Life Is a bitch and so am I

I don't own One Piece sadly collab with SilverRain0 HOPE YA LIKE IT MWAHHAHA

Day 1. Thunder is scary

Mihawk lied curled under the heavy blanket on his bed and watched the clouds. Evening came early that day, winter must be coming fast. He didn't have his usual glass of red wine nor did he wander around the castle to ease his dinner digestion.

A storm was coming.

Thick, gray clouds gushed in the sky. The wind was picking up and howling in the trees. Droplets of water fell on his window and heavy rain followed.

One, two..Thunder roared in the sky and promptly Mihawk shivered.

Thunder was scary, scarier that him.

Day 2. Many uses of the Yoru

Perona yawned and rubbed her eyes. Mornings in the castle were calm, most of the inhabitants ( she and Mihawk) weren't morning people so they'd woke up late and then take their time to fully wake up. Both were more nocturnal.

She padded to the bathroom and heard the sounds of water flowing and felt the heat of vapour. Mihawk was shaving.

He'd was obsessed with keeping his shaving a secret. hOw did he manage to maintain that beard of his!? Those shapes were hard to line. Perona tiptoed to the door.

She was determined to see him shave!

Slowly she pulled the door and gasped. Mihawk, wearing only a towel, his hair a mess, was holding Yoru. Yoru was the strongest sword in the world! His most precious sword...and shaving. She swung the blade carefully on his face and cut little by little. The curve shape helped with the lines or rather MADE those lines.

It was the fault of the sword he had that look.

Perona decided she'd keep this information to her grave.

Day 3. Mihawk wears pink

˝Why don't you wear pink! You always have that dreadful red on!˝- Perona whined while they were having late lunch. Mihawk closed his eyes and sighed. Finally he opened his eyes.

˝I do, just lighten this color enough and it's pink. I wear pink all the time˝- and continued to sip his wine.

Day 4. Swordsmen are heartbreakers.

Mihawk usually strolled in his gardens before dinner, the eerie calm and the moonlight slowly peeking were wonderful. We was a loner – that much the whole world knew, except those pesky monkeys.

Ronoa Zoro would laugh his ass now if he knew.

There weren't only male monkeys on his property. A few were female and very much in love with the dark haired swordsman, why he never understood.

He only knew the pile that was growing in one of the cells of his castle.

Chocolates, roses and love letters.

Mihawk was truly a heartbreaker, human and animal alike.

Day 5. Fruit toothpaste

Mihawk was in a bad mood, worse then when visiting his „ fan" pile in the dungeons and worse then seeing Perona trying to „clean" his closet of red clothing items.

His favourite toothpaste was replaced. The sweet watermelon flavour was now a sharp minty one and he hated it. It hurt his gums and tasted vile.

˝PERONA!˝- The pink girl would pay. His favourite toothpaste was part of his „good night ritual".