To make it clear, Detective Looker of the International Police was not a psychotherapist. He was a detective. Apparently, even his bosses weren't aware of what that word meant, since they kept sending him down to work with a crazy man. In hopes of recruiting him, no less! It was a preposterous idea. Ghetsis Harmonia was mentally disturbed, simple as that, and he either needed help or a padded room. Looker wanted to be out there looking for the scientist who had been a member of Team Plasma formerly, as he had all the important information and documents, but nooo, he had to be in here with this guy. The one who wouldn't stop tapping his fingers on the table. The pattern Harmonia was drumming had gotten into his brain, and it didn't seem to be intent on leaving.

"Ghetsis Harmonia!" Looker snapped, staring down into his official police notebook so as to avoid looking into those creepy eyes. Ghetsis smiled at him with a languid sort of insolence, running one slim finger over his lower lip. His own, not Looker's, thankfully, or things would have been a lot worse.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" Ghetsis asked, a perfectly natural smile in it's place. He was an exceptionally pretty man, and should have looked nonthreatening with such a friendly and gentle expression, but Looker couldn't exactly just forget all the things this man had done. He'd been pardoned the little things, as royalty, but some of the stuff he'd done... It was only more shocking coming from someone so beautiful and timid-looking. "Or is that something you're not allowed to tell me?" His voice, as charismatic as anyone who had ever known his could testify, was as charismatic as always. In this instance, however, it practically dripped with mocking and patronization. It was obvious that Ghetsis was just as pleased to be in this room as Looker was.

"We don't have to play games," Looker told him, not raising his eyes. He wasn't fond of being made fun of, and looking at Ghetsis while he was being so rude would only make the detective angry. It had been sated explicitly that Ghetsis was not to be harmed if possible. Looker simply continued looking at the sheets of paper tucked into his notebook, keeping calm.

"You have a high IQ," he told Ghetsis, as if the man weren't aware of this shocking fact. "But a... disposition towards evil." It had taken him a minute to think of the word, English was such an odd language. "We want to help."

Ghetsis blinked at him pleasantly, apparently a bit puzzled as to what Looker could possibly be getting at. All this silly chatter. What did he want?

"It says here you're probably crazy, though. What do you think about that?"

Looker folded his papers and tucked the notebook neatly inside his coat, finally lifting his gaze to stare sternly at Ghetsis, as if this would coerce him into speaking the truth.

Harmonia waved a hand dismissively. His smile wasn't wavering. It was creepy. "Please Detective," Ghetsis said delicately, tipping his head, "I've sat through enough pointless drivel in my life. Would it kill you to get to the point, really?" His expression did seem a little forced now, exasperated. All Looker noticed was that he hadn't confirmed nor denied his accusation.

And, he was still tapping out that damned rhythm. Looker was going to strangle him. He was really going to do it-

The detective took a deep breath, and got to the point.

"We know how you were involved in takeover attempts of the Unova region, and we cannot allow it to occur again," he said bluntly. There. All good, very terse, and he hadn't even punched Ghetsis right in his pretty nose. I'm just in a bad mood today, that's all, the detective told himself.

However, his statement gained a derisive huff from Ghetsis, as if he found its simplicity amusing, in a not-so-nice way.

"And so," Looker continued, closing his eyes as a pulse throbbed in his forehead, "I'm here to offer you a job of sorts that would allow you to expel your evil genius through a different outlet, under police supervision."

Ghetsis laughed this time, a real laugh, and not the airy ones that he used for fooling common people into thinking he liked them at all. Amusement was not exactly the response Looker had been going for. If he had to take a guess, Ghetsis was amused in an unfriendly way, more condescending than actually entertained.

"Detective, I know you were in Sinnoh at the time of... certain occurrences," Harmonia laughed airily, expressing some even more advanced form of ridicule with a delicate hand gesture. "You should know almost as well as I do what I've done, as a government worker. I-" and here he placed a hand on his own chest, as if announcing something very important, "-was the one responsible for the time catastrophe, all those years ago. I killed a half billion people. Now tell me, detective, does that really make it sound like I have any hope for becoming a "decent person," as your employees seem to desire, just through "police supervision?""

The Unovan man had leaned forwards as he spoke, taking advantage of his ridiculous height to intimidate Looker, and it worked. The detective leaned back in response, lip curling.

He growled right back at Ghetsis's face, just wishing he could be out of this room. "It's been agreed that Giratina and Dialga caused the Time Catastrophe, or maybe Cyrus, it doesn't matter. It wasn't your fault, for once."

Looker huffed suddenly, slashing a hand in front of him angrily. "Stay on topic, dammit! Will you accept, or do you want to stay and rot here forever?!"

Ghetsis simply blinked at him, not at all impressed by the outburst.

"You are in no position to be threatening me," he said then, a grin appearing suddenly as he stood. He made as wide a gesture as a handcuffed man could, the chain between his wrists oversized prison clothes hung from his thin body. Looker felt a chill of dread down his spine, mixing with his frustration. Ghetsis was too tall to be allowed, and his expression was frightening.

"I have three people with me who are highly capable of busting me out of here. I could snap my fingers and be to Kalos within seconds. Detective... I would say that if you wanted my cooperation, you'd have to offer something a lot better than that."