I do not own PJO or Pirates of the Caribbean.


Calypso felt her secret pocket on her dress and sighed once more as she felt her treasure's reassuring weight still present. "Guard, I wish to see the Pirate King." She requested of the scraggly man standing watch before her cell, and he grunted. A few minutes later the Pirate King, Captain Elizabeth Swan, came to stand at rest before the sea titan's prison.

"Yes Tia'Dalma? You asked to see me?" the on edge woman asked. Calypso nodded quickly and glanced worriedly at the guard who still stood within earshot. Elizabeth, understanding, ordered him to take a break. "I am Calypso, as you must well know by now my dear, I have a request of you." The titan said and the King gave an affirmative.

"If I give you something, will you keep it safer than if you carried your beloved's heart?"

Elizabeth nodded once more, confused as to what this powerful being wished her to protect.

"Take this- it will keep whoever bears it safe upon the sea, but you must never reveal that you have possession of it. If you must forget that you carry it. But please Elizabeth- don't let it fall into the wrong hands!"

Calypso thrust a stained, black velvet pouch into the Pirate King's palms and the panic in her eyes made Elizabeth's mind up for her.

"I will protect it with my life Lady of the Sea."

And with that, she tucked it into her bosom and strode out as if nothing had happened. The bound part of the titan Calypso's essence sighed again in relief. Poseidon would not capture the treasure that he had never seen yet had coveted for since it's creation.

A/N: Here's the beginning of the story that I was writing for NaNoWriMo, but I didn't' get it finished in time. Hope you like it, and please review!