Ok. First chapter. Here it goes.

I was flying extremely fast. Well, it's normal speed for me, but not for other pegasi. Except for the wonderbolts. They're amazing ,and I am their biggest fan! I just got word from the other pegasi around Cloudsdale that they were coming to Ponyville. I just couldn't wait! As I landed I walked over to Rarity's boutique and asked her if my suit was done. Yesterday I had asked her to make me a wonderbolts flight suit. She gave it to me and I tried it on. It fit perfectly! Once I had it on, I couldn't bring myself to take it off until I had a chance to show the others. So, I left Rarity's boutique and walked down the street on my way to Twilight's place.

The streets were oddly empty and quiet. As I was walking, I looked up and I saw some smoke in the sky. It looked like a smoke trail. "Hey Rainbow Dash." I hear some pony say. I stopped cold in my tracks. I knew that voice all too well. But at first I thought I was dreaming. "Soarin?" I asked as I turned around. "The one and only." He said. When I saw him I knew I wasn't dreaming. This was the fourth time I had met him. "So, how's my favorite pegasus doing?" He asked with a smile. "Y-your f-f-favorite pegasus?" I stammered. I brushed some of my mane behind my ear. I did kinda like soarin ,but more, I admired him as a role model. "Well," He said. "you did save my life...and my pie." He said to me. "Oh, yeah." I said as I remembered those events. "Wait, weren't you coming tomorrow and not today?" I asked him. "Yeah. But I wanted to drop by and see you." He answered. OMG! I couldn't believe it. Soarin wanted to drop by and see me! "I know I have thanked you quite a few times." He continued. "But, I wanted to thank you with something I thought you might like. Especially since you're a wondebolts fan." He told me. "You and the wonderbolts got me a 'thank you' gift?" I asked excitedly. "Well, It's more of a personal 'thank you' gift from me." He said. "Oh." I said as I smiled. I felt my face heat up a bit ,and I could tell I was blushing. I was hoping he didn't notice. "So, what is it?" I asked a bit shyly. " I thought you and I could fly together around the sky. You know, just relax and have some fun." He said with a happy yet kinda nervous smile. "Um, ok. Sure." I said. "Great, Let's go. By the way, awesome costume." He told me. "Thanks." I said. Then, we started flying.

We were flying slowly at first ,but then he challenged me to a race. We were high in the sky I went down below the clouds while I was flying so Soarin wouldn't see me. But, I made the mistake of popping up in front of him while facing his direction. At least, at first I thought it was a mistake. "Woah!" He cried. My eyes went wide and I was frozen. He tried to slow down ,and I was afraid that he would crash into me. I was so consumed with fear that I just couldn't move. I was stuck there, sitting on a cloud. He was able to slow down ,but when he stopped and opened his eyes, we were nose to nose.

First chapter. Not too bad, I guess. *Shrugs*