Caroline was now faced with the supplies. Hydrogen Peroxide, a needle, fishing wire, and rags. She took a closer look at the printing on the rags, and smiled. Cute little pink and green flowers spotted the fabric. It was a shame they wouldn't be so cute in just a few minutes. She frowned. She really didn't want to do this. Every part of her mind was trying to persuade her not to, but she had to. Her breathing was already heavy from the pain of infection as she tried to endure it. Plus, Clementine had done dangerous things to get these supplies. She had no other options.
She grimaced as she picked up the fishing line. She felt the wire, it's stiff quality making her sweat. Setting it back down, she looked over everything once more before leaning on the table with her bitten arm out in front of her. She pushed her sleeve up; her heart was racing. She'd done this before, just not to herself. And not something living. I don't think a stuffed animal counts. Caroline bit her lip. She'd actually recalled seeing her dad do it to his hand once. He had gotten a hook caught in his finger. She barely had the stomach to watch, but she'd gotten the basic idea.
She grabbed the Hydrogen Peroxide bottle with shaking fingers. She unscrewed the bottle with one hand, purposefully delaying the inevitable. She dropped the cap. "Here we go..." She whimpered, bracing her arm against the table. She hurried up and poured the liquid into her bloodied cut. The moment it made contact, she could feel the effects.
"Fuck!" She shrieked, dropping the entire bottle of peroxide to the ground. The liquid spilled out and soaked into the wooden floor. She bit into her hand to muffle her screams. Her eyes were wide as she glared at the bubbling wound, it's white foam quickly turning pink as her blood reacted with it. It felt like her arm was on fire! She bit down harder on her thumb, drawing blood. She continued to screech until the fizzling stopped, and she released her hand from her mouth. She swallowed gulps of air, checking her wound before she continued on to the next step.
The woman glared at the needle and spool, cursing it with all of her being. She picked up the wire and let the needle fall to the table for a moment to pull out a sizable line of the would-be stitching, before biting down hard on the end to break it off from the rest. She set it down away from her arm after tying a knot at the end and stared at the needle. Sharp and pointy objects hadn't ever been as intimidating as they were right now. Moving her injured arm with a wince, she picked up the pointy monstrosity. She was never good when it came to pain. She cried for days after the bear trap incident. She'd dealt with the arm for Clementine's sake, but this was going to be bad.
Thread the needle, thread the needle. She tried to cheer herself on. She grasped the line between her fingers and squinted as she tried to get the tip through the eye. She poked it through to the other side, and pulled it out long enough to stay inside the needle.
Her hand was shaking furiously as she slammed her arm back down onto the table and leaned over it, the tip of the needle pointed at the wound. A drop of sweat trickled down her brow as she hesitated. Her face was red as she gasped in air. She chewed on her lip as she prepared herself mentally and physically. She finally pressed the needle against her skin, pricking herself painfully. She sucked in a breath of air, and forced it through the first layer of her skin, and through to the other side. She slammed her face down into the table and wailed loudly. A few tears escaped her eyes, rolling down the sides of her face.
The same happened as she pulled it all the way through. She brought her fist down on the table in a fit, trying to withstand the pain. She pulled the thread more, tightening it and bringing her skin together. "Just...just a few more..." She gasped.
Caroline could barely stand the pain. How did my dad do this? She thought, biting down on her tongue as she slid the needle through once again. Blood soaked the needle and her fingers as she tugged the wire tightly. After the first time, it wasn't as bad. It still hurt like a bitch, though.
She whimpered and yelped pathetically as she buried the needle in her skin once more, her cries coming out labored and trembling. She closed her eyes tightly as she yanked the wound shut.
"One more... Just one more...!" She grimaced, before quickly suturing the last of the wound. This one took a little longer, as her vision was getting blurred and she accidentally stabbed a little too deep. She swore she could hear angels singing as she pulled the last line through. She bit the line from the needle with a little difficulty and scrambled for the colorful bandages. She calmed down a bit as she began to unravel them, only for them to slip from her quavering hands. The tumbled onto the floor to her left, and she sighed as she went to pick them up.
The gurgling of a walker alerted her as soon as she bent down to pick them up. It was crawling in through the hole she made earlier and trying to take a chomp at her. She exclaimed in surprise as she tried to move away, only for it's decaying hand to grab her around the ankle. The teen acted quickly as she began to fall. Her hands clutched at the table for dear life as she tried to pull herself away from the walker with a terrified shriek. The thing was pulling harder now, and she was slipping even more. She looked around frantically for anything to use, when she spotted the hammer on the workbench. She reached for it, her fingers brushing it but it was just too far. She then lost hold of the table and fell onto her back. Her ankle was released, but he was swiftly moving in and had it in his hand again within seconds.
She quickly backed away kicking, looking for any other weapon to use. A brick lay under the table, so she reached for one, picking it up and holding it tightly in her hand. She slammed it onto his hand that was holding her captive, watching it's fingers get bludgeoned to pieces. But no matter how hard she hit him with it, his grip didn't loosen. The brick went flying as he surprised her by tearing his whole body through the wall. He hauled himself on top of her, his teeth snapping at her as she pushed him away with her feet. "Fuck you!" She cursed him, trying to force him off of her. His bloodied body was pressing her down, and his hands tried to claw at her. His growls were strained as he foamed.
Caroline finally managed to kick him off and away from her. She panicked as she stood up, looking around for something to kill it with. She picked up another brick that lay at her feet and threw it against it's head. He flew backwards onto the ground, but he still moved. She was frantic by now, but she noticed that the walker landed next to a rake. A sharp and pointy rake, to be exact. She had little options as he was standing up, so she lifted the rake and got him through the chest as he lunged at her. He was still pushing hard against her, struggling to get a hold of her.
She fixed her foot on the ground firmly before pushing the walker backwards, and onto the anchor that hung against the wall. He lay impaled through the stomach, sinking to the floor. He was still kicking and roaring at her, even though his innards were spilled all around him. She grabbed the hammer without hesitation, and struck him in the skull with the back end a few times, until he finally ceased to move.
Caroline didn't bother to look down at her clothing, which was now soaked with filth. She only gasped for air as she tried to regain herself.
She was startled as the doors to the shed flew open, and Luke's voice laced with disbelief rang in the air. "Holy shit...!" Alvin whistled in the background.
The disheveled woman tore the hammer from the corpse, spinning around and throwing it to the floor in outrage. Her hand clutched her sutured arm as she looked at the group that huddled in the doorway.
"How the hell did it get in here?" Nick asked, looking around the shed for any possible signs of it's entrance.
"Girl's tough as nails." Pete grinned, crossing his arms. He looked almost proud.
"Are you alright?" Carlos asked, seeming to inspect her with his eyes. As expected from a doctor.
Caroline grounded her teeth together, glaring at each of them with her eyes flaming. "Are you happy?" She hissed, glaring at each and every one of them. "That you left me out here to die?" A fire was burning in her chest as some of the men looked sheepish. "Is that what you wanted?" She clutched her arm, before moving a hand up to brush some dark red hair from her eyes. Luke's gaze moved from her face to her arm, and he spoke in surprise.
"You patched yourself up?"
Nick quickly came up from behind him, accusing as ever. "Where did you get that stuff?" Caroline looked down to her arm and back up at the group. She bit her lip.
"Did she steal from us?" Rebecca asked, emphasizing on the word steal. Nobody seemed to pay her any heed, and Pete continued talking.
"This don't change a thing. She didn't do anything to us." Caroline shot him a thankful look. Rebecca sputtered out at him.
"Says the man NOT carrying a baby." She crossed her arms.
Caroline interjected, turning the attention away from Pete. "I did it, not him! Don't go attackin' him when he didn't do anything wrong." She held her arm out in front of her. "I took stuff. And I'm sorry. I'm very sorry." she frowned, looking down at her feet.
Rebecca scoffed. "And you think we can trust them."
"God dammit, don't you even start. First of all, that little girl didn't do anything. Second, any of you would've done the same if you were half as tough as this girl here." He shot her a wink. "So save it for somebody who cares."
Caroline kept quiet about Clementine, taking the fall for the girl. The hole would look big enough for her now anyway, if they decided to look. Carlos seemed to pause for a moment, thinking. He finally spoke.
"Bring her in, and I'll take a look at her arm." He abruptly turned around and headed back to the cabin. Well, he certainly doesn't take no for an answer. Rebecca followed him back inside. Alvin began speaking as she left.
"There sure are a lot of damn lurkers around here," he commented, looking around. "We better get inside." With that, he and Nick left, but not without Nick shooting a scathing glare their way.
Caroline couldn't agree more, as the air felt heavy and thunderstorms were surely rolling in. As she began to walk out of the cabin, Luke approached her. "You hungry?" He asked, looking slightly concerned. She paused, looking to him for a moment.
"Did you feed Clementine?" She asked, staring him down. He looked uncomfortable as he nodded.
"Yeah, earlier," He said, uncrossing his arms. After another minute, she nodded. "Okay. Thank you." He looked surprised, and appeared flustered a bit at the unexpected words. "I might take you up on that offer later," She continued, referring to his question.
His lips upturned into a smile. "Sure." As it began to rain, he quickly added. "We should probably head in now."
She agreed, and they both started to head inside. But as the rain fell harder, she spotted a strike of lightning and panicked as thunder boomed soon after. She clapped her hands over her ears and jumped, stumbling straight into Luke. She glanced up at him to see him grinning at her. She huffed and put some space between them as she blushed up to her ears. After they climbed the stairs, they were faced with the door. She scowled at Luke as he held the door open for her, and made her way inside. She adjusted her coat, suddenly feeling conscious of the blood that splattered all over her.
Luke pretended not to notice the way her coat clung to her body as she pulled it tighter around herself, and made his way into the kitchen after her.