Batman's rouges were curious about Bruce Wayne.

They knew that he founded this place, paid for everything to help reform them into model citizens for the City of Gotham. They couldn't hear him through the thick glass of the rooms they had all been thrown in to as the Mr. Wayne glared and demanded answers on why the place was a mess and that none of his money had gone into fixing it up.

Riddler was paying close attention as he had one hand clutched onto the back of Alvin's robe. He had quickly learned that Alvin had a skill of disappearing when he least expected it. Edward was worried that the kid would get raped if he was by himself.

Mr. Wayne yelled again before people started to scram away from. Edward huffed when he saw the man leaving. A few minutes later there where shuffled back into their cells where he was glad to get back to his papers and his crayon.

"Here." Alvin said.

Looking up Edward nearly squealed out happily. "A green crayon!"

"I figured you loved the color green…" Alvin watched Edward kiss the little crayon. "Maybe a love is not a strong enough word…"

Edward just rolled his eyes before he started to draw again this time with his favorite color. He drew a picture of the Bat being hit with a snow cone. He ignored Alvin's eye roll and continued to color until he used up held the crayon and the only reason he stopped was because he fell asleep.

This was a mistake before the door slammed open causing Edward to jump up startled. The guards glared at him before they rushed at him knocking him down and roughly yanking him up. Yelling at them Edward caused enough to commotion to keep the attention on him and not the boy.

"Look what we have here," One guard said picking up the green crayon before breaking it and tossing it into the toilet and flushing ti away. "You know the rules, Riddler. Nothing green. Take him to solitary confinement."

Alvin noticed the panic look on Edward's face. 'I don't like this.' He thought as he snuck out of the cell to follow them. Easily hiding he followed to them where they kept the criminals and eh saw Edward fighting desperately not wanting to go into the cell they brought him too. He screamed as they forced him and they laughed as he started to scream and cry desperately.

"Let me out! Let me out, please!" The banging from inside echoed around. "Let me out, let me out, let me out…!"

They laughed before leaving. That was strange. Why was Edward freaking out if they left him alone? Alvin crept closer to the cell. Edward was now crying hysterically wanting out. SO much so that he could feel the other shaking. Before he could reach for the lock a small scent started to float up.

Gasping Alvin clamped his hands over his mouth and nose.

Fear Toxin!

Running away he made the medical room grabbing the antidote and pretty much stabbed himself with the needle just as the hallucination started to rise up. Taking a deep breath Tim ran back to the cell only to find it open and Edward sitting outside of it trembling. The fumes of the toxin died out as something misted the air and instantly knew who had helped Edward.

Running up to the criminal he patted his shoulder before looking into the cell. "Batman?"

"Get him back to this room and then you are coming with me Draper."


Alvin took the Riddler back to the cell helping him lay down before going back to see Batman. It was no shock when he was grabbed by a shadow and vanished.

When Batman returned he found Riddler sobbing by the bed next to his looking under it ever few seconds before sitting back trying not to throw up. Edward was wearing the gown and no robe but he could see his stomach protruding out after being force fed.


"They took him!" Edward looked at him wide eyed and full of fear. "I left him right here!"

Batman watched at he pointed his shaky finger him at the bed. "I left him there and they took him! Please, Bats you need to get him back, 's only a baby ad their going to hurt him,please!"

"I took him.

"What..." Riddler sobbed. "Are you sure?"


"Batman..." Riddler looking tearful.


"Will you take him away from here?"

"He won't be returning to Aarkham." Batman walked over to Riddler. "Wayne is going to be helping you now. He's order a review of everything."

Riddler looked away bitter. "That means their going to fuck us raw before they find out... there always do."

Before Batman could repsone he heard someone sobbing.

"They have Jon." Edward sobbed. "They'll be here for me next."

Batman took off towards the noise.