Continuation of Between Worlds of Light.
Thor and Jane have gone to Asgard but Odin/Loki is determined to keep Thor distracted. And who else is making trouble for them? We will get to travel to many of the 'realms'!
Don't own them, but when you get right down to it, who can own an Asgardian?
The names of OC's are usually combinations of Icelandic, Norwegian, or Sweedish words. They will often have some meaning in light of the persons work or involvement with the main characters. The stories are loose adaptations of places and people in the Prose Edda by Snorri Sturlinson circa 1240 A.D. This is available free from the Gutenberg Project.
Jane decided that there was no party like an Asgardian party. They had been feasting and singing since last evening, and now the daylight was washing the walls of the hall. Thor and Volstagg were quaffing huge quantities of mead, challenging each other. She realized that on earth Thor was practically abstemious by comparison. It must be wonderful for him, after months on Earth to be truly himself.
Jane considered the people around her. She still felt a little isolated, as the Asgardians seemed to be a bit in awe of her. She would have to foster friendships with some of them or she would hate coming here. She knew she would be under the care of healer Eir soon, for the baby's sake. And perhaps she could work with some of the 'scholars' here on gravimetrics. All of a sudden she felt a gentle tapping on her hand. Looking down she saw a beautiful golden bird.
"Tonlist?" she asked it.
The little bird trilled and hopped on her fingers. Carefully she brought the creature closer to her face. "Where is Vissla, brave one?" she asked.
At this Tonlist puffed out his chest and broke into what could only be described as boastful song. Jane couldn't speak bird, but she knew strutting when she saw it. She had seen it in her husband for the entire week just passed. Vissla must be brooding somewhere near.
"Tell her, 'me, too'," instructed Jane.
Tonlist gave a piercing, joyful whistle. Jane was suddenly aware that the table around her had fallen silent. Mastery of animals was not terribly unusual to Asgardians, but it seemed surprising in a human.
Sif, who was seated next to her, asked, "Do you have such skill with birds, Jane?"
"I never have before," said Jane. "Tonlist here and his mate, Vissla, were a gift from Arnfreyer, the first time I was here. Where is Arnfreyer? I haven't seen him."
Jane turned to Thor and managed to distract him a moment. "Thor, where is Arnfreyer, have you seen him?" she asked.
Thor attempted to clear his head by shaking it a bit. This was a mistake, he quickly discovered. He would never outdrink Volstagg, when would he learn to stop trying? He drank some water, and looked at Jane, who was swimming in and out of focus a bit. "I am sorry Jane, did you ask something?" he asked.
Jane rolled her eyes. Apparently she was going to have a drunken husband on her hands shortly. "Arnfreyer, Thor, have you seen him?"
Thor went suddenly still and glanced at Sif, who nodded. He sighed in relief.
"Jane, he was badly injured in the battle with the dark elves. He lives, but apparently wasn't well enough to attend this feast," he explained.
"I'd like to see him, if that's possible," she asked. She rose and looked expectantly at Thor, but realized that standing and walking might be a bit much to ask of him. "Perhaps someone could take me?"
Sif stood and said, "Come Jane, let us leave these men to their drinking games. I haven't seen Arnfreyer in a few days. I will take you to him."
Jane bestowed a kiss on Thor's head, smiled and left the table. All the men at the table rose at her going, which just caused her to roll her eyes. But she inclined her head in acknowledgement of their courtesy. She was getting the hang of it. She lifted her hand and gave a quick whistle, and Tonlist came to her, chirping.
Sif stopped at the table where Healer Eir was seated. "Healer, we are going to see Arnfreyer, will he be well enough to receive guests?" she asked.
"Indeed, I think he is nearly fully recovered. I could have released him, but I know how the men drink at these occasions, and he is not quite well enough for that. I will come with you, I would like to speak with the Lady Jane as we go," the Healer said.
The three women walked from the hall. Jane was grateful for Sif's company. She hoped the awkwardness and awe would wear off and Sif would see her as just Jane again.
Healer Eir observed Jane, without staring. It was a skill she had long since perfected, an ability to observe without being noticed. She had seen that Jane had been abstemious at the feast. She ate well, but not heartily and drank mostly water, only taking a few sips of honeyed mead. She obviously knew to be careful with her eating and drinking while pregnant. She began to question her.
"Lady Jane, I am curious, how long is a human pregnancy, usually?" she asked.
"I had to look it up; I wasn't sure myself 'till just a few days ago. It is approximately 40 of our weeks, or 280 Earth days. We usually say 9 months, that's how it works on our calendars. But I thought about it and realized it is almost exactly 10 lunar months. Do you know how our moon waxes and wanes, Healer?" Jane asked.
"Yes, I made a quick study of your world after you were last here. Hmmm, 10 lunar cycles on Earth. An Asgardian pregnancy would be approximately 12 lunar cycles. I won't know till I actually look, but I would expect your pregnancy to last a bit in between these two time periods," said Eir. "Are you experiencing any symptoms of pregnancy?"
"Just a little weariness, Healer, especially late in the afternoon. It fades away when Thor is near," said Jane. "I thought that yesterday I was having a bit of nausea, but I think that was just nerves over Thor's ceremony last night. I was terrified I wouldn't be able to hold Mjolnir and walk all that way. Or that suddenly I wouldn't be able to move it."
"It says a lot about you that you can move it all. Only the most worthy may do so," the healer said, thinking out loud. "The saying is 'Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor'. In a way, as his wife and bond mate, you 'possess' his power. But there must be more to it than that. Frigga would certainly have been 'worthy' and I never heard of her holding it. And she was his mother."
"Thank you, Healer! Perhaps that will explain much of it. I thought it must be something like that. I tried to express it to Thor when I first picked it up. But I muddled it all up. He was so shocked!" remembered Jane.
With that they came to the healing rooms. Sif had carefully been listening to all this interchange. She seldom had thought much about marriage and children, her life up 'till now had been about proving her worth as a warrior. It had been a long, hard struggle. Women were expected to know self defense, to be unafraid in battle in Asgard. Some became shield maidens. But Sif had pushed beyond the usual constraints and had become a full fledged warrior, with Thor and Heimdall's help, and the support of the Warriors Three. She had entertained notions about Thor himself, but had quickly seen that what was between him and Jane was ordained. For all of Jane's slight form, and shorter life, Sif knew she possessed immense courage and greatness of heart. It pleased her that Jane liked her, and felt no jealously, even though Sif had not hidden her admiration for Thor. Perhaps it was because they were so different, Jane a scholar and Sif a warrior. They wouldn't compete in life, so they could be friends.
Eir knocked at a door, and went in, to see if Arnfreyer was fit to receive guests. In a few moments she came out, and gestured them in.
He was sitting up in the bed, several pillows propping him up. A long scar now marred his face, and Jane saw that it went down his neck, and continued apparently under his light shirt. She knew he must have been badly wounded, as it had been 4 months since the battle, and he was only now about to be released. She felt a little guilty that she had not asked about him before. Tonlist flew to him, singing joyfully.
Arnfreyer was astonished that the Lady Jane had come to him. He knew her to have a generous spirit, but that she had taken any thought of him seemed a great condescension.
Sif arranged two chairs for them to sit by his bed.
"My lady Jane, Sif, forgive me for not rising. The healer would have me lay abed yet a few more days," apologized Arnfreyer.
"I should apologize to you," exclaimed Jane. "I knew the birds were all right when I left, and Vissla 'told' me you were alive, but I didn't know you had been so badly wounded. How did you come by such wounds?"
At the mention of his mate's name Tonlist gave a quick whistle and flew from the room. He apparently realized that his mate might want him home. The three people looked at each other and laughed.
"I take it Vissla is brooding somewhere about?" asked Jane.
"Yes," said Arnfreyer proudly. "She is sitting on three eggs, or so I have been told. They should hatch soon. I hear I should congratulate you and the Lord Thor, as well." He glanced at Jane, still slightly awed.
"Thank you," Jane said, coloring prettily.
"Arnfreyer, as soon as you stop lounging about, we need to get you into training. The scar is wickedly handsome, but will it keep you from wielding a blade?" asked Sif.
"My sword arm is a bit stiff, but the healer says that with training and some of her smellier unguents I should regain full use," he wrinkled his nose in disgust. "My lungs and heart are now fully recovered, and I just need to move about a bit, to get my strength back." He turned again to Jane. "My lady, the wound you see was from an energy weapon. The elf who gave it was falling from my sword stroke as he dealt it. That is nothing, however. It was falling stone from a grenade blast that caused the chief of my injuries. But after the first battle with Malekith and his dark elves I was unconscious many days. Others have told me of what transpired on Midgard. What have you to tell?"
Jane glanced at Sif, who nodded. It was alright to relate the events then. She proceeded to tell them both of Thor and Loki's plan to destroy the Aether. Sif had heard the tale from Thor, but Jane told it differently, and well. She was particularly careful to relate Loki's bravery and sacrifice. "He surprised me, truly. I was so furious with him initially, for causing so much havoc on Earth. I actually struck him!" Sif nodded, she remembered that blow. "He had great skill with a dagger. It was like watching a dancer, but with terrible results. He killed many dark elves, 4 or 5 came at him at once. And then he tricked that creature, or demon, or whatever it was, so that it was unaware of the grenade at its back until it was too late. By then it had already dealt him a fatal wound. But he saved me, twice, and then he saved Thor. He really was not who I expected him to be. His death brought Thor so much grief," she finished.
"You tell the tale well, Jane Odensen," said Odin, coming into the room. Arnfreyer was again shocked. The AllFather was now visiting him. The women rose out of respect, but Odin waved them back to their seats.
"Arnfreyer, Healer Eir tells me you will leave your bed within a few days. Until you are fully fit I have a new duty for you. You will arrange for the Lady Jane's care and keeping whenever she is in Asgard. You are the honorary captain of her guard, until such time that you are well enough, at which point it will be your full duty," proclaimed Odin.
"Y…yes, Lord," answered Arnfreyer, delighted and surprised. Just then Vissla, apparently relieved from brooding by Tonlist, flew into the room. She went straight to Jane's hand, and looked up at her perkily.
"You have some skill with these creatures, Jane," observed Odin.
"I didn't know I had, Allfather, but they do seem to trust me," replied Jane. "I understand you keep ravens?"
"Hugin and Munin have left me for a time," said Odin a look of sadness and frustration crossing his marred, but still majestic face. "Perhaps they, too, are brooding new young. In any case, I came to tell you that your husband has staggered to his bed. I think he may be a bit out of practice when it comes to drinking. You may want to ask the healer for a draught to have ready for him when he wakes, which may not be until tomorrow. No one can out drink Volstagg and I think this time Thor will have learned his lesson. I will take my leave of you, Sif, Arnfreyer, Jane." With that he turned and left the room.
"I did not know that Hugin and Munin had left the Allfather," murmured Arnfreyer. "But it is not the season for ravens to brood. I wonder where they have gone?"
Odin/Loki strode down the halls of the palace. He had sent his guard away, which they were accustomed to by now. He had found many old, unused passages deep underground, and often came there to wander and brood, and sometimes to sleep. Today he was brooding.
Jane's praise of him as Loki had surprisingly confused him. He had not expected it, but in the months since the battle, in his enforced 'imprisonment' in Odin's form he had often come across many unexpected revelations. The Allfather had devised a cunning punishment. Loki now had what he thought he had desired, he was King of Asgard. But he was forced to do so in Odin's appearance; he was unable to do so as his youthful and handsome self. Odin himself had found an unused chamber deep in Fensalir, Frigga's old hall, and had hidden himself in his Odinsleep. This time, he had told Loki, he would sleep long. Odin had placed enchantments on Gungnir; it could only be used for the good of Asgard. And just as Mjolnir could only be used by someone worthy, Gungnir would now reveal Loki if he meddled too much in other realms, or caused too much mischief. Loki had no illusions as to what the Asgardians would do to him, if they knew. He was forced to rule a people who would hate and kill him if they found his true identity.
He thought of Hugin and Munin, and of Odin's wolves. He had been forced to come up with stories to explain their disappearance. The animals had known he was not Odin, and had refused to do his bidding. He had released them, fearing to harm such mystical creatures.
And what did it mean that Jane could carry Mjolnir? And if she was truly expecting Thor's child, did that mean that Thor would try for the throne, wanting to secure a place for himself and his family? Loki knew he would have to watch for trouble in the other realms, so that he could frequently send Thor away from Asgard.
Sif had decided to check on the palace guard, figuring, rightly, that many of them would be drunk. Jane had visited with Arnfreyer a little longer, and then excused herself. She went out into the main healing room, where Eir was waiting for her.
"Lady Jane, would you mind laying on one of our diagnostic beds? We can check on your health. It is very early in your pregnancy I take it, so we probably won't see an image of the babe, but I know Thor had other concerns about you," suggested Eir. Jane sighed, but since she knew she was on her own for a few hours she decided to comply.
She lay down on the bed, and just like before, an image of her rose into the air above. Now she realized how alike this was to some of Tony's 3D imaging technology.
"How long has it been, my lady, since your last menstruation?" asked Eir.
"Six weeks, healer," answered Jane.
"Ah, good, then I think we may be able to see a little image after all, and certainly we can hear the babe's heart," smiled Eir. She manipulated some of the image before her, and suddenly there was a tiny, almost fish like creature floating in the air above her. The little one was nearly transparent, and Jane could see a rapidly pumping tube within it.
"All looks well my lady. The babe will take on a more bipedal appearance as it develops. The heart is strong and functioning well. Now, let us look at you a little more closely," suggested Eir.
The healer manipulated the image again. Now she studied Jane with interest. Steadily she became more intent, and began to mutter a bit under her breath. Jane got a bit worried.
"Healer, is something wrong?" prompted Jane.
"What?" said Eir, for once startled out of her study. "No, m'lady, nothing appears to be wrong, which is what interests me so. You have changed much since I last examined you, and that is just 5 lunar cycles ago. Your readings are still those of a human in some respects, but you are much healthier than I expected you to be. You cellular structure is quite a bit denser and the ability of your blood to carry oxygen and nutrition are greatly increased. Have you seen a human doctor?"
"Yes, I did some time ago. His findings were the same as yours. He thought that now I might live quite a bit longer than normal for a human, as much as 500 of our years," answered Jane.
"I think his estimate may have been a bit conservative," replied the healer. "The Aether, and the bond with Lord Thor, appears to have had startling affects on you, Lady Jane."
"A friend of mine said that Fate owed us, in recompense for all we had been through. It means much to Thor that I may live so long," said Jane.
"And you, my lady, what does it mean to you?" gently asked the Healer.
"At first I could barely accept it. It seemed unnatural to me. But I realize that now I'll have much more time to learn and there is so much to learn, on both worlds," said Jane. I've started to accept it, but I still can't imagine it very well. But I am relieved for Thor's sake. I've seen how much his family means to him, and how great his grief was when Frigga and then Loki were taken. I'm happy that this one grief can be put off a while longer."
'She sees it as a blessing to Thor, not necessarily to herself' thought Eir. 'She has a truly generous spirit.' Aloud she said, "I think it will take some years for the reality to sink in, as you see that you do not age, as other humans do. That must have been a hard part of your new longevity to accept."
"Yes, that's one of the first thoughts I had, that my friends would grow old and die, and I would be left behind. Oddly, though, I have recently made several friends who also have unusually long lives ahead of them," Jane continued. "One of them reminded me, that on my world at least, I won't feel too alone. And of course, now there is Asgard, where long lives are normal."
"Fate does seem to have you in its keeping," said Eir.
Jane rose from the exam table at the healer's bidding. "Healer, Odin tells me that Thor may have had a bit too much to drink, and may want a 'draught' when he wakes up. Do I get that from you?" she asked.
"I saw him competing with Volstagg again," she smiled. "I have the necessary cordial here, Lady. Put it at his bedside, he is familiar with it!" Eir handed Jane a small, blue, stoppered flask.
"Thank you, Eir. Now, I'd like to rest, but I don't know the way to my rooms. Can someone show me?" asked Jane. One of the younger healers was pressed into service for this task. She and Jane made their way down the corridors.
"I recognize you," said Jane. "You assisted Healer Eir the first time I was here. What is your name?"
"I am Aoalbjorg, my lady," said the woman. "I am delighted that you are well, Lady Jane. We did not think you would live long, with the energy of the Aether in you. I think mortal beings must be sturdier than we have been taught."
"I wouldn't have lasted long, if Thor hadn't sustained me. That was a hard time, I'm glad it's passed!" said Jane.
"Here are Thor's quarters, Lady. Rest well," said Aoalbjorg, turning back the way she had come.
Jane entered Thor's quarters. She was going to need a map; all the halls looked so much alike. Thor was spread out on an enormous bed, snoring gently. Jane took off her gown, and wrapped herself in a light blanket. Placing the cordial on a nearby table she tucked herself against Thor's side and quickly fell asleep.
Thor slowly became aware of a familiar pounding. Why was it familiar? He tried to raise his head, but the pounding became intense. His head fell back and he groaned. The pounding increased in pace. Slowly the memory of the previous night returned. Now he realized the pounding was simply his pulse. He had tried to out drink Volstagg. That was the last time! He would never challenge him again! Despite his discomfort he grinned. It had been wonderful to drink and sing with his friends again. Humans just didn't have the capacity! Carefully he turned his head toward the low table near the bed. Ahh, yes, there was the cordial healer Eir compounded for too much inebriation. He would have to sit up. As he began to move on the bed he realized he wasn't alone. Startled he glanced down and saw that Jane was curled up next to him. 'When had she come in?' he wondered. How had she found the way to his rooms?
Too much thinking, he decided. Cordial first, then a little more rest, then thinking. He managed to sit, and carefully leaning forward he was able to pick up the bottle on the first try. Amazing. He drained the little bottle, grimacing at the bitter taste, but he knew that it would soon ease his pounding head and rebellious stomach.
He lay back down and spooned himself around his sleeping wife. Soon he was deeply, comfortably asleep.
Jane woke as the afternoon sunlight slanted across her face. She felt Thor at her back and smiled. If the truth were told she was feeling a bit wicked. Thor had been so distracted the past few days he hadn't been as attentive as he usually was. She shrugged out of the thin blanket she had been wearing. Carefully turning in his arms she started to let her hands wander over his body.
Thor was having an entrancing dream. Jane was teasing him unmercifully. Her little hands moved delightfully across his body. He longed to touch her, but she was pressing him back, while at the same time encouraging his attentions. She was just out of reach. His desire became more urgent, but her gentle ministrations were somehow unsatisfying. This was so unreal to him that he suddenly snapped awake.
"Vixen, what are you doing?" he murmured throatily, gazing into her brown eyes.
"Just seeing if you were anywhere near being awake," she whispered in reply. "How are you feeling?"
"You have succeeded in waking me thoroughly, wife, now what are you going to do with me? Ask me in a moment how I feel," he said. He rose from the bed and disappeared into the en-suite. He emerged a few minutes later, apparently much refreshed. He lay down next to her, and propped himself up on one forearm. "Now, I feel fine," he insisted. His mouth came down hungrily on hers. He would never tire of her, of waking to her, of loving her. He proceeded to prove it.
Later Thor went to his chamber door and looking out saw a guard. He sent for an evening meal, and returned to the bed.
"What did you do today while I was sleeping away too much mead?" he asked.
"I visited with Arnfreyer, and spoke with Healer Eir," Jane smiled softly.
"Should I worry about Arnfreyer; that you smile so prettily when you mention him?" teased Thor.
She smacked him lightly across the chest. "No, silly, I was just remembering. Eir showed me an image of the baby, and I could see his little heart beating," she answered, her hand drifting down to rest lightly on her abdomen. "It made the whole thing seem more real."
"You have seen our child? And why do you say 'he'?" asked Thor, amazed.
"Don't get too excited, at this stage babies look more like little fish, or aliens. It will be a few weeks till he looks like a regular baby. And I have to say he or she, it can't be an 'it'!" she replied. She was keeping her dream vision of children a secret for a while yet.
"And Odin came and made Arnfreyer an honorary captain of my 'personal guard' till he is better. What does that mean, Thor?"
"That is a high honor! I am glad the AllFather has done so. I should see Arnfreyer while I am here. This means that he will arrange for your guards and attendants. He will see to their schedules, that your rooms are always ready for you, and that your meals are prepared the way you like them. If you have any particularly needs he is the one you will ask," Thor explained. "And although it is work, it is not too physically demanding for someone recovering from a serious injury. This will allow him to maintain his sense of honor as he recovers."
"My rooms, Thor? Won't my rooms be your rooms as well?" asked Jane. "And why do I need attendants or guards? I can take care of myself, once I figure out the layout of the palace."
"I think you forget, dear Jane, that I am the hereditary King of Asgard," Thor reminded her. "I have, for now, told the Allfather that I do not wish to rule, but that does not take away my rank. And my rank is yours. I know that makes you a bit uncomfortable, as I have seen that your people base your rank on each person's abilities, not on any birthright. But when you are on Asgard you will be considered a princess, you will have rights, privileges, and rank. You enhanced this greatly last night, with your handling of Mjolnir. Indeed, that was part of my intent. Eventually you will have duties. Oddly, you performed one earlier today by visiting an injured palace guard. Do not fret too much about this, I think it will come naturally to you, because you are a good person. I have seen already that you are becoming more accustomed to the way my people treat you."
"I've learned to enjoy the deeper level of courtesy," she replied, thinking about what he said. "And you're right, I had forgotten, all those months on Earth, what your rank is here. I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry, it has always delighted me," he answered. "You love me simply because I am Thor, not because I am a prince of my people, or that I can wield Mjolnir." He kissed her lightly.
"And the rooms, Thor? I like sleeping with you, I don't want to have to be away from you, when we're here," she asked.
"I will make sure they are near mine. Actually, with a babe coming I may wish to change my usual chambers to a different part of the palace, so that we can all be near each other. But do not fret, the rooms I mean will be for study, or for times when you wish for quiet reflection, in an environment you will create for yourself. When it is time to retire I will always hope to find you in my bed!" he finished with a little growl in his voice.
At sunrise the next day Thor arranged for a basket of food and took Jane in a skimmer to the mountain meadows beyond the city. He wanted to find out if the one he had in mind seemed familiar to Jane. The skimmer settled lightly in the eddy of a stream. Thor held Jane's hand as she stepped out onto the bank of the stream. She walked slowly up the bank and onto the grass. It was dotted with little purple flowers. High mountains surrounded them, it was like being in a bowl. Jane looked up and saw the celestial sky above her, washing blue with the dawn. Thor observed her carefully.
"But this is the place in my dream," said Jane incredulously. "I've been here, in my dreams, twice now. How can that be?"
"I wondered if this was the place," said Thor. "It was a favorite of Mother's; we came here often as children." Jane wandered on a little further, and then turning toward Thor, graced him with a beatific smile. She would tell him, now.
"I have walked here, with you, then with your mother, and then with our children," she said. "They will be beautiful!" She was exultant; again she felt possibilities swirling around her.
"Our children, Jane?" he asked. Again he was in awe of her. He could sense the power coming from her. "Will there be more than the one?"
"I've seen two, with brown eyes, and curling blonde hair," she said, closing her eyes. She could see them in her mind's eye. Suddenly she was enveloped in Thor's embrace. He tucked her head under his chin, and closing his eyes he contemplated the image of her in his mind. Her form now radiated waves of energy.
"We will have two children?" he asked. He fell to his knees and wrapping his arms around her, kissed her abdomen, partially to hide the tears squeezing out of his eyes. "I don't deserve so much joy."
Jane's hands lightly rested on his head. It felt like a benediction. She seemed to Thor to be the embodiment of all women in this moment. She was lover and wife, mother and friend. Now she tugged on his shoulders, and he stood. He cradled her head in his left hand and carefully pressed his right hand into her back, taking care not to press Mjolnir into her. Drawing her close he kissed her with all the love and passion in his soul. Jane could feel the intensity of his emotions and now she was trying to hide her own tears. She kissed him back with equal passion until she was desperate for breath. She broke from his kiss and rested her head on his chest and breathed deeply.
"Jane, with your eyes closed, can you 'see' me?' he asked. "What do you see?"
She thought about Thor, creating an image of him in her mind. "I see you, surrounded by blue light, shot through with threads of gold. But am I seeing what actually is, or just what my imagination thinks of you?" she asked.
"You are seeing a part of my being. This is part of the energy field that I access when I wield Mjolnir. You now radiate a similar energy, which I have 'seen' before. It started after Svartalfheim. I think this may be a source of your foresight. It will be fascinating to see how this power develops. For now you seem able to see things that affect you personally."
"Do you think it will expand to other people?" she asked. It was hard to believe she was actually changing into something new, not quite human, not quite Asgardian.
"I don't know, but you will have time now to explore it," said Thor.
"Apparently more time than Dr. Banner even thought," mused Jane.
"What do you mean?" asked Thor, startled.
"Healer Eir thought that Dr. Banner's estimate might be 'conservative'. I was too apprehensive to ask her how conservative," Jane related.
"Does it greatly trouble you, Jane, to think of living longer than most humans?" Thor asked. He knew it couldn't be undone, and he wouldn't want to, but the fact was she was greatly changed from most of her people.
"It did at first. Usually in our history when you are willing to sacrifice yourself for the sake of humanity you die, not live on and on! I was a victim of the Aether, and I had to accept your help to control it. It was going to destroy me, or still worse, it could have possessed me outright, and done horrible things with its power. Or it could have killed me and perhaps possessed you or some other Asgardian. I don't know if it was the Aether, or the bond, or the combination, but now I apparently will have centuries to contemplate it," she finished.
They were silent a moment, thinking about all that had happened to them. Jane's normal assertiveness came to the fore, and rather than dwell on things that couldn't be changed she decided to be cheerful. She dimpled at him, and said, "It does seem to have compensations."
"Oh, and what would those be?" he asked, sensing her change in mood.
"I'll certainly have time to work on the wormhole project. And I think I may like to learn more about Asgard's real history. The Earth records are inadequate, and don't do you, or your people justice. And of course, I have everything to learn about being a mom. Didn't you say Asgardian children grow slowly? There will be much to learn there," she said teasingly.
"And is that all?" he replied, pretending offense at having been completely left out of this quick enumeration.
"I'm sure other things will occur to me in time, as events and people peak my interest," she answered him sententiously, while meandering away over the meadow.
She delighted in irking him, he was sure of it. How could this slip of a woman reduce him to fishing for compliments? For all his age, strength, and power, he was just as much a man as the next. He shook himself, grabbed the picnic basket and followed her.
"Take care, Jane, not to go too far afield. There may be bilgesnipe about," he called. He saw her step stutter a bit at this, he was sure she had no idea what a bilgesnipe was. It was perfectly safe; he had never seen the creatures in these meadows.
"And just what are bilgesnipe?" she asked. She recalled Fandral mentioning bilgesnipe a while back.
"Disgusting creatures somewhat similar to moose, but bigger, and scaly," Thor answered. They have very poor vision and bad tempers."
Jane knew she was being teased; she figured she deserved it. She curved her steps back to his side and placed her hand on his arm.
"I have thought of other things I would like to do better," she said, musingly, looking up into his face.
"But never stop teasing me," he replied. "I cherish it, even if I do find it irksome, sometimes."
He found a good place to sit, and spread out a cloak on the grass, while Jane opened the hamper. They were just finishing a light breakfast when another skimmer came into view. Thor immediately stood, sensing that something was wrong.
Arnfreyer was at the tiller of the skimmer, which surprised both of them. There was another palace guard there, as well.
"My Lord, you are needed urgently at the palace. Word has come from Nilfheim that a Nidhogg has broken through, and is laying waste to the land. They ask for your aid," he called.
He turned to Jane who had no idea what most of this meant, other than that he was called for.
"Go, Thor, I'll be fine. Arnfreyer can take me back to the palace," she reassured him.
"I will return, as soon as I can. But this will test even my strength!" he told her. He kissed her; gripped Mjolnir, flung out his arm and flew away.