze and his eyes dilated bring the pupils many times smaller than what they were. Then they began to shake lightly along with the rest of his body as he began to recall memories from his past.
Naruto was seen crying in a corner. He had just been beat and spanked for the first time and it was much longer and harder than necessary not that beating a baby was necessary. He didn't know what he did wrong. All he did was try to get to breakfast first at the orphanage and one of the caretakers pulled him out of line and shouted at Naruto. "Evil little imps like you don't deserve first servings. You should be grateful that we even let you eat the left over scraps like a dog. Even that's too good for you as you should be fed to the dogs you stupid little fox!" they then proceed to drag Naruto off to a room where they beat him. The other caretakers told the children watching that Naruto was bad and deserved it. He never got to eat that day.
"We don't deserve this."
"No! Stop it' Naruto cried out as he was currently forced to watch. The young boy's blue eyes were filled with tears as he watches what was happening to one of the only people he felt cared for him. It was a young woman around age 20 who was currently getting raped and beat by several men while the rest of the mob that surrounded them were beating and stoning Naruto. The girl's name was Nami and was a care taker at the orphanage who cared for Naruto.
It was Naruto's 4th birthday and he had just been thrown out of the orphanage, the headmaster saying "a demon like you should be able to take care of itself at your age and doesn't deserve to be cared for by its betters!" then he was thrown out until he was found several hours later by Nami.
Naruto had already been undergoing abuse at the orphanage for a couple years now. Getting ridiculed and beat up. The caretakers would even encourage the other orphans to beat up on him saying that it was a good thing.
What made it worse was that if he fought back against the kids who fought him the caretakers would punish him. There was only one person who would show him kindness and actively took a role in helping him. Her name was Nami who he started to call his neechan. Not even that weird old man who came to visit him really did anything for him but tell him to forgive the others and give the caretakers a stern talking to which didn't seem serious whenever he thought about it. I mean what kind of old guy just checks in on a specific orphan and virtually doesn't do anything for them? Naruto believed they called him Sandaime Saruchichi or something like that.
Nami had raven hair that went to the middle of her back and always took care of him when she could much to the ire of others. At first they let her be as they knew that atleast someone had to take care of the brat and if she was willing to do it then that meant less irritation and waste of time for them. But as time went on they began to wish even more harm on the cursed brat. They felt that Nami was getting to close to the creature and so they decided to kick Naruto out before he could corrupt one of their caretakers.
Today was his birthday and Nami was gonna give him his first birthday present. It was a fox plushy that she felt would have matched him perfectly. If he knew what would have happened that day then he would have stayed away.
There was a mob going after Naruto to attack him. They saw that Nami was with him and marked her as guilty by association. They were under the belief that it was too late for her and that she had obviously been corrupted by the demon.
They proceeded to brutally rape her as if that would somehow purify her or make things better. Villagers are dumbasses. They made Naruto watch this as they also tortured his body and when it was all over they slit her throat leaving he dead desecrated body to bleed out while her dull lifeless eyes stared at Naruto and he could do nothing about it as his body was too broken to move just yet. The Sandaime eventually found him but all he told him to do was forgive! No one new that that incident jumpstarted the awakening of his senses and abilities.
"One should forgive people."
"Die Demon!"
"You don't deserve to live!"
"You killed my father!"
"We should finish the job our 4th hokage started!" These were just some of the consistent phrases he heard throughout the years as he went through various events of physical, verbal, emotional, and psychological abuse.
*End FLASHBACK (that was a short one)*
"Grandpa will be sad if I kill people." Then Naruto reached that particular memory that caused a dramatic shift in his personality.
*FLASHBACK several hours earlier near the time of a vortex alignment*
Though Naruto always put up a cheerful, goofy front he wasn't an idiot. He wasn't very educated even for his age but he was still cunning and aware of those around him.
It was his birthday and a festival was going on. He knew that a mob would be looking for him so he stayed away from his dilapidated apartment knowing that would be one of the first places the mobs would look for him. He darted in and out of alleys and more deserted areas and was able to escape capture for over an hour. It was a true testament to the stamina of this now 8 year old boy. But even through all of this he still felt like he was being watched by more and more eyes as time went on. He knew he made a mistake when he decided to see if a stand he past would sell him any for as he was already running on limited energy. He probably was getting watched as he felt various mobs progressively getting closer.
But he hoped that on the high chance that he didn't escape that at least by the time he got caught there wouldn't have been as many people as they would have gotten tired and gone home. Which would mean less pain and shorter torture. Unfortunately he would learn that his plan backfired a little, because the people who were still pursuing him would prove to be more determined and of stronger will.
Naruto put up an excellent effort but eventually his luck ran out as he had to stop mid-run as a few of the people who were watching him grew impatient and appeared in front of him. They were ANBU and what further shocked him was that these ANBU were ones that he specifically remembered as a few of the personal guards of his supposedly caring grandfather, the 3rd Hokage.
The conclusion he quickly came to was that one of the few people he though cared about him had betrayed him. The very though send a pulse of pain though he that left a crack on his soul.
But before he could continue this line of thought, one of the ANBU grabbed him roughly and full on chucked him into a nearby alley that had a dead end.
Naruto went flying through the alley and hit his back on the wall at the end, hard. When his back hit the wall his body was wracked with pain as a sickening crack could be heard. His spine had been fractured in several locations. To make matters worse, before he could recover it was at this moment that a mob of people arrived at the opening, taking away any opening or hope he had of escaping.
The mob, many of them drunk and exhausted, were both angry and taking sick pleasure in the fact that they had finally caught the Demon brat and they would make him pay 10 fold for trying to escape. Each of them was ready to extract a pound of flesh as payment.
They proceeded to torture him in various ways. Civilians would use stones and other objects on him. They bashed him in crushing his bones and smearing blood everywhere. They took pleasure in his screams of pain. They beat him, shinobi who were there even got creative with how they used there jutsu on him. Some even tried to rape him after they got tired of molestation.
Fortunately for Naruto this didn't work as the insides of his body grew unnaturally hot as the torture went on that by the time they tried to rape him it was dangerous and they would get burns before they could get far. It was also worse for those idiots who kept trying as the moment there was enough contact wisps of red chakra would lash out of the boy's body at the offending limbs.
This served to make the crowd wary but more determined. Wary because the victims were screaming in excruciating pain over their melted delicates. But they became more determined to punish and put down the demon brat as they felt he was becoming too strong as the wisps of crimson energy and steam slowly became more visible and larger as the torture continued.
In a way they were right.
It was when the ANBU guards joined in that he remembered the betrayal, and that was all it took to send him over the edge.
A shock suddenly reached his system as more of his soul cracked and his injuries rapidly healed to where he was able to stand. A few nearby shinobi saw this and decide to go in for the kill. They ran towards him and ran him through with various bladed weapons through several vital points splattering blood across the ground.
The crowd began to cheer thinking they had finally slain the demon and how the Sandaime would make them heroes for it.
Apparently saying anything related to his treacherous grandfather figure at that point because at that moment they noticed his somehow still standing body twitch, the weapons still impaling him and held by the shinobi as his soul finally shattered. But he didn't die. No, a second later a sharp snap was heard as all the weapons lodged in Naruto's body were melted or snapped off all at the same time with enough force to send a shockwave out sending the ones nearby back several feet.
His normal features of blond hair blue eyes, and whisker marks began to change as his body grew a few inches. His body was quickly engulfed in black matter. The end result was what looked like a Naruto shaped shadow with a multicolored glowing outline and reddish violet glowing orbs in the place of were his eyes should be.
The fact that it was midnight made his appearance even more frightening to the audience.
*Elsewhere in another realm/ world/ dimension place thing, at the same time*
A dark-skinned figure was lying in a vortex of various elements. A scene that was both awesome and arose many questions about how much physics applied here, or if they were high.
Laying on his back with his hands behind his head his eye suddenly shot open revealing dynamic violet, almost dragon like, slitted eyes before they dilated in surprise.
Though the surprise quickly left and his eyes shown heavily with mirth, a devious smirk with one sharp fang and a few white teeth showing from one side of his mouth concealed excitement in response to that sudden power surge and frequency shift that resonated with his realm.
"*Gasp* I feel a spark! Hmm hmm hmm, so one has finally hatched, and it's a big one!" as the semi-cloaked dark-skinned figure began to chuckle and giggle before full on laughing with excitement. It was a little creepy and slightly intimidating with the tone he was using.
The figure's monologue was cut short before it could continue by a figure suddenly forming out of him with red and black smoke. The new figure who was standing over the old figure was unusually identical to the one on the ground except he looked more animalistic and his outfit looked more tattered like it was done on purpose as it made a fashion statement and looked cool. The eyes were also different as his were shine less, pupiless, goldish red eyes that fluctuated and glowed enough that it would resemble fire or lava in the right light.
"Bro you doing it again," spoke the red eyed figure with a bored expression, resting a hand on his hip in a way that was very reminiscent of certain supposedly dead Uchiha Konoha founder.
"Doing what again?' this came from the figure on the ground with a raised eyebrow but otherwise equally blond expression changed when he was just bubbling with excitement a moment ago, as he got of the ground and dusted himself off.
"You know bro that thing you do. You know? Where you start talking to yourself. Even if you always have an audience its still talking to yourself. And you pick up a reading on a particularly notable event in some random world or dimension with your incomplete omniscient. And then you feel, for some reason, the urge or need to comment on said event. Coincidentally most of the time it happens you are in a unique setting or situation like you are right now. And so because of that you feel the need to go into a self-started monologue that you try to make sound badass or cool by adding in unique phrases. But at the same time you start to confuse the audience behind the 4th wall, either because you need to explain what you said but didn't, or mislead them because of your improper use of diction, expression, and allusion. You know that thing?" by the end of his own longer monologue the red-eyed individual's expression had morphed into that of a malicious smirk, he knew exactly what he had done.
The violet eye figure's brow twitched in annoyance at what just happened. In a split second he was in front of the red eyed figure with his hand stabbed into his chest.
"Damn you! Stealing the wind from the sails of my monologues is not tolerated! And you're not allowed to sound so much smarter than me!" He then quickly pulled his hand out ripping out half of his spine through his chest. Heavy amounts of blood gushed out of the figure's chest and mouth from the heavily fatal blow. The red eyed figure fell on the ground, blood spreading everywhere.
"*cough* Now to go find my new sources of entertainment," the original figure said in a suddenly cheerful tone before his body shrunk down and then teleported in a way that looked like he de-atomized, dust scattering in the wind.
The bloody red-eyed figure lifted his head to look at where the other had disappeared. "Aww, he left without me." His head then went back to the ground hard cracking it as he enjoyed the sweet embrace of unconsciousness.
*Back to Naruto FLASHBACK*
The mob looked at the transformed shadowy figure in fear. The shadowed Naruto looked absolutely 'heartless' as he began chuckling in a deeper scarier tone. "Hmmhmmhmmhmmhmm so many toys. Unfair warning, I don't always like to play well with others." That was his statement accompanied with a malicious smirk from a mouth that looked like a zigzag cut out (AN: like Naruto's 4 tailed form). What further served to put more fear in the audience were his hands. His hands had morphed into something you would see on a cartoon monster. The palms had almost doubled in size and they now only had 4 fingers each. But these fingers would be risky to grab with as the whole of each fingers resembled oversized triangular claws. They were 2 and 3 inches wide at the base and lengths ranging from 7 to 10 inches and were covered with a red haze. The next few minutes were a blood bath as Naruto move like a dark blur. He cut up and killed some quickly, soke instantly, while others he killed in slower more torturous ways, all the while the ANBU watching were too afraid to do anything. At least until Naruto was done and turned his sights on the ANBU watching on the roof.
Naruto prepared to jump at the ANBU at the end of the alley when his sights zoomed in on the Inu ANBU of the Hokage's guards and his thoughts began to once again think about the old man's betrayal.
This pause in movement was all the ANBU needed to regain their focus and make their escape. Naruto saw this and attempted to stop them but the Inu ANBU reacted quicker and launched a giant fireball at Naruto while he was in mid jump.
Naruto no longer going on instinct, not having much experience facing jutsu, was not able to dodge it with how large, close, and fast it was. His last thought before the collision was 'the old man betrayed me!'
The fire collided with Naruto and exploded taking out his transformation as the ANBU escaped. His flaming body knocked across the alley into the wall at the end just like the beginning. The flames left a blackened soot outline where Naruto was propped up against the wall.
His new features were now showing with most of his skin being burnt black. It resembled dried black paint flacking off of an unblemished wall stunned for several seconds before he started his aforementioned demented giggling
*Back To Present (FINALLY!)*
After the replay of various memories, Naruto's expression began to calm down. In the spans of several seconds Naruto's expression went from frozen shock to slightly irritated coldness, as his body instantly stopped shaking accompanied by a sudden gust of wind blowing around his spiky hair and ruined clothes. Naruto got up on his feet as he dusted himself off leaving behind his burnt outline on the wall. His black skin kept chipping off revealing unblemished tan skin kept chipping off revealing unblemished tan skin, all scars he once had were gone.
"Fuck the old man! Fuck these people! They want a monster well I'll give them one. Whether I become a Kage or not I'll still become the strongest, the hardest, and the most feared if I have too if that's what it takes to get my respect! And those that get in my way will die. Just try me and watch what happens. I'd like to see Sarutobi try something. He try to stop me and I'll break my foot off on his dusty ass and out through his chest! I'm not playing around no more!" The mostly blond haired kid ranted as he started to walk off, his body beginning to radiate energy and steam more heavily as his monologue progressed. While he was walking and talking the rest of his charred skin fell off revealing his arms ,legs and the rest of his face to the world.
It appeared his whisker marks had evolved as they were bolder, sharper, more defined, and deep black. In fact they now resembled narrow arrows that if filled in would look like tiger stripes. The rips in his shirt showed that he probably had similar designs on his torso.
On his arms and legs the new marks resembled 3 sets of deep black bands on each limb. However Naruto didn't get the chance to notice this as he only made it a few feet before his energy from his shattered soul shorted out and he began to fall forward towards the ground.
A massive energy level nearby was noticed. "Cool monologue bro," were the last things Naruto felt and heard before he hit the ground embracing consciousness.
The newly arrived figure stood over Naruto and kicked him lightly in the side a few times but Naruto wouldn't wake up. The figure had the appearance of a dark-skinned 9 year old who was slightly bigger than Naruto and wore a cloak of sorts. His violet eyes shown with mirth as he hoisted Naruto over his shoulder with no effort.
"Well looks like I found a fragment… this is gonna be fun!" That was all the dark figure said before he vanished into the night with his new passenger through implosion.
*END Chapter 1*
AN: OH YEAHH I'm done! Well this turned out good. I could have made this a little longer, gone in to the torture and flashbacks more but I got tired so if need they will be touch on further in future chapters. That's the last time I decide to write a chapter by hand then type it as it took up too much time and I don't have much time with my schedule. This is still a little longer than the written version. Also writing takes up too much paper. I also type faster with having to copy. Still it took my a week and a half to get this out and like 8 hours of writing so if I had typed from the beginning I could have had this out in 2 or 3 days. I already have an idea of where I am going with this up to after the chunin exams and I will one way or another finish this story. I plan on having this go into Shippuden as the way Madara is now he is like the only character I can see a full potential Naruto going all out on in this story and I might still make other characters a little stronger as some I found as a disappointment. My profile isn't complete but there is some information on the story to get a little bit of info on what I will be doing. I will have a poll on which girls to pick or storyline progression when the 2nd chapter comes out. Maybe sooner. But anyway so for it is female kyubi. Eventually I thought of how kyubi in canon was split in half so Yin Female Kyubii will appear at the end of the chunin exams along with fem. Shinigami (which I thought of while taking out trash I already have that thought out). Yang Kyubi will show up soon. Like with the next 1 to 3 chapters soon. And she may get punished heheheh *cough"* anyway that's about it so fav and REVIEW anything.
P.S. What do you guys think about monster/ animal girls for Naruto and certain girls from other Animes Cuz right now I'm lookin at Yoruichi, Pitou, Akeno Himejima, Kuroka, and Koneko.
Any suggestions PM me…