A/N Warning that this chapter is a strong M for a reason. Please only read if you are the appropriate age and have an open mind, as it contains graphic sexual descriptions of what some might consider 'not vanilla' type sex.

But if this is your thing then please enjoy and review... ;-)

E xxx

What Beth Greene Really Wanted From Daryl Dixon

Chapter Eight

Daryl took one last look outside through the same smeared section of glass, now spotting more walkers passing through over the far side of the parking lot. He was pretty sure they weren't a threat just yet and that they'd be able to slip past them without drawing their attention.

Daryl glanced down at Beth as he watched her waiting patiently at his side, nervously tightening her fingers around the handle of the far too big knife strapped to her hip, randomly thinking he must try to find her a smaller one. "Hey, stay close, move quickly and do everythin' I say," Daryl brushed his fingers over her cheek and they exited the store quietly, running towards the truck as Daryl dragged her to the side of the Chevy for cover.

"We're headin' ta the store at the end a' the row. Door's unlocked…Ya ready?" Daryl whispered as he squeezed her hand.

Beth nodded once in response, looking more confident than the first time he'd asked it. Daryl started off towards the store, pulling Beth into the shadows of the buildings behind him as he crept quickly and silently along the store fronts. The walkers were too far away and too distracted with each other to notice the movement and within seconds they were slipping into the safety of the shop.

Beth hadn't had chance to check out the signage above the shop door but as soon as she looked around the bright space she could see it was a high end home furniture store. It looked as though each area of the building had been used as a different room setting, and they were all gorgeous.

"Daryl! What are we doin' in a furniture store?" Beth beamed, as she asked with just a little bit more excitement and enthusiasm than Daryl had expected.

"Close yer eyes," Daryl turned and bolted the door, lying his crossbow on one of the tables nearby along with his vest and knife.

"Daryl?" Beth was now almost vibrating from the excitement of not knowing what he was up to.

"Close yer eyes. I ain't askin' again," Daryl's voice had a commanding playfulness to it now, so Beth did as he asked and closed her eyes. Seconds later Daryl was covering them, securing his red bandana around her head as a blindfold.

Daryl surprised her further with a kiss, eliciting a gasp from the blonde before he grabbed her shoulders, spun her around and pushed up close behind her, holding her waist and mumbling instructions as he guided her towards his surprise. They walked through and out the first room, negotiating three steps before entering another. It was smaller, dark and well-hidden towards the back of the store. Daryl stopped them when they reached their destination, untying the blindfold as Beth rubbed at her eyes, letting them acclimatise to the semi darkness for a second.

"Happy Birthday, Beth," Daryl whispered into the softness of her bare shoulder as he snaked his arms around her waist from behind and pressed his lips into her soft flesh, in a long, lingering kiss.

Daryl then slipped away from her, leaving the blonde open mouthed and stood at the foot of a huge ornately carved mahogany four poster bed. There were white voiles hanging from the sides and the bed frame was adorned with strings of pink and white roses and tiny fairy lights which were lit up and glowing against the darkness of the room. Beth randomly wondered how they could possibly be working, before realising they were obviously running on batteries. It looked even more beautiful because Daryl had managed to black out the only light source in the room by pulling down the blind and closing the shutters. It looked like night time, and the lights were like twinkling stars.

Daryl watched as Beth drank in every beautiful thing about the fairy-tale bedroom scene. The scene that was way too good for his ugly redneck ass, but one where Beth fitted just right. Beth deserved something this beautiful, he only wished he could give her this permanently, instead of a bashed up single bunk and prison issue mattress in a room with no door. He only wished she would've wanted him in the world that they used to live in where they could have had all this in peace and safety, but he knew that their worlds would never have even crossed back then and even if they had, there would be no way in hell Hershel Greene would ever have accepted Daryl Dixon as a suitable 'boyfriend' for his daughter. The archer shook his head to banish those thoughts before Beth noticed and that damn voice inside him ruined everything again.

Beth hadn't noticed anything though, she was still mesmerised by every single thing in the room, oblivious even to Daryl's heated stare. The bedding was the prettiest white lace Beth had ever seen and the plush bedding was adorned with fluffy pillows, furry cushions, crocheted throws and quilts that all matched perfectly. It was exquisite and it looked utterly inviting, Beth could already feel herself sinking into its comforting softness.

Beth's gaze carried on around the small room, moving from the bed and onto a huge ornate matching mahogany armoire with full length mirrored doors. Placed slightly in front of that was a pastel pink velvet upholstered armchair which was heaped with clothes, clothes Daryl had obviously put there. They were stacked so high they looked like they would tumble at the slightest touch. Her eyes scanned further around the bedroom, finding Daryl now stretched over a tall chest of drawers, engrossed in lighting the huge church candles that were scattered over its top. She grinned to herself at just how much effort this usually moody and awkward man, her man, had actually put into all this. Beth's eyes finally stopped roving when she came to the last item of furniture in the bedroom…a nightstand adorned with pretty bottles and jars of no doubt expensive creams and lotions.

Beth snapped her head back to Daryl who had now turned around and was stood hands in his pockets watching her, leaning awkwardly against the chest with an embarrassed look on his face as he tried to hide himself under his bangs. She swore she could see him colouring up though, even in the flickering dim light of the now candlelit room.

"Did you do all this for me? Daryl...I don't know what to say except that it's beautiful...so beautiful. Thank you," Beth beamed as she began to rummage through the pile of exquisite clothes. She wanted to change right away, get out of her blood soaked tattered jeans.

Daryl began to gnaw at his lip. "Nah, the bedroom was mostly set out. I ain't that artistic. I scouted around the other stores fer the clothes and candles and lights and other stuff. Ya like 'em? I ain't so good with what women want. Thought ya might think it was pretty? If it's too much… or yunno, stupid, ya don't have ta take any of it with us. Not if ya don't wanna. It was jus' things I..." Daryl was interrupted mid rambling as Beth closed the gap between them and kissed him. She groaned out as she traced her tongue over his lips, begging for him to let her in. Daryl felt his doubts evaporating and his body starting to relax as Beth kissed him softly and sensually, letting him know she really did like his surprise. He rolled his tongue with hers, sucking at her lips until he was ready to pick up where they'd left off this morning. Then Beth pulled away with a gasp and an excited giggle.

"Arrhhhh, I love it… all of it. It's the best present ever. Of course I'm taking it… all of it. I'd take the bed if it'd fit! And the clothes. Daryl they're gorgeous. Everythin'…it's perfect and beautiful... just like you," Beth bit down on her lower lip, slowly backing out of the archers embrace. "Ya wanna try it out? See if it's as soft as it looks?" Beth asked seductively, her pupils blown and breath heavy as she trailed one fingertip down Daryl's chest, all thoughts of changing clothes now gone.

Beth grabbed both of Daryl's hands and dragged him towards her, leading them to the bed. "Come on...I wanna lie down with ya. I wanna lie on a proper bed with my man."

She suddenly yanked her blood splattered tank top over her head, still backing up to the bed as she unhooked the clasp of her bra and let it slide down her arms and onto the floor. Beth popped her button fly jeans, shimmying out of both them and her boots in super quick time. The blonde jumped up onto the mattress and laid back, closing her eyes and groaning in bliss at the divine sensation of such soft bedding touching her hot sweaty flesh.

Daryl was on her before she'd opened her eyes, laying heavily between her legs as his mouth latched onto the hot clammy flesh of her throat. He kissed and bit and sucked until he knew she'd be bruised, but he didn't care. She was his and he wanted everyone to see it.

"Thought ya didn't wanna do it here?" Daryl teased, his breath heavy as the vibrations of his voice against her flesh had every hair on Beth's body standing on end.

Beth arched up into him and groaned out as a shiver raced through her body, ending between her thighs and leaving her wet and throbbing.

"Well I changed my mind…I wanna make love on a huge soft, comfy bed for once. I want you to make love to me, right now...on this bed. I don't wanna wait… please," Daryl's gaze was now fixed to her heaving chest as he gently squeezed her soft breast, his thumb brushing over its already solid nipple.

"Anythin' ya want, jus' gotta ask," Daryl groaned between fervent kisses to her collarbone and breasts, his fingers still massaging and tugging her nipples.

Beth grabbed at his shirt, expertly and quickly undoing its buttons and pushing it over his shoulders and down his back. She pressed her lips into his chest, lavishing it with warm wet kisses as he stripped her of her underwear, laying his body in the wet heat between her thighs.

Beth wrapped her legs around his waist and groaned out at the glorious sensations of the soft fluffy pillows under her and the rough material of Daryl's pants grazing over her naked and throbbing centre. She squeezed him tightly, rocking her hips and sliding her pussy back and forth along his length until he could feel the dampness from her arousal soaking the fabric.

Daryl suddenly sat back on his knees and grabbed Beth by the waist, flipping her onto her front in one smooth movement. Before Beth was able to do more than gasp, Daryl was pushing her up on to all fours and kissing along her spine.

"Baby, ya still gonna insist I eat yer pussy?" Daryl drawled against her sweat covered back as he watched her skin turn to goose flesh.

"Yes. God yes," Beth whimpered desperately as Daryl barely slid his finger through her glistening slit, collecting her arousal and making her ache for more.

"Mmmmm, ya taste so good, Beth, so sticky an' sweet," Daryl pulled his finger from between Beth's folds and sucked on it, moaning loudly for effect as he smirked. Beth threw him a glance over her shoulder and groaned out at the beautiful sight of Daryl Dixon, eyes closed, licking his finger clean of her juice, huge shit eating grin on his face as he did it.

"Please, oh god just lick me," she begged, wiggling her bare ass against Daryl's clothed erection as she let her head drop back down towards the mattress.

Daryl bit down on his lip as he gazed at the beautiful sight in front of him, gently massaging her ass cheeks with his hands before pressing his lips to the hollow at the base of her spine, licking and sucking until she was writhing under him. Beth moaned as he teased her, pushing her ass further into him and spreading her legs wider, desperate for more.

"Daryl, please. Touch me, lick me," Beth gasped as she waved her bare backside towards the archer, "I insist!" she half giggled, half panted.

He stepped back off the bed, grin on his lips as he watched Beth's pretty pink pussy spread wide, shimmering with her sticky wet arousal as she waited for him to fill her. Daryl quickly removed the rest of his clothes and dropped to his knees on the floor behind his girl, dragging Beth's knees to the edge of the mattress.

He teasingly kissed along the insides and down the backs of her thighs, enjoying how she quivered and moaned for him, mumbling his name. He trailed his tongue through her folds before slipping it inside her tight heat. Beth clenched around him, scrunching her fingers in the bed sheets and groaning loudly. He slowly started to French kiss her, his tongue lathing in and out of her entrance as his lips moved over her slippery folds, sucking and licking until the lower half of his face was completely soaked in her sticky sweet nectar. Daryl's hands pushed forwards along her torso to caress the breasts that were now swinging gently above the bed as she rocked and groaned in time to his ministrations.

"That feels so good. Oh, god. Please…make me come," she moaned, panting and gasping as she placed one of her hands over his, squeezing it hard over her breast. "Don't stop."

Daryl growled out, rolling both her nipples between his warm rough fingertips, kneading her pale mounds as his tongue worked in hard long licks over her clit. Although it wasn't the easiest position for him, Daryl liked eating her out from this angle, her whole body was opened up and displayed to him, his nose became buried between her perfect ass cheeks and his mouth in her beautiful pussy and it was just about the most intimate position there was, the closest he could get to her without actually being inside her. Well, he supposed there was one place he could go that was maybe more intimate, and now as his nose nudged gently against her tight puckered asshole, Daryl couldn't help but think about going there.

He knew stimulating a woman there was supposed to make for one hell of an orgasm, not that he'd ever tried it. Anal sex wasn't something he'd thought much about, he enjoyed coming inside her wet welcoming pussy too much to waste time elsewhere, but he wasn't opposed to using his mouth and fingers on her if he thought she'd like it. Fuck, he'd try anything if it made her happy.

"More. Oh God, please… do somethin'," Beth's pleading snapped Daryl out of his wandering thoughts, his finger now rubbing hard and fast circles around her clit as his teeth gently tugged at her outer lips. His tongue began to slip and slide around her entrance as Beth's knuckles turned white from gripping the bedding and her panting reached fever pitch, her insides starting to throb and tingle as her mind emptied of everything except him.

Daryl pushed his tongue inside her ribbed walls again, going as deep as he could and groaning out as his nose pushed equally hard against her hot little asshole. Beth moaned and pressed her hips back, begging for more but Daryl wasn't actually sure at this point what she was moaning 'more' for. Without thinking, he pulled back, spread her ass cheeks and ran one long slow lick of his tongue from her dripping folds all the way up to her puckered hole, where he circled slowly with the tip of his tongue, feeling her contract under the unfamiliarity of being touched like that. Beth gasped, her head immediately snapping back over her shoulder to watch the archer as he touched that forbidden and intimate part of her in this new and delicious way.

Beth's eyes were wide and dark and flashing with longing, with desire and need, and surprisingly with permission for him to go on. She dug her teeth into her lower lip as a smile pulled at her mouth and she slowly nodded her head. Daryl leant forward across her back, his dark hooded eyes locked with Beth's as he moved one hand from her butt and traced a finger down the side of her face, as if asking if she was sure. Beth closed her eyes and leant into his touch "I want ya to touch me there… ya can touch me anywhere ya want, Daryl. Please baby, I wanna come for you," she whispered.

Daryl groaned as he ran the tips of his fingers over Beth's swollen pink lips before she pulled away and let her head hang heavy between her shoulders once more. Daryl scanned the room, desperately searching for some kind of grease or oil or something he could use as lubricant. He remembered the collection of toiletries he'd set out so turned to grab a bottle from the nightstand, hoping it would do, throwing it onto the bedsheets next to him.

His mouth was back on her centre instantly, his tongue licking a long hard line backwards from her clit to her tight virgin hole. This time he carried on licking, his tongue swirling and circling, pressing into her until the blonde was bucking her hips and moaning how good it felt, his tongue finally penetrating through the softened ring of muscle and into her hot body.

Daryl found a rhythm, his tongue tracing a figure of eight around one tight hole then the other, his soft fleshy tongue probing into her ass each time it circled, her muscles warmed and relaxed as Beth finally shut down her body's instinct to clench shut and instead enjoyed the new sensations coursing through her centre.

He sat back for a moment and started to stroke his now lubricated forefinger against her backdoor, rubbing and circling with pressure against the already softened outer muscle before pushing harder and breaking through into the blonde's body with nothing more than a groan of pleasure and "yes" falling from his girl's lips. As his finger turned and probed deeper, he was finally met with resistance as Beth became rigid and her inner muscle tightened around the archer's digit in its natural reaction to stop the intrusion "Ya want me ta stop?" he asked, suddenly panicking he might be hurting her, as his other hand ran loving strokes along her spine.

"No. Oh God, baby that feels good... different. Don't stop," Beth urged him on, pressing her body backwards, as the warm burning stretching feeling in her ass sent shockwaves of pleasure around her body.

Beth thought she'd be embarrassed at having her ass licked and fingered, thought she would find it dirty or unpleasant or painful. But she was wrong. So wrong. It was utterly divine; not just the physical high that was building inside her but the knowledge she was giving every last part of herself to Daryl. It was a feeling like nothing else. It was a beautiful feeling of acceptance and belonging which she hoped he felt too. She wanted to show him she trusted him, loved him… wanted him. She wanted to let him take something from her no one else ever had.

Daryl pushed on through the tightness, unable to hold back his own groans as he watched and felt her pleasurable reactions to what he was doing, how aroused her body was and how she trusted him completely to not hurt her. He twisted and curled his finger, pushing and pulling, slowly stretching her deep inside with his thick digit until that muscle too had warmed and softened. The erotic sounds spilling from Beth's mouth on every inward thrust of his finger had Daryl's cock twitching and leaking against his stomach and his balls aching for release.

He watched as his finger pumped back and forth through her now sticky and welcoming asshole, watching and feeling as her pussy walls clenched tight with every forward pump and how the arousal now coating her thighs was shimmering temptingly in the candlelight. He bent forward, tracing the flat of his tongue over her flesh, groaning as he lapped up her juices, sucking on her lips and licking through her folds for more as his finger continued to stroke in and out of her ass at a steady rhythm.

"Oh, I'm gonna come. Please…baby…fuck me," Beth pleaded, her voice now muffled as her face buried itself into the comforter.

Daryl pushed his middle finger into Beth's dripping pussy as his forefinger remained buried in her ass. He began to fuck her, one finger in each of her tight hot holes, both sliding hard and deep inside her body with nothing to separate them except a thin layer of flesh. The archer could hardly bear to watch, it was the single hottest fucking thing he'd ever seen and he knew he was about to go over the edge, his cock was rubbing rhythmically against the edge of the bed and he knew as soon as she came he would explode.

"So fuckin' beautiful, baby. C'mon, wanna see ya come, wanna taste it."

He kissed the backs of her thighs and her ass cheeks, biting and sucking as his fingers slid against each other in and out of her heated centre, faster as he felt the waves of ecstasy building deep within her body. Beth stopped moving, but before she could scream her pleasure at the exquisite sensation of the orgasm currently soaring through her core, Daryl felt it. He felt it ripping through her entire body. Her hot tight holes contracting violently and in unison around his fingers, crushing and squeezing them as her whole body convulsed and she finally screamed out, muffling her cries once more in the comforter. Her climax gushing from her pulsing pussy, over his fingers, her thighs and the bedsheets in equal measure.

Daryl could feel his own orgasm threatening to explode at any second, he could feel the tightening in his abdomen, the ache in his balls, the burning in his cock. There was no way he was letting it happen like this, he needed to be inside her, to feel her warmth enveloping him as he climaxed.

While Beth was half collapsed onto the bed moaning and panting, shaking and wobbling he pulled his fingers from her body, causing Beth to jerk and mumble as her body clenched shut but felt empty all at once. Daryl stood up and grabbed his swollen and leaking cock, pressing the head to Beth's wet entrance before laying across her back and nuzzling his face into the curls in the crook of her neck.

Beth groaned at the unexpected contact, she'd been so distracted by the beautiful sensations flooding her system she'd not noticed Daryl moving behind her.

"Shhusshhh. C'mere baby, I wanna hold ya," Daryl whispered against her sweaty flesh, grunting in pleasure as he slowly pushed his dick inside her still pulsing and throbbing pussy. Beth groaned and tightened her insides "Mmmm, Oh, Daryl… yeah…want you," she mewled breathlessly as Daryl tightened his hold on her and kissed frantically at her face and neck.

Daryl stayed rigid and unmoving inside her for a moment, listening to her panting, listening to his own heart racing. He could feel her centre squeezing him, telling him she was ready and he knew it would be all over in a minute, and all he wanted was to be holding his beautiful girl when he finally let go.

He grabbed her heaving body and pulled her upright until her back was pressed into his chest. He curled one arm tightly around her waist to hold her steady, his other hand pulling Beth's head back to rest on his shoulder. He combed gently through the messy damp hair clinging to her face, his lips brushing softly over her jaw and neck, nibbling and licking as he started to slide within her walls, revelling in the way they moulded to his cock perfectly, like she was the yin to his yang.

"Yer so beautiful, baby, so tight an' wet, an' so fuckin' beautiful," Daryl murmured through heavy laboured breaths as Beth gasped in time with his slow shallow thrusts.

"C'mon… come inside me. Show me I'm yours," Beth grabbed a handful of the archer's hair, and pulled his head down into her throat as she kissed his face.

Daryl tightened his grip on his girl, his fingers digging into her hip and waist almost painfully as his body throbbed and tightened to the point of pure ecstasy with every movement he made.

"Fuck…" Daryl groaned as one more slow stroke up through her ribbed walls had his body and mind spiralling into free fall, the crescendo of everything they'd just done exploding like fireworks through his soul as he lost control of his senses and released stream after stream of warm come deep inside her burning and pulsing centre.

Seconds later a breathless and panting Daryl fell sideways, pulling Beth with him as he refused to loosen his grip on her. They lay enveloped in the softness of the cushions and throws as Daryl pressed his mouth into her shoulder, kissing sweetly and groaning as he pulled her back tightly to his chest, needing to feel her heart banging in time with his own. Beth traced her nails along the arms holding her hostage and began to giggle.

"What?" Daryl asked breathlessly, suddenly worried about what Beth found so funny.

"Nothin'...just that, that was… you were…amazin'!" Beth was grinning from ear to ear, blushing crimson, as she thought about what they'd just done.

"Thanks…I guess?" Daryl was laughing too now.

"Mmmmm, no, thank you…I guess?" Beth rolled over in his arms to face him, still grinning "Was that my present?" Beth asked as she nuzzled her head into his chest, "'cause if it was, it was a pretty darn good one."

"Arhhhh shit Beth, are we gonna turn inta one a' them couples that only has sex on Birthdays and Anniversaries?" Beth could feel him smiling as he pressed his mouth into the top of her head.

"Shut up, you're such a dork Daryl Dixon! As if?!" Beth teased as she pressed her lips into his chest and squeezed him close, her eyes drifting shut at the sublime sated feeling of being held in Daryl's strong arms as the last of her orgasm dissipated and all she could hear was the beating of his heart against her face.

They stayed quiet for an age, their bodies boneless, holding each other as they enjoyed the peace, the silence, the solitude. Neither could remember a time when it was ever this quiet, or when they were ever allowed this much privacy. It was a glorious feeling and with his breath gently skimming her face, Beth was almost asleep. It was Daryl moving around on the soft bouncy mattress a while later that woke her from her daze.

"Where ya goin'?" Beth quizzed, tightening her hold on the archer.

"Nowhere. Jus' gettin' yer real present is all," Daryl all but whispered.

"I thought this whole thing was my present? 'cause ya do know I'm takin' it all with me whether it is or it ain't," Beth announced.

"I gotcha somethin' else too. Ain't much. Close yer eyes and gimme yer hand," Daryl demanded in a playful tone.

Beth sucked in an excited breath and did as she was told, rolling onto her back as she held her hand out.

Beth felt something small and cool drop into her palm and then Daryl's fingers gently closing around hers, folding them into a fist.

"Happy Birthday Lil' Bear," Daryl mumbled as he kissed her cheek, back to being shy and embarrassed.

Beth opened her eyes to find Daryl laid on his side, propped up on his elbow holding his head, watching her through his bangs. Beth grinned at him then looked at her fist and unfurled her fingers.

By the glow of the fairy lights, Beth poked at the metal in her hand. She lifted one end of the chain and could see it was a silver necklace with a small teddy bear charm attached. The bear had tiny sparkling diamond eyes and jointed arms and legs. It was gorgeous.

"It's beautiful," Beth rolled onto her side and crushed her lips into Daryl's. "Thank you. Help me put it on. I wanna wear it. I'm never gonna take it off. Ever." Beth excitedly pulled Daryl up with her into a sitting position and turned herself around so she had her back to him, already swiping her hair out of the way and passing him the necklace to fix round her neck.

"Ain't no big deal, ain't like I paid fer it. It reminded me a' ya and I thought you'd like it," Daryl kissed Beth's shoulder as he fiddled with the clasp, finally securing it.

"Don't say that. It is a big deal. Ya didn't have to go lookin' for a gift, ya didn't have to do any of this, but you did. I know you'd have done somethin' equally as beautiful even if we were back livin' our old lives. Just bein' alone with you today is enough, that's all I wanted. All the rest is just a wonderful extra." Beth turned around so they were sat facing each other, eyes locked, as one hand twizzled her new favourite possession and her other hand entwined itself through Daryl's hair.

"Can we stay here tonight?" Beth asked hesitantly, knowing she shouldn't ask "I know everyone will lose their minds if we don't go back but they know you'd never let anythin' happen to me, they know I'll be safe. I just wanna spend a whole night with ya, on our own, in a proper bed, in the quiet and in comfort. It might be the only chance we ever get, I don't wanna leave just yet. I wanna…"

Beth didn't get chance to finish before Daryl was kissing her, his hand twisting in her hair, his lips and tongue playing slowly and softly with hers, sucking and nipping and licking until she'd lost all train of thought, and was moaning into him.

Daryl then pulled away abruptly "Ya don't gotta convince me. We can stay. It might end up bein' my last night on earth, 'cause I reckon they'll fuckin' shoot me when we finally get back, but yeah, we can stay," Daryl smiled at her, a proper happy smile, as Beth wiggled her eyebrows mischievously in response.

"Well, I better make it worth your while then, huh Mr Dixon? Reckon we've got around twelve hours 'til sun up. Any ideas on watcha wanna do?" Beth giggled and dived at the archer, knocking him back into the mattress as she threw her leg over him and straddled his hips.

"Yeah, reckon I'm gonna sleep fer a while, then imma show ya exactly what I wanna do." Daryl grabbed Beth's waist, lifted her off his body and threw her carefully on to the bed next to him, pulling her close and burying his face in her neck as she threaded her legs through his and pulled herself even closer to him "An' if I were ya, I'd get some sleep too, 'cause ma lil' bear's gonna need her strength later."

Daryl pulled up the bedsheets and tucked them into what he had to admit was the comfiest bed he'd ever laid in. He knew he'd be asleep in seconds, although he thought that was still more to do with being wrapped up with Beth than the actual bed.

"Now sleep, or else ya ain't gettin' no more Birthday surprises," Daryl commanded in that sexy deep voice that had her insides throbbing. Beth sighed and closed her eyes as Daryl almost smothered her with his big naked muscular body. It suddenly dawned on her that they would never need more than the single bed they already shared back at the prison, because however big their bed, she never planned on sleeping anywhere except curled up on top of his warm safe body.

A/N I don't have another chapter prepared yet, but hope to have one posted in the next couple of weeks. Until then, thanks for reading and reviewing.